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Chapter 572: Scolding father to son, sharp criticism of Guangyue

Flying battleship ‘Noah’s Ark’, tea room.

Matching wits and courage with Momonosuke is a new hobby that Jon has recently developed. When dealing with a special being who looks like a child but has an adult soul, he can always make the other party uncomfortable in various absurd ways.

for example……

"What do you think of Kozuki Oden?"

When he heard this question, Momonosuke's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, my identity has been exposed!

However, Jon overcame Momonosuke's doubts with a very reasonable explanation.

"Looking at the way you are dressed, you must be from the country of Wano. I really want to hear what you, a native, think about the so-called heroes of the country of Wano."

There was no other way, Momonosuke could only pretend to be childish, "Lord Jon, I'm just a kid, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Hearing this, Jon's eyes widened instantly: "Isn't that right? How come I heard that newly literate children grew up listening to the legend of Kozuki Oden? You are at least eight or nine years old now, so you don't care about the legends over there.

No admiration? Or...are you trying to hide something?"

Worse, covering it up too much will only make people suspicious.

Helpless, Momonosuke had no choice but to honestly express his views on his biological father: "Lord Kozuki Oden is undoubtedly a hero of Wano Country, and a representative of "measurement" and "loyalty." If it weren't for Kaido and Heitan

Orochi is too cunning, Kozuki Oden-sama will definitely lead Wano to prosperity and prosperity."

Jon silently smoothed his chin and said in a neutral tone: "That's it -"

The light words actually inspired Momonosuke's inner rebellious psychology.

You asked me to evaluate, and I evaluated.

It's good now. You're here right after I finished my evaluation?

What, do you have a different opinion?

Holding his breath, Momonosuke asked deliberately: "So Lord Jon, in your eyes, what kind of person is Lord Kozuki Oden?"

Jon took a deep look at Momonosuke and carefully considered whether it was too much to scold his father...

But who is Joe?

After thinking about it for a moment, he suppressed these thoughts in his heart and said truthfully: "Stupid."


After living so long, he finally understood that it only takes one simple word to break someone's defense.

Seeing that Momonosuke's expression was a little unpleasant, Jon waved his hand and pretended to think: "In other words, he has no brain."

Isn’t that the same meaning?

Momonosuke's little face turned red, and his blood pressure suddenly rose. But he had to suppress his anger with all his strength, and said word by word: "Why did Lord Jon say this? Could it be that Lord Kozuki Oden is here?"

Is this so unbearable in your eyes?"

Jon looked at Momonosuke and knew that if he wanted to change the child's mind, he would not be able to do so without giving in to some shocking news.

So he nodded and said with absolute certainty, "Yes."

To your uncle!

Do you know what an upright hero my father is?

How dare you, a pirate like you... dare to insult him?

Momonosuke felt that he could no longer suppress his inner anger.

But at this moment, Jon waved his hand and asked Momonosuke to sit across from him, "Don't worry, don't worry, I know that Kozuki Oden is like a spiritual totem to you people in Wano Country, and no one can say anything about it.

A bad sentence.

But if you put aside those messy auras and look at his life from a relatively objective perspective, you will understand that there is nothing wrong with my evaluation."


Okay, today I want to see how you can be "relatively objective".

Momozuki sat down opposite Jon with a puffed-up look, pouting at Lao Gao.

Jon was not annoyed, and talked about Kozuki Oden's life: "In the hearts of the common people in Wano, Kozuki Oden is synonymous with strength, people-friendliness, and charming personality. If you put it in your words, he is a

A 'hero'."

After hearing this, Momonosuke's expression finally looked better.

Yes, his father is a hero!

An indomitable hero!

But what Jon said next made his face become darker and darker.

"But in my opinion, his 'hero' is not worthy of his name."

"First of all, as a ruler, he chose between the country and the individual. He abandoned his people and went to the ends of the world with his sword for the so-called dream and freedom. He left for many years. The people under his rule lived

It doesn't matter to him how it is.

To be honest, I don’t understand how such a selfish person can gain the love of others?”

After reacting for a long time, Momonosuke stiffened his neck and retorted, "This is exactly where Kozuki Oden-sama's courage lies. Whether he is facing Whitebeard or Roger, the Pirate King, he..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jon: "Don't make excuses for your personal behavior to put money on your face. I know many rulers, such as the red-nosed fish man who came to visit me on the island a few days ago.

But for the sake of the country and the people, he is willing to lock his daughter in a high tower. Is he just cold-blooded and heartless and lacks courage?"


King Neptune, the fishman king, was an uncle he had met several times before. He was a very kind man, and he could truly feel that he was a pure good person. He could not slander such a good person.

Jon added: "Perhaps in your eyes, Kozuki Oden is a so-called 'chivalrous man who serves the country and the people'. In fact, isn't he still a local gangster who relies on his father's reputation and status to do all kinds of evil?

Later, he used violence to fight violence against another group of scum, and was promoted to a great name, but he was unwilling to shoulder his responsibilities, leaving a mess behind."

Momonosuke was silent again.

He never thought that his own father's heroic feats could be interpreted in this way.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make some sense...

No, no.

I must have been brainwashed by Jon Joestar.

Momonosuke's eyes narrowed, "Then what do you say about Kozuki Oden-sama's subsequent actions against Black Carbon Orochi and Kaido?"

This is really about serving the country and the people, and you can't do it even if you want to.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "You have the nerve to say this. When facing Kaido and Black Carbon Orochi, if Oden had used his brain a little, he would not have been so stupid and would not have

So many monsters happened later.”

Jon rolled his eyes, "You said that when he and the Roger Pirates were adventuring, he passed by Wano Country more than once. He has obviously noticed something strange. He only needs to get off the ship and take a quick look to understand what is happening in the country."

"With his strength, coupled with the help of all members of the Roger Pirates, there is no way that Black Carbon Orochi can be Kozuki Oden's opponent, but Kozuki Oden...hehe, he doesn't take his own people seriously at all.

, just passed by indifferently."

"Maybe...maybe..." Momonosuke still wanted to explain his father's behavior, but in the face of the iron-clad facts, any words seemed so pale.

Jon shook his head: "Let's put this article aside for now and talk about what happened next. He didn't come back when there was something wrong at home, but after he came back, he pretended to love the people like his own son. The most important thing is that the people of your country are really true.

He is willing to forgive him, which I really don’t understand.”

"Because he is a hero." Momonosuke muttered softly.

"Monarchy is offline, right?"

Jon twitched his lips, "He is a very strange person, and you, the people of Wazhi Country, are also very strange. All I can say is respect, blessing and understanding."

The topic changed, "Kozuki Oden is very powerful, I don't deny this, but his brain is really not good. Please pay attention to my wording, it is really not good!"

Well, it's back again.

The personal attacks began.

Momonosuke couldn't help but ask: "What's the problem? You haven't explained it clearly even after talking for a long time."

"Tell me, he could obviously nip the power of Kaido and Black Carbon Orochi in the bud, but he didn't do it. He would rather pretend to be crazy and dance naked for a few years than make any contact with his former companions."

Jon showed an expression of hatred, "If it were me, if I saw a jackal entering my house, I would call my neighbor Whitebeard for help without saying a word, and then call the boss Roger to steal the guy. At that time, Kaido will be the one to steal the guy.

What? That’s Xiaokai!”


That makes sense.

No, then why didn’t my father do that back then?

Before, he only regarded that humiliating experience as a humiliation he endured during the hero's trough period, but he never thought deeply about whether there were other ways to break the situation.

Kozuki Oden...his father was once a member of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates, so he must have a wide range of interpersonal relationships.

"Twenty years ago, Kaido did not have the power he has now, and his personal strength was not worth mentioning at all."

As he spoke, Jon shook his head, "He didn't take action when it was most appropriate. He chose to be a macho dancer, showing off his muscles on the street every day. When he shouldn't have taken action, he jumped on him and then put it in the frying pan.

I have put together a 20-year plan to move myself."

Tantanshou: "Evaluate it yourself. Isn't this mindless? What is it?"

After a thorough analysis, Momonosuke didn't want to admit it but had to admit that what the man in front of him said actually made sense.

Although he was influenced by his mother's fruit power and forcibly ripened to obtain the mind of an adult, he has his own judgment when it comes to right and wrong.

Momonosuke couldn't help but wonder, if his father had really used his brain to see through the shameless deception of Kaido and Black Carbon Orochi, then the 20 years of suffering in Wano Country could have been avoided, and his mother would not have died.


Wait a moment!

Momonosuke, who was half a step too slow to react, suddenly looked at Jon.

Meeting the half-smiling look across from him, he stood up immediately, "You...why do you know about Lord Kozuki Oden's 20-year plan!"

"There is no airtight wall in the world, Momonosuke, Momonosuke, my lovely little Tao, do you really think I know nothing about you?"

Jon still sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, "I have to say that you are actually different from a normal eight or nine-year-old child. I have my doubts. After many rounds of research, it is not surprising to know your identity.


Momonosuke's chest was rising and falling, appearing extremely nervous. However, after calming down for a while, he sat down again very bachelorly and said, "Did Boss Neko Viper and Duke Inarashi tell you?"

Jon smiled, neither admitting nor denying.

Momonosuke felt confident.

He should have thought that the fur tribe would inform his new owner of his identity.

There is nothing wrong with people taking tea to cool down.

"Then, Lord Jon, what are you going to do with me?" Momonosuke asked word by word.

Jon replied matter-of-factly: "Of course you will continue to be my valet. What, you don't want to?"

Of course Momonosuke doesn't want to.

It was always others who served him tea and water, so how could he serve others tea and water?

"Since Lord Jon has already mentioned this, how can I, the noble young master of Wano Country, be reduced to being your manservant!"

Jon sneered, "What does the young master of Wano mean? You just treat this thing as a treasure. Come on, tell me, what do you, the young master, have to be proud of in front of me?"

Hearing this, Momonosuke was speechless for a moment.

If you think about it carefully, his identity is really nothing compared to that of the Pirate Emperor. After all, Heotan Orochi and Kaido, who are still occupying his family's ancestral property, may not be the opponent of the man in front of him if they are tied together...

"Xiao Tao, I'll give you a chance, and you'll make the most of it." Qiao Qiao said earnestly.

As he said that, he took out a stack of documents from his pocket and said, "Don't say that I, the master, don't take care of you. Come, let me show you what your biological sister, who has been away for 20 years, has done in these years."

My sister.


Momonosuke excitedly took the documents.

As soon as he glanced upward, his face became extremely ugly.


The little princess of the dignified Kozuki family turned out to be an oiran.

To put it mildly, it’s an oiran, but to put it worse, it’s just a man’s plaything!

Where did the retainer who took care of Hiyori die? How could his sister be so miserable!

"I know you are impatient, but don't be impatient. Listen to me." Jon sighed, "Although you are quite stubborn, you are far behind your father and sister."


"I have already made a critical comment on your father just now, and I don't want to waste my time now. This sister of yours... Tsk, that brain circuit is really amazing."

Jon shook his head, "Are you wondering where the retainers responsible for taking care of your sister have gone? I can tell you the answer: they didn't go anywhere, your sister ran out on her own."

Momonosuke didn't understand, "Hiyori, why did Hiyori do this?"

Jon spread his hands, "If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Seeing that Momonosuke's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, he added: "Your sister may have felt like a burden at first, so she ran away secretly, but when it developed into what it is today, I can only say that it was her fault.

The problem has nothing to do with anyone else."

He patted Momonosuke on the shoulder and said, "Princess of subjugation, I have seen many people who endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens. Do you know Vivi from Alabasta? She is really hardworking and courageous. Rebecca from Dressrosa is also very strong.

They stayed in the arena for many years. They were not reduced to the point where they could not survive without men."

"You said your sister should be an oiran if she wants to be an oiran. Over the years, she has had many opportunities to come into contact with the black charcoal snake, but she did nothing. What is her nature? I can't say."

"That's enough!" Momonosuke was furious.

"Hiyori...Hiyori is not that kind of person." His voice became lower and lower, sounding very unsure.

Jon sighed, "Xiao Tao, you have to be strong."

This chapter has been completed!
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