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Chapter 295 Looking for a Relative

On a very ordinary morning, Edgar turned on his mobile phone as usual and casually glanced at the news on the website.

Suddenly, a title came into view.

He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he lost all sleep.

After repeatedly confirming that what appeared in front of him was not an illusion, the senior executive of Walter Company felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Who is it...?"

He gritted his teeth, "Who revealed what happened on that island!?"



"Shocked, the so-called 'hero' actually did such a thing behind his back!"

"Under the glamorous appearance, is what you see the truth?"

"Play big! Ant-Man's special abilities."

"Straight or curved? No one will be rejected!"

Today is destined to be a "carnival" across the United States, because the emergence of a set of mysterious videos has caused earth-shaking changes in the entire United States, and even the entire world.

The first to bear the brunt is Walter Company.

After watching that set of documentaries, which can be called 18-banned, the American people protested and demanded an explanation from Vought.

They really can't believe that a person with such bad morals in private can be called a hero in a high-sounding way. And they actually rely on such a person to protect their own safety, which is simply ridiculous!

For a time, the reputation of Vought's heroes was tarnished. Angry protesters even surrounded the company building inside and out, throwing incendiary bombs and smoke bombs into it.

Inside the company, Edgar and Madeleine sighed sadly.

They never imagined that this deepest and darkest secret would one day be unearthed and made public.

Although the United States is a 'free' country, freedom does not mean that one can ignore public order. If it is not handled well, then this will be the last challenge faced by Vought...

"Silence can't solve the problem. Let's talk about it and tell us your opinions."

After a long time, Edgar spoke first.

As the company's vice president, Madeleine responded very positively: "Similar to the last time the company was infiltrated, I think there must be a black hand behind this incident, and there must be their insiders within the company. Otherwise,

The secrets of that island will not be known to others."

Madeleine's analysis was very correct, and Edgar nodded repeatedly.

He crossed his fingers on the table and said in a deep voice: "Of course I know there is a mole in the company, so the question is, who has been betraying the company's interests?"

He glanced at the people in the office, "Is it you? Is it you? Or rather, is it you?"

How could anyone talk to me at this time? Everyone lowered their heads, as honest as a group of frozen quails.

Edgar pinched his eyebrows.

At this moment, Madeleine suddenly said: "I have a suspicion, but I'm not sure."

Hearing this, Edgar waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. The most important thing for us now is to clear up internal troubles, and then we can have the energy to deal with challenges from the outside."

In this case, Madeleine no longer hides it.

However, for the sake of caution, she still did not disclose the person's name directly. Instead, she stood up and walked to Edgar, bent down and whispered: "Black."



Absolutely impossible.

I am a veteran employee of Black Color Company and have been working hard for so many years.

If there is anyone in the Super Seven who can win his trust the most, then this person must be Black!

In fact, Madeleine also felt that the possibility of blackness was unlikely, but she couldn't stand someone snitching on him.

"President, don't trust anyone. This is exactly what you said yourself. Although Xuanzi worked hard and never complained, who can guarantee that he really doesn't have any small thoughts in his heart?"

Hearing this, Edgar hesitated.

After thinking for a long time, he gave Madeline a look and said, "You are right, I thought too simply."

After a pause, he added: "In that case, some things must be arranged."

the other side.

"I don't like asking for help, but there is no other way. I have reached the point of desperation."

The motherland's eyes turned red with anxiety, "Please help me, I have to find Ryan!"

Opposite him, Jon showed a pitiful expression, "It's so pitiful——"

Then, he smiled and said, "Okay, for the sake of our friendship, I will help you."

"Is there any friendship between us?" the people of the motherland couldn't help but wonder to themselves.

But these thoughts don't matter at all. Jon's relief is better than anything else, because this guy once found the missing locomotive. So the people of the motherland feel that he will definitely be able to find Ryan!

Meeting the eyes of the motherland, Jon said with a faint smile: "I can help you find someone, but you have to remember one thing. Don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes. My ability is limited and I can only sense the approximate target.

The location cannot completely lock the specific coordinates."

"It's okay to sense the approximate location. Just find someone and leave the rest to me." The motherland man assured her.

Jon shrugged, "Okay, give me a drop of your blood."

Aren't you looking for someone? Why do you want my blood?

The people of the motherland don’t know why.

Jon patiently explained: "I want to help you find your relatives based on blood connections."

The people of the motherland were doubtful, but he had no other choice but to grit his teeth, bite his finger himself, and squeeze a drop of blood to Jon.

Jon spread the drop of bright red blood in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes pretendingly, and muttered something in his mouth, "The sky and the earth are endless, and I can follow you thousands of miles away."

He was speaking in Chinese, which the people of the motherland couldn't understand at all. They just felt it was extremely mysterious and felt a little more confident.

Suddenly, Jon opened his eyes and said, "Found it!"

Hearing this, the people of the motherland were overjoyed, "Really? Great! Tell me where Ryan is."

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet."

Jon smiled, "Ryan is in a place far, far away from the United States. You need to cross the ocean and climb the mountains to find him."

Not to mention crossing the ocean or climbing over the mountains, even if it means going up the knife mountain and down the frying pan, I will keep moving forward.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The people of the motherland are simply moved by themselves.

He stared at Jon, "No matter where he is, no matter what the cost, I must find him!"


Jon couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

If nothing else, this spirit alone is worthy of his praise from the people of the motherland.


After the play was over, it became boring.

Jon snapped his fingers, transformed a world map in front of the people of his motherland, pointed at a certain country, "Is the person you are looking for right here?"

“The Land of the Furry Bear?!”

After receiving the affirmative answer, the motherland could not help but frown. It was not that he was afraid, but that the relationship between Freedom and the Bear Country had always been bad, which was a problem left over from history. If he flew over rashly, he would most likely end up like the one in the Far East.

Same thing every time, suffered a lot of attacks.


"I understand, I'll set off right away!" The motherland took a deep breath and said word by word.



The wind blows gently and the moonlight is gentle.

If there were no other important matters at hand, the people of the motherland would really like to take advantage of such a beautiful night to relieve their overly depressed mood.

But unfortunately, he can't.

Especially in a secret military base in a hostile country, he couldn't let go of business and unbuckle his belt...

Back to business.

With the ability of the people of the motherland, as long as he wants to keep a low profile, no one will discover him.

However, this does not look like a place where important people are imprisoned.

"Could Jon Joestar have made a mistake?" With this thought in mind, the Motherland patrolled back and forth in the secret base.

Soon, he discovered something unusual somewhere. According to his super vision, he found that he couldn't see through it.

In other words, that mysterious experimental cabin is likely to contain his own son Ryan!

"Don't be afraid, baby, daddy is here to save you." He murmured in his heart, and the people of the motherland quietly approached the experimental cabin.

Unexpectedly, just five meters into the experimental cabin, the alarm suddenly sounded.

Suddenly, there was a burst of red light!

The people of the motherland had never seen such a battle before. After being discovered, he immediately panicked.

call out!

Heat rays sweep across.

The motherland cut off the combination lock of the experimental cabin, used brute force with both arms, and threw the heavy iron plate a long way in one fell swoop.

After opening it, he was a little dumbfounded because the person lying in the cabin was not his biological son, but a bearded, muscular man whom he had never seen before.


You don't hesitate to cross the ocean, sneak in here quietly, take off your pants, and you show me this?

The people of the motherland have ten thousand words of Ma Maipai to say in their hearts.

At this moment, the man lying in the cabin suddenly opened his eyes, and like an angry tiger, he pounced out, and the explosive force drove the people of the motherland back a long way.


The severe pain made the people of the motherland curse their mothers with anger.

The man stared at the uniforms worn by the people of the motherland very coldly, and a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't say anything, just raised his leg and gave the motherland a kick.

At this time, the people of the motherland were already prepared and blocked the man's attack with their arms.

While the two were fighting, the guard in charge broke in with a gun.

The people of the motherland were so angry that they lost sight of all their previous cautions. Their eyes turned red and heat rays swept across them.

Those guards were cut in half!

The strange man was stunned for a moment, then clenched his fists. While the natives were killing the fish, he quickly rushed forward and punched the natives in the air, knocking the natives to the ground.

Bleeding again...

The people of the motherland can no longer remember clearly. This is the first time he has bled during this period. It is clear that not long ago he was an invincible hero active in the world and a god in the world.

Ever since Jon Joestar appeared, he has been frustrated one after another, and even fell down time and time again at the hands of some inexplicable people.

It was like this before, and it is like this now. The people of the motherland suddenly feel like crying.

Staring at the ever-changing expressions on the faces of the people of the motherland, the man clearly showed disgust and spat hard, "Hey, put away that wimpy look of yours, stand up and continue fighting with me, you weakling!"

"You fucking...say that again!" Perhaps a certain word touched the softest part of the hearts of the people of the motherland, and he roared angrily with red eyes.

"So the current U.S. government is full of characters like you? Haha, you alone want to kill me and silence me?"

The man twitched his lips in disdain, "Who do you think I am? I am the strongest soldier boy!"

"Soldier Boy"?

When hearing this name, the people of the motherland obviously reacted somewhat.

It can almost be said that he grew up listening to the stories of Soldier Boy. In that cold, colorless laboratory, the only storybook he had access to was adapted from the legendary life of Soldier Boy.

And now, his childhood idol is actually standing in front of him?

No, no, that's not the point.

The point is, my childhood idol is now going to kill himself!

The people from the motherland waved their hands repeatedly, "Soldier boy, you may have misunderstood something. I am not here to kill you and silence you."

"You're wearing a star-striped uniform and you're saying you're not here to kill me?" The soldier boy obviously didn't believe it. "Put away your useless rhetoric. Come on, let's continue fighting."

What are you fighting for? Haven’t you noticed that there are more and more security guards around you?

The people of the motherland do not want to engage in meaningless fights with soldier boys.

He explained: "I know that no matter what I say, you won't believe it now... I actually wanted to save my son, but I didn't expect you to be here."

The motherland man shook his head, "Anyway, the two of us will go out from here first, and then we can have a good chat. The misunderstanding will naturally be resolved by then."

After hearing this, the soldier boy pondered for a few seconds and said, "Then, I will leave your head to you for a while."

After saying that, the soldier boy opened his arms.

The people of the motherland are just wondering.

Suddenly, a powerful impact that cannot be described in words swept out as if carrying thousands of troops.

The motherland man was beside the soldier boy and was not affected by the attack, but his legs felt weak and he suddenly knelt down on one knee.

"This... what kind of power is this?" Zu Bao's face was full of fear.

The soldier boy looked at this little brother with disdain, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "It's nothing, it's just the power that can kill you."

The people of the motherland swallowed quietly.

It’s simply unreasonable!

In addition to Jon Joestar, Dio, and Apocalypse, who made everyone in the world turn around that day. Now there is another soldier boy who can restrain him?

How will we live from now on?

Struggling to stand up, the motherland was no longer in the mood to stay in this place. Running two steps quickly, the figure turned into an arrow and flew out with a whoosh.

This time, it was the soldier boy's turn to be dumbfounded.

That rascal……

That useless snack can actually fly?

He touched his beard, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

But now is not the time to think about all this mess, he wants to leave here immediately, return to the United States, and take revenge on those who betrayed him!

When he thought of this, he was so angry that his teeth itched.

Scarlet Witch, Dynamite Twins, Black...

His former comrades-in-arms also teamed up to beat him to death on the battlefield and sent him to the enemy as a traitor!

He won't let anyone go!

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a loud noise in his ears, and the people from the motherland who had just flown out were suddenly bombed back.

The soldier boy shook his head disdainfully, "A weakling like you won't even survive a day in my team."

Sighing, he added: "I really want to see what kind of trash he is to give birth to such an incompetent son like you."

People of the motherland:…

This chapter has been completed!
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