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Chapter 730 New Year’s Plan (3)

The predecessor of the Bright Times film and television special effects industry chain is Zewanda Film and Television Special Effects Company established by Zhang Jizhong in 2003.

In early 2006, Zhang Jizhong merged this company into Bright Times Film and Television Company and became one of the special effects departments.

This special effects department first did large-scale special effects for "Zhu Xian", and then did large-scale special effects for "Hope". Both projects were considered successful, and they also allowed the technical staff to rapidly improve their special effects production experience.

But other than that, there have been no outstanding results in the past three years.

"After "Hope" was designated as a long-term experimental project in 2006, one-third of the special effects manpower and material resources were devoted to this project, and the remaining two-thirds were used to adapt to the market. Is this the case?

"Han Sanping asked Zeng Zhengzong.

Zeng Zhengzong nodded.

The personnel part of the special effects industry chain consists of more than 80 technicians, 30 original painting members, 300 machines and other various equipment.

Since "Hope" was designated as a long-term industrialization project in 2006, one-third of the manpower and material resources have been immersed in this area. Wen Muye, Liu Yi and others often communicate with their technical department personnel about their ideas.

The first is to conduct technical experiments on science fiction special effects that are consistent with the theme of "Hope", and the second is to put into the library special effects that are in line with the director Fumino's ideas and the chief screenwriter Liu Yi's ideas.

The sufficient special effects library is also preparing for the future "Hope". During the post-production of special effects, the special effects produced in advance can be used directly, thus saving a lot of time.

This project uses one-third of the company's existing manpower and material resources. This part of the personnel and corresponding machinery cannot be reduced or moved. The other two-thirds of the manpower and material resources are used for internal or external work and operation.

The company's special effects business.

"In the eyes of me, Mr. Wang, Mr. Chu and Mr. Liu, since the establishment of the special effects field of Brilliant Era, the ones who are really making steady progress are the one-third of the people, and the two-thirds of the people are standing still, leaving the entire special effects industry behind.

The level of the company has been seriously divided." Han Sanping said.

Everyone looked at Zeng Zhengzong, feeling a little embarrassed but helpless.

In terms of special effects, whether it is internal or external, the jobs I receive are basically special effects production for martial arts dramas.

But when it comes to special effects in martial arts dramas, as Han Sanping said, the commercial value is not good and the technical content is not high.

If Party A’s requirements for special effects are top-notch, then that’s okay. Technical talents can quickly improve their technical level and practical experience through this business.

But if Party A's requirement for special effects is just to be visible, then such average-quality special effects really have little significance for the company's internal humanistic development and improvement of technical level, apart from making a little money.

However, the current special effects market is like this. Major production companies and film and television companies do not have high pursuit of special effects.

This is true for the entire industry, which is also the core reason for the slow development of domestic special effects technology and market.

For the special effects of the Brilliant Era, taking over the special effects production business of this kind of martial arts drama has no other benefits except making a small profit. It cannot effectively improve technology and cannot effectively cultivate top talents, which seriously hinders the development potential and development of special effects.


There are only one-third of the manpower dedicated to the "Hope" project. Although this part of the manpower and material resources is purely internal consumption and will not produce any effect for the group in a short period of time, in the past few years, in terms of technical level, and special effects that can apply for patents

The library has really been greatly improved.

In this situation, compared with the rapid development of the entire Bright Times collective in recent years, only one-third of the people in his special effects company have kept up with the collective's development rhythm, and the remaining two-thirds have already followed the group's development.

The speed of development is out of line.

Indeed, as Han Sanping said, there is a serious separation between the humanistic and technical aspects of his special effects company.

"In my idea..." Chu Xuan said slowly.

After the group became a group, he mainly focused on "Star You", the screenwriting industry and marriage. He didn't have that much energy to understand the details of various aspects of the group. He could only listen to reports from people in the company or listen to discussions by Sister Hua and others.

Sister Hua's main focus is on the group. As the chairman, she stands tall and sees far. Through the group's operating structure, she quickly discovered the operational shortcomings of the special effects company. During the two days of New Year's Day, she considered it several times with him, Liu Yifei, and Han Sanping.

I decided to change this situation.

"A technical company like special effects should have at least two main bodies: one is the R&D department similar to the "Hope" project team, and the other is the business development department."

"Whether it is the R&D department or the development department, the relationship between the two should go hand in hand."

"The R&D department is equivalent to conducting scientific research and developing new things for people in the development department to present to the market through commercial projects."

"Even if the research project of the R&D department takes a long time and nothing new is produced for a while, the overall technical level of the R&D department should not lag too far behind."

"Based on the current development of the group, the current situation of the special effects company is equivalent to..."

"To give a simple example, the development speed of Bright Times Group is 100, and the development speed of the "Hope" project team is also 100, but the development speed of most of the remaining two-thirds of the business sectors is 10. According to what Mr. Han said

, this feeling of separation is very strong.”

There are some people here who don't know anything about special effects and have been just listeners on this issue.

But hearing Chu Xuan's easy-to-understand example gave them a clearer understanding of the problems existing in the special effects company.

"So the core to solve this problem is to increase the overall development speed of the special effects company's business sector and keep up with the group's development pace." Meng Hongwei, a shareholder of the channel dealer, said.

"Yes, Mr. Meng hit the nail on the head." Wang Jinhua nodded slightly.

"Didn't I take over the job of "At the Battle of the City" last year? The special effects company's business sector should be able to accelerate its improvement, right?" Zheng Xiangdong, a shareholder of the channel dealer, said.

Han Sanping looked at him: "What about after "Army at the City" is over? Will the business sector return to martial arts?"

Hearing this, Zheng Xiangdong moved his chair, adjusted his sitting position, smiled to himself, and understood completely.

The special effects company has its own long-term research and development project, which can ensure that the people in this project continuously improve their level and keep up with the rapid development pace of the group.

In addition, the business sector must have a steady stream of high-quality business to ensure that the people in the development department, as Chu Xuan said, can continue to improve their level and keep up with the rapid development of the group.

The group's film business has just started, and it is not enough to continuously provide high-level business to the special effects company, allowing the special effects company to develop rapidly in all aspects and at a high level. At present, the domestic market does not have high-level special effects business at all, so it can only

Set your sights on TV projects from Brilliant Era.

"We are a big family, and the relationship between the company and the company is that of brothers and sisters. If any family member falls behind, the elder brothers and elder sisters will help to support them. This is the humanity of our brilliant era and the corporate culture of our group."

"The group is developing in the direction of a closed-loop industrial chain, and special effects are also a part of the closed-loop. If the development of special effects completely falls behind, it will have an impact on the film and television aspects in the future."

After hearing Wang Jinhua's words, everyone nodded.

No matter how the market develops, Brilliant Era has the development direction of special effects movies.

If the special effects technology cannot keep up with the development pace of the group, when the group's film sector reaches the scale of the television sector and can launch three special effects movies at the same time, the special effects sector will be severely disrupted, creating a large closed loop in the group's production chain.

A big gap, which is not in line with the group's closed-loop development strategy.

""The Sword" in 2005 and "Zhu Xian" in 2006. We once thought that these two popular dramas could drive the Xianxia market, or the special effects market. Now it seems that we thought too much at the beginning and didn't think about the capital.

It's so groundbreaking. It doesn't follow the trend of old wine in old bottles, but indulges in conventional themes, making us seem like a heretic."

Wang Jinhua's complaints were very interesting, making everyone present raise their eyebrows.

Chu Xuan still remembers when "Zhu Xian" became popular, and he also speculated that the market in the next two years might have a fairy tale style.

But it turned out that he was overthinking. Perhaps the news that "Zhu Xian" spent 20 million on special effects alone persuaded a large number of film and television capital to withdraw. In addition, urban idol dramas are becoming more and more popular year by year. To create low-cost and high-profit idol dramas, comparable

Xianxia dramas with large investment and small market share have more insurance.

As a result, in the past two or three years, the market share of Xianxia may have increased, but it has not improved much. It is still a niche theme.

"But we have to be clear about one thing. It's not that the audience market doesn't favor Xianxia, ​​it's that the capital market doesn't favor Xianxia."

"If the audience doesn't like Xianxia, ​​then "Sword and Fairy 1", "Zhu Xian" and "Sword and Fairy 3" will not become popular."

Everyone nodded and approved this market analysis.

The facts are here, these fairy tale dramas are indeed popular.

This shows that the lack of market for Xianxia is not because the audience doesn’t like it, but because film and television capital doesn’t want to invest heavily in Xianxia dramas.

"Since the capital market doesn't engage in fairy tales or big special effects dramas, let's do it."

"First of all, special effects need to be diversified."

"Not just science fiction themes such as "Hope" and "At the Gate", there are many themes that can use special effects. The diversified development of special effects is beneficial to the innovation of dramas in Brilliant Era."

"It's very beneficial." Li Hu nodded in agreement.

Being able to produce special effects in one theme does not mean that you can produce special effects in other themes.

The visual effects style of each theme is different, so the special effects style obviously needs to fit the different painting styles.

If Zeng Zhengzheng's special effects company can adapt to more special effects styles, in addition to allowing the special effects company to develop more comprehensively, the literary company will also expand the scope of genres in the selection of scripts, which can increase innovative routes based on other themes outside the existing market, and innovative dramas

The work can not only attract the audience but also enhance the brand effect of Bright Times.

"Secondly, the quality requirements for TV special effects are much lower than those for movies. The diversified themes can also allow special effects companies to develop rapidly in many aspects. Special effects companies can also take advantage of the trend to expand their scale and move in the general direction of special effects farms."

Zeng Zhengzong's face turned a little happy and slowly returned to normal.

When the crew of "Zhu Xian" first met Chu Xuan in early 2006, Chu Xuan imagined Disney's super-large special effects farm with tens of thousands of machines and drew a long-term blueprint for the special effects department.

It's just that in the past few years, the company's development focus has not been on special effects, making this blueprint look very vague.

After hearing Wang Jinhua's words, the group's development focus will be tilted towards his special effects company starting this year. The blueprint drawn by Chu Xuan seems to be taking off.

He returned from studying at Haolaiwu for many years just because he wanted to make some achievements in the domestic special effects industry.

At this moment, he felt unspeakably excited.

"Thirdly, Mr. Han, Mr. Chu and Mr. Liu said that if the special effects want to be highly integrated with the play to achieve a high level of quality, they need to start working from the screenwriting and coordinating stage, work with the director team on ideas, and then draw and design

Special effects concept drawings, etc.”

"I don't understand this, but everyone here should be able to understand it more or less. One of the suggestions put forward by Mr. Han, Mr. Chu and Mr. Liu is to let the special effects team join the industrialization of screenwriting to form a working standard for the industrialization of screenwriting and let the industrial system of screenwriting

More perfect, more comprehensive and more creative.”

Liu Yi and Zeng Zhengzong looked at each other, each projecting an understanding smile.

The two of them had discussed the matter of special effects and screenwriters working together a long time ago.

The benefits of the two major sections working together are obvious. It can make the special effects production concept more thorough, make the final special effects more suitable for the film and television pictures, and also reduce the communication costs in the post-production process, thus greatly improving the efficiency of special effects production.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! There are many benefits, but the company has produced very few special effects works in the past few years, just one "Zhu Xian", which lacks the opportunity for in-depth experimentation.

Since special effects have been focused on from this year, their idea has an opportunity to be put into practice.

"Fourthly, if we lead the market for special effects TV themes, the industry chain related to special effects will also develop. This may not sound like it has anything to do with us, but it is in line with the interests of the industrial development direction of screenwriters."

"Of course, this is a long-term benefit that cannot be estimated at present. It is good to know this."

Chu Xuan took a sip of tea from the cup and then gently put the cup down.

The special effects team joined the director's team, which he did when he and Liu Yifei were producing "Zhu Xian".

The effect was very good. We were producing special effects while filming, which made the production cycle of "Zhu Xian" more efficient.

If the company wants to take the special effects film and television route, this model is imperative.

In the past, it was a temporary combination when working on "Zhu Xian", but now the industrialization of screenwriting has already established a preliminary system. If we can work together with the special effects team and generate sparks, and finally form a creative standard for special effects in scripts, then it would be the best.


If a standard can be formed, then when the screenwriting industrialization radiation industry is launched, other literary companies must follow such standards, and first of all they must have partners in special effects production.

There are currently few film and television special effects companies in China. If we want to meet this possible standard when launching the industrialization of screenwriting, the development of the industry chain related to special effects production must keep up with the pace of the industrialization of screenwriting and radiate the industry.

If the special effects TV themes of the Brilliant Era can trigger the market to follow suit, then the domestic industry chain related to special effects production will slowly develop to a certain extent.

This is conducive to the industry's expansion of market scale and the development of industrialization in the bright era.

But this is a long-term goal, and we can only see the market results later.

"Mr. Cai's Tang Ren has been integrated into our system and joined our big family, giving our entire collective the scale and strength to launch five dramas a year."

"The general plan of our group's shareholders' meeting is that starting from this year, in terms of TV projects, there will be two or even three special effects-themed dramas every year, whether they are fairy tales, myths or other themes, as long as there is a framework system

Special effects production is fine.”

"This is the direction of future development of television starting from 2009 this year. If old themes should be discarded, discard them, and if innovation is possible, move in the direction of innovation."

"The cast, director lineup, and post-production ensure quality. As for the performance, it is left to the market. If the quality is up to standard, even if the performance is not ideal, it will still be the signature of this boutique piece of Glorious Times."

"Don't be afraid of failure. With Longyou here, the group can afford any losses."

Wang Jinhua's words sounded like a rebuke to Fang Qiu, which was very inspiring to everyone.

People present also understood that the establishment of Longyou gave Wang Jinhua a lot of confidence in running the entire group, which led to a U-turn in the direction of TV development.

All that's left is: "I no longer follow the market, I want to lead the entire market!"

Cai Yinong was very envious and felt conquered by Wang Jinhua's courage.

Capital and entrepreneur sound similar, but they are terms of different levels.

As the saying goes, capital pursues profit, and the direction of tapping the market always only looks at current interests, lacking groundbreaking thinking, let alone the word innovation.

While pursuing profits, entrepreneurs are good at using a long-term perspective to judge the future direction of the market, and have enough courage and courage to put the future market first and operate in the present, so that their enterprises are always far ahead of the entire industry.


If successful, fame and fortune will be gained.

If it fails...

"And Long You." Cai Yinong laughed dumbly.

If you take the path of innovation, you will always be full of vitality.

Li He, the chairman of the board whose main business is television, is also very interested: "Have you read the information?"

""Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is an adventure theme with a very high proportion of special effects. This kind of theme has never been seen in China. I define it as a Chinese fantasy, a completely new direction in genre dramas. The special effects focus on scenes and foreign object dynamics."

""Zhu Xian 2" is a project that Mr. Ye Junzi took over from our old Liu. He created the second part based on the story of "Zhu Xian 1". The main scene is Jiuyou Underworld. The main story line is Zhang Xiaofan saving Baguio who lost his soul and lost his memory.

, the main direction of special effects is character visual effects dynamics and natural environment.”

"There is also Mr. Cai's "Xuanyuan Sword: Traces of the Sky". This fairy tale is different from "Zhu Xian 2" in terms of subdivisions. The main direction of special effects is the visual synthesis of the original painting."

"After the group set a development plan for the TV segment, the company's project department and I worked out a selection of materials for three films with different special effects directions. This is also the third of the five projects planned this year."

Liu Yifei had been listening to them talking, but she was actually focusing all her attention on the project information.

The TV sector's development plan shifted to the direction of special effects. This was something she, Chu Xuan and Sister Hua had discussed in advance. However, she didn't know how Li Hu would deal with this plan before this.

After seeing several projects in the information, especially "Zhu Xian 2", she became very interested.

"Zhu Xian" was a work co-produced by her and Chu Xuan back then. Many ideas and creativity were incorporated into it. It can be said to be their hard work.

The ending of this work is rather open-ended. There is no specific explanation of where Baguio's body went or whether Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi were together.

After the work was broadcast and became popular, Liu Yi, the chief screenwriter, had the idea of ​​​​developing a series. However, it was later delayed by the affairs of "I Am an Actor" and "Legend of Red Flame", so this internal project was handed over to Ye

On your side.

She and Chu Xuan knew about this, but they didn't know what story "Zhu Xian 2" told.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Take a look at the story introduction of this project: Baguio’s body sank into the Jiuyou underworld, but the remaining soul was in the acacia bell in Zhang Xiaofan’s hand. Due to the lack of soul, Baguio

She lost her memory and became a mortal enemy with Zhang Xiaofan, who went to Jiuyou Underworld to look for her.

"Teacher Ye is really good at playing." Liu Yifei felt happy.

As the number of fans of the novel "Zhu Xian" has increased in the past two years, how many viewers are dissatisfied with Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio?

But, in Ye Junzi's hands, the two of them became mortal enemies. Isn't this too cruel?

When she thought about it, Zhang Xiaofan would definitely not kill Baguio. Passive defense would always make him hurt by Baguio. Moreover, in the setting, it was against the rules for Zhang Xiaofan to come to the underworld as a male, and he would have to face it all the time.

The pursuit of the Yin spirits in the Nine Netherworld.

In such an environment, Zhang Xiaofan's determination to save Baguio did not change, and he single-handedly defeated the entire Jiuyou.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaofan possesses the Heavenly Book, which was discovered by the major forces in Jiuyou and was considered to be an opportunity to become an immortal.

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan is like Tang Monk in the Nine Netherworld, with all kinds of ghosts and monsters trying to devour his body.

"This setting is fun." Liu Yifei felt very interesting.

Zhang Xiaofan went through many difficulties and obstacles, but still could not make Baguio believe in him.

The Lord of the Nine Nethers tempted him to sacrifice his body, and then he agreed to help him unite Baguio's soul and body and return the Yang.

Zhang Xiaofan agreed and was willing to die for Baguio.

But at the last moment, Baguio woke up and returned.

"This reversal is okay, the audience will definitely be very moved." Liu Yifei likes this story. It seems to continue Gui Li's dark style, and the very sadistic emotional line is also the style of "Zhu Xian 1", but the ending is still good in the end.

Liu Yifei looked at Li He: "Should Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio let Huang Xuan and Zhao Li play the roles?"

Li He said of course: "We must let them act, and only they can act. The emotional effect will best suit the perceptions of drama fans."

Not to mention that Huang Xuan and Zhao Liying are group artists, let’s just say that if the IP drama can’t change actors, it’s best not to change them. Many viewers have already regarded them as sentimental, and a change of actors will directly lower the audience’s expectations.

Chu Xuan lowered his head and flipped through the information files: "Huang Xuan and Zhao Liying have the resources. Chen He's "Love Apartment" will be launched this year. Wang Yuan will turn this sitcom into a series. If the ratings are good, Chen He will go in this direction first.

Just leave."

Speaking of Chen He, Chen Kaige raised his eyebrows slightly. He really paid less attention to his nephew. Fortunately, he mentioned it and let Chen He join the Brilliant Era. He didn't need to worry about his future development.

Chu Xuan raised his head and looked at Cai Yinong: "Hu Ge and Liu Shishi are in "Xuanyuan Sword", Tang Yan and Yuan Hong are in "Step by Step Jingxin", right, Sister Cai?"

"Yes." Cai Yinong nodded, and then a smile suddenly appeared on her face: "Last year, you recommended Luo Jin and Tang Yan to partner up. I contacted Luo Jin, and Director Li also said that he is not bad, and his contract will be available after the year

Period, if he is willing to come to Tang Ren, he can try the role of Fourth Master to satisfy your ideas."

Liu Yifei glanced at Chu Xuan and asked Luo Jin to join Tang Ren to partner with Tang Yan? Chu Xuan never told her about this, she only thought that Chu Xuan was helping his good friend develop his career.

Chu Xuan was stunned and recalled this incident. If Cai Yinong hadn't said it, he would have really forgotten about it.

Last year I went to Shenghai for a proposal documentary. I met Tang Yan on the show "Step by Step" and said that Cai Yinong's male lead was Wu Qilong. Tang Yan complained that Wu Qilong was too old and didn't want to play CP with Wu Qilong, so she asked him to

Let’s borrow the power of capital to help.

When he heard Tang Yan's idea, he couldn't help laughing. He immediately thought of Luo Jin and wanted to make the two of them work together to see if they could create any sparks.

He mentioned Ti Luo Jin to Cai Yinong, but he didn't expect Cai Yinong to always take this matter to heart.

If Luo Jin knew that Tang Ren was a subsidiary of Brilliant Times, and had worked with Hu Ge and Yuan Hong on "Zhu Xian" and became good friends, then Luo Jin would most likely be able to join Tang Ren.

This is not bad, after all, they are his good friends, and their development has been going very smoothly in recent years. He is also very happy to play in the same circle in the future.

"As long as it's suitable." Chu Xuan said: "Huang Bo is on the crew of my "Star You", so how will Su Chang and Jiang Xin be arranged? "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" does not have roles suitable for them."

Huang Xuan, Zhao Liying, Chen He, Huang Bo, Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi, these eight people have their own arrangements for resources this year, and only Su Chang and Jiang Xin are left.

"That's right." Liu Yifei looked at the information file and focused on the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" column: "There are three people in the starring team, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan are men, and only Shirley Yang is a woman, so this role is not the same.

It must be suitable."

"Not suitable." Chu Xuan shook his head. In his opinion, the role of Shirley Yang had nothing to do with Su Chang and Jiang Xin. He thought that the most suitable person for this role was Li Congcheng.

"Well, neither of them are suitable. These three protagonists need to be carefully considered." Li He and Chu Xuan had the same idea.

At this time, Lin Xiaoya waved to Wang Jinhua and pointed at the door with a thumb.

Wang Jinhua understood the idea and said: "It doesn't matter whether it's suitable or not, if the internal demand cannot meet the artist's needs, then Huang Bing, you can arrange external resources."

Huang Bing, chairman of the artist agency, nodded, this is his responsibility.

"The main contents of today's meeting are: firstly, the emergence of Longyou has given the group a strong financial position; secondly, it has set the tone for starting the construction of the group's park this year; and thirdly, it has set the direction of special effects film and television development starting from this year.

, and fourthly, during the expansion and coordinated operation of digital special effects this year, all subsidiaries will do their best to cooperate."

"When Xiaoya compiles the meeting minutes tomorrow, the key points of the meeting will be sent to you by email. You can make your own business plans for this year based on the key points. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to contact me for discussion."

"As for the TV projects that have been planned, except for "Star You" which has already started operations, the remaining four dramas should find directors, negotiate with directors, establish projects, and coordinate with you, Li Hedong."

"Finally, regarding the distribution of 112 million in dividends, you can come to the head office anytime before the New Year to come to me to raise your needs and discuss them. The core standard is to allocate funds reasonably based on the order of importance of the needs."

"Okay." Wang Jinhua stood up and said with a smile: "It's almost time. The meeting is here. We met last year. Many people have already arrived and are waiting for us."

After hearing this, everyone stood up one after another.

After sitting for several hours, our bodies were a little stiff, so everyone shook their legs or stretched.

Chu Xuan yawned, and Liu Yifei got up and walked out with everyone to prepare for the company's annual meeting dinner.

This chapter has been completed!
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