Turn off the lights
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Chapter 48 Who is knocking on my window lattice

Chapter 48 Who is knocking on my window lattice?

Panic licked his mind, and his trembling hands could barely hold the flat box that glowed with white light.

From the feel to the shape to the fluorescence, it was shaped into a look familiar to Kraft. But it was also very unfamiliar. Only the hollow shape was imitated, and the empty interior could only provide white light that was not enough to illuminate the whole body.

Kraft flipped the luminous surface upside down on the ground and kicked it away. With a slight friction sound, the strange thing that looked like a mobile phone slid towards the wall, making a low and clear "click" sound.

The only light source in the room was a ray of moonlight.

He walked backwards slowly, putting his hands behind his back and pressing them against the rough and cold wall. His brain was running, thinking about what the thing in his hand was and why it appeared here.

The so-called familiar and unfamiliar objects are probably like this. The familiar part makes the object appear more abnormal. It obviously has a similar shape, but in fact it is a completely different thing, as if corners were cut due to limited abilities.

The resemblance that shouldn't appear made Kraft feel a huge sense of unreality about everything. He was growing doubtful and denied the authenticity of the scene.

He felt that he should have realized his situation in some bizarre dream, but could not wake up and was temporarily trapped in the illusion. But it felt so real, whether it was the frosted texture of the wall, the sounds he heard, the details

Full and full.

The action of kicking the thing away just now was too reckless, Kraft thought, and he should stay quiet in an unfamiliar situation.

This was also part of my grandfather's teaching. The unusual fright disrupted the proper pace, and he should have been more careful.

But the situation was not too bad. When he lay down on the bed, he forgot to take off the scabbard on his waist, and his most trusted weapon was still beside him.

Holding the fixed metal buckle with his left hand and leaning against the wall, Kraft quietly moved towards the door. A place where you can quickly move and create obstacles should be the first thing you think of in any situation.

The outstretched right hand touched the door bolt first, and the position did not change. If an accident occurs, the best choice when everything is unclear is always to open the door and run away.

Vision gradually adapts to the environment, and it takes time for the cells on the retina to switch to dark vision, from a detailed picture in light to a less clear mode that is adapted to dim environments.

The outlines of tables, chairs and wooden beds emerged, and the whole room seemed unchanged. There was no bloody drama like "strange ceiling".

It's just that the surroundings were too quiet, so quiet that Kraft could hear his own heartbeat like a drum, and deliberately suppressed his slowed breathing. The blood was rushing through the body with oxygen, awakening the powerful motor system to deal with the unknown hidden in the abnormality.


Logically speaking, even late at night, there will be sounds coming from other rooms that are not suitable for all ages, and the boss who keeps watch downstairs will adjust the positions of tables and chairs.

If Old Wood were present, he would definitely lower his voice and say, "Dead people have no voice..." in the low voice he always used when telling mysterious stories.

Kraft has long passed the age where he would be frightened by the silent night, but it is still creepy to think about all this. The sudden appearance of strange objects on his body and the unusually quiet hotel are almost a clear indication that something is seriously wrong.

After pressing the door bolt, he stopped all activities and calmed his heartbeat and breathing on the spot, waiting for anyone or anything hidden in the darkness and silence to show their feet.

Patience, this is an important thing Kraft learned in military training. You will never lose when you trade time for your life.

In the silent darkness, responding to silence with silence is an instinct engraved in genes. It comes from the weird stories of impulsive people disappearing into the darkness in ancient times. Human instinct has the reflection of keeping quiet in silence.

He waited, nervous, and his sensitive senses were retrieving endless information. His sense of time was deceived, and seconds and minutes were difficult to judge in the stillness.

After a long wait, it seemed that only a short while later, he noticed that the moonlight on the floor was different from before. The white light became brighter and stretched on the ground. At first, it was still some distance away from the bed.

It has now reached the foot of the bed.

It seemed that the light source was adjusting its position, approaching his window, slowly and steadily approaching him.

【That's not the moon】

Consciousness comes alive, revealing the nature of the light source.

【Have you seen it】

That bright white, gentle light is approaching gently. Without careful observation, you cannot detect the extent of its movement, and you are indulged in the illusion of tranquility.

Kraft slowly pulled out the door bolt with his right hand. He could no longer stay in this room.

The light continued to intensify, passing through the gap, and the wisps of white light on the ground widened, turning from dull lines into light strips, and became almost blindingly bright on the floor.

But the softness and softness remain stubbornly, like camouflage fur that cannot be taken off, unable to change with the changes of the seasons and appearing in any situation at an inappropriate time.

The door bolt was completely pulled out, Kraft touched the door handle, and pulled the door inward little by little with the utmost caution.

The light source was getting closer. When the brightness reached its peak, a slight creaking sound was heard, and the leaking light shook and changed. It was because something was exerting force on the outside, and the weak wooden board was deformed.

However, the window is stuck on the inside and opens outward.

Kraft had already opened a gap in the door that was large enough to pass through, and squeezed sideways out of the door. He wanted to move to the first floor, where there was more room for maneuver, and the tables and chairs placed horizontally would favor those with agility.

His body squeezed through the gap nimbly without making any sound. Before leaving, he took one last look at the window. The light source was still outside and had not changed its position.


Rhythmic knocking sounded from outside the window. Just by listening to the sound, you would think it was a polite visitor. The gentle and polite intensity reminded Kraft of Romeo visiting Juliet in the middle of the night. It is restrained and hopes to attract attention, which makes people feel sad.


However, this is the second floor, and only victims who are confused and half asleep will pay attention to the visitors outside the window.

The door bolt was easily inserted into the pocket. This piece of hardwood was quite heavy and was very suitable for contacting the obstructionist at a relatively fast speed.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk!" Another round of knocking sounded, becoming more rapid.

Kraft closed the door and retreated towards the stairs. He had not yet figured out how to walk through the unstable stairs without making a sound.

There was a heart-wrenching creak in the room. It must be something exerting force on the window. You can imagine that the weak wooden board is bending and on the verge of breaking.

The thing clinging to the outer wall was far less patient than Kraft, which was good news, as it was closer to acting on instinct than possessing near-human intelligence, or even less cunning than some of the forest beasts.

When we retreated to the stairway, the sound of squeezing and deformation was suddenly joined by the crackling sound of wood fibers breaking. The debris spattered, hit the ajar door, and rolled on the ground.

It chose to gradually increase its force and crush the whole piece instead of repeatedly hitting it. The counterintuitive movement pattern made Kraft guess that it did not have a musculoskeletal structure similar to that of mammals.

The sound showed that the force was still increasing, more explosions sounded, and the overwhelmed window frame was completely torn off the wall and smashed to the ground.

A small, noisy sound filled the air. It was no longer the sound of crushing wood, but some kind of familiar and indistinguishable whisper, produced by the vibration of an unknown vocal organ, echoing in the space.

White light overflowed from the crack of the door, and entered Kraft's room through the window, making a sticky sound like a paste brush being thrown against the wall. Rather than entering, it was better to say that some soft and greasy substance was being poured in.


This disgusting sound is like a barrel of stinking soft seafood. It stretches out its rotten arms and legs and slaps the wall of the barrel. It is mixed with the incomprehensible whispers and exudes unreasonable temptation from the spiritual level.

Kraft bit the tip of his tongue, endured the nauseating feeling, grabbed the railing and retreated downwards. He hoped that it would not realize that it was about to open the door for the time being.

The first floor, where the brazier is usually lit, was pitch dark, and the vigilant receptionist was nowhere to be found. The wooden steps below could only be stepped lightly, and half of the body weight was leaned on the handrail to prevent the loose wooden board from making a jarring sound.

These dozen or so steps have never been so painful. You need to use all the walking skills you have learned to ensure speed while being quiet and avoiding attracting its attention.

The light between the cracks in the door was changing, and the light source was wandering in the room.

The consciousness uses the collected auditory information to describe it as a huge soft-bodied creature. The mucus on the surface annihilates the friction sound of its movements, and the soft mobile organs assist it in crawling against the surface.

There are sharp objects scratching on the ground, which may be sawdust or the fangs of a predatory organ, embedded in the shrinking and writhing tissue.

Kraft didn't know how it found him. Perhaps he remembered it from his dream in the salt tide area during the day, and then quietly came to the window at night.

Did it enter the realm of reality, or was he being hunted in a dream that he couldn't wake up from? He bit it down with his teeth, and felt pain on the tip of his tongue, unable to distinguish the true from the false.

There are nineteen steps in total, and Kraft is counting down in his mind. He still has the last two steps. He is far away from the dangerous second floor. After reaching the first floor, he can hide in the kitchen or escape through the door.

After mastering the technique, the body can lean backward skillfully. The last two levels are not high. According to memory, you can directly step on the floor in one step.

A feeling of stagnation came from the soles of his feet. It was not the floor as expected. He came into contact with a layer of liquid. A cold, flowing feeling came from his feet and seeped into the boots from the seams in the stitches.

Kraft realized that he had stepped into knee-deep water, but it was too late. His delicate balance was broken, and even with his balance ability, he took two steps back in the water to stabilize his body, and the water splashed.

Splash on face.

The sound of water is clearly audible.

After two seconds of silence, the sound of squeezing and breaking suddenly erupted from the second floor.

Kraft turned and ran.

(End of chapter)

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