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Chapter 450 Airport pick-up, hot news search

As a traffic idol of Shengqi Entertainment, Ma Hongcheng will publish most of his work schedule online to facilitate fans to pick him up.

Therefore, Ma Hongcheng's fans often pick him up at the airport.

If entertainment reporters want to interview Ma Hongcheng, they can easily wait at the airport according to his work schedule.

Rare things are valuable, and this is true for everything in the world.

Therefore, it is nothing unusual for entertainment reporters to interview Ma Hongcheng.

On the contrary, Fang Xing was different.

Fang Xing never accepts commercial roles and participates in TV programs, which are all filmed behind closed doors.

Moreover, there is no team dedicated to managing fans, and the work schedule will not be announced online.

When going out, I usually wear a cap and a mask, covering everything tightly.

Therefore, it is quite difficult for entertainment reporters to stop Fang from waking up.

Precisely because there are few chances to wake up from airport containment, as long as you encounter it once, it will be first-hand news.

In terms of news scarcity, the opportunity to interview Fang Xing is much rarer than interviewing Ma Hongcheng.

Not to mention, Fang Xing's popularity and popularity are simply not comparable to Ma Hongcheng's.

In terms of coffee position, even if Ma Hongcheng beats the horse, he won't get Fang Xing's exhaust.

Entertainment journalists know this all too well.

Therefore, when someone called out Fang Xing's name, the entertainment reporters were like sharks smelling blood, dropping Ma Hongcheng and rushing in the direction of Fang Xing.

At that moment.

Ma Hongcheng only felt that the world suddenly became peaceful.

The atmosphere was once extremely awkward.

Originally, he was surrounded by entertainment reporters, all rushing to ask him questions.

More than a dozen microphones were blasting in front of him like spears and cannons, as if he was the center of the world.

However, the moment someone called out the name "Fang Xing", all these reporters dispersed in a rush, which was so fast that people were caught off guard.

This moment.

Even the fans surrounding him were stunned.

Who would have thought that the reporter would be so busy that the market would suddenly disappear all at once.

Some fans even subconsciously wanted to follow reporters, thinking that their idols had changed places.

Ma Hongcheng was embarrassed and didn't understand what was going on.

He had been surrounded by reporters just now, and he didn't hear clearly what the people in the outer circle were shouting.

The assistant next to him reminded: "It's Fang Xing. Someone called Fang Xing's name just now."

When Ma Hongcheng realized that the reporter was chasing Fang Xing, his expression suddenly froze.

He never expected that all the reporters would be gone before he could answer the questions he had prepared all morning.

Not only the reporters, but also the fan club was quiet for a while.

The scene was so weird that the fans didn't know how to react.

It wasn't until the fans directed the fans, raised their support signs, and shouted Ma Hongcheng's name that the embarrassing atmosphere was covered up.

the other side.

Fang Xing had just touched the tips of Lu Xiang'er's noses across the guardrail, and before turning around and taking two steps, he heard someone calling his name.

This has happened before.

In fact, even if passers-by see celebrities, they won't be so crazy.

Fang Xing is occasionally recognized by passers-by on the street. These passers-by usually watch from a few meters away, and some will take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Occasionally someone will come up and ask for a photo.

Usually only when you encounter entertainment reporters will you be mobbed.

Fang Xing pressed his hat and stepped out of the station quickly.

Lu Xiang'er walked around the guardrail to join them. Fang Xing took her hand and walked quickly towards the nanny car.

However, before he had gone far, he was surrounded by reporters.

The reporter first took pictures of Fang Xing, and then took pictures of Lu Xiang'er.

Lu Xiang'er held down her hat and lowered her head to avoid the camera.

The more we hide, the more reporters think there is news.

Fang Xing pulled Lu Xiang'er into the nanny car despite being surrounded by reporters.

After Lu Xiang'er got into the car, she exhaled heavily.

Reporters surrounded the nanny car and continued to take pictures.

The reporter who rushed to the front asked loudly: "Fang Xing, is this the new female companion? Can you take off your mask?"

Qiao Yinghong was already waiting in the nanny's car when she saw so many reporters following her.

She put her head towards Lu Xiang'er's ear and whispered: "Take off your mask and let the reporters take some photos to prevent them from writing randomly."

Lu Xiang'er had no choice but to pull down her mask and waved to the reporters outside to say hello: "Hello everyone, I'm Lu Xiang'er."

Click! Click...

Reporters clicked the shutter frantically.

Qiao Yinghong took over the conversation and said: "Dear journalists, Fang Xing has been working for a week and is very tired. Let him rest today. If there is a news interview another day, I will inform you all. Thank you."

After saying that, I wanted to close the car door.

However, a reporter reached out to hold the car door and continued to ask: "Mr. Fang Xing, are you here to promote a new drama?"

Fang Xing nodded and replied: "It's for publicity."

Reporter: "Your new drama started airing last night. Are you satisfied with the ratings?"

Fang Xing shook his head and replied: "I don't have time to pay attention yet."

Reporter: "Did you know that Ma Hongcheng was on the same flight as you?"

Fang Xing: "I didn't notice it."

Reporter: "Ma Hongcheng had thousands of fans to pick him up at the airport today, but you didn't have any fans to pick him up. Are you disappointed about this?"

Fang Xing smiled and replied, "Didn't you guys pick me up at the airport? I think it's pretty good."

Reporter: "Ma Hongcheng, as the star of "Furong", has so many fans to pick him up at the airport. In comparison, you have so few fans. Does it make you feel pressured?"

Fang Xing: "What pressure?"

Reporter: "Of course it's pressure from the ratings of "Furong". After all, the lead actor in this drama has a huge fan base. Will it affect the ratings of "Nirvana in Fire"?"

Fang Xing: "I just want to make a drama that the audience likes to watch. I haven't thought about other things."

After answering a dozen questions, the car door finally closed.

The reporter watched Fang Xing's nanny car leave, and then remembered that there was another Ma Hongcheng.

Now that Fang Xing has left, every one of them can be caught, so the large group of entertainment reporters turned back to look for Ma Hongcheng.

However, Ma Hongcheng was no longer interested in answering reporters' questions and drove off with a livid face.

In the afternoon.

Fang Xing, the news that Ma Hongcheng Airport was besieged by reporters quickly became a hot search topic.

Among them, Ma Hongcheng’s topic is:

【Thousands of fans pick you up at the airport, a new generation of top-notch popularity. 】

And Fang Xing has many hot topics:

[I left the airport in a low-key manner, and no fans picked me up.]

[Fang Xing appeared at Donghai International Airport and was surrounded by reporters.]

[The violinist picked up the airport in a low-key manner. Is his relationship really stable? Or is he deliberately showing off?]

Among them, the one that topped the list of hot searches was a photo.

Unfortunately, when Fang Xing and Lu Xiang'er touched noses across the guardrail, they happened to be photographed by reporters.

The reporter originally just took a snapshot, but after taking the photo, he realized that it was Fang Xing who was taking the photo.

After this photo was posted online, it reached the top of the search charts at an incredible speed.

[Fang Xing, Lu Xiang'er spreads dog food at the airport.]

Under this photo, netizens are all kinds of weird.

【Show affection and break up quickly.】

[Dog food is sold in the front row, with free shipping nationwide.]

【Oh my god! I believe in love again.】

Regarding Ma Hongcheng’s hot search, there is another more interesting one.

[Reporters surrounded Ma Hongcheng, Fang Xing appeared, and the building was empty of reporters.]

Behind this news, there was also a photo of Ma Hongcheng and his assistant standing there with confused expressions.

However, not long after this hot search appeared, its popularity dropped rapidly, and then it quickly disappeared from the hot search list.

When this happens, it's obvious that someone is spending money to reduce the heat.

The hot search list has game rules. You can spend money to buy hot searches, or you can spend money to reduce hot searches.

The news that Ma Hongcheng was ignored by reporters is indeed interesting to netizens who like to eat melons, but this news will not arouse public outrage.

Therefore, there will be no netizens chasing and scolding me all the way.

As long as money is spent to reduce the popularity, the topic will soon disappear from public view.

Shengqi Entertainment does have this ability.

In terms of controlling reviews and hot searches, Shengqi Entertainment is indeed very proficient.

Along with this, the ratings data of the night before for "Nirvana in Fire" and "Warm Spring Night in Lotus Tent" were released online.

A new round of hot topics began to occupy the hot search list.

However, the ratings data released by many entertainment media on the Internet are selective.

["A Warm Spring Night in Furong Tent" is a hit, with an opening rating of 1.35%, while "Nirvana in Fire" has an opening rating of 1.26%, losing to "Furong".]

After this news was released, fans of Chen Wenhan, Ma Hongcheng and other starring actors in "Spring Night in the Furong Tent" began to revel in the news.

[I knew how "Nirvana in Fire" could possibly compare to "Hibiscus", it wouldn't even be worthy of carrying shoes.]

[As expected of Hong Cheng’s new drama, even if he plays the second male lead, he can still handle the ratings. 】

[Wenhan is so awesome, not only can he win awards for violin, but he also has such good results in TV series.]

【Hongcheng, I want to give birth to a monkey for you.】

Under this comment, there was also a strange thing mixed in:

[I also want to give birth to a monkey for you, but my wife doesn’t agree.]

The data in this news is indeed correct in terms of numbers alone.

The numbers are all correct.

The ratings of "Warm Spring Night in the Furong Tent" on Jiangnan Satellite TV were indeed 1.35%, which is no problem.

The premiere ratings of "Nirvana in Fire" on Donghai Satellite TV are indeed 1.26%, which is no problem either.

This entertainment media put these two numbers together, and it seems that "Nirvana in Fire" was really pushed to the ground by "Warm Spring Night in the Furong Tent".

However, the data posted by this entertainment account is selectively posted.

This kind of news that cuts off the beginning and ends can only deceive fans.

Soon, some netizens pointed out the problems with this news.

[Can you put all the data in? If you cut off the beginning and end, it will be full of stench.]

[Half of the data is posted, and half of the chicken is missing.]

[I’m convinced too. Now when we show ratings data, don’t we show average ratings? What’s the point of showing price, time and node ratings data? 】

Soon some netizens posted ratings data compiled by a third party:

[Yunti Rating Data: "Nirvana in Fire" Donghai Satellite TV, Xiangjiang Satellite TV, the total average ratings of the two episodes are 2.68%. 】

[Yunti Ratings Data: "Warm Spring Night in Lotus Tent" Jiangnan TV, Jiangcheng TV, the average ratings of the two episodes totaled 1.43%. 】

Originally, fans of "Warm Spring Evening in the Furong Tent" were still partying on Weibo.

After the average viewership data was posted by netizens, the carnival fans began to face counterattacks from netizens.

Although the average viewership data has been posted, fans still vigorously defend their idols.

[The low ratings are not the fault of the show, but Jiangcheng TV is too rubbish.]

[That is, the ratings of this TV station are already low. Even if it is given Drama King, the ratings will not rise.]

["Furong" was dragged down by Jiangcheng TV in its ratings. If Jiangcheng TV's ratings were as high as Jiangnan TV's, it could easily break two.】

In the afternoon, it was almost six o'clock when Fang Xing and Lu Xiang'er got home.

Both of them were too lazy to go out to eat, so they opened the pornographic app, ordered food, and prepared to eat and watch TV at home.

"It's just right now. We'll watch the first and second episodes first, and then at eight o'clock, we'll watch the third or fourth episodes. I'm such a clever little guy."

Lu Xiang'er snapped her fingers and arranged all the activities for tonight.

"Didn't you watch the first two episodes?" Fang Xing was a little surprised, originally thinking that she had already watched it.

"No, you said you were coming back today, so I stayed to watch it with you." Lu Xiang'er began to clear the table and set out the dishes and chopsticks. Everything was ready except for the takeout.

After eating, the two of them sat on the sofa and started watching "Nirvana in Fire".

As soon as "Mei Changsu" appeared, he looked extremely weak.

Lu Xiang'er couldn't help but look back at Fang Xing and compare it with the appearance on TV.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome guy?" Fang Xing looked at her several times and couldn't help but complain.

"Are you sure you don't have a terminal illness?" Lu Xiang'er asked seriously, pointing to the weak Fang Xing on the TV.

"Okay." Fang Xing also nodded seriously and replied.


Lu Xiang'er suddenly frowned, a little disbelieving, but worried that bad news would suddenly come: "Really? What kind of disease?"

"Well... lovesick." Fang Xing continued to answer seriously.

Lu Xiang'er couldn't hold back her expression for a moment, burst out laughing, and complained: "You are too old for this. You are so glib."

"Where's the oil? I'll smell it and see." Fang Xing leaned forward and opened his hands left and right.

"What are you doing? Grrrrrr... Ouch! Do you want to fight?" Lu Xiang'er was staggering around after being scratched.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the third and fourth episodes of "Nirvana in Fire" began to air.

These two episodes ushered in the first climax of "Nirvana in Fire".

In order to save King Qi's posthumous son Ting, Mei Changsu promised that he only needed to teach three children a set of formations, and in just a few days, he could defeat Bai Qi, the top master of the Beiyan Mission.

The plot of these two episodes is more compact and more attractive to the audience.

The more Lu Xiang'er watched, the more she liked it: "This drama is good to watch. Now I feel relieved. The ratings must be very good."

"What? Does that mean you were worried before?" Fang Xing frowned and looked at her suspiciously.

Lu Xiang'er nodded and admitted: "Yes, of course I am worried. What if the audience doesn't like it? Even if the drama is made with care, there is no guarantee that the audience will like it."

"Yes." Fang Xing nodded in agreement.

Lu Xiang'er came closer and whispered: "I prefer 'Nirvana in Fire' to 'Furong', and the audience must feel the same way."

This chapter has been completed!
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