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Chapter 201 Signature

"The environment in Dunling has not gotten much better since the church tightened the noose." Willen followed Kraft leisurely and walked side by side among the salt pillar-like obelisks. "After most of the deaths were discovered, they were eventually

The first to be notified are the relatives of the deceased, and the second is the church. For those who have no relatives, the church will be mentioned first.”

"Identified people will be buried in the church cemetery. Ordinary cemeteries also have tombkeepers hired by the church to patrol to ensure that there will be no desecrating tomb robbing incidents such as peeking at the deceased's grave goods."

"I'm curious how you got...'research object'." Kraft disconnected his mental senses and stopped holding on to the nearest tombstone to maintain balance.

Dun Ling's colleagues twirled their fingers meaningfully, "There is no research object, at least no one has admitted that there is a research object. All our results are obtained through the interpretation of the great works of our ancestors and physical observation. There is no such thing as

Research object."

"Of course, there is no such thing as paying someone to bribe the tomb keeper and paying eight silver coins for tea and drinks to invite him to come to the academy. Sometimes when followers of Heavenly Father come to visit, they happen to encounter tomb robbers who run away in panic after being discovered and abandon the body.

It’s a very reasonable thing to do if you’re nearby.”

“Very reasonable.”

"It's great that you think so too. We have been troubled by the inability to reach a settlement with the Inquisition. The current situation is particularly difficult."

"It's always difficult for people to understand each other. Let's go take a look at the college's equipment." It's still early in the day, which is a good time to strike while the iron is hot to find more information, lest the other party reacts and discovers that the motives are impure after a long time.

This was not difficult. Wilen made a "this way please" gesture and brought several Rivers VIPs into the instrument storage room without thinking much. Because they behaved so naturally, the students who managed the storage did not even ask

Who are these new teachers I have never seen before?

Many metal instruments and glass instruments are stored on huge solid wood cabinets fixed to the wall. The upper floors need to step on a special ladder whose appearance is suspected to be inspired by a siege ladder to access it.

It is almost a glass pavilion, concentrating several generations of technological changes. From thick and thick translucent round bottles to thin-walled solid-color new instruments, creations of all levels have their place, and some of them are extremely transparent and incompatible with their peers.

Small pieces.

Seeing Kraft's curiosity, Viren took one off and handed it to him. The tiny ice cracks running through it showed that it was a finished product made from a whole piece of natural crystal hollowed out and ground.

"It's very luxurious, right? You may not see something like this anywhere else, and you won't see it again in the future."

They came to the latest white glass instrument storage cabinet, which should have been the product of the unlucky alchemist before he was buried in the mine. At this time, there were many vacancies on this shelf, like the gums of a child during the teething period.

It has gone and the new batch has not been replenished yet.

"The previous shortage of raw materials prevented us from replenishing it for a long time. We only got news this year, but there was another fire and a lot of damage was done. Since it was customized in Professor Morrison's private name, there were some delivery problems.

The rest are currently available, you just need to register here.”

"That's great." His eyes scanned the various containers on the shelf. The standard of glass craftsmanship can be seen from the church windows. The craftsmen here are no less advanced than those in Solace Harbor. He saw many challenges.

A plaything of imagination and skill.

Some bottles with strange shapes have the accessories and container melted together due to the lack of rubber connectors with sufficient airtightness. This includes a condensation tube, which is made by putting a bead-shaped inner tube inside an outer tube and sealing both ends.

It's done, it's welded directly to the flask, God knows how they clean it.

"Can I see the list?" He actually didn't care much about what was left here, but what was more important was what was missing.

The student took out a thick book from the drawer. There were half of the book with items entry and exit records and signatures in different handwriting. Kraft couldn't believe that this book may reflect most of the recent experimental activities of the medical school.

The things are in your hands.

Things come too quickly and easily, and it feels unreal.

Kraft calmly turned aside to block the pages of the book. The date separation carefully marked by the administrator provided a great help for reference, and he could easily go back to more than half a year ago.

However, a new difficulty arose. He saw a lot of unfamiliar names. Some people still used cursive script instead of abbreviations. The font reflected the historical writing tradition of medical staff. For real internal documents, no one except internal staff

Don't even try to understand what's written, it's hard to say it doesn't have a role in preventing audits.

The idea at the beginning was too simple. There was another problem. As a professor at the college, Morrison did not necessarily have to condescend to come to the warehouse to borrow signatures. The investigation was completely blind.

After turning a few pages, when Kraft was about to spend time memorizing the second half of the book and slowly comparing it, he was saved by a gorgeous signature that stood out from the crowd.


Maybe there are people named Kalman all over the world, but there happens to be a good calligraphy among them, and I'm afraid there won't be another one here.

The initial capital letter leads to a long and sharp serif that looks like a branch, and the other letters are like falling birds, leaning against each other. The smooth continuous strokes make people feel that they are carefully designed and signed at the end of a formal letter.

, rather than a daily signature.

According to the date of this record, about half a year ago, when Kraft was thinking about the origin of ore in Port Solace, Professor Kalman arrived in Dunling as scheduled.

Maybe earlier. After all, he came as quickly as possible after receiving the news. When he signed, he had already taken on the task of helping Morrison handle experimental affairs, and borrowed several knives, pliers, tweezers, and several more.

A quantitative measuring cup.

The starting and ending of the signature are coherent and completed in one go.

【He seems to be in good condition】

There was no trace of the same person who left a box of difficult and difficult experimental records. It was as if he had returned to a time of high spirits and was willing to devote his energy to everything the instructor ordered.

Flipping down two pages, he saw Professor Kalman's borrowing record again. Instead of returning it, they borrowed several quantitative containers, as well as medicaments that seemed to be used for surgery far more than drug processing.

Half a month later, after signing the same signature, the lab returned the original glass containers and surgical equipment - in the form of funds, and ordered the equipment room to find the original craftsman's shop to replenish them in the name of the college.

The reason was that instruments that came into contact with patients with severe infectious diseases could not be reused. Kalman's own handwriting even carefully supplemented the report, calling it mercury therapy, and syphilis patients who had failed to apply honey had their tumors removed.

Probably because he realized that the disappearance of batches of instruments was a bit unusual, he restrained his behavior a lot. Only a few items were missing in the batch, such as two knives that were reimbursed for incision and drainage of abscesses and fever patients.

Over the past few months, only a few pieces of precision glass instruments used for distillation, brewing, and extraction have been temporarily borrowed. Most of the complex structures have been permanently borrowed from Kalman, and none of them have been returned due to compensation for damage.

, until a fire sent everything into a list of permanent losses.

From beginning to end, each beautiful signature was never written carelessly, neatly copied and pasted on a lamppost on a deserted road at midnight, finally ending up in the middle of the wasteland.

"Professor Kraft, did you find what you needed?"

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