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Chapter 45 The Edge of Reality

Chapter 45 The Edge of Reality

It is said to be noon, but it actually feels a little later than noon.

Kraft and Lucius took turns to rest against the relatively clean board, and waited several times until the sleeping people woke up.

Like a huge inaudible alarm clock ringing, within a few minutes the residents of the sleeping area were awakened uniformly, more uniformly than waking up in a high school dormitory in another world.

There were sounds of activity in the previously silent room. Different feet stepped on the wooden boards, unknown metal and wooden utensils collided, and the noisy conversations were mixed with a few unintelligible swear words.

Human consciousness was returned from dreams in large quantities and thrown back into reality, beginning with a day they had already missed for less than half.

Then there was the harsh and harsh sound of the inferior door shaft turning, and one after another people pushed the door open and came out, holding what looked like food in their hands, eating and walking towards the port.

Craft intercepted one of the middle-aged men holding moldy dried fish.

"Hello, if you don't mind, can I hire you for a while?"

"Of course!" He agreed as quickly as possible, glaring back at the person next to him who looked over, "It only takes four copper coins, and I can help you with the work for half a day."

Perhaps it was difficult to find work after noon, so he accepted Kraft's employment at a very low price.

The yellowed and blackened teeth bit down hard on the crispy dried fish, and the fibrous fish meat and bones were bitten into pieces, making a tooth-piercing sound. He chewed a few mouthfuls in his mouth and swallowed with difficulty.


"So what are you going to do?"

Kraft was shocked by this way of eating, which was like swallowing glass, and sympathized with his mouth and esophagus, "No hurry, you can eat first. I want to ask something first, how long ago did you start to notice that you woke up more and more frequently?"


"Now that I think about it, this happened about a month ago. I didn't feel much at first, but I didn't expect it to become like this. These days are getting harder and harder."

Although he didn't know why anyone cared about this, the middle-aged man still answered the question while eating, the crumbs flying with saliva, not noticing that his new employer moved half a step to avoid his front.

Kraft stood by and watched him finish the fish in his hand, swallow the last bite, his Adam's apple rolled hard, and thought he could write a case report on the scarring of the esophagus caused by a special diet.

"We came here just because we were curious about this matter. Now we suspect that there is something wrong with the water you usually drink. Can you take us over to have a look?"

"Okay, although my family members usually go to fetch water, I still know the way." The middle-aged man pressed his chest, which seemed to be caused by pain, "Then let's go."

He led Kraft and Lucius along the twisting and winding narrow alleys, and along the way he kept meeting people who had just gone out to look for work.

Going in the opposite direction requires them to frequently squeeze past each other sideways, or one party retreats to the back road to get out of the way.

Generally speaking, they were traveling in the same direction as they had come from. They departed from the route they had investigated before, passed near the red algae well, and walked forward for about ten minutes before reaching their destination.

It was a normal-looking well, surrounded by the most regular stones Craft had ever seen here.

There was an open space around, and people who came to fetch water lined up in several long lines. There was no winch, so the progress of lowering the wooden barrels with ropes and pulling them up again was quite slow. It would not be easy to give them time to check.


Kraft didn't like the environment where people were crowded together, especially when this group of people didn't bathe so frequently. Being together made the already stale air even more turbid.

His nose, which had just adapted to the local air, was filled with the smell of sweat, and his body odor was somewhat unexplainable, so he quickly gave up the idea of ​​lining up in person.

"Here are eleven copper coins, five of them are your reward." Kraft found most of the scattered copper coins in the purse and handed them to the middle-aged man, "Go and buy a cleaner bucket for the rest.

Help me line up to get a bucket of water."

It's shameful to be a lazy dog, but it's really comfortable.

Kraft and Lucius found a shady place to stand and watch others queuing up. The small wellhead allowed at most three people to fetch water with buckets at the same time. There were still three teams at the wellhead, but they broke up into one at the back.

I can't tell which one is which.

The middle-aged man successfully bought a bucket after negotiating with a few people at the end of the queue. He jumped left and right in the queue with blurred boundaries without leaving a trace, choosing the nearest direction to move over.

In the crowd, Kraft soon lost track of his position and began to feel sleepy out of boredom, supporting his head with his hands.

The sun was rising, and it was already the time when he usually took a nap after lunch. His biological clock urged him to find a comfortable surface, put his face on it and enjoy the rare relaxation time every day.

In order to reserve time for the investigation today, I set off from the college very early, first to Elm Street and then to the Yantide District. I didn't even eat at noon, and I didn't have the appetite to eat.

When you suddenly become free, fatigue sets in, making you feel like you can fall asleep even while standing.

Through the slightly squinted eyes through the red lenses, the unreal picture became increasingly blurry, the crowd swayed in front of my eyes, and their outlines blurred.

Diffuse double images, red filters, and human-shaped color blocks move slowly, just like the red paint on the slope blending into each other and spreading. Not only is it not bright, but the tone gradually turns darker.

Red usually makes people feel alert and stimulating, but this kind of red made him feel more gloomy, thinking of the thick venous blood flowing and coagulating on the wall of the transparent container, no longer alive in the living body.

He felt like he was falling. It was the weightlessness he felt in his sleep. It was lighter and softer. Half asleep and half awake, he left the complicated and chaotic reality, fell deeper, and hid in a place where there were no surgeries, no complications, and no investigations.

Hearing also becomes dull, noisy human voices weaken in the ears, and the constant consciousness no longer pays attention to what they say. The language area of ​​the brain enters a low-power state and is unwilling to translate the vibrations in the air into effective information.

The bucket fell into the well with a dull sound of water splashing, the wooden products hit the stone wall, and the loud coughing was barely distinguishable.

Instinct lazily adjusts oneself to a state of half-dream and half-awake, ignoring the nerve impulses coming from the senses, allowing oneself to be separated from the world.

Kraft felt that he was in the same place, but also seemed to be no longer in the same place. In the drift, he heard a particularly clear sound of falling water ringing in his ears, and the feeling of weightlessness ended abruptly.

The hazy state was not broken, but fixed. The sound became more delicate and gentle, like turning from gravel to ground flour, and it was harder to distinguish the content.

Consciousness spreads out softly and enjoys a moment of peace.

The only drawback is that there is still a strange smell lingering at the tip of the nose. It is not the smell of sweat, not rotten smell, nor the smell of herbs in the bird's mouth, unlike what is collected by the sense of smell.

It seemed to be getting heavier, and the soft and comfortable part of the voice came closer. From invisible to tangible, it pressed against the clothes on his back and touched his consciousness.

All the senses are pleased by it, sending out "soft" and "comfortable" signals, and the sense of smell is also involved, recognizing its strange but soft and pleasant smell.

Like a girl's hand, like silk gauze, it gets closer and the feeling of weightlessness appears again.

The eyelids were drooped, and the black and red light in front of his eyes became thinner and almost completely disappeared, replaced by moonlight-like darkness and soft white light that grew.

The consciousness is bathed in it, just like enjoying every nap normally, the traces of doubt flash past in the intoxication.

It gently stretched out its cool and soft hands, trying to remove the disharmony in this tranquility.

This self-defeating action awakened Kraft's keen consciousness, suspicion quickly developed into alarm, and everything that happened was retrieved from memory and reanalyzed.

Intuition tasted the malice that shouldn't exist in the soft and gentle feeling.

The speed of its fitting suddenly became faster, as if it sensed Kraft's change, and wrapped it up faster from behind.

The reckless movements exposed more of its incongruities, like a starfish turning over its colorful and beautiful back, vomiting out of its stomach to eat. Extreme incoordination, sticky and disgusting, impacting the senses that were immersed in comfort a moment ago, and drastically changing the nerves

Impulses stimulate the brain and reach deep into the soul.

When the otherworldly part had not yet responded, the conditioned reflex formed by Kraft's years of training in his soul was activated. His grandfather's countless teachings and beatings gave him extraordinary reaction speed.

All the muscles in his body were mobilized, he lowered his head to avoid possible attacks, smashed back with his elbow joint, then turned around and retreated to distance himself.

He felt as if he had torn something apart when he moved. Fear forced him to touch the hilt of the sword hidden under his robe. His newly opened eyes could only see the red color of the lenses because they were not used to the light.

The blade of the sword was unsheathed and swung diagonally upward towards the position he felt. He tried his best to restrain his urge to slash with all his strength, leaving room for change. The first sword was just to force the opponent back and restore his vision to normal.

To gain time.

He carefully felt the power coming from his hand, and whether the opponent chose to avoid the edge temporarily or fight it head on, it was exactly what he wanted.

Unexpectedly, the sword blade seemed to have cut into something, breaking through the loose and fragile object like a bamboo, splitting several uneven structures.

There were exclamations and screams from behind, and the chaotic footsteps in the distance indicated that many people were fleeing from here. Fortunately, there were no approaching footsteps to interfere with the judgment.

His vision was gradually recovering, and he looked through the red glass to inspect the results of the chop. No matter what it was, whether it was a human or a ghost, being pulled out of a big hole would definitely not feel good.

Kraft forced himself to open his eyes wide. The dazzling light caused the circular pupillary muscles to contract sharply, and the lacrimal glands secreted tears. He had to fight against the instinctive reflex of closing his eyes and try his best to see ahead clearly.

He saw that huge and ferocious crack, which did not exist in some ooze monster or mysterious enemy.

That's a wooden wall.

(End of chapter)

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