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Chapter 693 The Southern Continent War: The Past of the ‘Craftsman’


Represents helplessness.

It also represents powerlessness.

Suddenly, the surroundings became silent, as if they were cut off from the rest of the world.


The door to the Church of Steam opens.

A young man walked out of it.

He wore a sapphire blue slim-fitting robe, with golden lace making the dress more conspicuous; the shoes were inlaid with gems, which perfectly reflected his resolute appearance.

Stiano's thick brown hair was combed back in an elegant style, with a hint of sadness hanging between his brows.

Looking up, his eyes are deep and bright, as clear as turquoise - this handsome young man seems to have "perfect" blood flowing in his body, exuding supreme charm and charming aura.


Jon whistled: "Handsome, he's almost catching up to one-twelfth of my level."

"Jon Joestar..." Stiano paused for a moment, but finally did not dare to break out: "Your Majesty."

"Wow, I'm so honored." Jon lay on the chair without moving and smiled: "I thought you were going to give me a nuclear bomb or something."

"Though that kind of thing can be made in theory, it would be completely useless to you." Stiano tried not to look at Jon's 'exclusive suit' and said directly: "What on earth do I want?

Only by doing this can I ask for your forgiveness.”

Gods are also different.

The "God of Steam and Machinery" is actually not weak, but it is limited by this era and has much poorer foundation than other Sequence 0s.

Facing the terrifying Starry Sky Evil God, Stiano really had no choice.

It’s better to bow your head quickly and strive for ‘lenient treatment’.

He took a breath and spoke slowly: "I have withdrawn from the competition for the 'Knowledge Wilderness', and the uniqueness of the Hermit transformed by the Hidden Sage has also fallen into your hands..."

Before he finished speaking, Jon interrupted: "Wait a minute."

He raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth and stared at the slightly uneasy god: "First of all, you didn't quit the fight for the 'knowledge wilderness', you were also driven away by me.

As for the uniqueness of the hermit, that is the trophy that I deserve, and it has nothing to do with you."

Stiano was speechless and silent for a moment.

Jon was not in a hurry. The old god poured himself a glass of wine, shook the crystal goblet in a pretentious manner, and said: "Sequence dispute, I understand, either you die or I die, so you secretly and'

The Hidden Sage wants to trick me, and I'm really not angry. If you put yourself in his shoes, I would react more violently than you."

As he spoke, the conversation changed: "But you shouldn't, you shouldn't collude with "that guy"... Stiano, you are making it difficult for me."

A trace of panic flashed in Stiano's eyes.

Sure enough, it was discovered.

He hadn't felt this way for a long time.

Logically speaking, as the "Perfect One", He should not have such cowardly emotions...

But when facing the mysterious Starry Sky Evil God, he felt like he had returned to the period of the Moss Ascetic Order.

At that time, he had an infinite desire for the extraordinary and a deep awe.

"I can explain." Stiano said with difficulty: "Please give me a chance."

"Ah, my favorite part of 'listen to my quibbles'." Jon smiled, but he was not in a hurry to do it. He raised a glass and said, "Tell me, your lies will be a delicious meal with wine."

Stiano didn't know what to say.

He looked up at the sky, his eyes traveling through time, reflecting thousands of stars.

"I actually didn't want to be a 'craftsman', and I wasn't on the path of a 'perfectionist' at the beginning..."

Jon said "oh" after hearing this.

Stiano continued: "At that time, Constantine was the best candidate for the "Perfect", while I determined to become the "Hermit"."

"Oh." Jon tilted his head: "Is there anything else? You can't save your life by saying these things."

Stiano was silent again.

As expected, the Starry Sky Evil God’s empathy cannot be overestimated.

no way.

He could only make the biggest concession he could, "I will leave the uniqueness to you, and I will also give you three copies of the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1, so that I can survive as an angel."

It's not like Stiano hasn't thought about resurrecting his backhand or something like that.

But, is it useful?

The two sides are not opponents of the same level, and even the mysterious master who returned from ancient times is unwilling to meet his edge, so what can he do?

You must admit defeat and stand up straight after being beaten.

After a complete defeat in the "Wildness of Knowledge", the secret collusion with the "Lord of Mysteries" was discovered again.

Stiano could only play GG with tears in his eyes.

Jon blinked and asked, "Are you willing?"

"I can't bear to...well, I still want to." Stiano smiled bitterly, "As I said before, I didn't want to be a 'craftsman' in the first place. I jumped to this path because I really had no choice."

This is true.

Stiano, who had just reached Sequence 0, was still the "God of Craftsmen" at that time.

If you are weak and small, you can be bullied by anyone who sees you.

If Russell hadn't appeared out of nowhere, whether he would have been able to secure his position as a god is still a matter of course.

It's a pity that this most powerful support was taken away by Stiano himself.

Speaking of which, today's disaster may have been laid down at that time.

"You have courage." Jon looked at Stiano with admiration.

Not everyone has the courage to take it up or let it go.

When this happens, it is normal to be unwilling and resentful.

Just look at "Original Witch" Chick.

He fell short in Backlund and was directly deprived of his uniqueness and extraordinary characteristics. He couldn't swallow this sigh of relief and directly descended to earth to fight for his life.

Although His coming was promoted by many forces, it was the result of a game between the gods.

But even if there are not such messy factors, Jon believes that Chick will still be like Ma Ge, 'not to prove how great I am, but to let others know that I must get back what I lost'!

Let’s get back to business——

Waved the white flag.

Stiano was much more relaxed.

Jon conjured another chair and invited the other party to sit down, "Tell me why you chose to jump."

"Fighting, a very apt description." Stiano recalled the past, "If the uniqueness of the hermit had not been contaminated, I might have continued on that path. I was the evil god of the starry sky... ahem, the influence of external gods.

Due to the extraordinary power of this world, the most severely polluted are the 'moon' and 'mother', but you know, 'knowledge' can also be poison at some times."

"Fallen Mother Goddess, old friend." Jon smiled.

Stiano laughed too.

The smile is bitter.

"With the activation of uniqueness, I was destined to be unable to become a 'hermit', so I hastily jumped to an adjacent path and became an 'enlightener' with an extremely weak foundation (Perfect Path Sequence 1)."

"Enlighteners need to teach and ignite the fire of civilization." Jon asked curiously: "How can you defeat that person... Oh, where is Constantine?"

"Ha." Stiano finally gave a knowing smile for the first time, "Because Constantine also did not have the confidence to complete the ritual of becoming a god of the "Perfect", so he secretly jumped to the "Knowledge Emperor" (Hermit Path Sequence 1


Why don't you just dance Cha Cha here?

A two-level reversal, right?

Even Jon, a fun-loving person, feels the wonderfulness of fate.

"Those who are not high-sequenced in this pathway cannot detect the changes in this pathway." Stiano became more and more happy as he talked, "That guy Constantine wanted to trick me, but ended up jumping into the trap himself."

What else can Jon say, just applaud and that's it.

Stiano said in a sigh: "The Fourth Age is over. Due to the impact of war, civilization is devastated and everything is in ruins. I thought that I could not completely digest the 'Enlightener' potion, so I made a desperate move and forcibly accommodated the Oneness to become a god. As a result,

Due to the factors of the times at that time, I was lucky enough to succeed, but I became a Sequence 0 with the most unstable foundation, and there was a possibility of falling down at any time."

"And Russell's appearance helped you eliminate hidden dangers." Jon said.

Stiano nodded: "From this point of view, I am very grateful to him."

Jon's tone was subtle, "The way you express gratitude is to turn his stupid son into an idiot who only knows how to praise steam?"

Stiano took it for granted: "Being born sacred and eternally glorious, isn't it the highest honor?"

It can only be said that differences in ideas led to Russell and Steam parting ways.

Stiano has good intentions but does bad things.


Nor can we expect men with science majors to have any emotional intelligence.

Just like Stiano, in modern times, if you want to buy a gift for your girlfriend during the holidays, you might not have to search for "Chinese Valentine's Day gift box. My girlfriend was moved to tears when she received it"...

"As long as you're happy." Jon twitched his lips.

Then he stood up and walked outside.

Stiano was stunned and stood up: "You..."

Jon turned around, "What for?"

"Are you planning to take away my uniqueness and extraordinary characteristics?" Stiano asked in a daze.

"Are you that impatient?" Jon said amusedly: "If you don't want to keep it, I can't help you keep it for a while."

"Keep it safe for me..." Stiano seemed to understand something, with a look of shock on his face.

Jon spread his hands: "From the beginning to the end, I never said that I wanted your extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness. You were just talking to yourself. You are still qualified as a "perfectionist", so continue to be one."

Stiano opened his mouth.

At this time, Jon said again: "Whether your attitude today is sincere or against your will, in short, the promise of 'that guy' is destined to not be fulfilled... Hehe, only a fool will believe in him."

Lie to outsiders and lie to your own people.

Even lie to yourself.

The Lord of Mysteries?

It’s just Amon plus Pro max ultra.


Are you just here to knock things out?

Stiano understood.

A trace of joy of surviving the disaster flashed through my heart.

"Your Majesty Jon, I will know what to do in the future." Stiano said solemnly: "Please rest assured."

Jon looked at the young man not far away who was too perfect to look like a human being, and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "So - I like to deal with smart people the most."

"Captain Lynn, on standby."

After the mysterious Bradley and the dangerous witch disappeared, Lynn returned to her usual vitality.

When she came to the outside world, she still maintained her miniscule figure, flying around Klein like a little bee.

Klein was helpless, but he could only let her act nonsense.

Lynn was in a really good mood, and kept chattering like a machine gun: "The danger is over."

"My hunch is not wrong. As long as we follow this road, we will definitely reach a safe place."

"We're about to get out of trouble. Why don't you smile, Klein? Is it because you don't like to laugh?"

"I would say that after returning to the real world, you should stay away from this land. The compatibility between this place and me is too different... No, the compatibility with you is too different."

Buzz buzz...

Klein was already feeling a little irritated because of his spiritual damage, but now that this happened again, he felt even more irritated.

But he still did not blame Lynn, but said softly: "Don't let down your guard, your intuition is not 100% accurate. Have you forgotten your previous experience?"

Hearing this, Lynn's face fell.


Under the interference of external forces, she can easily make wrong judgments.

There is a saying that if it weren't for himself, Klein would not be in danger and would have difficulty getting out of trouble.

"Sorry, sorry, I will make it up to you later." Lynn stuck out her tongue: "Do you still remember those treasures in my coffin? We will go back to that place after we get out, and then all those treasures will belong to you, and I will have one

Do not want any."

An unknown dark place?

Something suddenly occurred to Klein's mind.

The lost ‘Artificial Death’ and ‘Green Life Form No. 2’ are also known as ‘Vegetable Man’…

The two of them should get along well, right?

Klein shook his head.

A dog would step into such an obvious trap.

What about the extraordinary characteristics of the ‘Miracle Master’?

I don't care!

Anyway, unless it's a last resort, Klein can't go back until he's killed... Mainly because he really can't find him.

So, just forget it.

Klein didn't answer, and Lynn didn't continue.

But she still couldn't stop talking, discussing the surrounding scenery with Klein.

"This tree is ugly."

"This stone is ugly."

"This bush is ugly."

"This scorpion...eh? This scorpion is pretty good-looking, and it has patterns on it."


Klein reacted quickly and pulled Lynn down, "Don't move!"

Lynn was startled, but did not resist.

Klein looked solemn and pointed forward, "Look."

Lynn looked into the distance.

But I saw a red ocean surging in the distance.

Densely packed.

They are all scorpions as red as jade!

"It's relatively safe...I believe you." Bradley's terrifying face flashed through Klein's mind. After thinking for a while, he added: "Yes, after so many years, it is normal for things to change."

Then comes the multiple choice question.

Which one should I choose, the road ‘destined to return to the real world but full of danger’ or the ‘unknown’ road?

Klein lowered his citrine bracelet and silently divined.

Lynn was also relying on intuitive judgment and said with some uncertainty: "Although it looks scary, it doesn't seem... that dangerous?"

Klein said nothing.

After a while, he put away the bracelet and checked his status.

Probably 30% to 40% of the peak period.

Very weak.



Help me, Miss Renee!

Reach forward and fish it out.

Klein fished out 'Kleni Cape' from the pores of history - a typical Loen noble girl with a cold face. She wore a black palace skirt, which highlighted her slender figure and noble temperament; her eyes were deep and quiet,

It seems that there are endless stories and secrets; the fingers are slender and as white as jade.

She didn't speak, as if she was in an independent world, and her whole person was enveloped in a mysterious and inviolable atmosphere.

Klein looked at it for a moment and nodded affirmatively.

"As expected of me."

This chapter has been completed!
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