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Chapter 662 Witch War (1)


Klein was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed: "What is your name?"

"Uh, John..." The little boy said cautiously, not knowing exactly what he said that offended the other person.

"John, John, oh~ John." Klein thought over and over again and finally felt relieved.



It sounds so similar.

Klein felt a little sorry for himself.

How much torture do you have to endure and how many pitfalls do you have to go through before you have a stress reaction to a name?

Hug your thin self.jpg

Back to business.

Little John really knows his way around this place.

He took the initiative to introduce Klein: "Fan Wen's mother is a well-known good person in the nearby blocks. She often gives out some rye bread for free. Although the taste is not very good, eating it is better than going hungry."

"In the past, I mean that before the glory of the benevolent 'God of the Original and Last Days' shone in the East District, many children could not survive, so they would work in a bakery for a few days to earn some pocket money."

"The God of the First and the Last"?

Who gave me this unfortunate name?

Suppressing the unreasonable thoughts in his mind, Klein asked: "According to you, that woman should be very wealthy, right? Otherwise, where would there be so much spare money to donate to the emergency?"

Little John shook his head repeatedly: "Fan Wen's mother herself wears patched clothes. Her dark green skirt has not been changed for several years...and her husband, Uncle Rick, injured his waist while working in a factory in his early years.

, you must rely on a wheelchair to move around, and you are definitely not a rich person."

"You can be so kind even though you are in so many difficulties. Ha, I'm getting more and more curious now." Klein said with a smile.

Little John seemed to hear something and turned his head timidly.

However, what I saw was Klein's poker face.

The ferocious temperament of the 'White Wolf' was as sharp as the north wind. Children who grew up in slums had never seen this before, and they were immediately frightened and dared not speak.

Klein scratched the opponent's little head with his rough hands: "Lead the way well and don't think about what's going on."

Little John was trembling and did not dare to speak.

The whole journey was speechless.

The two wandered around the narrow and cramped streets until they finally arrived at a bakery with a wooden signboard at the end of Jiuchang Street.

"Okay, it's none of your business here."

Klein put his hands in his pockets and said condescendingly: "Remember, kid, be strict with your mouth. This will save you from trouble."

He tilted his head slightly, as if he remembered something, and then said: "Also, don't show off your cleverness to strangers anymore, just to catch up with my good mood today, otherwise..."

As he spoke, he sneered.

OK, successfully leading the villain to defeat Meow cast a shadow on this child's mind.

Little John was sent away at will.

Klein looked around, then quietly took off his citrine bracelet and performed a divination for himself. Feeling that there was no danger, he strode closer.

Push the door open and enter.

The inside of the bakery is no better than the outside.

The cabinets and furnishings are old and worn, and they are repaired and repaired whenever possible.

Fortunately it's quite clean.

Klein noticed that there was very little dust here, let alone flies and cockroaches.

Klein couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Behind the counter, the woman wearing a dark green dress had a dark complexion and looked like she was used to doing heavy work. She showed a simple smile and said, "Welcome, what do you want to buy?"

"Are you 'Mom Fan Wen'?" Klein asked without speaking, minding his own business.

Fan Wen was stunned for a moment and said truthfully: "It's me, sir, what do you want from me?"

"Heh." Klein sneered, "You should know best why I came to you."

He rubbed the hilt of the sword behind his back, "A friendly reminder, it has something to do with the evil god you believe in."

As soon as she heard this, Fan Wen's expression changed immediately and she stuttered: "You...what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"I really don't understand, so I'm just pretending not to understand." Klein didn't want to push the other party too much, so he suddenly lowered his voice: "Don't worry, I'm a clergy member of the church who specializes in handling this kind of incident. I'll tell you everything you know.

Tell me and the merciful God will forgive your sins."

"Church..." Fan Wen seemed frightened by Klein's words.

She hesitated, her face turning from green to white, and then from white to red.

Finally, I finally made up my mind, slumped down on the chair behind the counter, covered my face with my hands, and sobbed softly: "I have no choice, I need money so much."

The story is very simple.

Almost a year ago, Fan Wen met a beautiful and kind-hearted lady by chance on her way back from receiving relief.

After getting to know each other, she first showed great sympathy for Fan Wen's fate.

Then through various methods, Fan Wen came into contact with a god named "Original".

The kind lady told Fan Wen that for some unexplainable reasons, the "original" was sleeping, waiting for the awakening of devout believers.

At that time, He will bestow supreme grace and glory.

to be honest.

It's just like telecommunications fraud.

Let me first tell you how good the prospects are to get you to join us.

Once you join, you will fall into a deep pit.

This trick is especially effective for certain groups of people who are uneducated and think they are literate.

Although Fan Wen is kind.

But given the environment in which she grew up, it was impossible for her to read.


Under the temptation of white bread, pâté and sausage, and a stable life.

She became a Christian.

Became a peripheral member of the Witch Sect.

Never underestimate the status of peripheral personnel.

Precisely because it does not involve extraordinary fields, it is more secretive.

The Witch Sect, which had disappeared since the Great Smog Incident, took root again in Backlund.

If it weren't for his brother's peach blossom incident, which made Klein do some divination on a whim, he would never have imagined that someone had touched his hometown.

You know, the headquarters of the Church of Fools is now located in the East District!

"It's no wonder...the name of 'Original' has been taken up by fools. If the Witch Sect can be willing to do so, then there will be ghosts."

Klein thought to himself: "After the Great Smog Incident, the Church of Fools rose up and attracted enough hatred. Those witches don't dare to provoke behemoths like the Church of Night and the Church of Storms, so why not take it out on the 'newborn'."

He never imagined that one day he would be treated as a soft persimmon by others.

That's what it says.

The power of the Witch Sect is not weak at all.

Even though the true God they believe in has lost his authority, personality and uniqueness, he has not returned from the Kingdom of God in the starry sky, and is still staying well.

"The successor to the saint, the angel and the king of angels, now wants to take the half-broken god as his opponent." Klein smiled bitterly in his heart.

However, it's not that scary.

Fan Wen is still telling the story: "It was peaceful at first, and then they started to arrange some simple tasks for me. After completing them, they would give me some reward every time."

She stared at Klein with a miserable expression: "Sir, I must live. I have a paralyzed husband and three children who are not yet adults."

Klein was unmoved.

Of course, I just maintain my character by being unmoved on the surface.

He understands Fan Wen.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

He probably couldn't resist the temptation of the witch.


The people at the bottom are really suffering.

What about the Capital of All Capitals?

There are still people who don’t have enough to eat...

Klein took a deep breath: "I roughly understand the situation. Now, tell me your contact person."

Upon hearing this, Fan Wen shook her head like a rattle, "No, no, no, if they find out, my family and I will die."

With a clatter, Klein pulled out the steel sword from his back. Like a real villain, with a disregard for life in his eyes: "You will die if you betray them. Do you think I am a good gentleman?"

Fan Wen was like a quail, so frightened that her body was like chaff.

Klein was well aware of the principle that 'one loose and one tight is the most efficient', so he softened his tone slightly: "I have already told you that I am a clergyman of the church. Don't worry, as long as you cooperate obediently, the kind and great Mr. Fool will protect you."


He smiled: "The original? There is only one original that I know. He is both the beginning and the end. He is the past, the present, and the future."

Fan Wen was stunned and speechless.

After thinking for a long time, she seemed to have made up her mind and swallowed nervously.

Then he crossed his fingers in front of his forehead: "Praise...praise the fool."

Clay smiled with satisfaction, "Praise the fool."

Late at night.

Kerosene lamps lit up the streets of the East District one after another.

The dim lights and the vague pungent smell add a magical and hazy color to this poor street.

A few drunkards were swearing and coming out of the closed tavern. They turned the corner noisily in small groups and unbuttoned their belts for convenience.

However, at this moment, one of the drunken men suddenly rubbed his eyes and said to his companions in horror: "There is a ghost!"

"I just said you can't drink well. Where did you get this from?"

"I think you were sucked silly by the neighbor's little widow."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The other drunkards were laughing and joking, not believing what the drunkard said at all.

However, what they didn't know was that not far behind them, a beautiful woman shrouded in white robes and with long hair hanging down her waist floated past. She was so beautiful that all the adjectives in the world were not enough to describe her beauty.


The woman's expression is indifferent, and there seems to be a touch of unspeakable sadness between her eyebrows, which makes people feel affectionate.

After turning a few corners, she came to a newsstand with an awning and said to the empty newsstand: "Is everything going well?"

After a while, a response came from it: "Of course, Lady Joanna."

"What!" The woman's face instantly turned pale.

As soon as her mind moved, many strange ropes appeared behind her, like poisonous snakes with fangs and claws.

Klein jumped out of the newsstand like a leopard.

At the same time, the hidden power descended, completely separating the surrounding 100 meters from the real world.

The woman's eyelids darkened, then she woke up and said with a solemn expression: "Nighthawk!"

"Not bad." Klein admitted very generously.

He has not left the church membership in the Church of Dark Night, so he is not a member of the Church of Dark Night.

While he was talking, he reached out and fished it out.

Russell, the son of steam, appears again in a Gundam.

Do not know why.

Klein saw a sly smile on the face of this historical projection.

The witch tastes really good.jpg

The woman doesn't want to fall in love, her black hair grows and stretches like crazy.

Black hair strands and invisible transparent threads were lifted up to form an exaggerated spider web.


In an instant, deep and quiet black flames burst out from the thick long hair and the illusory thin threads at the same time!

"Amaterasu, right?" Klein sneered.

Who are you trying to scare by playing with fire here?

Calmly, he reached out and fished it out again.

A red-haired war god wearing black leather armor appears.

"I come, I see, I conquer!"

Red Angel Medici (projection) made a very convincing opening statement.

After saying that, he raised his giant sword and slashed at the witch opposite.

Jinfu Jinfu, the whole audience cheers!

Medici's main attack was assisted by Russell, Son of Steam.

Plus the Silent Realm of the Church of Night.

The witch was so pressed that she couldn't even lift her head.

"Help me, original god!"

With a shrill scream, the desperate witch took out an idol from her robe.

The idol carved from white bones is about the size of a palm. It looks vaguely like a beautiful woman. Her hair is very long, extending to her ankles. The roots are clear and as thick as a poisonous snake. On the top of each hair, there is also an eye carved on it. They may be closed.

Or open, densely packed.

"Chick!" Klein was shocked.

It is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if she is the original witch without her godhead, she will definitely not be her opponent when they first meet her.

Fortunately, in this operation, in addition to his family, he also involved the Church of the Night.

outside the field.

The lady with ordinary features, dark eyes, wearing a simple robe, a bark belt, long black hair hanging down, no shoes and socks, and bare feet held out a wooden box.

Sealed Artifact 1-29 ‘Box of Mysteries’.

The leader of the ascetics, 'Servant of the Secret' Arianna whispered a few words.

A few wisps of white mist came out from the cracks in the box.

The white mist seemed to possess spiritual intelligence. In the blink of an eye, it completely enveloped the witch who was holding the original idol and intended to defeat her.

Arianna, on the other hand, calmly cut off three fingers and put them into the box, then put the box away safely.

The situation of the war is ever-changing.

When Klein saw that Ms. Arianna had already taken action, he backed away with the historical projection he summoned.

After the unknown witch was entangled in the white mist, her face unconsciously showed a pensive look, as if she was thinking about something.

At this time, the hidden realm disappears.

Leonard and other extraordinary people from the Church of Night swarmed over.


Audrey and others from the Church of Fools are also there.

But compared with the Nighthawks who have rich work experience, Miss Justice and the others are inevitably suspected of paddling.

Let’s not mention this matter for now.

Klein breathed a sigh of relief after he had definitely controlled the witch.

As a bait, he is actually under a lot of pressure.

Although I am confident of defeating the opponent, if the damage is too serious and affects the normal life of the surrounding residents...

In short, he didn't want to see this.

"Secretly escorted to the prison at the bottom of St. Mussel Church." Arianna's voice was very soft, but many extraordinary people in the Church of the Night did not dare to neglect her.


This is the scheduled next pope!

When Audrey saw it, she gently approached Arianna and said respectfully: "Dear Ms. Arianna, the Witch Cult has penetrated into all levels of Loen and intends to control the next king. Should we next..."

"There is only one way to deal with cultists, noble saint, Miss Audrey." Arianna smiled gently: "That is to send them back to the embrace of silence."

This chapter has been completed!
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