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1717 A battle that is not that important

"Tang people!" After several sentries were already dead, a dwarf soldier finally discovered the intruder by accident. He shouted loudly, and then was hit in the head by a bullet flying towards him.

The dwarf soldier beside him immediately pulled the bolt of his gun, picked up his Bobosha submachine gun and started shooting in the direction of the Tang man.

Although he did not hit the Tang army soldiers, his firing suddenly made all the dwarves around him alert.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The soldiers who were distributing ammunition just now shouted loudly, then took their weapons and ran towards the damaged part of the building where they were. They wanted to go out from there and run along the trench to engage in battle.

places to support.

In the direction they were running, the sound of grenades had already been heard, which proved that the battle for the trenches between the two sides had become fierce.

Relying on their firepower advantage, the Tang Army kept pouring out ammunition. Their firepower was so dense that the dwarf soldiers could not even lift their heads. The Tang Army behind them had already prepared their lethal weapons for the attack.

The three Tang Army soldiers pulled the tabs of the grenades, lined up in a row, and threw the grenades near the tunnel of the dwarf trench based on experience.

After a series of explosions, the mud raised blocked the field of vision, and the soldiers of the Tang Army began a new round of attack. The leading soldier held a rifle and fired all the way, while the soldiers of the Tang Army following him were ready and waiting for him to prepare.

Continue to press the cover when changing magazines.

It was obvious that the Tang army was better prepared for battle and more skilled in battle. Several dwarf soldiers were knocked down before they could react.

The remaining dwarf soldiers had to retreat backwards, giving up their core position in the trench. Several soldiers even turned around and ran towards the building at the end of the trench.

"Building!" Behind them, the commander of the Tang Army soldiers had noticed the target building that looked like ruins. His shout made the fleeing dwarf soldiers tremble with fear, and even began to have a little fear of the nearby building.


They really needed to think about where they were going to escape, because as the Tang Army advanced, several Tang Army shooters had already aimed their loaded rifle grenades at that building.

Tang Jun was worried that there would be an ambush with machine gun firepower in the building and suddenly opened fire when they approached, so he directly arranged a round of fire suppression. Regardless of whether there was anyone in the ruins, it would not be wrong to bomb them first.

So, just when the dwarf soldiers began to defeat the building, five rifle grenades landed near the building, and the smoke from the explosion could be seen clearly even in the night.

The few dwarf soldiers who had just come out of the room were stunned by the sudden rifle grenade. They got up from the ground in disgrace, and after turning around, they realized that two people were missing from their side.

It was no longer possible for these two unlucky men to get up from the ground. The remaining dwarves began to run forward along the trenches. They wanted to block the Tang army from outside before they occupied all the trenches.

If these Tang troops are allowed to approach the building where they are located, they will be quite passive in the subsequent battle. The opponent will attack the building without warning and use the advantage of firepower density to overwhelm the dwarves' defense line.

"Thud, tug, tug, tug!" Seeing a dark figure, regardless of whether it was an enemy or not, the dwarf platoon leader picked up his weapon and started firing. His bullets flew through the dark night, and the black shadow on the opposite side fell in response.

But when another black figure ran over along the trench, everyone saw the other person's beard clearly: it was a dwarf soldier. The other person pointed in panic at the trench where he came from to remind everyone: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!


At this time, the fool also knew that the enemy was coming, so no one paid attention to him and immediately launched a battle formation.

Several guns were pointed at the position where they came from, and no one cared whether the person the platoon leader had just opened fire was an enemy. The last dwarf took out the wooden handle grenade from the elf from his waist, unscrewed the cap and took out the grenade inside.


Once he finds someone approaching, he will throw the grenade in his hand, and his comrades in front of him will fire without hesitation to suppress the enemy's firepower.

The wait was always long. They felt that at least a few minutes had passed, but there was still not much movement on the other side. No one knew the location of the enemy in the darkness, so they did not dare to reveal their location easily.

But the Tang army on the opposite side actually knew where their enemies were. The body heat of those people reflected in the sky like shining stars in the dark night.

So several Tang soldiers climbed out of the trenches and approached the trenches where the dwarf soldiers were from the other side. They left the cover of the trenches, but also took advantage of the height.

After approaching a very confident position, several Tang soldiers tore off the grenades hanging on their chests, pulled the safety, and threw the grenades into the trench.

The dwarves never expected that a grenade would accurately fly over their heads and roll to their feet, but they all heard the crisp sound of a grenade rolling down near them.


I can't see clearly where my feet are.

"Lie down!" A reluctant dwarf soldier reminded his companions, and then the grenades exploded one after another in the trench.

The Tang army launched a charge after three explosions. The soldiers at the front rushed towards the building, braving the smoke and stepping on the dwarf deserters who were shot and killed by the dwarf platoon leader.

The corpses of dwarves were lying on the ground, and several Tang troops who were outflanking the trenches had already gotten up and charged towards the building.

"Boom!" No one knew that the dwarf at the back desperately pulled the cord of the grenade in his hand before he died. He died in the trench holding the grenade. The grenade just happened to overturn the Tang Army soldiers rushing at the front.

On the ground.

But the battle was over. The Tang Army quickly occupied the building, and the medical soldiers were ultimately unable to rescue the unlucky soldier - he became the only Tang Army soldier to die in this offensive battle.

No dwarf soldier survived...

For the entire battle situation, the battle here is not very important. It is just another building occupied by the Tang army. But as things like this continue to happen, the dwarves' defense line in Ironforge has become precarious.

This chapter has been completed!
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