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Chapter 38: Claustrophobia

 Xiao Xingyu and Zhang Moyan walked to the elevator together.

Standing on the shiny marble floor, looking at the constantly changing numbers above the elevator door, Zhang Moyan's heart beat rapidly, her breathing became shallower, and her palms became more and more sweaty.

Xiao Xingyu answered the phone next to her, and the conversation was all in English. It sounded like someone wanted to send him an email.

Zhang Moyan pursed her lips tightly. The safety exit was only a dozen meters to the side. She could take the stairs... but this was the 36th floor. The key was that there were others around her.

Zhang Moyan glanced at Xiao Xingyu, who had just finished talking on the phone. He felt the gaze on her and looked back at her suspiciously.

Zhang Moyan responded hastily: "The elevator is a bit slow."

Xiao Xingyu glanced at the top of the elevator. Just as he was about to say something, his phone rang with a beep and an email flew in. He lowered his head and clicked on the screen to check.

Zhang Moyan stared at the numbers on the elevator and realized that this was a high-speed elevator, definitely not slow.

The number quickly jumped to 30, and Zhang Moyan felt more and more panicked. Zhang Moyan hurriedly took out the headphones from his bag and inserted them into his cochlea one by one.


Before she could turn on the music, the elevator door opened in front of her like a bloody mouth.

"Isn't this coming?" Xiao Xingyu said while looking at his phone.

Zhang Moyan walked into the elevator as if walking on thin ice. Xiao Xingyu came in behind her, turned around and pressed the "b3" button beside the door.

The frosted metal doors slowly closed from both sides, and Zhang Moyan's eyes also closed tightly.

The moment the elevator sank, Zhang Moyan suddenly fell into the bottomless abyss as if she was weightless. The air in the closed space seemed to become thinner very quickly, the feeling of oppression was squeezing towards her from all directions, and the invisible fear surged from every goosebump on her skin.

The knots are burrowing in, the heartbeat is beating out of control, the stomach is turning upside down, and every cell in the body is trembling.

Zhang Moyan silently prayed that the time would pass quickly, but within ten seconds, the elevator suddenly stopped on the 31st floor. The elevator door opened automatically, and a male employee came up holding a stack of documents.

"Good evening, Mr. Xiao!" When the other party saw Xiao Xingyu, he immediately bowed respectfully.

Xiao Xingyu just pressed down his phone and looked up at his employees: "You're still working overtime so late? Didn't the company just recently publish a document on reducing unnecessary overtime?"

The male employee immediately said: "It's rare to go to the 27th floor to deliver something, and then leave after delivering it."

"Go back early. Those of you who work overtime will have a half-day off tomorrow morning. Just do what I say!" Xiao Xingyu said.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao!" The employee was so happy that he almost dropped the document: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for caring about us!"

Soon after arriving at the 27th floor, the elevator stopped again. The male employee held the documents and respectfully saluted Xiao Xingyu to leave.

It only took half a minute to go in and out, but in Zhang Moyan's case, it was infinitely magnified, and the pain of suffering had increased exponentially in her body.

When the metal door closed again and the elevator car fell again, she was almost overwhelmed by fear.

"Can you hug me?"

Xiao Xingyu, who was putting his cell phone in his trouser pocket, suddenly felt his arms tighten.

He turned his face and met Zhang Moyan's flushed face and eager eyes.

"Here," looking at Zhang Moyan's dishonest hand, Xiao Xingyu glanced at the elevator camera, "it's a public place."

The tone of voice is neither light nor serious.

Zhang Moyan woke up immediately. Her call for help just now was based on instinct, but now she was so excited that she hurriedly let go of her hand.

Using reason to control herself, Zhang Moyan took two steps back to separate the distance between the two of them. Zhang Moyan adjusted her breathing secretly, with her entire back and palms pressed tightly against the metal wall.

How did you get to the 21st floor?!

Thin beads of cold sweat broke out from her forehead like needles, and she felt like she couldn't hold on for a second.

The feeling of dying is like a mountain collapsing...

Suddenly, Zhang Moyan was dragged out of the elevator before he could react!

Stepping on the hard floor tiles with both feet, the pressure all over his body suddenly disappeared, and Zhang Moyan took a big breath as if he had climbed up from a well.

"Why didn't you say anything about cabin fever being so severe?!" Xiao Xingyu almost asked.

Zhang Moyan was so dizzy that he had no time to answer his questions. It took him a long time to see the sign of the 17th floor behind Xiao Xingyu, and then he realized that he had pressed the floor button in time.

"Thank you," her voice was very unsteady and slowed down, "I'm sorry that happens when I take the elevator."

Xiao Xingyu was silent for a moment. Zhang Moyan held his breath and felt relieved. After a while, he heard his voice again: "How did you come up here?"


"The stairs to the 36th floor?"

"..." Zhang Moyan didn't want to admit that he had done such a mentally retarded thing.

Xiao Xingyu twitched the corner of his mouth: "You are in good health."

Zhang Moyan didn't hear his teasing: "It's okay..."

"Is it common for reporters to climb stairs?" Xiao Xingyu frowned.

This time she heard it, and said "Yeah" with all her strength: "This is the only way I can do my job, right?"

Xiao Xingyu stared at Zhang Moyan sideways, as if he had met a freak: "What kind of dedication personality do you have?"

Zhang Moyan raised her eyes, what can she do? She is not the Creator, so she can make all the news happen below the sixth floor! If she eats this food, if she doesn't adapt to work and climb the stairs, will it be difficult for her to fly?<


Xiao Xingyu seemed to have received this silent protest. He actually stopped what he was about to say and raised his chin to one side: "Let's take the stairs!"

Seeing Xiao Xingyu turn around, Zhang Moyan pulled him back: "Teacher Xiao, I can just walk up the stairs alone."

She couldn't do such an unreasonable and burdensome thing if she asked an unfamiliar person to accompany her down 17 flights of stairs.

Xiao Xingyu's gaze moved from her face inch by inch... slowly to her hand holding his arm. He raised his eyelids and suddenly said: "You didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

"?" Zhang Moyan suddenly felt that the back of his hand was hot, and he let go of him in a panic, "No."

Xiao Xingyu glanced towards the safety exit: "Don't be nagging, just go this way."

With that said, he walked to the green lighted safety exit and pushed open the thick white iron door, took a look inside, and then stood like a doorman.

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Zhang Moyan walked over and met his eyes for no apparent reason.

"Don't you want to leave alone?" Xiao Xingyu reached out and pushed the door open, tilting his head inside.

Zhang Moyan said "Oh". What? Didn't he mean to accompany her just now?

She did say she wanted to leave alone, but now... she can't slap her in the face!

Squeezing past Xiao Xingyu (I don't know why he took up so much space at the door), Zhang Moyan stepped into the safe passage. In the desolate gray space, the air in the corridor seemed to have cooled by 10 degrees, and the lights were dim.

Down, the steps go down in circles, as if there is no end leading directly to hell.

Zhang Moyan walked in front, but after taking a few steps, he stopped timidly and turned around hesitantly: "How about we come together?"

So what if she was slapped in the face? She is not a celebrity, and her face is not well-known, so what does it matter if she is slapped? Besides, it was her who slapped her, not someone else.

"Okay~" Xiao Xingyu came up to him in a dignified manner and said in a lazy voice, "Can you say yes?"

Each floor of the Shiyue Building is high, and it takes three turns to go to the next floor. Xiao Xingyu and Zhang Moyan walked one after another, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the corridors. The lighting used by them was sensor lights.

It lights up when someone walks by. In this brightness and extinction, they always keep a distance of two or three meters.

The empty staircase has excellent sound insulation, and nothing happens here without anyone noticing. Zhang Moyan felt a strange and unfamiliar sense of security in her heart as she followed a young, strong, and yet unfamiliar man.

On the first floor, Xiao Xingyu opened the door for her in a gentlemanly manner. After she went out, he stood at the door and directed her: "Wait for me at the front door. I'll get a car. Don't run around."

He sounds like a parent with naughty children.

The man left without waiting for Zhang Moyan to reply. The heavy white iron door made a loud bang behind him, like a parent giving a warning to a naughty child.

Xiaowa brother is right. It has been raining now. The rain is not very heavy, but the wind is relatively strong and the wind and rain are fierce.

Zhang Moyan could only stand in the glass door and wait for Xiao Xingyu. The cool wind rushed in through the cracks in the glass, making her shiver with coldness.

The weather forecast says that the late spring cold is coming, the cold air has invaded, and Shenhai City will usher in abnormal heavy rains in the next two days.

After waiting for a while, a black Mercedes-Benz G65 drove up and stopped steadily at the main entrance.

The driver's door of the purebred off-road vehicle opened, and Xiao Xingyu opened a plaid long-handled umbrella and got down from it. A gust of wind lifted the hem of his coat, and he slammed the door behind him and strode towards Zhang Moyan.

Zhang Moyan quickly opened the door and walked out. The strong wind immediately blew her long shawl hair over her face. The rain in the wind was so cold that she shivered. She immediately felt the power of nature.<


Wrapping her coat and bag tightly, Zhang Moyan almost trotted under Xiao Xingyu's umbrella. Unexpectedly, with a "squeak" sound, she stepped into the pool of water on the ground. She suddenly felt a cold sensation on her right calf, half

The trouser legs were completely wet.

"Be careful!" Xiao Xingyu pulled her to his side, and helped her speed up a few steps to the front of the car. The strong wind really blew her into the wind! Zhang Moyan quickly opened the back door of the car and climbed in.

***The author has something to say***

Let’s make a multiple-choice question, His Highness Fengchen or Teacher Xiao, who do you choose?

This chapter has been completed!
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