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Chapter 65 You ruined my innocence

 "Why are you following me?" Xiao Xingyu stepped into the car door and shouted at the woman across the car.

Zhang Moyan was holding her bag in one hand and grabbing the car door handle with the other. She was frightened by his fierce look and was a little dull: "That me, I..." Help, what can she say?

"What are you, why are you following me?!"

Xiao Xingyu now hates her state of confusion the most. He hates her so much that he almost wants to pounce on her and open her head to see what structure is inside. He allows her to be unable to remember some things, but he cannot accept that she has lost her memory.

This is the point.

"I just think," said the woman Hun Huan Chao, "it's weird that we are separated like this."

Weird, of course it’s weird! What was supposed to be a new day of life was ruined by you!

"Xiao Zhang?" At this time, an aunt with beautifully blow-dried hair passed by them holding a puppy. The aunt looked at Xiao Xingyu and asked Zhang Moyan: "Is this your boyfriend?"
Zhang Moyan was so embarrassed that she dug at the zipper of her bag: "Ah... ha, yes..."

"Are you quarreling? Don't quarrel, young couple. Be happy early in the morning!"

"No, no, we are discussing something..."

"Oh, that's good. Your boyfriend is very handsome and he matches you very well!"

"Ah? Haha, thank you, auntie." Zhang Moyan went to look at Xiao Xingyu. He had already bent over to get into the car, and his expression could not be seen. He must have become angrier after hearing her say that he was her boyfriend.

"Auntie, I'm leaving first!" Before his brain could work, Zhang Moyan had already opened the door and got into the car.

After closing the car door, the temperature inside the car was minus ten degrees, and Xiao Xingyu was expressionless as expected.

However, he didn't kick her out either. Zhang Moyan was embarrassed but also a little lucky. She found that she was actually quite thick-skinned.

"This aunt is our building manager... she usually collects charity donations and does questionnaires and so on." She distracted Xiao Xingyu's attention while talking, while secretly buckling her seat belt.

Very good, the other party did not notice it and had already turned the steering wheel to start the car, but his face was still stiff.

"Well," Zhang Moyan tried to ease the other person's mood, "Don't mind if I just said you were my boyfriend, because I don't want to be with her..."

"Shut up when you're so annoying!" Xiao Xingyu, with bulging veins, drove the car very fast in a community with a 5-yard speed limit.

Not long after the car drove onto the elevated highway, Zhang Moyan pressed his head against the car window and stared blankly at the sky.

She just spent 10 minutes quickly browsing the video on her phone. Since she didn't use headphones to watch it at the beginning, the car has been in a mute state of 0 decibels until now.

Really, she didn’t even know she was so talented.

Was she possessed by some literary master yesterday?

Based on her performance in the two videos on her mobile phone, she wanted to say that if she were a man, she would also be seduced. Although the video only ended with two people kissing deeply (the second half was still only heard but not seen)

), but Zhang Moyan already has a guess in his mind about what will happen next.

After being in a daze for a while, Zhang Moyan sat up straight and mustered up the courage to turn to the man next to him: "I have a question."

The two people's eyes touched, and Xiao Xingyu's eyes were really not happy. He turned back in an instant and faced her with a hard and cold side face, noncommittal.

Zhang Moyan wrung his fingers, very nervous, but still tried very hard to make a sound: "I'm sorry, I really didn't think it was me who seduced you... But why did you let the situation develop? As long as you resist, I shouldn't be able to defeat you.


The air was momentarily quieter than before.

A man's face can almost turn water into ice.

"I resisted," Xiao Xingyu said coldly after a while, "but I was stimulated by you."

Zhang Moyan's shoulders shrank and his throat tightened: "How did I...irritate you?"

The red light ahead turned on, Xiao Xingyu stepped on the brakes, put his arms on the steering wheel and turned sideways, his eyes grabbing her.

"You ask me," he paused and said solemnly, "'Is it not possible?'"

Zhang Moyan choked hard and broke into a sweat. It took him 5 seconds to breathe. He opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief: "I ask you, is it possible?"

She repeated every word.

Xiao Xingyu nodded solemnly and approached her with a bit of a vicious attitude: "Can I, Xiao Xingyu, say no?"

His eyes moved down unscrupulously: "And then you were so proactive... If you didn't respond, you wouldn't be a man."

When the red light turned green, Xiao Xingyu moved away: "Men are so helpless. Even if they don't want to, they can't resist the powerful instinct in their genes."

He stepped on the accelerator, and Zhang Moyan was pushed on the car seat by the inertia, a little unable to relax.


She, how could she ask a man if it was okay?

She also took the initiative... She couldn't help but imagine that she was taking off her clothes and taking off her clothes to act like a woman in pornographic films that she had seen before.

She, she really doesn’t understand herself more and more.

Any man would be aroused by the question of whether it is possible or not!

No wonder something like that happened in the end, and no wonder Xiao Xingyu was so angry. He must be regretting it now.

After all, given his personal qualities, his partner should be a woman who is a hundred times better than him, right?

Just look at the 7 love stories in his super story and you will know that his girlfriend is both a beautiful violinist in the school, but now he has something with him who is nothing. He should feel that he has suffered a big loss, right? Maybe there will be another one.

I feel tainted.

But, the facts have already happened...

"Um," Zhang Moyan bit her lip, "I'm sorry... I really drank too much yesterday."

Xiao Xingyu just looked ahead and drove the car off the elevated highway according to the planned route, without saying a word.

"Why are you so angry?" Zhang Moyan asked, "In terms of the structure of men and women, women's physiology is to accommodate, while men are to export. As Jin Xueyang said, generally speaking, women suffer more in this situation, right? You...

Do you know that such an insulted expression is hurtful?"

Still hurting others? Who hurt others? Xiao Xingyu almost rolled his eyes.

He ignored Zhang Moyan completely and looked forward, his side lines tight and cold.

Zhang Moyan felt a little scared for no reason and no longer dared to say anything.

The wheels screeched, and Xiao Xingyu suddenly stopped the car on a deserted side road.

He turned around, raised his huge body in the limited space, looked at Zhang Moyan very seriously, and said extremely sternly: "Why am I angry?! Listen, I was still pure yesterday,

It was you who ruined my innocence!"

Zhang Moyan was stunned in the car seat: "..."

Xiao Xingyu straightened up: "I haven't figured out how to face it yet."

Zhang Moyan's dark eyes widened: "You?...pure...?"

Xiao Xingyu frowned and glanced at her: "..."

Zhang Moyan felt extremely ridiculous, as if he had heard a big joke.

Xiao Xingyu was furious: "What are you laughing at? What's so funny! Are you acting for me as human nature is inherently evil? Zhang Moyan, are you a human?!"

The smile on Zhang Moyan's lips stopped, and the two looked at each other for a moment. Xiao Xingyu's face was extremely ugly, his lips were pursed into a straight line, and he had an expression that looked like he was angry... Her fingers gradually tightened on the seat belt on her chest, and she realized

When he realized what he was talking about, he asked Chichi: "What you said...is true?"

This chapter has been completed!
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