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Chapter 178 Do you know pen tip steel?

Youdao has been waiting for you for a long time. Zhou Jing finally appeared in the center of the stage after everyone's great expectations. As a result, his appearance immediately attracted exclamations from everyone.

"Dafa, Agassi is too handsome." Jin Yuzhen covered her face with her hands and shouted excitedly.

"Maza, you are indeed a Wuli idol, I love you, I love you..." Kim So Hyun also expressed admiration.

No wonder these two children were yelling, Pu Chulong was not much better either. Her little heart was beating wildly for no reason, just because the figure on the stage was really handsome.

Unlike the previous two guests, Zhou Jing was dressed exactly the same as the DPS colleagues sitting in the audience.

Black working leather shoes, navy blue overalls, and Zhou Jing's tall and majestic figure made Park Chulong's heart flutter for a man for the first time in her life.

Normally, she has never seen any kind of handsome guy in the entertainment industry, who is not a handsome man with a handsome face, but Park Chulong has to admit that the charm of men may not be that superficial.

A simple work uniform actually had an aura of eighty meters. After all, the VCR in just ten minutes is still vivid in my mind. Over the past century, an industry has been closely linked to the destiny of the country and the nation. How can this sense of historical depth not be forgotten?

It is something that can only be compared to suits and leather shoes.

He was a participant and witness at the moment. Looking at Zhou Jing, Pu Chulong suddenly had a hallucination, as if he could see the shadows of countless people in him.

Although everyone wears different work clothes in different eras, they have the same spirit as Zhou Jing, Iron Man, a real man.

It turns out that this is how heartbeat feels. Pu Chulong held his chin with one hand and the eyes flickering in his eyes were extremely complicated, but he soon became gloomy.

Don't think about what is there but what was said before. Pu Chulong sighed secretly and thought that it would be better to let Zhou Jing give her a blow directly. Alas...


"Hello everyone, I am Zhou Jing." Zhou Jing stood on the stage and bowed to the audience.

To be honest, he had watched that video twice, and despite this, he was still very excited. This also made him more convinced that the decision to do this program was the right one.

Well, it depends on his performance next. Zhou Jingshen took a deep breath and exchanged a few words with Zhao Xiubin before getting straight to the point.

If the VCR records the tortuous history and difficult achievements of China's steel industry, then what Zhou Jing will talk about is the future.

Today, China's steel industry has reached an unimaginable size, but there are many problems. Just like the last sentence in the VCR, we are always on the road.

Upgrading and eliminating backward production capacity and creating green and environmentally friendly steel are the two key plans for China's steel industry in the future.

Zhou Jing gave San Steel as an example. As the domestic steel company with the No. 1 production capacity and technical equipment, San Steel is already taking action.

First, it cooperated with the Guangdong Provincial Government to merge the old Yue Steel and Shaogang Iron and Steel, then eliminated all the original production lines with backward technology, and transferred this part of the production capacity to build a new Sanshan Iron and Steel Donghai Project on Donghai Island in southern Guangdong Province.

The project plans to produce 9 million tons of iron and 10 million tons of steel annually. It is currently under construction, and its No. 1 blast furnace is expected to be ignited and put into operation in the second half of this year.

In addition, during the preparation period, the Donghai project proposed high-end, intelligent, green, efficient and other goals, and required that three principles must be met after it is put into operation, namely ultra-low emission of waste gas, zero emission of waste water, and no waste solids leaving the factory.

Some people may think that Sangang is bragging, but those who have seen the panoramic view of Sangang in a VCR believe that it is definitely not just a slogan, because green garden-style steel plants have long existed in Shanghai.

It is true that steel companies have always been major polluters. If ordinary people saw black smoke coming from the chimneys of steel plants a few decades ago, they would have thought it was a sign of prosperity, but now they just cover their noses and frown.

Therefore, the times are progressing, and steel companies in the new era must consider environmental protection issues. For this reason, Sanshan Steel has invested a lot of money in upgrading and transforming environmental protection equipment. When hearing this, the scene couldn't help but burst into very warm applause.

Zhou Jing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. It seemed that the response was quite good. You must know that recording this kind of program is much more difficult than a variety show. Telling jokes and playing games is nothing. It's just a smile. What he said now is serious.


As Zhou Jing's solo explanation ended, Zhao Xiubin started the exclusive interview mode. This was a bit like the domestic "A Date with Luyu". Fortunately, Zhou Jing came prepared.

The previous few questions about Sanshan Iron and Steel were all okay, but Zhao Xiubin suddenly changed the subject and asked that South Korea is also a steel powerhouse, so how does Zhou Jing think about whether there is competition in the steel industry between South Korea and China.

The topic was very sharp, but Zhou Jing understood that Zhao Xiubin was not deliberately trying to embarrass him, because from a Korean perspective, this question was unavoidable, so he smiled slightly and gave the answer, no.

It’s not a series just in terms of size. South Korea’s steel industry started in the early 1970s. Like San Steel, it received technical assistance from Japan at an early stage. Generally speaking, its development is quite good.

The crude steel output of Korean steel companies, led by Shanghai Pudong Iron and Steel Co., was 71 million tons in 2014, surpassing Mao Xiong and ranking fifth globally, second only to China, Japan, the United States and India.

But compared with 800 million tons +, this output is insignificant. In addition, Zhou Jing also gave a set of data. According to statistics, South Korea's proud shipbuilding industry only accounts for 55% of its domestic steel supply, and the rest needs to be imported.


This is also the reason why the DPS project was conceived. Therefore, as far as the steel industry is concerned, South Korea's best positioning should not be a competitor but a partner. At least in the annual iron ore price negotiations with the three major mining companies, everyone can

Join forces.

How should I put it? Zhou Jing’s words were spoken from the bottom of his heart. He did not show any disrespect to his colleagues in the Korean steel industry, on the contrary, he admired them quite a lot.

It started late but has achieved gratifying achievements. These are all inseparable from the hard work of thousands of Korean steel workers. However, some people find these words harsh.

What do you mean? Zhou Jing didn’t take South Korea’s steel companies seriously. The fragile national self-confidence made this program a highlight that has been talked about for many years.

According to the program, the program has entered the final stage, and the audience is interacting. Zhao Xiubin thought that all Zhou Jing's fans were present, so he randomly selected one, but he almost turned over.

"Aniha Sai, I am Cui Dongyan from Yonsei University. I have a question I would like to ask Zhou Jingxi."

"Cui Dongyanxi, you said..."

"Nei, Zhou Jingxi, after watching the video, I was also very moved by the development of your country's steel industry, but I recently saw an article on your country's Internet that I thought was quite interesting. Can you share it with you?"

"But it doesn't matter." Zhou Jing looked at Cui Dongyan and seemed to have some concerns.

"Okay, you just mentioned that China has built the largest industrial group in human history, but I want to ask, do you know about pen tip steel? Haha..."

Cui Dongyan looked smug after asking, as if he was expecting Zhou Jing to fall into an embarrassing situation. At this time, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, and most people didn't know what happened to the sharp steel.

So Cui Dongyan raised his head and looked at Zhou Jing, but he was surprised to find that Zhou Jing seemed unmoved. Instead, he asked everyone in the audience:

"Do you know what pen nib steel is?"

"Mora yo..."xN

Pu Chulong sat upright. Although she didn't know what the sharp steel was, she was confident that Zhou Jing could answer this question perfectly.

Coincidentally, not only Park Chorong, Lee Ji-eun, Sunmi, etc. all heard that the other party was provoking, not to mention that there was a bright eye full of anger in the audience.

However, none of them are crystals. If Xiao Daijing saw Zhou Jing's expression at this moment and would just say something like, stinky Oppa, crush him to death, hum...

"Since everyone doesn't know what pen nib steel is, let me educate you on it." Zhou Jing said calmly, ignoring Cui Dongyan's astonished eyes.

The so-called pen tip steel, whose scientific name is extremely machinable steel, is the small steel ball at the end of the ballpoint pen. Don't underestimate this steel ball, its diameter is as small as less than a millimeter.

In order to ensure that the pen tip is durable and reliable, its material is usually made of tungsten steel alloy, which is as hard as diamond and is extremely difficult to process. Currently, only Japan and Switzerland can produce it.

Is it because China is incapable of manufacturing? Haha, Zhou Jing also paid attention to some public opinions on the domestic Internet. What kind of manufacturing powerhouse can't even produce ballpoint pen tips? Blah blah blah...

They just want to badmouth Made in China. Zhou Jing and other people in the industry were too lazy to pay attention to these barking dogs. It is a joke. Even nanometer-level products such as carbon nanotubes can be processed in China. What the hell is a steel ball on a pen tip?

However, some people are working tirelessly on this. Zhou Jing looked at Cui Dongyan and smiled coldly, and asked after a moment:

"Classmate Cui, you probably didn't watch that video very well just now, haha..."


Cui Dongyan didn't expect Zhou Jing to change the topic, but the next second he came back to his senses and asked:

"Zhou Jingxi, I looked carefully, but what does this have to do with the pen tip steel? Please explain it."

Yes, Pu Chulong held her head in her hands and couldn't help but wonder. The hazy conversation between the two parties confused her, but she understood what Zhou Jing was saying with her bright eyes.

The blast furnace, which taps hot metal, is the core of the steel industry. It is called the Iron Boss in China. It has the characteristic of running around the clock from the moment it is ignited. The cost of starting and shutting down each time starts at 20 million yuan, unless it is repaired.

Otherwise, the furnace will not be shut down easily due to overhaul.

And this is also related to Zhou Jing's rhetorical question, "There is nothing to explain, classmate Cui, do you know what the annual global demand for pen nib steel is?"

"This..." Cui Dongyan scratched his head without comment.

"I'm telling you, it's 2,000 tons. Did you think of anything?" Zhou Jing slowly explained.

It's a pity that no one in the audience, including Cui Dongyan, understood what Zhou Jing wanted to express specifically. Only one jade hand was raised high. Seeing this, Zhao Xiubin naturally followed suit.

"Commander Zhou, you mean that this kind of niche product is not worth making, or that it can't be made, right?"

"Maza, Xu Xianxi, that's what I mean." Zhou Dingding nodded and admitted.

"I don't believe it. These are your strong words." Cui Dongyan tilted his neck and looked stubborn, but Xu Xian silenced him with just one sentence.

"Cui Dongyanxi, 2,000 tons? Have you ever thought that according to the scale of the steel plant described by Commander Zhou, one day's output may be enough to last the entire industry for a year, haha..." Xu Xian stood up and said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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