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Chapter 77 Let’s just go together

The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds. Zhou Jing never expected to meet such a strange person at the airport. Judging from the dress, he looked like a human being and a dog, but no matter how he acted, he looked like he was not a human being.

In fact, Zhou Jing didn't want to meddle in this muddy water. After all, he was strangers to Girls\u0027 Day and others. He didn't even know what the other party's combination was, so he had no reason to stand up for others.

However, the development of the matter surprised him. The middle-aged man was obviously making trouble out of nothing. If he just shouted a few times, it eventually turned into beating people. This made Zhou Jing really unable to stand it.

The most important thing is that the guy was very disdainful towards idols in his words, making it seem like he was so great. It was really sick.

It is true that the social status of idols in Korea is not high. If you look down on them, why would you want to ask for a photo with them? But if they just sign autographs, they will immediately become angry. This kind of thing will never get away if it is not allowed to cause trouble in the country.

Moreover, Zhou Jing's younger sister and father are also idols, and Aiwu and Wu would be damned if he could endure it. So seeing that the four girls from Girls\u0027 Day and their manager were at a loss what to do, Zhou Jing chose to take action without hesitation.


The middle-aged man was caught off guard at first and was a little confused. When he came to his senses, he realized that the one who hit him was actually a young man, and the slap on the back of his head was like hitting a naughty child. This was absolutely a shame and humiliation for him, and he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. .

After all, Korea has a strict seniority culture, and that guy was much older than Zhou Jing, so he naturally refused to give up. But as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhou Jing raised his right hand again, and he was so scared that he hurriedly hugged him with both hands. His head staggered back.


This scene immediately triggered a burst of laughter from the onlookers. His memory was good and he already had a stress reaction, which meant that the beating was not in vain.

However, the middle-aged man did not wait for the slap he imagined, so he raised his head and saw Zhou Jing arranging his baseball cap with his hands, the corners of his mouth slightly raised with a look of disdain on his face.

After being fooled, the middle-aged man was once again furious with Zhou Jing's attitude. He immediately took two steps forward, pointed at Zhou Jing and shouted:



Zhou Jing didn't say anything but still slapped him, and then added, "Hey, you are so big, please try to say something to me again."

As soon as this statement came out, not to mention the middle-aged people, even Li Huili and others, as well as the onlookers, were stunned, because in their minds, it seems... normal for older people to say "Yeah" to younger people.

Sure enough, the old man thought so too, so he immediately replied unconvinced: "What's wrong? I'm older than you, so I'm your senior. Do you understand etiquette?"

"Etiquette? Ha..." Zhou Jing snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain, and then continued slowly, "You want to talk to me about etiquette? Okay, then I will not hesitate to give you a few pointers. The ancients said that old people are not good at all. "Respect, disrespect for children, do you understand this principle?"

Now the middle-aged man was really dumbfounded. Zhou Jing suddenly dropped his book bag and everyone present was afraid that less than one person could understand it. Moreover, such words sounded very high-level at first sight, so the middle-aged man subconsciously asked:

"What's the meaning?"

"You mean you have the nerve to say that you are a senior? As a senior, you don't know how to take care of your juniors. As a man, you actually bully women. Your behavior is just like a gangster. I don't think you will live like a dog no matter how old you are.

Okay, so don’t blame others for disrespecting you as a senior."

"You..." This man was so angry at Zhou Jing's words that he almost burst into smoke. Who knew that this was not the end of the story.

"What are you doing? I'll give you another sentence. Those who respect others will always respect them. If you don't respect others, you are disrespecting yourself. Forget it. I'm afraid you won't understand. I'll translate it for you. People who respect others will always respect them.

Respecting him without respecting others is actually the greatest disrespect for yourself."

K.O, to be honest, Zhou Jing is not very interested in Korean culture, so he wouldn't be happy to complain about it when he gets the chance. Little did he know that these words quickly resonated with the young Korean people present.

In fact, many young people were very angry when this man acted like a monster, but due to his age, they could only dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

Now Zhou Jing's words have completely touched their hearts. Although they still won't agree with Zhou Jing and shout out loudly, they can't help but point at them. This makes the middle-aged people quickly fall into the situation that thousands of people are pointing out, and their faces turn green.

The moment of whiteness was quite embarrassing.

At this time, the police mobile team of Incheon Airport had rushed over after receiving the information. After all, if any situation occurs at the airport, the police will definitely intervene as soon as possible.

The leader of the team was a guard. When he saw Zhou Jing, he was stunned for a moment, and then he stood at attention and saluted Zhou Jing in full view of everyone. This move made Zhou Jing confused.

"Zhou Jingxi, I am Liu Zaiyuan, captain of the third team of the Airport Mobile Team. How can I help you?"

After saying that, Guard Liu looked around with an unkind look. A discerning person would know at a glance that he was planning to go astray. In fact, there is no need to be surprised. Outsiders may not know, but insiders don’t know the relationship between the Police Department and Zhou Jing.


If Zhou Jing was accidentally offended, believe it or not, the bosses would order Guard Liu to pack his luggage immediately, and then he would be assigned to a rural police station where he would stay until he got moldy.

That's why Guard Liu didn't care about what happened. In his opinion, anyone who conflicts with Zhou Jing is a bad guy. What's more, Zhou Jing is the winner of the Presidential Commendation Award and should receive the maximum protection from the police.

So under the vicious gazes of the police, the crowd of people quickly dispersed to watch the excitement. It would be a waste of time if the police stopped them to record eyewitness records. Miane, we will withdraw first as a courtesy.

However, several girls from Girls\u0027 Day and the accompanying team were unable to leave for a while, especially since the manager received a slap on his cheek and his cheeks were swollen, making Guard Liu mistakenly believe that he was the one who had a conflict with Zhou Jingqi.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! What else can I say? Guard Liu waved his hand, and the policeman following him immediately understood and stepped forward to control the agent. Now not only the agent was frightened

As soon as Pu Suzhen and others saw this, their faces turned pale.

What are you doing? They are obviously the victims. People with ulterior motives will film this and post it on the Internet. They will say that they attract the police because they act like celebrities. At that time, even if they jump into the Yellow River, they will not be able to clean themselves up.

Fortunately, Zhou Jing reacted in time and quickly stopped him, "No, Guard Liu, you have misunderstood. He was not the one who made trouble just now, but..."

In the middle of saying this, Zhou Jing suddenly noticed that there seemed to be one missing person at the scene. Oh my god, there was no sign of the old gangster. He probably took advantage of the crowd of onlookers to disperse and slipped away quietly.

However, with Zhou Jing's explanation and the support of the surveillance video at the airport, the whole story was quickly revealed. In fact, the police were speechless and troubled by this kind of thing.

In the past, people often took advantage of their age and acted recklessly at the airport. The police could not beat or scold them, so they could only comfort them with kind words. Otherwise, they would be labeled as disrespectful to their seniors and would fall from the sky at any time.

It’s just that Zhou Jing is not used to this bad habit, and he scolds people like grandsons when he curses without using curse words. The policemen feel as happy as eating iced watermelon in the dog days of summer, and even the eyes they look at Zhou Jing become a little hot.


"Zhou Jingxi, there are many reporters and fans outside. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you to go out like this." As Guard Liu spoke, he inadvertently glanced at the Girls\u0027 Day people standing next to him.

It was indeed inconvenient. Zhou Jing had almost left before, but he came back when he saw the battle outside. He wanted to wait for the reporters to leave before talking about it, but he ran into something like this.

"What does Guard Yi Liu mean?" Zhou Jing understood that since the other party said so, there must be a follow-up solution.

Sure enough, Guard Liu immediately smiled and said, "Well, let's escort you out of the VIP channel. Reporters don't usually block the door there."

This is a good idea. You should know that the VIP channels at the airport are generally reserved for dignitaries or important foreign guests. The so-called Hallyu stars are not qualified to leave. Zhou Jing naturally would not refuse the other party's kindness, but he immediately thought of a question.

"How can I get to AREX (Airport Express) from the VIP exit?"


Guard Liu was really confused by the question. In his memory, no one seemed to have used the VIP channel to take the Airport Express. Aren't there always people and cars coming to pick them up? So Guard Liu asked in confusion:

"I would like to ask, did you not order a car to pick you up when you came back this time?"

"No, today is a working day, everyone is busy and I don't have much luggage. I think it would be very convenient to take AREX to Seoul, haha..." Zhou Jing replied with a smile and scratched his head.

Well, Guard Liu and the other policemen looked at each other, secretly thinking that Zhou Jing was too low-key. After all, he was the executive director of a large company. If he went out without shouting and cheering, at least he couldn't carry his suitcase to catch AREX.

"Zhou Jingxi, how about I send a police car to take you back?"

"No, no, that's too much trouble. I'll just take the AREX."

"Kenchana, it's no trouble at all."

"Liu Weiwei, thank you for your kindness. I really don't need it..."

Zhou Jing and Guard Liu were exchanging excuses when suddenly a girl's clear voice came from behind, "Oppa Zhou Jing, why don't you just take our car and go back to Seoul together."


O... Ba? Although Zhou Jing was confused by this sudden address, so was everyone else. However, Li Huili, the instigator, didn't feel there was anything wrong at all.

On the contrary, she blinked and looked at Zhou Jing sharply, waiting for his reply. At this time, the manager's eyes lit up and he felt that Li Huili's seemingly joking suggestion was actually quite reliable, so he immediately walked to Zhou Jing and bowed.


"Zhou Jingxi, no, Zhou Jing is the manager. We happen to be going back to Seoul. If you don't mind, you can ride with us in our car. This is our way of repaying you for your help. Is that okay?"

It doesn't seem impossible, at least it's much better than riding in a police car. Zhou Jing just thought about it briefly and nodded in agreement.

"Then I'm sorry to bother you, Kang Sang Hamida..."

"You are too polite, this is what it should be, haha..."

This chapter has been completed!
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