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Chapter 347: Digging out the heart and lungs

Xiao Xingyu's palms were warm, and the long-standing pain was suddenly blocked in Zhang Moyan's throat. She had to secretly take a deep breath to adjust, and used all her strength to hold back the tears that were about to fall.

"You didn't tell me such a big thing?" Xiao Xingyu said slowly and lightly, "If I hadn't been at the scene yesterday, how long would you have planned to hide it from me?"

Zhang Moyan lowered her face, paused for a long time, and then said to herself in a weak voice: "I really don't know how to tell you about this. It took me a long time to accept these realities... This is my business.

, I don’t want you to meet me."

"You don't want me to meet you, you don't want me to be in trouble, and then you choose to break up with me?"

Xiao Xingyu smiled bitterly, propped himself up on the sofa and sat up: "Zhang Moyan, haven't you heard of the words "share joys and sorrows" in this world?"

Zhang Moyan looked at him with red eyes.

Xiao Xingyu held her cheeks wrapped in hair with both hands and said sincerely: "The prerequisite for falling in love is your own willingness, nothing else."

Zhang Moyan looked at him blankly: "Then what else can we do? If breakup is inevitable after all, you shouldn't waste your time."

A trace of anger flashed across Xiao Xingyu's face, but in the end he took a long breath of distress and taught: "When faced with such a difficult situation, most smart girls will find someone to support them."

Zhang Moyan didn't find it funny and lowered his eyes speechlessly.

Xiao Xingyu said calmly and frankly: "Things are relatively unfavorable, and even I am confused. Your mother came to my house to work for impure reasons. The deaths of my second grandfather and your father are inseparable from your mother. She

We lost our precious relatives and our best disciples, so many people in our family still hate you, the Chen family."

Zhang Moyan gave up resistance and nodded in agreement, this is the fact.

Xiao Xingyu pressed the back of Zhang Moyan's neck and pulled her closer, so that their foreheads were almost touching.

Xiao Xingyu said sincerely: "But these should not be the reasons for our separation, Mo Yan, do you know? Nothing in this world is a rival for love, except lack of love. I also said yesterday that if two people who love each other

Because of what must be separated, it must be that thing that needs to be resolved, not that we need to be separated."

Zhang Moyan's thin eyelashes trembled slightly. She raised her eyes, her eyes sparkling with water, and asked Xiao Xingyu in a thick nasal voice: "Do you think it can really be solved?"

Xiao Xingyu narrowed his eyes: "There is resistance, and it's normal for you to hesitate. To be honest, I thought about it all day and night, but in the end I still thought that even if we were always in opposition and always hostile, the dead would not come back to life.

Everything is human-made, and there is no problem in the world that cannot be solved. Mo Yan, I am not afraid to fight against all forces. I just hope you don’t let people think that I don’t have a good eye for people.”

Zhang Moyan was shocked. Xiao Xingyu's words hit her heart, making every cell in her body tremble with emotion. However, the determination contained in it made her more uneasy than moved.

"What if your efforts fail?" Zhang Moyan asked.

Xiao Xingyu curled his lips nonchalantly and said, "What's the matter? Whose family hasn't had a few unfilial sons?"

Zhang Moyan shuddered when he heard this: "Why are you willing to do this for me?"

Xiao Xingyu showed his face and said: "Do you still remember your husband's instruction? I said that my heart will be given to you. A man keeps his word. Of course he will give it to you. There is no reason to break the promise."

Zhang Moyan was greatly shocked. Xiao Xingyu's statement was unambiguous. Although there were many difficulties in the future, he did not back down and would never give up. Such a heartfelt, affectionate and righteous man should be accepted by everyone.

He took the lead.

But Zhang Moyan didn't dare.

The story of Romeo and Juliet has always been a tragedy, and Zhou Xia and Geng Jun are living examples of this.

The child that Zhou Xia tried her best to keep is still gone. The way she fought for Xiao Huai's support at the banquet that night is still vivid in her mind. But now all her efforts have been in vain. She is still lying in the hospital unconscious.

So if the same thing happened to her and Xiao Xingyu, would it end well? She couldn't have such a dream, and she didn't even want to think about it if the person being besieged by the group was Xiao Xingyu.

In addition, she was very clear about her current situation. She already roughly understood what Chen Guanfu meant when he said, "When I publicly announce your identity, you are already an abandoned son."

Yes, she is now a target for evil.

Chen Guanfu left her on the market, and the evil spirits hiding in the dark will soon come to their door! Including the person who did a DNA test for them five years ago!

She has been placed here, it is her life, and facing such danger she has no choice, whether she likes it or not, she can only be dragged away by it.

But Xiao Xingyu is unnecessary. Twenty-six years ago, Xiao Guoxi and Zhang Shunqing were already involved. Who should be ruined now?

Seeing that Zhang Moyan remained silent, Xiao Xingyu grabbed her hand again: "You have asked me several times what I like about you. Do you think a person must have some merits to be worthy of being liked? Corresponding to this.

, this person should be given up if he has shortcomings, right?"

Zhang Moyan was speechless.

Xiao Xingyu held her hand tighter: "But I told you today that it's not true. When I liked you, to be honest, I didn't even see what you looked like, but you just stayed in my mind.

.I don’t know what I remember about you, but I can recognize you as soon as I see you a few years later. So how to explain this? This can only be fate, so don’t mention the reason why I do this.


Listening to such an affectionate confession, Zhang Moyan felt so sad that her stomach cramped. The more Xiao Xingyu treated her sincerely, the less she could harm him. Xiao Xingyu was a proud man who was loved by all the family.

How could she make Xiao Xingyu turn against them because of herself?

Lowering his head and taking out the hand held by Xiao Xingyu, Zhang Moyan turned around and let the cold air from the air conditioner blow directly to his forehead.

She calmed down a little and said in a quiet tone: "Teacher Xiao, I'm going to move out. This house has been listed with an agency and will be sold.

Xiao Xingyu pressed his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Moyan cheered up hard and raised her neck: "You are right, there is no opponent of love in this world, except lack of love. Someone once said, 'All separations are because we don't like each other enough.' Have you ever thought about it?

, I chose to break up with you maybe because I don’t love you enough.”

Xiao Xingyu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhang Moyan in shock.

"I don't love you." Zhang Moyan's expression was as resolute as a Soviet female warrior, but no one knew how painful her heart had been torn out, "If I loved you, I wouldn't want to separate from you, and I do it every day.

I’m thinking about how to separate from you.”

Xiao Xingyu's impeccably folded handsome face was frozen into a lump, but it quickly melted away. He only heard him ask: "What about loving myself more than you do?"

Zhang Moyan was startled unexpectedly and concluded.

"Hmph," Xiao Xingyu smiled, "If you don't love me enough, it's not enough. Your love for me is the same as your love for yourself, or even a little bit more. That's enough. I'm not greedy."

This was something that couldn't be driven away. Zhang Moyan couldn't help but get anxious: "How can you be so indifferent to other people's feelings? Where do you put your ancestors in this way?"

Xiao Xingyu sighed pitifully: "Kind people will always trap themselves. Zhang Moyan, you really don't have to do this."

Zhang Moyan couldn't stand it anymore and blurted out: "Xiao Xingyu, do you have no face?"

Xiao Xingyu immediately asked: "Zhang Moyan, what if the path you chose is not the best?"

This person is really difficult to deal with!

Zhang Moyan suddenly stood up at a loss, pointing straight at the door: "Please go, thank you for your kindness, this is the path I chose, I will never regret it, no matter what happens ahead, I will

Go on! I am a member of the Chen family, and I will do whatever it takes to help the Chen family achieve everything. Do you want me to make it more clear? "

Xiao Xingyu stood up slowly. He looked deeply at Zhang Moyan with complex eyes and nodded: "Zhang Moyan, you just flipped the table if you can't speak up."

Zhang Moyan: "..."

Xiao Xingyu didn't insist on anything anymore. He glanced at Zhang Moyan one last time, turned around and opened the door and walked out. If you like it, is he flirting with me? Please save: (www.sodu777.net) Is he flirting with me?

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