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1718 Release Arrangement

A line of defense cannot always be in a state of danger. Either it will be breached by the enemy, or it will continue to strengthen and become indestructible.

So when the dwarf troops in Ironforge began to lose their positions little by little, it would be difficult for them to continue to hold the remaining positions.

After several blocks changed hands under the attack of the Tang army, the defense lines on the dwarf flanks began to waver on a large scale: some troops chose to surrender, while others gave up their positions and chose to retreat.

Marshal Xie Ke tried to prevent this kind of thing from happening continuously. He changed several front-line commanders and dispatched more supervisory teams, which finally stabilized the situation.

However, there was no way to get the lost positions back. The dwarves could only reinforce the positions on the existing defense lines, making the Tang army's advance more difficult.

As the battle line penetrated deeper into the city, the armored vehicles and tanks of the Tang Army were gradually unable to exert their full effect, and the Tang Army's advance became slower. However, they were still encroaching on Ironforge one house after another, compressing the dwarves' defensive positions.


"The news from Marshal Xie Ke...his troops have retreated here." In front of the map, Chief of Staff Larbu was explaining the latest battle situation to the prime minister and several ministers.

Knowing that everything could no longer be hidden, Xie Ke stopped tabooing anything and reported his true status to the staff.

The same was true for Marshal Balov on the other side. He had no intention of playing tricks and directly reported all the situation to the higher-ups of the empire truthfully.

It's just that neither Larbu, the Prime Minister, nor other ministers had the courage to tell the other side the true situation of the war, nor did they dare to tell the situation to His Majesty the Emperor, who didn't know anything yet.

"If the Tang Army deploys artillery in these newly occupied areas, they can already cover where we are." Larbu said to the prime minister nervously: "The other party may start shelling at any time, and we will have no way to explain to His Majesty.


"Can't we concentrate some artillery to suppress the Tang Army's artillery attack?" A general thought of a way and suggested: "If this is possible, then we can at least make the Tang Army lose some artillery and force the other party to give up the artillery attack without worrying about the loss.

Palace Tactics.”

Larbu shook his head bitterly and explained the current situation to the old general: "You may not know that our artillery is not enough now, and we really cannot concentrate on counterattacking the opponent's artillery fire."

In fact, he said it more politely. The current situation is that if the artillery fire is launched against the Tang army, then it is very likely that the other side will wipe out all the dwarf artillery in just a few rounds of artillery fire.

The artillery caliber, quantity, and ammunition reserves of the two sides are not at the same level at all. It only takes one battle to determine the winner.

Not to mention, if the dwarves try to concentrate their artillery, the opponent is likely to gain insight into this information in advance, and then they may dispatch bombers or helicopters to suppress the dwarf artillery positions. A single covering strike is enough to disillusion all illusions.

In short, the current situation is that the dwarf artillery is dispersedly deployed, and the ammunition is very limited. It can only provide limited support for the infantry, and it is impossible to organize a large-scale counterattack.

The general who asked this question was actually a veteran who had just been reinstated. He didn't understand anything at all. The last time he commanded a victory in a battle was in the Flintlock Era.

"Are we just going to sit back and wait for death? Hundreds of thousands of troops are blocked at the door of our house and beaten?" The old general had a hot temper and snorted, disapproving of Larbu's explanation.

In the opinion of this old general, today's Ice Empire is still very capable of fighting: he has seen the Ice Empire's military parade, looked at the majestic tanks and the roaring planes, and he thinks that his country

It is the most powerful empire in the world.

Unfortunately, the reality is not like this at all. The opponent is more powerful than they imagined, and they can't even imagine it.

"It's enough to be able to withstand the opponent's attack...General! You have also seen Marshal Xieke's battle report. He can't even counterattack. What do you think we can do?" Although Larbu was reluctant,

But I still explained a few words.

When this was brought up, the old man stopped talking. After all, a marshal is a marshal after all, and the military rank is there. Even if he is younger than him, he is still a marshal, and he cannot deny it casually.

Nowadays, Ironforge's defense forces are in the hands of the East and West Fronts. If the East and West Fronts are unable to counterattack, then there will actually be no possibility for Ironforge to launch a counterattack.

"Then we can only pray now that the Tang army will not have any plans to bombard this place?" the prime minister asked a question.

"That's almost it." Larbu nodded. They really could only act based on Tang Jun's face now. If Tang Jun was really willing to do this, then it wouldn't be a safe choice for them to climb out of the underground bunker and go outside for some air.


Therefore, he continued to suggest: "If, I mean if...we are worried about something like this happening, then we should make a plan to arrange for people to go out for ventilation at what time...This may be useful."

There are now hundreds of officials hiding in underground bunkers of the palace, and many officials' families are actually in nearby bunkers. It is not easy to arrange for so many people to go out for air.

His Majesty the Emperor can't hide in a bunker all day long, right? He has to go out and breathe fresh air, right? These are basic needs, who dares to stop him? But the Tang Army's bombardment may come at any time, and this kind of thing seems a bit...


"Indeed, I'll leave this matter to you. Make it as fair as possible... leave the best time to... Your Majesty. We must take into account safety factors and... His Majesty's mood." The Prime Minister said helplessly.

Some suggestions of my own.

"I will try my best." Larbu promised. He knew that this was a very offending job, but now he was the only one to do this work: anyway, he didn't care about offending people, because there were so many of them.

There is still a chance to cause trouble for him, only God knows.

Arranging some less important people to go out at night or at less safe times, and leaving better time for more senior officials and the emperor, this kind of thing needs to be considered repeatedly and revised repeatedly according to the Tang army's bombardment time.

In short, he has another job, and it is a rather desperate job.

This chapter has been completed!
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