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Chapter 62 The world is spinning

It's still early, but the road at the entrance of the Sangang factory is already busy. There are four shifts and three shifts. The front-line production workers who work the morning shift go home after work, while the workers on the mid-shift enter the factory to prepare for work.

Zhou Jing stood alone at the door of Sangang Hotel, looking at the figures in work clothes in front of him, silently lost in thought, his mind still recalling Xu Zhibin's words just now.

"Lao Zhu's waist has been getting worse and worse recently. You also know that this is still an old problem he left behind on the battlefield in southern Xinjiang."

"Afterwards, he transferred from the army to our Sanshan Iron and Steel Company for many years, but he never spoke to the company even once for himself. When faced with this application, we had no reason to reject it, both emotionally and rationally."

"Xiao Zhou, don't put any burden on you. I have already communicated with your master, Lao Xie, and he fully supports your appointment as the chairman of dps. Not to mention Xiao Cao."

"Lao Zhu will only work until the end of this year, and there are only more than two months left until the end of the year, so you must give me a formal reply before returning to South Korea this time, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late."

A taxi slowly drove up to Zhou Jing, but found that the man standing on the roadside had no intention of taking a taxi, so he stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Zhou Jing watched the taxi go away but still had no reaction. After a while, he saw him sit down on the suitcase next to him and took out a pack of Chinese cigarettes from his pocket. As usual, this was from Xu Zhibin.


Is Zhu Ziping really planning to retire early because of his poor health? I'm afraid it's part of the reason. How could Zhou Jing not understand Zhu Ziping's intentions? It should be that his actions when he came back deeply touched him, and that's why he is now

This one comes out.

By retreating bravely and making way for the young man, Zhu Ziping was using his last resort to try his best to retain Zhou Jing for Sangang. To be honest, Zhou Jing was really moved at this moment, and at the same time, he was extremely hesitant in his heart.

It stands to reason that this should be a good thing for him personally, but what about the entire DPS project? I'm afraid that may not be the case. If he were to immediately succeed Zhu Ziping as chairman, it might cause new problems.

After all, dps is a cooperative project, which means that the interests of both parties, Sangang and Shanghai Pudong Railway, need to be taken into consideration. The current organizational structure can achieve the greatest degree of balance, so it is relatively stable.

But once Zhou Jing takes over, this delicate balance will be broken quickly. The reason is that he knows better than Zhu Ziping on the specific work level, so trouble comes. Even Cui Gonghyuk cannot effectively restrain him.

In addition, the relationship between Xie Dongqing, Cao Xuefeng and Zhou Jing is well known to everyone, which inevitably gives people the illusion that the project is controlled by their master and apprentice. It may not be a big deal out of trust for Sangang, but what about Putie?

If the needle cannot be inserted and the water cannot be poured, it is easy for Pudong Railway to feel jealous. This kind of grudge is not a good thing and may have a very adverse impact on the operation of future projects.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Zhou Jing can't take over this position, but the timing is wrong. If the project construction is completed, Xie Dongqing retires, and Cao Xuefeng returns to China, then everything will become logical.

Zhou Jing has carefully thought about these issues before and is well aware of the pros and cons. He believes that the company's leadership is also well aware of them. However, due to Zhu Ziping's special status, they follow the principle of choosing the lesser of two evils.

Forced to make a helpless choice.

Haha, after all, the source is still with Zhu Yan Wang. It seems that the first thing after returning home is to have a long talk with Zhu Ziping. Zhou Jing, who had made up his mind, unconsciously showed a smile on his face.

At this moment, a white SUV stopped in front of Zhou Jing with a click. At first, Zhou Jing thought it was another black car soliciting customers. He was about to wave his hand to indicate that it was not necessary, but suddenly he was a little stunned.

This car looked familiar. Zhou Jing took a closer look in confusion and took a special look. No wonder it was so familiar. Isn't it his jeep car? Usually, because he was away from the capital, he was always the bitch Yang Zaikai.

That's why he couldn't figure out why this car appeared in front of him out of thin air.

However, before Zhou Jing could react, the passenger window rolled down, and Yang Xiaoxiao's face with a mean smile was revealed, "Hey, handsome guy, do you want a car? I'll give you a cheaper price."

How did this guy know that he ended the review today? Zhou Jing was full of doubts about this. But when he saw bitch Yang, Zhou Jing suddenly became less serious. He immediately leaned on the passenger window and joked along with the other person's words.


"That's great. How much does it cost to go to Pudong Huamu?"

"Going to Pudong at this time? It's going to be the evening rush hour soon. Well, I won't ask for more. How about not calling the meter for 200?"

"Two hundred? You might as well grab it. I'd rather use the watch."

"Sorry, this car has not yet installed a meter."

"Really, hello, transportation management and inspection brigade? I want to report illegal vehicles."


There were still people in the car. Zhou Jing was playing around with his good friends when suddenly a woman chuckled, causing him to poke his head into the car window in surprise, only to find that Shirley was sitting in the back seat laughing so hard.

It's called a forward and backward combination.

But when she noticed Zhou Jing's gaze, her pretty face turned cold, her big beautiful eyes were full of grievance and unwillingness, and she almost wrote the words "I am unhappy" on her forehead.

What's the situation? Who has offended this little aunt again? Zhou Jing looked at Yang Xiaoxiao in confusion. Unexpectedly, the bitch Yang shrugged and immediately gave him a self-seeking expression. The meaning was obvious.

What else are you watching? The one who makes our sister unhappy is none other than you, Sunday Jing.——

At 17:00 in the afternoon, the Magic City Station of the ston2014 World Tour Concert kicked off at the 80,000-person stadium as scheduled. Thousands of fans arrived early and waited for the start of the performance with excitement and excitement.

The sun was setting in the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun had not yet picked up its last rays of light, which shone on the stage in the center, making everything even more dazzling.

This chapter is not over yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The idols have not yet appeared. At this moment, the large screens on both sides of the stage are playing videos related to various singing groups under S in a loop. Whenever there is a group you like,

When it appears, it will trigger a burst of cheers from the audience.

Compared with the lively and joyful atmosphere outside, the waiting room of the backstage function was a little depressing, because the crystal's condition looked quite bad, and it looked pale and looked like it might collapse at any time.

This was all thanks to several consecutive days of dieting and a high-intensity fitness plan. Originally, there was also a ber brand midnight snack that could rejuvenate Crystal. Who would have thought that Li Zhuying accidentally caught him in the second ber.

This situation was tragic. Not only was there no chance of late-night snacks, but her fitness level had also improved a lot. Little Crystal was about to cry without tears. In the end, Song Qian secretly stuffed her with a few Daoxiang Village cakes brought back from the imperial capital, finally saving Crystal's life.


However, it rained all night, and it happened that Crystal was on her period at this time. This made Crystal, who was already weak, even worse. She started to have a low fever in the morning, her head was dizzy, and she had no strength at all.

"Xiujing, come and drink some hot water. Unnie has just told Joo Young and Oppa that he will send you back to the hotel to rest as soon as the stage is over." ber squatted next to Jingjing and comforted, while Lun said in time.

Hand me a glass of hot water.

"Yeah, Kumava."

Crystal took a few sips from the water glass, then closed her eyes and took the time to recuperate, but there was always a trace of worry between her eyebrows, as if she was troubled by something.

Yes, it is related to her relationship with Zhou Jing. Public opinion in South Korea has spread over the past two days. The company has also asked her several times for her opinion on whether to issue an official statement to disclose the relationship, but Crystal has not received any of these opinions.

Related replies.

The reason given was very simple. She needed to discuss it with Zhou Jing. After all, the official announcement was a matter between two people and she couldn't make her own decision. S Company understood this.

But the problem is that Zhou Jing is unconscious at this moment and can't even contact Jing Jing. This puts all the pressure on Jing Jing alone. The accumulation of various factors will make her physically and mentally exhausted.

"Smelly Oppa, when will your meeting be held? I miss you so much."

In the confusion, Crystal accidentally murmured what was in her heart, so Ber and Lun immediately stopped working. It was said that they were sparing no effort to take care of them, but unexpectedly they got a mouthful of dog food in return. Really, they were cruel to dogs.

It's addictive.

Fortunately, Song Qian returned to the waiting room out of breath. She and Zhou Mi had a collaboration stage just now. There was no way, tonight she was considered the home court, and all the Chinese members of S had extra performances, including ber and so on.

A joint performance with Xu Xian, who is excellent at Chinese.

"Xiu Jing, how are you? Can you persist? If you can't, I'll help you ask for leave from the company." Song Qian quickly walked to Jing Jing and leaned over to express concern.

"v Ernie, I'm okay. The concert has started. It's definitely not appropriate to ask for leave at this time." Crystal said firmly with an effort to open her eyes.

"Okay, kids, it's our turn, f-fghtng!"


As the concert continued, SJ, EO and Girls' Generation took turns to perform, pushing the atmosphere to the climax again and again. The function group also performed two representative works "Hotsuer" and "Early Wisdom Teeth".

Next, they had the last song "redlght" left. Song Qian and others had already changed into black performance clothes, but Crystal looked at the gorgeous lights in the venue and the cheering sticks waved by the fans in the audience.


The singing and dancing of LVE requires very high control of the idol's breath, otherwise what the audience will hear is not the song but the sound of breathing. Therefore, even though Crystal was extremely uncomfortable, she still couldn't take a big breath on the stage. Gradually, her

My vision started to become a little blurry.

Finally, it was over. When the music stopped, the other three were still posing, but Crystal immediately turned around and walked towards the audience. This was her last breath, which was a pity.

Just one step away from the edge of the stage, Crystal, who was severely exhausted, could not hold on and felt dizzy. Then, amidst the exclamations of the fans, his eyes went black and he fainted on the stage.

"Xiu Jing."

Song Qian who followed closely behind saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to help. Ber and Lun also immediately gathered around Crystal. As for the audience, there was already an uproar.

This chapter has been completed!
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