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Chapter 50 Deep Dive

Chapter 50 Deep Dive

The dancing branches swung messily in mid-air for a few seconds, as if there were some sense organs. The signals in the air were transmitted to the thick arms and legs through the complex nervous system.

It lifted up, curled and twisted as if it had independent consciousness, and stretched out towards Kraft. The flute-like branches screamed excitedly, contracting more frequently, and their rich vocal capabilities are no less than that of human vocal cords.

At the same time, it has soft bodies that should be able to move normally underwater, vocal organs that are only available on land animals, and branched mouthparts like lampreys that have no corresponding reasonable function at all.

A collection of chaos, a mixture of disordered organs and tissues, piled up to form this creature.

The form of madness is like scratching and biting directly on the soul. Just witnessing it is a huge torture, consuming the little remaining sanity of the pursued.

Kraft observed it, as in every training, never letting the opponent leave his sight.

He felt that he was walking in substantial pain, and it took a lot of willpower to overcome the resistance and support himself to face and get closer to the source of the pain.

His consciousness was running extremely fast, allowing him to avoid obstacles at his feet and sides without distraction, and move forward steadily while recording and analyzing the information obtained from the pale and sticky arms and legs.

This information is stimulating consciousness. It is no longer pure sounds, colors and graphics, but contains something that is difficult for Kraft's special consciousness to accept. It is so vast that even the load of clearly recording a lifetime of information cannot be accommodated.


The soul and body designed to store information that normal humans can obtain have never considered these existences that should not be faced.

He shouldn't observe it, which is a mistake in itself. But it's too late. When this idea appears, his consciousness has already been deeply involved in it, and every attempt to record and understand is deflecting on the road to madness.

In the final logic, only the simplest idea at the beginning is left - to move forward and swing the sword.

Mechanically stepping through the water soaked in fluorescent mucus, he approached his target in the oily white light.

The retinal photoreceptor cells operate faithfully, converting the projection of the standing abomination into electrochemical signals. However, the brain has no room for detailed processing and is immersed in the madness and pain that cannot be refused.

There is no room for maneuver or defense, no ability to engage in these complex thoughts, just desperation, pure action.

The squirming paleness in his field of vision continued to expand. He accumulated enough speed for his charge. He swung the long sword with both arms and followed the inertia to slash down with the greatest strength.

He really did it. Maybe it didn't expect that the prey that should be incapacitated could perform such a feat, or it didn't care about it at all, allowing Kraft to complete the sword.

The sharp blade brought a strange experience that I had never experienced before. The resistance was not great, but the cutting was not smooth. The tissue contained tough fascia, grainy teeth, and an unknown substance that felt like rough fiber.

Inside the gaping incision is a more chaotic structure than the outer layer. Long bones are inserted into the intertwined muscle fibers, and rows of molars are arranged in deep cavities, connecting the digestive organs with surging acidic liquid.

The proliferated glands were squeezed into an indiscernible shape in the cracks, and roots from the luminous tumors were implanted into them to absorb unknown ingredients.

These should not appear in an arm foot at all. It is not like it evolved from sea creatures, but more like plagiarism and borrowing from unrelated creatures. It violates all the laws of anatomy and mechanics. It is roughly assembled to barely allow the arm foot to move, so

It looks stiff and unnatural.

These organizations gave Kraft an unexpected sense of familiarity, and there was only one kind of creature he was familiar with, and it had always been this one kind. A certain terrifying suspicion emerged uncontrollably, giving him a strong desire to explore.

These familiar structures could operate in such an unreasonable way, and the filling that was completely inconsistent with the rules finally achieved the goal, subverting the knowledge he had learned.

He desperately wanted to know it, morbid knowledge flooded into his mind as he observed these things, but he was still not satisfied.

Kraft forgot where he was, and there were only these dazzling discoveries in front of him. He tried to remember more and observe more, regardless of whether his consciousness could bear it, until he broke through a certain limit.

The shocked consciousness and boiling emotions exceeded the upper limit of what he could bear. Touch, hearing, vision, smell, hot and cold, position... all the feelings were fading away, annihilated in the shock.

The body, instinct, and common sense were completely shattered in this process and lost their binding force.

The orderly ones are disrupted, the hierarchical ones are subverted, and the dusty ones are released. Including the deepest hidden and most tightly sealed parts.

At the end of it all, the only thing that remains is the feeling of falling.

Kraft heard the sound of falling water ringing in his ears, and a cold, flowing feeling flooded his whole body. Darkness filled his field of vision again, and the diffuse white light was swept away. No arms, legs or incisions could be seen anymore, as if everything was a realistic scene.


His body quickly hit the bottom while sinking, and salt water poured into his mouth and nose. The suffocation made him move. He pressed his sword against the bottom to use force, and danced to the surface. Fortunately, the water was not deep, and he could feel the water waves after standing up.

Hitting the waist is not a deep water area.

There are wide wooden boards that are a little above the water, which are the tops of square tables. The chairs are submerged in the water, and a few chairs made of poor material are floating.

Kraft found himself falling into another antechamber, which was exactly the same, except that the water rose to waist-deep, and the creature emitting white light disappeared, leaving no trace behind.

The remaining light spots are still flickering, and the incomplete outline of the tumor can be seen. The muscle tension has not subsided, and the fingers are tightly grasping the hilt of the sword wrapped in rough cloth.

Horrifying and strange images kept flashing before my eyes, like film rewinding. The scene rendered with white light overlapped with the dark and empty place in front of me. The alien thing was driven by familiar muscles and bones in an unfamiliar way. The image of that kind of body

Still before my eyes.

In a daze, Craft saw those muscles and bones moving again, squeezing the digestive cavity and glands, and spraying mixed acid from the tubes filled with teeth.

The training instinct made him hold the sword in front of his eyes and stagger backward in the water.

Nothing happened, he was the only living thing in the silent and dark space, and what flashed through was just an imaginative play on the real memory picture, an illusory and terrifying shadow.

Physical pain and mental pain flowed through the skull, and fragmented memories and thoughts were scattered and mixed.

One second I was replaying the scene I just experienced, the next second it jumped to the memory of reading a book on a certain day, and the next moment it was pulled to physical training.

The situation in my mind is like a store of fragile items bought for zero dollars, completely changed beyond recognition. My consciousness is trying to tidy up all the broken pieces. There is some connection between the connected pieces, but it is not strictly logical, and there is still some confusion.

Content that doesn't sound right is mixed in with it.

They seem to be something recorded from a third-person perspective. This description is not accurate. It can only be said that Craft was willing to understand it this way and classified them as "images".

But these contents are far more refined than images, describing the shape of three-dimensional space and even the internal structure of objects, similar to the three-dimensional reconstructed models after scanning.

The consciousness seamlessly connected these bizarre contents with the visual images of the same period, pieced them together, and recognized that they had been recorded simultaneously, but Kraft had no subjective impression of them.

The speed of this kind of piecing together is getting faster and faster. The hardest part of a jigsaw puzzle is always the beginning. After completing one part, the next piece of piecing becomes easier and easier, and more "three-dimensional modeling" corresponds to the corresponding other sensory content of the same period.

Juxtaposed with other senses, it can only be another sense, a new sense that has been shielded by instinct and subjective will, looking at the world from another perspective.

It is the materialization of consciousness and spirit, the extension of liberated consciousness, spreading around, flowing through space. Just like other senses, as long as you discover its existence, it is self-evident and you understand the meaning.

This is the real "gift" obtained from that unforgettable contact. In ancient times, fish evolved lungs when they came into contact with land, and when humans came into contact with higher and deeper levels, stimulation promoted passive transformation

, another level of "evolution" took place to adapt.

The memory ability is just the appearance of change, and the spiritual will is completely promoted to another organ, a materialized thing, through contact.

Human biological instinct rejects this kind of thing that does not belong to us, sealing it in the deepest place.

Today, the violent impact briefly defeated common sense and instinct. It was released, accepted by subjective consciousness, and could no longer be hidden.

Kraft finally understood what those indescribable "smells" and "intuitions" were when approaching alien objects. That was when the materialized spirit detected another level of information in the surrounding space, seizing other sensory nerve signal pathways.

resulting in synaesthesia.

He "touches" the surroundings with his spirit, and the invisible yet tangible power feeds back the information he obtains. Air currents, holes in the floor, and loose wood penetrated by wine cannot limit this perspective inside or outside.

The spirit can intuitively feel the difference in this space. If before he only felt the breath from another level, then he is now in another level.

Thanks to his connection with the existence outside the normal plane, the indescribable ghost noticed his difference, chased him from the salt tide area, and used unknown means to pull him into the specious deep world, let's call it

It is the "first layer".

It seems to be some kind of "reflection", a ghost adapted from the normal world. It follows its own set of rules and can form things that make no sense. For example, that weird mobile phone analogue, or... creatures that are not logically valid.

The level of establishing a connection with yourself is deeper than that. When instinct and will are defeated together, and the rejection of this disappears, you are pulled down to a deeper level.

So he now comes to this place, the "second floor".

Standing in the waist-deep seawater, Kraft felt a stronger sense of "abnormality" mentally. The depth of the seawater is just an intuitive manifestation of the difference between the seawater and the real world. This difference essentially shows that...

[further away]

(End of chapter)

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