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Chapter 881 In order not to become BOSS, I decided to reverse time

Chiri: despicable, shameless, outrageous.

Jon: Correct, objective, and to the point.

Biting Lu Shark: Don't say it anymore, Master Qiaoqiao can give me happiness. I...I can't live without that big dragon power.


No one expected that the boss of Team Galaxy, who we had high hopes for, would fall at his doorstep.

That Sima face could no longer remain calm.

He cursed.

He was hysterical.

But in the end, he still lowered his head.

"I'm not convinced." Chiri gritted his teeth, "The ending shouldn't be like this. I have already obtained the white jade orb and the diamond orb. As long as you give me some more time, nothing can stop me."

"Give you some time, give you some space, do you want to seek psychological comfort next? You are the leader of an evil organization, not an OL who is in urgent need of emotional value after get off work." Jon spread his hands: "Who asked you to take the initiative? He's dead because he offended me."

Chiri was speechless.

If you could use an adjective to describe his mood.

That should be... regret.

It's so good, why do you have to provoke this lunatic?

Giratina didn't even say a word about his character, but he offended someone first.

It's better now.

The business failed half way through.

Suixing and Zhenxing...

They should come to save themselves.

And Hades.

never mind.

That guy is just reluctant to part with Team Galaxy's funds, and may not be of the same mind as him.

Worried about gains and losses, Chiri was escorted into a police car

——Hikari-chan called the police, contribution 1

The matter has come to an end.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were so tired that they sat back to back on the ground and panted.

"Is this actual combat?"

"It's really different from gym battles and the like."

It cannot be said that they made no contribution.

It has also been restricted in its performance to a certain extent.


Tired and tired.

Excitement is excitement.

He likes to fight, loves to fight, and fights again.

The two of them will not miss this opportunity next time.

Jon approached with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work." He said: "The alliance will definitely give you certain rewards. Don't leave EMI City in a short time."

After a pause, he added: "Of course, I won't leave either."

"Really! Great!" Xiaozhi cheered.

That little thought was written all over my face.

Jon sees through things without telling them.

People are kind enough to help.

No more sweetness.

It's time for the friendship boat to capsize.

As for Shijana...


Let’s buy Shan Niu some brand-name shoes and bags.

(Xiaogang: What about me?)

the other side.

A path in a forest.

Zhenxing: Fuck, Zhulan is still chasing me!

He looked miserable and his clothes had several holes in them.

Not far behind, Zhu Lan, dressed in black and stepping on the back of the biting land shark, looked like a life-seeking evil ghost, with a cold face and hot pursuit.

"Give up resistance and hand over the white jade orb."

Zhenxing's eyes flashed: "Dream!"

"Is that so? Then there is nothing we can do." Zhulan's expression did not change.

As the words fell, he bit the land shark and spat out "Dragon Waves" from its mouth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Zhenxing felt a violent wave of air rising around him.

For a moment, he could only roll to avoid it.

Fortunately, Zhulan was kind-hearted and didn't beat anyone to death.

Otherwise, just this one blow could kill Zhenxing!

After rolling on the ground a few times, Zhenxing stood up unsteadily.

After the previous battles, he didn't have a single usable Pokémon at hand.

"The so-called desperate situation should be the current situation." Zhenxing smiled bitterly.

Then a determined look flashed across his face: "Although I don't completely agree with the boss's plan, I am a cadre of Team Galaxy. If you want to get back the white jade orb, you should kill me first."

While talking, Zhulan jumped down and bit Lu Shark fiercely: "The other members have surrendered, do you still want to resist?"

"Resisting stubbornly? Haha, if one Zhenxing falls, tens of millions of Zhenxing will stand up! As long as the boss is still there, Team Galaxy will not fall!"

It's a coincidence.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the phone on Zhenxing's body rang.

He laughed: "Zhulan, you're done, my reinforcements are coming."

Hearing this, Zhulan showed a trace of uneasiness on her face.


In order to recover the white jade orb, she was too far away from the large army.

If the Galaxy team adopts wheel battle.

There is still a slight possibility of defeating yourself.

Zhenxing answered the phone in front of Zhulan: "Boss..."

Listened for a few seconds.

His face became visibly darker.

Zhulan was a little confused.

But he was very polite and did not disturb the other party.

Zhenxing's face alternately turned red and blue.

Sometimes I sigh, sometimes I sigh.

Zhulan became more and more confused.

After hanging up the phone, Zhenxing took out the white jade orb.

"I'm going to participate in the fair and vote for it!"

Zhulan heard a hint of resentment from the other party's tone, and 'hating iron cannot become steel'?

what happened?

She thought to herself.

Zhenxing simply handed over the white jade orb: "I gave this treasure to you, can you let me live?"

To be honest, Zhulan was worried that the white jade orb was fake, a prop used by Zhenxing to make it look fake.

Seeing that Zhulan didn't speak, Zhenxing thought that he didn't have enough bargaining chips, so he asked again: "If I can give you some more information about Suixing cadres, can you give me a way out?"


Did she miss something?

Why do I feel like I can’t follow the plot anymore?

"Stop pretending! Didn't your alliance know the identity of Boss Chiri a long time ago, so you arrested him?" Zhenxing smiled bitterly: "We fell short. We were working hard outside, and the crystal was stolen."

Red sun?

President of Sun Group.

He is the boss of Team Galaxy!

Zhulan couldn't react at the moment.

However, this reaction turned into the indifference and ruthlessness unique to the Sinnoh champion.

I know there is no way I can leave.

Zhenxing simply sat down on the ground.

"I should be considered as surrendering on my own initiative. It would be okay to be treated leniently."

Zhulan pondered for a moment and decided to put away the white jade orb first.

Take the treasure in your hands.

She keenly discovered that this thing did not seem to be fake.


Zhenxing's reaction is very thought-provoking.

Chiri was arrested?

Who did it.

Wu Song?

Did that reliable migrant worker find the mastermind behind Team Galaxy from clues and hastily form a team to arrest Chi Ri without having time to ask for instructions?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! That’s it.

That's quite reasonable.

But the Zhulan woman's intuition told her.

I'm afraid this matter is not that simple!

"Actually, it's that simple."

Jon nodded to Zhulan: "In short, it's a story of stealing chicken but losing rice."

Zhulan was speechless.

She never imagined that Chi Ri's downfall would be so absurd.


This Team Galaxy BOSS is too petty.

Ruin someone's reputation.

Is this kind of thing possible?

What's the difference between it and those female junior high school students who form small groups and deliberately isolate specific people?

"This is what happened, this is the situation. After I accidentally learned the identity of the BOSS of the Red Sun Galaxy Team, I arrested him without having time to say hello to you. And the result, as you can see,

Very smooth."

Jon stirred the coffee in the cup carelessly: "The Galaxy Team headquarters in Zhuqing City and EMI City were destroyed, and the leader Chiri was arrested. It's really gratifying and gratifying."


do not do that.

You are so efficient that you make me look like FIVE.

Although she had made a relatively accurate judgment on Qiao Qiao's abilities during the Pokémon Hunting Group incident, after this incident, Zhulan found that she still underestimated him.

It is clear at a glance which of the two things is more difficult, "I can't recover the White Jade Orb after exhausting my efforts" or "It is easy to break through Team Galaxy's base and capture its leader".

Zhulan sighed: "How about you become the champion?"

"No!" Jon refused decisively: "It's not that I refuse, but I can't let King Wu Song feel cold."

Zhulan stopped talking.

She closed her eyes and began to think about what to do next.

Chiri knelt down.

Zhenxing knelt down.

Plus the previous partners.

The Galaxy's senior team seems to have only one star left.

According to intelligence, Suixing has successfully obtained the diamond orb.


There is also a scientist codenamed "Pluto" who also occupies a large say in Team Galaxy.

"So, the next opponents are Suixing and Pluto?" Zhulan murmured to herself.

Ignore Pluto for now.

Sui Xing is a problem.

Because she has the diamond orb in her hand, she has mastered the power to awaken the mythical beast.

Considering the old events of Fengyuan.

This is a lesson for the Lava Group and the Water Fleet Group.

Zhulan feels that Suixing, who has the diamond orb in his hands, is more dangerous than Chiri!

Take a long breath.

She looked at Jon: "Anyway, I still have to thank you this time."


Without Jon's 'magic touch', she would not only have to consider Sui Xing, but also whether Sinnoh has the ability to withstand the awakening of the two gods.

"It's all what I should do!" Jon showed a righteous expression: "Alliance patrols love the people, Alliance patrols love the people."

Now he felt more and more that the official identity A'Du had given him was very useful.

And his level is high enough.

If anything happens, you can deal with it first and report it later without fear of taking the blame.

Aliado, Adu, when there is a chance to fight in the future, I will never use dragon power to seduce your dragon.

All right.

At most, it can seduce a little bit.

Thoughts spread out.

Jon thought of the fiercely bitten land shark that he bullied over.

Being regarded as a trump card by Team Galaxy's boss Akari, the Bite Land Shark is definitely a championship-level Pokémon against the champion's Noble Phantasm.


He doesn't really like this kind of 'family' who joins halfway.

Especially those brought over by cattle.

So, Qiaoen asked Zhulan: "Lao Lan, do you want your husband to take the fierce bite land shark? As long as you open the golden mouth, I will send it to you immediately."


Let’s not talk about husband matters first.

What the hell is that title?

She coughed lightly: "What on earth are you going to say?"

"It's like this. By chance, I conquered Red Sun's Biting Land Shark, but I have no plans to add more Pokémon for the time being." Jon rubbed his hands: "You can take over."


When I typed this question mark, it wasn’t that I had a problem, but that you had a problem!

That being said.

But she was really interested in Chi Ri's fierce bite of the land shark.

So, the Sinnoh champion said: "Let me Kang Kang your mainland shark!"

love at first sight.

Love each other.

Together they are beautiful.

Too beautiful to behold.

Two biting land sharks, hello and me.

Beside her, Zhulan looked pleased, but a little complicated.

The child is older.

Being a mother is both happy and sad.

Probably similar to this feeling.


Biting Lu Shark and her are best friends.

It doesn't seem to make any difference when I see my best friend getting married. They are all just as sad and complicated.

"Then, I will leave this biting land shark to you." Jon put the elf ball in Zhulan's hand: "Treat him well and don't over-squeeze him."

Zhulan pretended to be calm: "It is difficult for dragon-type Pokémon to reproduce, and it usually takes a long time..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jon: "What I mean is, don't make biting the land shark too tiring, and fight with moderation."

What kind of battle?

Zhulan is curious.

But she didn't ask, just nodded slightly.

Talk about things.

I got a Pokémon that can be used as a trump card for nothing.

Zhulan's strength skyrocketed.

I feel more confident about my next actions.

"This is my gift to the two biting land sharks. Next, I will take a rest in EMI City." Jon handed Zhulan a box of hardcover Pokémon dumplings, deliberately looking tired.


Zhulan was moved when she saw it.


Even Qiao Qiao must be exhausted after taking down two Galaxy bases in a row.

As for Sui Xing, you can do it yourself.

I can't bother anyone anymore.

"wanna die."

At the Galaxy team's sub-base, Sui Xing collapsed on his desk.

Happiness comes suddenly.

The shock was even more sudden.

Eyes closed and opened.

I have become the supreme commander of Team Galaxy.

The BOSS is actually me?

No no no.

Do not make jokes.

The star doesn't want to take over the Galaxy team's mess at all.

Before, when Boss Chiri was still here.

good for everyone.

Now not only is the Chiri boss gone, but Zhenxing is also gone.

Counting previous partners.


Team Galaxy is empty.

"I want to die." Sui Xing sighed again.

If nothing else happens, he will definitely be targeted by the Sinnoh champion.

Maybe, Inspector Qiao Qiao, who killed the Chiri boss, will come to trouble him too.

No matter how you look at it, it is death.

"Lao Da, I miss you." Suixing muttered to himself vaguely, thinking of Chi Ri's Sima face.

It would be nice if time could go back.


Wait a moment.

Give me a moment!

Sui Xing seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked at the diamond orb in front of him with wide eyes.

According to legend, the Diamond Orb is the key item to awaken Dialga, the God of Time.

If he were the God of Time, could he reverse time?

The more I think about it, the more excited I become.

The more excited you are, the more you think about it.

Sui Xing made a bold decision.


To turn back time.

Save Team Galaxy!

Sui Xing suddenly felt a surge of pride filling his chest.

She doesn't want to die.

It's like I've found a new goal in life.

However, it is still unreliable for one person to do this.

After thinking for a while, Sui Xing called Team Galaxy's only scientist: Pluto.

Pluto's side was also in chaos, and was even considering whether to wake up Sidorane in advance to put pressure on the Pokémon Alliance and take the opportunity to rescue Chiri and the two leaders.

As a result, I received a call from Sui Xing.

He changed his mind.

"Theoretically it's possible." Pluto said.

Pushing up his glasses, he added: "It may be a bit dangerous in practice."

This chapter has been completed!
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