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Chapter 182: Necrosis of the Bone

Kraft clenched his fist to completely wrap the pendant, holding on to the light that had not been noticed by more people. "Okay, give the patient some space to rest quietly. Too many people and noise is not conducive to recovery."

"The Duke hopes that you and Knight Martin will meet as soon as possible after you have rested. Someone will come to remind you then, Professor." The guard finally exited the room, and before leaving, he did not forget to remind him, "It is related to this matter."

"Of course, I also want to know what happened." Kraft nodded in agreement and motioned for Coop to close the door and lock it.

Hearing the footsteps fade away, he half-closed the curtains and opened his palms. The pendant, which was inlaid with the condensation of giant mushrooms from deep within, emitted a faint red light in his palms. Compared with what could be observed in the dark before,

Starry red light, now it is just a piece of solidified blood flame set on a metal piece, second only to the state when facing the "angel" directly.

This triggered Coop's stress reaction, and he instinctively hid by the door and touched the hammer handle.

Kraft stood up and walked around the room with the pendant in hand. The red light dimmed and brightened again, showing an unmistakable change in brightness as he approached the bed.

Yin Feng also noticed this very familiar trinket, and watched Kraft spin it around the room, and finally turned it back to him, looking up at him for no apparent reason.

The two stared at each other.

"Yin Feng, I know it may be very uncomfortable to take the initiative to recall that experience..." After considering the words, a more compromise statement was chosen to prevent the girl from mistakenly thinking that this was a question.

"You may have been affected by some bad effects. It's not obvious now, but it may cause some... symptoms in the future. So you need to know specifically what happened that day, okay?"

He pulled up a chair, sat in the sunshine, and put his hands together as if he were having a normal conversation. "It's just a chat between us, starting from the morning. For example, was the breakfast that day delicious?" while guiding the topic to something easier.

At the beginning, Kraft was observing Yin Feng's reaction.

After encountering a terrible incident that threatens fatality, it is not a good thing to bring it up in a short period of time. If Yin Feng's mental state is not suitable to continue the conversation, he will choose to temporarily terminate the conversation and get an overview from the Duke first.

However, the fact is that Yin Feng behaved calmer than the best imagined situation. This calmness is not reassuring. After this kind of contact, normal people should undoubtedly have a severe and far-reaching negative impact, and her condition is like

Unsuccessful in eliciting pain reflex.

"Two slices of bread?" she replied, going on to recall, "Then I finished my homework for the day until noon, when a man named Brimmer came."


A professor of humoral science at Rivers University and a disciple of Professor Fernand, it is quite reasonable for this name to appear on the visiting list.

"What is he here for?"

"He wanted your manuscript, saying it was related to... academic gathering arrangements?" After briefly recalling the unfamiliar terms, Yin Feng said a little proudly, "I didn't let him touch your things."

"Oh, that thing isn't that important, but you did the right thing." Kraft would not say that he planned to write the speech at the academic gathering. His schedule was full of selective writing of the monograph.

This does not seem to be what a mature person in the industry should do. Even if it is nominally related to arranging an academic conference, it is too rude to ask for a manuscript that has not yet been published. What's more, it is not explained to me that it is normal for a slight accident to cause serious disputes.


The following narration shifted his impression of Brimmer from "presumptuous and immature" to "suspicious".

"He stayed and said he hoped I would change my mind."

To be sure, Brimer's behavior was not an unintentional mistake, but a clear purpose of requesting the manuscript. Based on Kraft's understanding of Rivers University, those were people with status and appropriate advances and retreats who made such a request.

It's not like the matter came from the academy, or from higher-ups like Professor Fernand.

"What next?"

"I spent an afternoon with the craftsmen, and they seemed to have some idea of ​​what you wanted." She described her day, from Brimmer's visit to the wasted afternoon, as calm as ever.

And as if it heralds the coming of the key point, there is some emotion in the description, but it is not fear, but something inexplicable, like walking out of a cave and standing in front of something more majestic than the towering mountain peaks.

, when I think back to it afterwards, I still have pure emotions that are still unfinished. It is not shock, trembling, or amazement, but it contains all of them.

She pursed her lips, as if she was moistening her lips, or as if she was reminiscing about something, "On the way back, I saw something near his residence."

"His place? What kind of thing?"

"They... are very beautiful, just like wearing mushrooms on their bodies and climbing up from the cliff." Those scenes were reproduced through language, and you can imagine how terrifying the scene was, "I saw the torches extinguished, and I looked for a place to hide.

At dawn."

A mature parasitic body was awakened in the place where the patrol team was least vigilant inside the castle. It climbed up the mountainside from the chasm that ordinary people could not cross. There was no way for anyone who encountered it to avoid it. Meeting them on a narrow road on the mountain road was almost synonymous with death.

But why are they awakened?

There is only one place in Westminster where there is a suspected bacterium, and the Duke does not have the ability to control a large group of bodies.

Unless there is a "channel" that connects to the deep layer, it happens to be right next to it, so that batches of bacteria find controllable objects nearby and temporarily come to the world.

A question that has been around for some time has been answered - the Petrie lecturer and the waiter who disappeared out of thin air at the dinner party. This answer became clear after understanding the principle of Edward's "disappearance": the pagans control a kind of stable energy.

A way to pull people in who connect with you on a deep level.

The premise is that the "spell caster" must be nearby, and deep in the banquet venue, inside Rivers University, the guy who can transform into a living person must be present.

In these two incidents, there were too few overlapping attendees.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! [Brimmer]

I didn't expect this guy to jump out on his own. Now that I think about it, there were early signs of his loss of control. He left the scene eagerly after the incident, which was somewhat inconsistent with his identity, but it was difficult to make the connection at the time.

"Did you see Brimer again?"

"I heard that a body was found in that room, but I couldn't identify if it was him." Yin Feng's eyelids were drooped and he couldn't see the focus of his vision.

"Don't be afraid. After all, they are just things that are no match for swords and armor." Kraft realized that he might have asked too many questions. He wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to say it properly. "You can think of them as some kind of wild beasts, like wolves."

s things."

Yes, they also go out in groups, hunting in the mushroom forest, and their target is the body of the prey.

I hope it won’t bring any indelible psychological trauma to the girl, Kraft thought. Yin Feng is the kind of person who is not good at expressing himself. He is used to being alone and digesting things that are difficult for adults to swallow alone. Even children

The most common emotional expression - I have never seen anyone cry.

In his eyes, Yin Feng is an angel in the education world. He has the studious and positive qualities that every teacher most wants to see. He is also the sensible child that guardians most want to see. However, this kind of sensibleness is not based on the operation of transparent principles.

In terms of rules, it is a behavioral pattern formed through observation that will least cause harm to oneself.

Therefore, it is best not to blindly rest assured based on the apparent calm. It is still necessary to pay continuous attention.

What's more, I do feel that something is not quite right. Although the logic expressed by Yin Feng is clear and consistent with her identity, the overall performance is based on intuition. No problem is a problem in itself.

"Alas." Kraft sighed and connected the mental organ, knowing that every time he used it, he would move closer to the deeper levels, but there would always be a time when he had to use it.

The internal structure of things is reflected in the mind, and the consciousness absorbs the complex information and sighs with satisfaction. The embedded objects in the arms that proliferate like geometric crystal clusters are oscillating continuously, and the small condensations precipitated under the skin tremble slightly.

After scanning Yin Feng's body, as expected, there was slight inflammation oozing out of the bronchus. However, it was limited to the large bronchi and had not spread down to the alveoli. It was probably caused by inhalation.

The ethereal, slender, near-humanoid object overlaps with the body and is detected by the spirit. Its appearance comes from its slight "fading". The difference with the surrounding material makes it appear in a slightly darker state, as if it is alone with some kind of dim color.

Expensive light exposure.

That is something that should not be seen under normal conditions, Yin Feng's mental body. And Kraft clearly remembers the last time he observed the mental body. It was when Kupu was deeply affected, and the "fading" of the mental body would be obvious.

The ground makes it different from the environment in the visual field of the spiritual senses, and with the deepening of the influence, it shows a tone that is closer to the deeper level.

Something quite "familiar" is attached to the mental body, and it seems to be the source of the change.

It was an equally illusory velvet mass, with loose threads intertwined with thin cloud-like spiritual bodies, like bacterial lawns rooted in the mist. The textures of the two were indeed similar, and the contact parts were almost indistinguishable from each other.


Within just half a day, Kraft once again felt cramping pain within two fingers of the left edge of the sternum, radiating to the diaphragm, thorax, shoulder and back, and even the posterior molars, accompanied by observable carotid arteries, pterional pulsations, and his eyeballs seemed to

It will be squeezed out by the rising pressure from behind.

The first time I saw this thing, my spiritual senses came into contact with it. The invisible force clamped down on the void existence, trying to separate the foreign matter stuck to the spiritual body.

The force that penetrates the physical object surrounds everywhere, tearing and pulling. The stimulated bacterium shrinks, reflexively trying to escape from the force of the spiritual senses, but to no avail.

However, this method of separation cannot clearly define the two. For example, invasive cancer tissue, bacterium and the mental body are similar in nature but have unclear boundaries. They blend with each other, involve them and also act on the host object, the mental body blockbuster

The earth is disturbed and on the verge of collapse.

After observing the rapid deterioration of Yin Feng's mental state, which was simultaneously reflected in phantom pain and lethargy in the corresponding parts, Kraft was forced to abandon the operation.

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