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Chapter 312: The church did it too

What is the essence of "magic"?

Kraft had some piecemeal and unsystematic preliminary thoughts on this.

In the past, he believed that all abnormal phenomena were abstract and manifestations of the elusive side of deep chaos. People's pitiful use of them was like picking up shells on the beach, testing on the edge of stability, and their own limitations determined that they could never truly understand it.


After personally experiencing how a special abnormal phenomenon occurs, my thinking has progressed and deepened.

Just like the early research on biology, due to limited knowledge, we were often confused by various complicated phenomena, dazzled and confused, and finally built a complex system out of thin air.

But in fact, it can be explained from a mechanical perspective, and it can be directly divided into several simple modules:

【Center, signal, effector】

Just like the brain commands the arm to lift, it is implemented by three parts: the motor center, peripheral nerves, and muscles.

The effector is the part that achieves specific effects. The currently known celestial debris is the most typical one. It achieves a series of effects through oscillation fluctuations that can only be sensed by the mental body, including the manipulation of biological tissues and level changes.

The specific effects expressed by the effectors can be regulated and depend on the signals given by the center.

The mental body plays a central role in it and is the source of regulatory signals. Simple directional dialing is a signal, and conceptual pain is also a signal.

But there are differences between signals. Simple directional movement of the moon can achieve the most basic level of depth changes, just like artificial electrical stimulation of muscles can also produce basic contraction responses.

To achieve a specific action, the signals required are much more complex. Take the balance reflex as an example. When out of balance, the body will simultaneously command the abdominal and back muscles to adjust the trunk posture, the lower limb muscles to change the leg force, the soles of the feet to provide a fulcrum, and the upper limbs to swing.

Adjust your center of gravity.

All signals are sent out instantly and involve the whole body. It is very complicated to study in detail. The corresponding muscle groups must contract or relax to the right degree to form a seemingly simple and natural balance response.

Just as the human body instinctively mobilizes muscles to maintain balance when it is out of balance. The creatures created by the moon bones also instinctively want to leave the world and return to where they came from. Complex signals and instructions are generated in the pain, making the simple ability to change deeply become complex.

The layers are torn apart.

This is an innate and natural reaction for it, similar to the human balance reflex.

But it's different for the "pseudo-deep creatures" that are "acquired". They can't even fully integrate the mental body, body, and lunar body, and stay at the level of "electrical signals trigger muscle contraction."

Just like when you slip, because there is no innate preset signal coding, you must actively coordinate to send the following instructions: slight contraction of the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis, contraction of the erector spinae, strong contraction of the quadriceps, and slight contraction of the biceps femoris.


It is basically impossible for such complex signals to be organized by themselves.

Even Kraft, who has a little insight, is still stuck in the technique of voluntarily releasing restrictions when initiating level shuttle to achieve level chaos within a certain range around the body, and the controllability is very low.

He once suspected that the pagans' research on the deep layers had already separated from his own. Otherwise, how could someone who was no longer so clear-headed be able to control the plane to express such a special, directional tearing effect.

Now it seems that things are not that complicated, it is just "copying homework", or passively copying homework.

The active beings at the bottom of the lake naturally have the tendency to spread their own will and attract aggregation. The pain of conceptualization is transmitted to any consciousness that comes into contact with it as the connection is established.

The efficiency is so high and the binding is so close that it is reminiscent of the transfection ability of certain viruses. Through contact, the foreign gene code can be directly introduced into the host's genome, becoming part of it, and causing the cells to express traits unique to the pathogen.

For ordinary minds, it is impossible to truly understand and effectively carry these things. It is nothing more than an unbearable painful experience and subsequent subtle psychological effects.

For the "acquired deep creatures" who also have a special spiritual body and are embedded in the moon's bones, the missing signal link among the three elements can be completed.

The logic that follows couldn't be simpler. Phenomenonally speaking, as long as a person who has been implanted with moon bones and whose spiritual body has been profoundly changed has frequent or close contact with beings in the lake, there is a chance that he will obtain similar abilities.

Of course, getting and controlling are completely different things.

Most people should lose their ability to control themselves due to pain, and uncontrollably impact and tear apart the world, creating smooth, long and messy cutting marks, and finally causing themselves to be dislocated and overlapped with the surrounding physical matter in a chaotic level.

Before the end of his life, the devoured consciousness left the most profound impression in his mind - continuous hexagons rising from the lake bed.

Subsequently, the embedded body extracts the biomass from the remains and constructs new organisms.

There will always be a few people who survive due to luck or individual peculiarities, but the pain will always be etched in the spirit.

They realize that the world is narrow and crowded, and that the celestial bodies hanging high and deep are always calling a part of it there.

As Kraft felt now, the feeling of claustrophobia and constriction followed every whirling thought.

In the past, these discomforts should fade over time after the mental senses are disconnected, but this time they no longer relieve after a certain level. Just like the tide that originally rose and fell in an orderly manner, it can now reach the lowest level by covering the ankles.

This requires him to have a certain amount of perseverance to organize complete logical thinking, and it is also difficult for him to deal with several eyes locked on him.

Although he couldn't see clearly, he could tell from his standing position that the other members of the team had vaguely formed two front and rear lines towards this side, ready to go. However, due to the width of the ship, they were unable to form an enveloping posture.

As for why he didn't take action immediately, he probably considered that he had just been rescued and couldn't lose face due to the high moral standards taught by Heavenly Father for many years. On the other hand, he was not sure whether the professor would be able to do it again.

There is no room for dodge in a small area. Once a conflict breaks out, it may not end. The entire team will be destroyed here, sink into the lake and merge with that thing.

And Kraft wasn't much better. He knew very well that at this distance, even if he was holding a pistol, he couldn't be much faster than a sword, let alone many against one.

Green and the monks are by no means the mob they faced in the past. They have the ability and mental preparation to kill themselves at a heavy price.

You must immediately come up with an argument that can convince the other party and at least temporarily ease the relationship, but given the current mental state, this is a bit difficult.

Time is limited, so he compiled a simple idea based on past experience. To explain the safety of a thing, it must be reflected from several key points: it has a long history of use, there are a large number of use cases, and the examples are information recognized by both parties. It is best to

Able to think from the other person's perspective.

Fortunately, my memory was still clear and I submitted the relevant content in time. Chaotic thinking organized it into sentences and blurted it out without much review:

"The church did it too."

Something seems to be wrong. The atmosphere has relaxed a little, but it's not the relaxation I expected.

Among the crowd, there was a particularly sharp look, that of Father Green. It was the kind of look that wanted to strangle someone to death but was unable to do anything.

This chapter has been completed!
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