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Chapter 641 Hitting or escaping?

"Knowledge" is very popular among major TV stations, and this is a public matter.

When competition is brought to the fore, things become simpler: bidding.

Whichever TV station offers the higher price will get the first broadcast rights.

Not only Donghai Satellite TV, Xiangjiang Satellite TV, Jiangnan Satellite TV, but also top-ranked satellite TVs such as Kyoto Satellite TV and Shenzhen Satellite TV are also interested.

All in all, eight of the top ten provincial satellite TV stations in China are in contact with Ark Culture.

The remaining two did not participate in the competition because the TV drama schedules for the next six months were fully booked, and seeing how fierce the competition was, they knew that the drama would definitely command a sky-high price, so they simply did not participate.

The price of a single episode of "Do You Know" has risen from 5 million to 5.2 million, and then to 5.5 million.

Several satellite TV stations still refused to give up and raised the price of a single episode to 5.8 million before one after another left.

The single episode price of 5.8 million is indeed the ceiling price in the current TV drama market.

The price of an episode is 5.8 million, multiplied by the length of 73 episodes, and the total price is as high as 420 million.

This price is a scary figure even for provincial satellite TV stations.

Moreover, just because a TV series is purchased, it does not mean that the ratings will be good.

There are also examples of TV dramas with sky-high prices, but their ratings have been hit hard.

Therefore, the higher the price, the higher the risk.

As prices rose higher and higher, some TV stations felt that they could not compete and did not want to take such a big risk, so they began to withdraw one after another.

Because the price is too high, some TV stations are beginning to consider a simulcast model.

Multiple simultaneous broadcasts can reduce competition and prevent prices from continuing to rise.

Moreover, if multiple channels broadcast simultaneously, the first broadcast price can be shared among several satellite TV stations.

For TV stations, this is a way to reduce competition.

Of course, the effect of multi-channel simulcast is still much different from the effect of solo broadcast.

If it is broadcast on multiple channels, it can only ensure that the ratings will not be sucked away by other TV stations.

However, if the solo drama becomes popular, it can increase the ratings.

While Donghai Satellite TV and Jiangnan Satellite TV are considering simulcasting, Xiangjiang Satellite TV is still insisting on the idea of ​​exclusive broadcasting.


Xiangjiang Satellite TV took the lead in raising the price of a single episode to 6 million per episode.

This price spread in the circle and caused quite a stir.

In some TV industry WeChat groups, many people are discussing:

"Mr. Tao, has your station really raised the price to 6 million?"

"This... I'm not sure, but the station really wants to broadcast it exclusively."

"This is a private group. I promise not to reveal the news. Please give me an accurate message."

"I really don't know. However, Taiwan still wants to buy it, especially Deputy Chiang, who is very determined."

"What was the final score given by the Xiangjiang TV viewing group?"

"What about you? What score did your Jiangnan TV give?"

"It's past 9 minutes, S."

"I'm over 9 points now."

"No wonder everyone is crazy about it, it turns out that they all rated 9 or above."

"The first two days it was still 8.9, but after I watched it again, the rating improved again."

"Is this sentence comparable to "Nirvana in Fire"?"

"They are not the same genre. The male lead in "Nirvana in Fire" and the female lead in "Do You Know". However, in the current market environment, female lead dramas have better ratings potential. After all, the audience for dramas is still more female."

This phenomenon has indeed formed in the current TV drama industry.

More and more TV series are targeting female viewers.

Especially people in the film and television industry know this best. Male audiences typically have high demands and spend little money.

Of course, TV dramas for male audiences are also a big market, but this market has relatively high requirements for scripts and actors.

For example, suspense dramas, in comparison, are more oriented toward male audiences.

Ancient puppet theater is more oriented towards female audiences.

Of the two types of dramas, the former is obviously more difficult to film.

After Xiangjiang Satellite TV raised the price to 6 million per episode.

Donghai TV and Jiangnan TV jointly offered a higher price, 6.1 million per episode.

This price is already dancing on the ceiling of the unit price of TV series, and the higher it goes up, the more frightening it becomes.

Relatively speaking, Donghai Satellite TV and Jiangnan Satellite TV have joined forces, so if the two satellite TVs broadcast together, even if the price reaches 6.1 million per episode, the two satellite TVs only need to pay half of the money, which is 3.05 million per episode.

If only 3.05 million episodes were produced, the pressure would instantly be much less.

Therefore, Donghai Satellite TV and Jiangnan Satellite TV are also very confident.

At this price, Xiangjiang Satellite TV is also stuck.

Jiang Minghe was determined to win this drama, but the price exceeded the price limit discussed by the TV station leaders.

Moreover, now Xiangjiang Satellite TV is competing with two satellite TVs with one satellite TV. The price pressure is doubled and the risks are doubled.

Therefore, Jiang Minghe has begun to feel a little anxious.

The top management of Xiangjiang Satellite TV met again to discuss. After getting permission, Jiang Minghe raised the price again, raising the unit price to 6.15 million.

This price was really too high, so Xiangjiang Satellite TV only dared to raise its bid by 50,000.

After Xiangjiang TV made its bid, Donghai TV and Jiangnan TV were not to be outdone and raised their prices again by 6.2 million per episode.

Moreover, Donghai TV and Jiangnan TV do not require bundled video platform contracts.

Xiangjiang Satellite TV requested that the video platform contract be bundled and "Knowledge" be broadcast on Xiangguo Video.

In comparison, Donghai Satellite TV and Jiangnan Satellite TV have higher prices and looser contracts.

This also leads to the lack of competitiveness of Xiangjiang Satellite TV.

The price of 6.2 million has exceeded the upper limit of Xiangjiang Satellite TV.

The total investment for "Knowledge" is 220 million.

Calculated based on the investment amount, based on the market situation of TV series, the price of a single episode is 3 million.

From the beginning, Wei Shurong’s price of 3 million was calculated based on market conditions.

When TV stations buy popular dramas from other film and television companies, they are basically priced at this price.

Because of this, this price is called the market price.

However, Ark Culture’s dramas have never been based on market conditions.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Originally, Fang Xing did not film this film "Do You Know" personally, and the major TV stations thought that the price would not be so outrageous.

However, when the bidding actually started, everyone discovered that Fang Xing was still the same Fang Xing, doubling the market price before starting negotiations.

The price of 6.2 million per episode is indeed too high.

Jiang Minghe also knew that if the price continued to rise, the leaders in the company would definitely disagree.

However, he was sure that the ratings of this drama would be explosive, so he insisted on buying it.

After thinking about it, he went back to the station and held another meeting and decided to broadcast it on multiple stations.

After the meeting, Jiang Minghe personally talked to Wei Shurong.

The two are old rivals and old acquaintances.

There is competition and cooperation between TV stations.

Xiangjiang Satellite TV and Donghai Satellite TV have simulcast TV series more than once.

As long as the quality of the TV series is high, it is better to broadcast it on multiple channels than not being able to get a sip of soup.

Wei Shurong also doesn't want prices to continue to rise. If prices continue to rise, he is also under great pressure.

Therefore, in the end, Wei Shurong took the lead, and three satellite TVs, Donghai TV, Xiangjiang TV, and Jiangnan TV, premiered "Knowledge" at a price of 6.2 million per episode.

The three satellite TV stations only need to pay one-third of the initial broadcast payment, 150 million each.

After the three satellite TV stations have reached an agreement, other TV stations will no longer be able to compete with these three satellite TV stations.

Finally, "Know or Not" is scheduled to air on January 2, New Year's Day.

Three satellite TV stations broadcast simultaneously.

After the news was officially announced, it caused another round of turmoil in the industry.

The contract has been signed, and the price of a single episode is no secret in the industry.

Word spread quickly, and the final price of a single episode was 6.2 million, an absolutely sky-high price.

For a time, major entertainment media rushed to report:

["Do You Know" has a sky-high price for the premiere rights, with a single episode of 6.2 million and a total price of 450 million, breaking the record for the first broadcast price of a feature-length TV series. 】

[What exactly is Fang Xing’s charm? How can a part-time TV series be so competitive? 】

[January is the world of "Knowledge"? Are there any other TV series that dare to compete with "Knowledge"? ]

Soon some entertainment media found out that there was already a drama scheduled to premiere on New Year's Day, one day earlier than "Knowledge", which will be broadcast on January 1st.

Unfortunately, this costume drama called "What Year Is This Eve" is a new drama by top TV stars Xiao Lun-sheng and Ma Hong-cheng.

Xiao Lunsheng was originally a contracted artist with Red Film and Television. Later, after Red Film and Television collapsed, Xiao Lunsheng independently opened a studio.

Due to the large number of fans, after setting up an independent studio, he was willing to spend money to operate it, so his popularity has been maintained well, he has always been top-notch, and his resources are good.

This "What Year Is This Eve" is a drama co-produced by Xiao Lunsheng and Shengqi Entertainment artist Ma Hongcheng. It is produced by S Big Production invested by Shengqi Entertainment.

This drama was originally planned to premiere on New Year's Day and get off to a good start.

Moreover, this drama has been scheduled a month in advance and has started to warm up.

Now, "Do You Know" suddenly entered the New Year's Day schedule, which immediately shocked the industry.

Xiao Lunsheng's studio manager immediately went to Shengqi Entertainment for a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Xiao Lunsheng's agent is quite nervous.

Because this drama is Xiao Lunsheng's first major S production after he set up an independent studio.

Therefore, this drama is absolutely unacceptable to Xiao Lunsheng.

Once the show fails, it will be very difficult for him to turn around later.

After all, after opening his own studio, he no longer had the resources of a large company to draw from, so he could only rely on his personal popularity to compete for resources.

In this case, the performance of the play is very important.

""Do You Know" is about to enter the New Year's Day schedule. It will conflict with our drama, so something must be done, otherwise the ratings will definitely be affected."

"We can only increase investment in publicity and distribution. Starting from today, all roadshows must be attended by all members."

Many big-name celebrities don't perform with the group for the entire road show.

After all, when there are business activities, business activities must be given priority.

However, the pressure of competition is now high. As an investor, if Shengqi Entertainment requests a road show, the entire crew will have no choice but to coordinate as much as possible.

The top management of Shengqi Entertainment began to discuss the need to release some variety show resources in advance to promote the crew of "What Year Is This Eve"?

However, some people have put forward different views.

Chen Juqi, vice president of Shengqi Entertainment, thought for a moment and said: "I have another idea. If "Knowledge" is so competitive, we might as well just switch gears."

After saying these words, the conference room fell silent for three seconds.

Xiao Lunsheng's agent heard this suggestion and thought it was okay. He agreed: "The shift period is also a good idea. If you can avoid "Knowledge", it will definitely be better."

If two popular dramas collide in schedule, the ratings of both dramas will definitely be affected.

After all, there are only so many viewers across the country, and the audience is scattered, so the ratings data will naturally not reach the original peak.

Therefore, the shift period is indeed a feasible solution.

"However, pre-heating has already begun, and a lot of publicity funds have been spent. Now during the shift period, we will lose at least tens of millions, and it will also make the audience lose confidence in the show." A Shengqi Entertainment executive questioned.

Changing the broadcast schedule will indeed make the audience lose confidence in the show.

Fans will also be disappointed.

After all, fans are waiting to watch the show on New Year's Day, but suddenly it is said that it will not be broadcast, which will definitely cause negative emotions among fans.

"It all depends on which plan will cause greater losses, whether it will be a big loss if we collide with "Zhifou" head-on, or if we lose tens of millions." Chen Juqi raised this point of discussion.

"Compared to the loss of publicity and distribution funds, I think the audience's loss of confidence in the drama is more serious." A senior executive expressed concern.

Chen Juqi shook his finger and said: "No, as long as it is run well, it can actually inspire the audience's empathy. My plan is to release the news and say that there are problems with the review of "What Year Is This Eve" because of negative news about a certain artist?

, had to be withdrawn.

"In this way, the audience will think that we are forced to withdraw the film, not voluntarily, so they will naturally not have negative emotions.

"Fans will also sympathize with their idols and work harder to promote the show, hoping that the show can be launched online."

Xiao Lunsheng's agent now only wants to protect the performance of this drama, so he agreed: "I think this plan is okay."

A director of the film and television production department of Shengqi Entertainment asked: "The question is, what excuse can we use to say that the review failed? If the Radio and Television Bureau issued a statement to refute the rumors, it would become a joke."

Some TV dramas have used this method before, saying that they failed to pass the review and could not be broadcast. As a result, the audience and fans sympathized.

As a result, within a few days, the State Administration of Radio and Television issued a statement saying that the drama had been reviewed three months ago.

The producer of this drama became a laughing stock overnight.

The audience and fans all knew that they had been tricked by the film crew, which indirectly caused the audience to feel disgusted with the show, which affected the subsequent broadcast performance.

Chen Juqi was full of confidence in this: "It's simple. You don't need to explicitly say that you can't review it, and you don't need to mention the superior department. Just release the news and say that a supporting character in the show has exposed dirty information, and the series needs to be adjusted.

The release time is to be determined.”

This plan was quickly approved by all members.

After "Do You Know" was scheduled to premiere on New Year's Day, two days later, Xiao Lun-sheng and Ma Hongcheng's major S production "What Year Is This Eve" suddenly broke negative news about a supporting role.

Shengqi Entertainment immediately issued an announcement that the broadcast time of "What Year Is This Eve" is to be determined.

As soon as I wrote this, it immediately shocked the audience and fans.

Throughout the day, this topic was the hot search topic on Weibo.

And the leaked information is indeed true.

However, the inside story is a little different from the external rumors.

This supporting actor has a contract dispute with Shengqi Entertainment. Chen Juqi has been negotiating with his agent for more than a month, but they have not reached an agreement.

Therefore, I directly took a cruel step and exposed the negative information about this supporting role. I also used this news to change the broadcast schedule of "What Year Is This Eve"?

As soon as the news comes out.

The audience and fans all ran to scold this supporting actor:

[It’s over, my brother’s new drama, he won’t die because of this ugly guy, right? 】

【Don't do it.】

[This supporting role doesn’t seem to have much role. It should be broadcast if it is cut, right? You must not die.]

After public opinion arose.

Not only did the popularity of "What Year Is This Eve" not decrease due to the switching period, but fans became more active in promoting it.

Qiao Yinghong had many connections in the industry, so she naturally knew the truth and told Fang Xing about it in private.

"Shengqi Entertainment and Xiao Lunsheng's manager were afraid of running into "Knowledge", so they skipped the show. I heard it has been scheduled to air in February."

Fang Xing just smiled after hearing this. This time these top dramas finally knew who they couldn't mess with.

This chapter has been completed!
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