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Chapter 140 The back of the gold coin

Since landing, Kraft felt like he had not walked a few steps on the road in Westminster, repeating the process of getting on and off the bus, jumping from one scene to another like a montage.

The van body is not large in size, but it is pulled by two tall and strong draft horses. It is tightly shielded and has numerous carved windows that are neither light-transmitting nor light. When tapped lightly, it emits a heterogeneous composite sound of a mezzanine.


"The inside is made of iron." Martin fastened the latches on the windows on both sides, lit the candlesticks fixed on the compartment wall, and sat on the opposite side. "The outside is decorated with a layer of wood to ensure that it will not be pierced by arrows. It is very


"This shouldn't be the first time you've promised me this."

The carriage started to move, and the sturdy carriage did not give the guests much confidence. If the assassination of the pagans encountered at the beginning can be normalized, then the deep atmosphere of man-made disappearances makes no guarantee a reason to rest assured.


"Any clues about the pagan and the devil's cherry?"

"My dear professor, it's only half the night. Two hours is not enough for anyone to give any results." Martin said with a wry smile. He noticed Kraft's sideways glance at his face and raised his hand to wipe it.

I took a handful of it, and sure enough I got a patch of red.

During these two hours, this guy obviously didn't do all the business, and he acted like a time manager.

"If the two things are connected, the people behind the scenes are much more efficient than us." Kraft held his left arm, closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair. Apart from the running of the draft horse, he could still hear the sounds from both sides.

The sound of horse hooves kept pace with the vehicle, "What's outside?"

"Our people." Seeing his nervousness, Martin opened a crack in the window, and several riders in light armor sandwiched the carriage in the middle.

The window was quickly closed again, but this time it was enough for Kraft to see the low, simple buildings far away from the riverside, far away from the center of the city.

After a while, the hard stone pavement under the wheels turned into a more bumpy and bumpy muddy dirt road. Poorly repaired wild roads can sometimes knock passengers out of their seats.

The sound of horse hooves on both sides followed him all the time. Relying on his familiarity with the road and his excellent riding skills, he moved forward under the limited lighting of torches, and was able to pull Kraft to a level higher than Len.

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This reveals a considerable emphasis. Such a cavalry requires a lot of personnel, equipment, and years of training. As a core force, if you are brave enough, you can attack a small temporary army with less martial ethics.


No matter how wealthy the Westminster region is, mobilizing them can only be done by the core power.

The meaning of being seconded out of the city so late at night to escort a scholar to an unknown place is obvious.

After a long journey that was difficult to estimate in the dark night, the carriage slowed down and the carriage tilted slightly backwards.


On a very long uphill slope, the vehicle pauses for a moment when it reaches a certain height. When the passengers think that this is the top of the slope, it turns and climbs up again.

As someone who has such a long road in front of his home, Kraft can easily think of something similar. The slope is not suitable for use on straight up and down terrain, zigzag curves. But compared with this seemingly endless length

, the project on the hill behind Wood Town is like a miniature toy in the hands of a child.

The vehicle repeatedly rises and turns. The journey, which is longer than a small intestine, gradually makes people feel indifferent. They even forget how many turns they have turned. It is impossible to estimate how high it has risen. However, intuitively, the climb between each turn can be felt.

The time is shortening, indicating that they will reach their destination.

He was surprised by the military knowledge he received from his grandfather and felt envy that he couldn't conceal. After all, who wouldn't want to have such a long and cool steep slope in front of their castle?

When the long ramp finally came to an end, the spokes drove onto the flat road again. The bright light and the sound of rapid negotiations briefly passed through the window cracks, and then paused in front of two mechanisms driven by heavy chain winches, and another level was reached.

Finally, the carriage stopped completely amid the sound of approaching beetles.

"We're here, Professor Craft."

Martin opened the door and got out of the car first. A clear metal cone with holes protruded from the shadows. It was the sharp mouth of a pig-faced helmet, heading towards Martin.

"Martin? My brother, life is really hard without you." The owner of the helmet opened his mask and gave him a hug with the breastplate covered with white oak leaf heraldry and blue cloth. "Without the protagonist, Anna is

She won't invite us to her afternoon party."

"We'll talk later, Barro. There are guests here who must be taken to the inner castle. Is the door open?"

"You know, the people guarding the inner gate at night are tougher than the wall, and even the echo cannot be heard. Take that road." A knight about the same age as Martin picked out from the hands of soldiers wearing the same blue cloth armor.

A torch that burns brightest is given to Martin for use.

Martin rubbed his almost dented sternum, frowned unsuspectingly and asked, "My guests are more important, do we need to discuss it?"

"Either you can wait until the sun rises tomorrow, and we will line up here to welcome you through the main gate." The Knight with the Oak Leaf Herald lowered his mask, tapped his breastplate and saluted Kraft who had just got off the carriage, "Welcome, distinguished guest, but

We are not the rule makers here."

He took the soldiers through a routine inspection of the carriage, regrouped and left. The array of lighting torches illuminated a part of their environment for Kraft. It was as tall as before, or even taller.

The man-made building, made of uncut square stones, rises into the darkness that blends into the night, and its vertical posture carries a sense of oppression as if it is about to collapse at any time.

Martin led him to explore for a while under the man-made cliff, and found an inconspicuous small door at the corner. "I'm afraid we have to take a detour here."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "I don't mind."

Being able to walk a few more steps is also a good choice for an unfortunate "guest" who is very full after dinner and has been bumped all the way. He followed Martin and stepped onto the spiral staircase behind the door.

Then it was an endless climb. The left-hand staircase didn't even have windows, only empty niches with sunken spaces at intervals. It was so repetitive that it felt like walking in a space connected end to end. Surprisingly, even these niches

It penetrated more than an arm's length into the wall without digging through the stone bricks or affecting the stability of the building.

The closed and limited environment and thickness once reminded people of being suffocated by a sea of ​​rocks under the southern hills, or some otherworldly game designer stalling for time to load the next big scene. He was very interested in allowing Martin to take this path.

I feel a little regretful.

But this is indeed just an illusion caused by repetition. In fact, after counting more than two hundred steps, an identical small door was embedded on the left side.

Martin opened the door for him, and a stone road wide enough for carriages to pass appeared in front of him, extending straight in the unobstructed space. At the far end, a towering silhouette like a mountain hovered in the field of vision, wearing a tooth-shaped

Crown of light.

Shocked by this sight, Kraft was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed the arrow parapets on both sides of the road, which were above an extremely wide barrier. He was pushed out of the door frame by the wonder of the giant thing in his heart, and stepped onto what seemed like the next step.

The building that is about to be destroyed in seconds, appearing like an illusion in this vast and empty night, looks down with admiration for the builder.

The patrol's torches were as small as sparks in the ashes. On the other side of the wall was a slightly sloping trapezoidal barrier, facing the endless hillside.

He looked back to where he had come from, and found that he was walking out of the same majestic building as the one on the other side. They were two towers at angles to each other, with bright lights and flames burning in the dark night.

With two towers and a huge trapezoidal sloped wall, Kraft immediately understood that this was not the first time he had seen it.


Its image is imprinted on every most cherished and sought-after thing, and is spread throughout the kingdom. However, only when you see it with your own eyes, you will understand why it occupies one of them.

A miracle in North's military history, an unassailable fortress, a defender of the crown, and an immortal oak.

The confusion and reasoning along the way were all confirmed here, and the most astonishing but also the most reasonable guess became a reality.

"Westminburg! Martin, you can really hide it!"

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