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Chapter 603 Final chapter(3)

"After occupying Mariejoia, there will be endless battles."

"But this is nothing, because compared to us, the indigenous people here are really weak."

"After years of fighting, we conquered everything and established a world government."

Im's voice was unhurried and slow, as calm as the lake water.

Jon couldn't help but ask: "So the original 'twenty kings' were actually aliens?"

Im was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "From your perspective... yes."

This kind of super expansion gave Jon an unexpected and reasonable feeling.

After all, he had known about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations before, and the hints of the Celestial Dragons' clothing were too obvious.

The colonists did not regard the indigenous people as human beings, which is well reflected in the Americas.

Different world, same scenery.

Got it, American orthodoxy is in Mary Joya!

Jon pondered for a moment and then said: "You can survive until now because of the power of the surgical fruit, but the scope of immortality is limited to this island, right?"

Im remained silent.

Jon didn't really want an answer, so he turned around and left without saying anything.

A guy who can't get out at all, just ignore him.

Anyway, the world is so big, and any place can be used as the headquarters of the coalition government, so just leave Mary Joa to the aliens, it’s not a big deal.

Seeing that Jon said he would not fight, Im became anxious and quickly stopped him: "Where are you going?"

"Are you some kind of kindergarten teacher? Why do I have to report to you wherever I go?"

Jon stared at the short staff emitting strange fluctuations in Im's hand, "Besides, the locking procedure of Ouranos is almost completed."

Im's expression changed for the first time.

The next second, Jon disappeared without a trace.


I'm sorry, have I told so many secrets in vain?

Even if you do this, you can't distract Jon Joestar's attention.

Tsk, what a terrible man!

Although he felt extremely regretful, the matter had come to this, and Im couldn't rush out and chased him away, so he had no choice but to put away his short staff in frustration.

Unexpectedly, a hand suddenly appeared out of thin air and grabbed Im's arm!

"Bring it to you."

Im was startled and felt anxious.

Who appears at this time is not Jon Joestar who was teleported away just now!

Didi... didi... didi...

Jon's appearance restarted the locking program that had just been terminated.

Ouranos glowed with rapid red light.

Im couldn't bear to pull away his hand, gritted his teeth and stared at Jon, saying word by word: "Don't even think about it!"

Jon was indifferent and just stuck with Im.


The electric ions in the air began to reflect little bits of light.

All the intelligent beings in Mariejoia are numb.

This is the instinct of life.

Their sixth sense was reminding them that something big was coming!

Actually, Im lied about some things just now.

The moon in the sky is not only an outpost for interstellar immigrants like them, but has also been transformed by them into a veritable weapon of annihilation.

The short staff of Ouranos is the key to unlocking the weapon.

It's too late, it's too late.

A white light fell from the sky.

It hit Jon and Im in the middle, completely submerging their figures.

Loud sound and strange sound.

The sky and the earth seemed to lose color.

Only that beam of white light of destruction becomes eternal!

I do not know how long it has been.

It may be seconds, minutes or hours before everything finally returns to normal.

It was as if the place where Jon and Im were was wiped out of thin air and poured into the raging sea water.

A few minutes later, the all-conquering flying battleship Noah's Ark turned its direction and sailed away from the Holy Land Mary Joa as fast as possible.

The frightened Five Old Stars rushed to the Void Throne.

Seeing the tall figure still sitting on the Void Throne, the five old guys felt relieved.

But then, they discovered that Lord Im, who had always looked at everything with cold eyes, was slumped on the throne like a defeated dog, with less air coming in and more air coming out, and he was dying. The situation was very bad.

"Lord Im, you..."

"How dare Jon Joestar do this!?"

"I will find the best doctor for you."

The Five Old Stars stand tall above millions of people and have a prominent status. Seeing the 'King of the World' in such a mess, they are still panicking. After all, without Lord Im, the World Government will really collapse. They

The lofty status will also drift away with the wind and become worth mentioning.

If possible, Im would not want to be so embarrassed in front of the Five Old Stars.

But there was no way, until the white light of destruction completely fell, he did not give up the fight with Jon Joestar for the ownership of Ouranos.

The good news is - this persistence paid off, and Ouranos is still in his hands.

The bad news is - even if he uses the characteristics of room to divert most of the damage, he is on the verge of running out of gas. Not only can he not be able to protect Mariejoia in a short period of time, he can't even use Ouranos.

"Find me the surgical fruit quickly...I want to do another immortality surgery...and remove all the restraints." Im commanded the Five Old Stars condescendingly.

The five old stars nodded repeatedly.

"As for the results of the operation, we have tried our best to find them, and now we have a certain plan."

"The key to breaking the situation is that Donquixote Doflamingo, the descendant of the defected Draco, guarantees that we will get the fruits of the operation."

"As long as the results of the operation are obtained, we will immediately arrange immortality surgery for you, please rest assured."

Each one of them sounded better than the other, and Im didn't want to believe it, but in his own situation, he had no choice but to believe it at this time.

He closed his eyes and said weakly: "Before you find the fruits of the operation, I will sleep for a while and try my best to recover..."

Upon hearing this, Wulaoxing became anxious.

The World Government cannot even mobilize a complete army now. If Lord Im falls into a deep sleep again, wouldn't it be possible to directly declare GG?

Im seemed to have seen through what they were thinking, and said: "While I am sleeping, I will activate the room force field and randomly teleport out all the people who enter the Holy Land Mariejoia.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Except for Jon Joestar and those with surgical fruit abilities, no one can set foot in this forbidden land."

Oh, that's right.


Besides Jon Joestar?

After reacting, Wu Laoxing's heart that had just been relieved became suspended again.

In the fierce battle just now, even the invincible Im-sama couldn't do anything to defeat that daring pirate!

Im helpless, but he showed a sneer, "I know what you are afraid of, but don't worry, Jon Joestar's condition is not much better than mine. At least before I end my sleep, he is absolutely

I don’t have the energy to come over and harass Marigio.”

It sounds like this is a lose-lose situation.

That's good, that's good...

Some disrespectful thoughts flashed through Wu Laoxing's mind.

But at this time, Im was no longer in the mood to think about anything else. He waved his hand and let the five old guys go out first. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Coming out of the flowers, the Five Old Stars walked on the road and naturally talked about the future of the world government.

Although the road ahead has been bumpy, they are still full of confidence in the future, because even the most vicious criminal in history, Jon Joestar, who personally led his army, failed to break through this sacred land, and the room force field was deployed.

Those guys from the Revolutionary Army must have come and gone...

Hey, this wave is stable.


If these old guys knew what a flag was, they would probably be more cautious.

They never expected that Jon Joestar, who was supposed to be half-dead like Im, was actually fine, even his clothes were intact.

"I'm telling you, it's me. If it were anyone else, they would have been bombarded to the point where not even their bones and dregs were left." Jon sat carelessly, with a wine glass in one hand and a beautiful mermaid back in the other. There were no injuries on his body, and he was clean.

It's like just taking a shower.

Amyra was puzzled, "Lord Jon, since you were sure to win that battle just now, why did you still..."

"You still have to pretend to be frustrated and retreat quickly, right?" Jon said casually: "To overthrow the world government is a matter for the revolutionary army. I have done my best by coming to help them out. I can't throw away all the dirty work.

Give it to me, just kidding, I’m not a golden nanny.”

Amyra seemed to understand.

At this moment, Baby 5 trotted in from outside, holding a few phone bugs in his hands.

Jon waved his hand, "If you don't answer, I won't answer anyone's call. Just say that I was seriously injured in a fight with Marie Joa's mysterious strongman and I am currently recuperating."

baby5 paused.

She blinked her eyes, checked Jon's body over and over again, and said nonchalantly: "Okay~"

Jon Joestar raided Mariejoia and fought hundreds of rounds with the mysterious strongman guarding the Holy Land. Both sides suffered losses and retreated to the Chambord Islands.

Afterwards, Mariejoia was covered by a special force field.

Those who enter it will be transported to random sea areas outside Mariejoia Island in various ways. The revolutionary army's attack has no results, and they can only choose to turn around and capture other islands. They advance with great momentum all the way.

The World Government allies have announced their withdrawal from joining the new coalition government.

At the same time, the newly built navy gradually regained control of the ocean order and made every effort to fight against pirates, arms dealers and slave traders who took advantage of the situation.

The Adventurer Alliance also issued high bounties. The bounties were so generous that they were even 30% more than the public bounties of the newly built navy. For a time, bounty hunters and adventurers became the most popular professions.

Shampoo Island No. 1, the headquarters of the Adventurers Alliance.

"Where did you get this news? Can you guarantee its authenticity?"

Trafalgar Law, who was in the spirit state, squinted his eyes and stared at the two unknown pirates in front of him with a scrutinizing gaze.

No, they should be called junior adventurers who came ashore and became good people.

"The source of the information is absolutely true. I listened to my friend's friend's second brother when I was drinking..."

Seeing that the guy who was talking about trains was about to start talking nonsense, Trafalgar Law quickly interrupted him, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will directly cancel your adventure qualifications, prevent you from receiving tasks, and become a blackmailer."

Nowadays, adventure certificates are very popular, because this is a brand new system, some people have money, and it has huge potential.

Didn't you notice that Shanks and Whitebeard have all begun to openly support the Adventurers Alliance? This newly established alliance seems to be the largest private profit-making organization. How can a smart person give up the opportunity to develop?

"Okay, okay, let me be honest. This is the news released by the intelligence dealer Wilzer. As for how that guy knows? You have to ask him personally."

Hearing this, Trafalgar Law fell into deep thought.

If the glib guy opposite had accurate information and he could indeed open Mariejoia's special force field, it would undoubtedly have an extremely important impact on the current situation.

The participating countries of the World Government have left one after another and joined the new coalition government, but this does not mean that the coalition government has become the mainstream. There are still many forces that are stubbornly resisting - after all, not everyone can give up their glory and wealth.

If you are used to bullying, you cannot become a good person all of a sudden.

"Since this news has yet to be verified, I can't pay you much."

Trafalgar Law pondered for a moment, picked up the pen on the table, and wrote a string of numbers on the checkbook at hand, "I can only give you so much now, but if the news is confirmed, I will give you more in the future."

I’ll give you this number.”

As he spoke, he gestured with his hands.

The old man who was still a little dissatisfied immediately smiled, nodded and bowed: "I can trust the credibility of President Trafalgar. How can a big shot like you be stingy with such a small amount of money? Hehehehehe... then...

I’ll take my leave first.”

After saying that, he grabbed the check and stuffed it into his pocket.

This kind of check is specially issued by the Adventurer Alliance and can be exchanged for Bailey in various alliances. It uses special technology (Egghead Technology) and is not afraid of others imitating it, so it is quite safe.

Watching the old man leave, Trafalgar Law gently caressed his beloved knife "Ghost Cry".

After thinking for a while, he took out a rolled piece of parchment from the drawer.

After patiently unfolding it, the above information revealed the current whereabouts of Donquixote Doflamingo.

"Marie Joa..."

Is all this a coincidence? Trafalgar Law would never believe it to his death.

He is not a fool.

There must be an invisible hand silently guiding behind this series of events.

Could this man be Donquixote Doflamingo?

Trafalgar Law thought, most likely yes.

But even so...

As if feeling the anger coming from the depths of his soul, 'Ghost Cry' trembled slightly.

Trafalgar Law took a deep breath.

Patiently selecting from a row of phone bugs on the table.

If the rumors are true.

If the fruit of your surgery can really ignore the special force field on Mariejoia Island.

Then he can definitely bring an elite army in.

"With my current ability, I can almost open a room that can accommodate activities for ten people."

Trafalgar Law silently thought about the strong men he knew, and dialed the phone one by one.

"Portcas D. Ace, I am Trafalgar Law..."

"Charlotte Katakuri, now you have a chance to enter Mariejoia, do you want to rescue your mother..."

"Mr. Jhin? Don't ask me how I got your contact information. By the way, you may not know me yet. I am Trafalgar Law..."

This chapter has been completed!
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