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Chapter 779 KantoAn unexpected surprise

Snap, snap.

Jon: "Hiss..."

Snap, snap.

Jon: "Tsk..."

Snap, snap.

Jon: "Well..."

Looking at the golden Magikarp at his feet who kept using "Water Splash", he slapped his thigh: "Okay, I'll evolve you first!"

"Nidorino?" Nidorino, who recovered from the Pokémon Center and evolved automatically, looked puzzled, as if he was asking the trainer why he wanted to tame such a weak Pokémon.

"Don't underestimate people, even a speaker cricket has the possibility of becoming a knight." Jon knelt down and touched Nidorino's head.

Well, it's a bit awkward.

He calmly retracted his hand: "Speaking of which, Gyarados is very powerful, and the next gym is mainly composed of rock-type Pokémon. There is a water-type Pokémon that will be much easier to fight."

"Nido Nido!" Nidorino was obviously unconvinced.

Rock-type Pokémon?

Just a rookie.

It depends on whether I can knock them over with my "two kicks" or not.

"Okay, when we get to the big city, I'll find you a moon stone. Now you can adapt to your evolved body."

After some words of comfort, Jon put away Magikarp.

Theoretically, there is only one condition for the evolution of King Magikarp - experience points.

Unfortunately, most Magikarp only have the "Water Splash" skill and have no combat capabilities at all, so evolution is out of the question.

But it's different with a trainer.

With the goal established, Jon began to take Nidorino to level up in the Evergreen Forest.

All kinds of bugs, Bobo, Pidgeots and the like suffered disaster.

While Joe was adding practical experience to Nidorino, he asked Magikarp to come out and mend his tail at the right time.

There is indeed no 'experience value' setting in the real world, but after being picked up and thrown out by the trainer so many times, this big golden fish finally learned the extra attack skill, 'impact'.

Three days later.

"Okay! Magikarp, use impact!"

At the command, King Carp slammed into the water and defeated the mosquito tadpoles that were taking a nap.

Snap, snap, snap.

After winning the battle, King Magikarp flicked his tail happily, with clear stupidity in his eyes.

"Very good, Magikarp, well done~" Jon smiled and fed Magikarp some energy cubes.

Of course, he did not forget the mosquito-repellent tadpoles as his sparring partners.

It’s not easy for wild Pokémon either.

Except for some Pokémon with bad tempers who would actively attack humans, the remaining sparring partners all received Jon's energy cubes as compensation.

"Nido Nido~" Nidorino opened his mouth, indicating that he also wanted to eat.

Jon is naturally not stingy.

The more you eat, the faster you grow.

Compared with ordinary Nidorino, this one with different colors is completely larger than other Nidorino.

Special energy cubes, coupled with Qiao's unique cultivation method.

It is not difficult to imagine that even if it evolves into Nidoking, the heterochromatic Nidoking will definitely be able to easily crush the same race.

When you meet Nidoking from Evergreen Gym again, you can win without those small tricks.

Scanning the surrounding environment, Jon scratched his eyebrows and said, "Speaking of which, I've been here for three days and I haven't seen a single Bulbasaur. I'm really unlucky."

Although there is no Pokédex, Qiao's memory is not impeccable.

Rare Pokémon like Bulbasaur exist in the Evergreen Forest, but the chance of encountering them is very small.

Originally, he thought that if he could encounter one, he would tame one easily.

It seems that the Garlic Bastard is destined to miss him...

"Pikachu has encountered a few, but unfortunately I don't like electric mice." Jon pulled out a piece of grass and put it in his mouth.

He was thinking about whether to go through the Evergreen Forest to the Dark Gray City.

"You guy, your experience points grow too slowly." Jon complained softly as he lowered his head and looked at the golden carp swimming in the river.

Magikarp looks back.

Snap, snap, snap.

I don’t know why I used ‘Water Splash Jump’.

Jon: Smile.

Baby dances so well~

Love your own children.

For the red Gyarados, Mr. Qiao paid absolutely enough patience.

Seeing that it was getting later and later, Jon fished Magikarp out of the river and put it in the Poké Ball, planning to set up a tent and spend the night.

Just as he lit the bonfire and set up the tent, his ears suddenly moved and he looked deep into the forest.

"Nido Nido!" Nidorino's perception was also very keen, and he suddenly showed a vigilant look.

"Don't be nervous, maybe it's just a lost trainer who wants to come over and join forces." Jon comforted in a low voice.

After a while, a tall and thin man wearing a white coat and thick bottle-bottom glasses came staggering over. He looked like a researcher.

Seeing Jon, he showed a happy expression on his face and shouted quickly: "Help me!"

"I smell the mission..." Jon smiled slightly and took the initiative to greet him.

At this moment, a poisonous thorn struck from the air.

Jon had quick eyesight and quick hands, and with a beautiful roundhouse kick, he shattered the stinger with brute force.

The pursuer didn't seem to expect that someone could block the Pokémon's moves, and couldn't help but widen his eyes. However, he was a ruthless Pokémon hunter after all. If he couldn't hit with one strike, he directed the big needle to shoot four or five poisonous stingers.

Swish, swish, swish!

The momentum is astonishing, and the attack of this big needle is much more powerful than that of the insect catching boy.

Unfortunately, the opponent he met was Jon, a humanoid Pokémon whose physique was comparable to that of the mythical beast.

"Ola Ola Ola!"

With one continuous attack, the attack becomes invisible.

Jon stood with his hands behind his hands, "Friends in the dark, why don't you come out and talk?"

"Hmph, mind your own business." The Pokémon hunter appeared from the depths of the forest with a livid face and evil eyes.

This guy is dressed in camouflage, has scars on his face, and looks extremely tough.

Jon was confused, how did a researcher get involved with a Pokémon hunter?

"Please, help me. I am a researcher at the Fossil Museum in Dark Gray City. I have very important research information on me, about... about resurrecting Pokémon..." The researcher must be too tired, and his body is at the end of its strength.

Before he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"In other words, you chose to take a desperate risk in order to snatch this important information?" Jon touched his smooth chin and reasoned reasonably.

"No, it's just that the weakling over there has a fossil helmet on his body. I want to snatch it and sell it for money." The Pokémon hunter spread his hands.

Although he focuses on catching wild Pokémon, he occasionally plays the role of a robber.

No matter how much money you make, you make money.

If he didn't dislike the lack of freedom, he would have wanted to join the Rockets.

Turning his eyes, he spotted Nidorino beside Jon.

"You're a good Pokémon breeder. With such a big Pokémon, you can definitely sell it for a good price."

"Nido Nido!" Nidorino roared in warning.

The Pokémon hunter didn't care and threw three or four more Pokémon balls.

In addition to the big tit at the beginning, there are also Arbor, Lada, Fiery Monkey and Spearow.

"I advise you not to resist, and hand over the Pokémon obediently. It will be good for you and me." The Pokémon hunter sneered.

In any case, his side had the upper hand in terms of 'number'.

How can a mere Nidorino stir up trouble?

"I'm so scared..." Jon spread his hands.

He turned to look at Nidorino: "This is a rare opportunity. Let me show you a few skills that you will learn after you evolve."

"Nido Nido?" Nidorino tilted his head.

"Watch Nidorino, the first move is called Freezing Punch." Jon said as he punched out two punches at lightning speed, directly freezing the Spearow.

The ice attribute has an outstanding effect on the flying attribute, coupled with Jon's incredible attack power, the Spearow was directly KOed, fluttering and falling from the air.

Nidorino's eyes showed admiration.

No matter how many times I’ve seen it, I still think my trainer is so handsome!

The Pokémon hunter was dumbfounded.


Are you a human, or a human disguised as a monster?

How the hell can you use the ‘Freeze Punch’?

Jon doesn't care so much.

After defeating the Spearow, he kept moving and dodged in front of the Fiery Monkey.

"And this move is called Lightning Punch!"


The huge fist was wrapped with electricity visible to the naked eye.

As a fighting Pokémon, Fiery Monkey instinctively stretched out its arms to resist.

But it's no use.

The power of 'Lightning Fist' has exceeded the limit of blocking.

Another move, and the fiery monkey was defeated.

The remaining Arbor monsters, Giant Needle Bees and Radha suddenly had their hairs standing on end.

It was like meeting a natural enemy, every cell in their body was warning them.

The guy opposite is very dangerous!

"Damn...damn it, who are you?" the Pokémon hunter gritted his teeth.

Unexpectedly, Spearow and Fiery Monkey were killed as soon as they met.

He was a little panicked.

But I couldn't bear to part with the fossil helmet on the researcher and the Nidorino that seemed to be selling well over there, and I was extremely confused.

"Huh, just a passing Pokémon trainer." Jon waved his hand, and blazing fire burst out from his palm, "Then, the last move of the farmer's three punches, the flame punch, watch it well and learn it well."


After receiving a response, Jon rushed into the enemy's Pokémon formation.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the giant needle bee flew directly into the sky.

Poor Abo Snake and Lada were punched one by one and banged twice by Jon, until they lost their souls and fell into a near-death state instantly.

"Oh shit!"

Even now, there is nothing I still don’t understand.

The kid opposite him was no match for him.

The Pokémon hunter ran away without even having time to stop the Stingy.


Although Nidorino's attention has always been on Jon, he has also been monitoring Pokémon hunters.

Upon seeing this, he opened his mouth and spit out a blue beam of light as thick as his thumb.


The Pokémon hunter's feet were frozen.

"Good job." Jon praised Nidorino promptly.

After saying that, he looked up at the giant needle wasp hovering in the sky: "Your trainer will abandon you, so there is no need to fight with me."

Big Needle Bee:BEE~BEE~BEE~

However, although.

Jon really understood and nodded: "It turns out that I was caught by accident. Well, I will let you go free. You can come down first."

The big Sting Bee flew down obediently, carrying its double thorns like a puppy and followed behind Jon's calf.

Nidorino snorted and drove away the attentive giant needle wasp.

Where did you get the green tea? Are you trying to seduce my trainer?

There are no doors!

Jon couldn't help but laugh.

But now is not the time to focus on these.

He came to the struggling Pokémon hunter and said, "Name, gender, occupation, tell me!"

"Damn, I'm in trouble today." The Pokémon hunter looked annoyed.

And extremely confused: "Are you a human? Why can you use Pokémon's moves?"

"Ah, I am a superpower." Jon lied casually.

In fact, even if I'm not lying, there are so many strange powers in this world, such as the power of superpowers, the power of Viridian, the power of waveguide... Isn't it normal for me to use a Pokémon skill?

The Pokémon hunter obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything else. He lowered his head and smiled bitterly: "Is it necessary to say this? Contact the police, I won't resist."

Because I can't resist.

He still knows how much he weighs.

No matter how hard you try, you can't beat Pokémon.

If you don't want to be hit by a lightning punch, fire punch or the like, it's better to be honest.

Jon was noncommittal.

After rummaging through the bag carried by the Pokémon hunter, he found many Pokémon balls.

The Pokémon hunter's eyes twitched.

These are all his gains these days...

Boo hoo hoo.

Rays of light flashed through.

Many Pokémon were released.

There are giant needle bees and big bees that can be seen everywhere, as well as Pikachu and walking grass.

Strangely, Jon also saw a weak Bulbasaur.

"Your business ability is really strong." Jon shook his head: "So many Pokémon are enough to put you in jail for many years."

"Oh, you are a fool if you don't make money. Whatever comes into my hands is mine." The Pokémon hunter was still arrogant.

However, Jon has already dialed 110 in this world, "Miss Junsha, I want to call the police."

Half an hour later.

A green-haired beauty came over on a motorcycle with a wind speed dog.

Several ambulances from the Elf Center followed closely behind.

After listening to Jon's explanation of the situation, Miss Junsha looked at the Pokémon hunter sternly and took out the handcuffs that symbolized sanctions.

All Pokémon, including Bulbasaur, as well as Spearow and Blaze who had been KOed by Jon before, all got into the ambulance.


During this process, the self-proclaimed researcher of the Dark Gray City Museum has woken up.

He thanked Jon profusely.

And presented a stone that is said to be very precious...


It is not the fossil helmet or ammonite fossil as imagined.

It is a stone whose function so far no one can understand.

"This is the keystone." Jon blinked, feeling a little surprised.

In this timeline, super evolution, also known as maga evolution, has not been developed.

"Ho ho, that's interesting." Jon accepted the key stone with a smile, and planned to try his luck in the mountains when he had time to see if he could find an exclusive super stone (maga stone) or something like that.

Nidoking does not have a maga form.

However, Gyarados can do it.

And there's more.

The third Pokémon that Jon plans to capture also has a maga form.

"First go to the Dark Gray Market and get the badge, then go into the mountains and look for the Moon Stone and the Super Stone. Yeah, that's it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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