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Chapter 904 'The Sky' Premiere (5)

The four big guys on the stage gave speeches one by one, and Tang Jili could only stand aside.

Seeing the four big guys appear on the stage, everyone present fell silent.

One is the chairman of Huaying, the gatekeeper of the domestic film industry who "jumps out of the three realms and is not in the five elements".

One is the chairman of Bright Times, a leader in the domestic television production industry. He owns Micro-Entertainment and is a big boss in the media industry. Nowadays, the momentum of making his first movie is about to soar into the sky.

One is Chairman Yinghuang. If his strength is included in the mainland's sphere of influence, then Huayi is not good enough in front of him. After all, one is an old listed multinational company and the other has not yet been listed. So the capital gap is quite big if you think about it.

It's just that when calculating the strength of enterprises, industry media only count mainland capital, and Hong Kong enterprises are not included.

One is the president of UA China, a global cinema chain. He is one of the few large channels for Chinese film distribution overseas. If you just want to develop domestically, you can ignore him. If you want to be famous internationally, it will be difficult to bypass him.

Through him, you have countless resources and channels.

Such a four-person group made many guests present sigh with admiration.

"There has never been a premiere with such a standard." Zou Xun said.

"It shows that the meaning of this movie is unique." Huang Xiaoming said.

"How does it compare to "The Founding of the People's Republic of China"?" Yang Ying said a little jealously.

"The nature of the two movies is different. One is patriotic propaganda, and the other is to promote the development of the industry. How can they be compared?" Zou Xun glanced at her. He had no knowledge at all. It was a fake.

Zou Xun couldn't figure out what Huang Xiaoming liked about this woman. He always felt that her purpose in signing the contract with Huayi was based on Huang Xiaoming's relationship, and Huang Xiaoming was a kind-hearted person. If something happened in the future, Xiao Ming would be in trouble if he didn't protect himself.

It's just an emotional matter. It's not easy for an outsider like her to interrupt, lest she be disliked.

The four big guys on the stage each spoke from four angles, which served as the opening of the movie.

Han Sanping took the theme #The vigorous development of the film industry requires continuous innovation, and said a lot of things in an official tone.

Wang Jinhua took the theme #The Art of Letting a Hundred Flowers Bloom, Needs Unconstrained Imagination as the theme, and read for a long time while holding the manuscript paper.

Boss Yang used the theme of #香江与 Mainland cooperation and co-creation is the development trend of cross-strait film and television culture in the future#, and narrated it like a cliché.

The president of the China Region of UA Cinemas, a Singaporean-American, boasted about the theme #华国电影是 indispensable for the global film and television ecosystem, and the world needs to understand China through Chinese films.

Writing a discussion.

This topic is very flattering. Perhaps this Singaporean-American capital has no hostility towards China, or this kind of flattering remarks can trigger more domestic capital to cooperate with it to expand business paths. The points discussed are as follows

It talks about things that are connected between Chinese film and television and global film and television in a slanted and impartial manner.

As the opening and closing chapter, Tang Jili expresses his views on the theme of #SCIENCE FICTION IS NOT A MUCH PROBLEM IN OUR FILM INDUSTRY, BUT IT LIKES THE CREATORS HAVE THE DARE TO EXPLORE.

Tang Ji said that this theme is a bit narcissistic. Regardless of whether others have the heart to explore, he made "Sky Curtain" anyway, the first domestic science fiction blockbuster, which means that he has the heart to explore, which is somewhat


"What Chinese science fiction is, no one in the country has been able to say for sure before. As the director and producer of "Sky Curtain", I have the courage to try this theme. Whether it is right or wrong is for everyone to taste and judge. Please

Keep quiet, the premiere viewing begins now.”

As Tang Jili finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause and sent the five people off the stage.

Regardless of whether it is a road show or a screening, the audience market is considered stable.

Therefore, no audience was invited to this premiere, and all attendees were industry insiders.

When the movie is still on pre-sale, people in the industry can help promote it, or say a few words online to heighten public opinion, so that the audience market and the industry market can work together, which will be more beneficial to the upcoming movie.

Good things.

The opening themes of the five people are all positive and grand, and they sound very solemn and noble.

Everyone in the industry present felt the uniqueness of this premiere. Such a solemn and solemn premiere had never happened before. It also reminded everyone that the significance of this movie may be extraordinary, and it may also be...

It became a milestone in the domestic film industry.

With this idea in mind, as the lights in the screening room dimmed, everyone concentrated and prepared to appreciate the movie.

There were people present who had seen the movie through road shows or screenings, but many people had never seen it. The overseas people who listened clearly to the opening speech through translators all had a common expectation and question -

What is Chinese science fiction?

This issue is naturally confusing in the eyes of overseas people. They have no Chinese thought at all, and naturally they have no concept of Chinese science fiction.

In the eyes of the Chinese people present, this issue is also a question mark. Previously, science fiction movies all came from the West. Professionals have watched too many movies. When talking about science fiction, they will think of the stars, space, urban destruction and the so-called punishment of evil in the West.

Personal heroism that promotes kindness.

As for what China's science fiction looks like, this is indeed a question that has not yet been clarified.

And when the screen lit up and the plot of the movie slowly began, this question was gradually revealed. It may not be 100% correct, but it is an exploratory answer planted by predecessors.

When he went to Shenghai to talk to Wang Yuan about the West in June, Chu Xuan said that Westerners think in a fixed way, while Chinese culture is in a framework way of thinking.

The so-called set thinking, to give a simple example, is that 1 1 must equal 2, cannot be equal to anything else, and can only be equal to 2. This is in line with the Western thinking of thinking about problems in one direction.

The Chinese framework thinking is reflected in the wise ancients in ancient times. There is no 1 1 equals 2, and there is no mathematical formula. They just rely on a lot of symbols in the I Ching and Bagua to evolve the astrology and calculate the twelve hours.

When it came out, it pushed out thirty days of the month.

This is a myth in the eyes of Westerners, so they have been criticizing this thing as unscientific for decades, saying that the knowledge about the sun, moon and stars was calculated by their Western mathematics.

This is the difference between framework thinking and fixed thinking. The difference is that the logic of the former is wisdom, while the logic of the latter is something on paper, and it is something that must be written clearly on paper.

Therefore, Westerners only believe that 1 1 equals 2, and do not believe that one is born, two, two begets three, and three begets all things, which can explain all the laws of nature, because they cannot understand it, and because they believe in death.

This kind of thinking is reflected in film and television, and in science fiction movies. The most obvious thing is that aliens must have a specific appearance.

How can something that is completely unknown have a specific appearance?

Westerners won't think about this, but Chinese people will.

The basis for consideration lies in one sentence: Heaven and earth have no form, and all things have the same origin.

Nothing in the world has a predetermined appearance, so how can we define what it looks like?

However, since all things exist in heaven and earth at the same time, they have a common origin.

Therefore, when the alien life on the screen appeared in the form of "dirty light" or a ray of light, everyone in the audience was surprised, especially the foreigners who found it incredible.

How could "Light" be an alien? They couldn't even imagine that it would be this setting.

Light is formless and imageless, which is the explanation of the inherent lack of form of heaven and earth.

And this light can transform into human form, not only human form, but also all kinds of birds and beasts. This is the interpretation of the coexistence of heaven and earth and the common origin.

Such an alien life form made the group of foreigners present say "wow", and they were even more excited than the Chinese. Due to the irreversible difference in the way of thinking, such a setting greatly stimulated these foreigners, and they felt

The visual sense is unique and full of impact.

This is just like when Chinese people watched "Transformers" and saw that robots could turn into cars, everyone was amazed.

But since robots and cars are made of the same metal, there is a fixed logic on paper, and it seems to be true.

But the aliens in front of them are "light" and seem to be able to transform into anything. This breaks away from the logic on paper and their stereotyped thinking. Driven by cultural differences, it can be said that they are shocked.

"How did you come up with this? It's so amazing!" Ailand said to Liu Yifei, her eyes full of freshness.

Chu Xuan and Liu Yifei looked at each other. Maybe it was because the cultural differences were too big, or maybe they already knew the script and the movie well. They really didn’t think it was so amazing, but the audience at the road show was different from the foreign audiences now.

Friends were all so shocked, so they pretended to be surprised, so the couple also pretended to be amazed, matching the atmosphere of the whole place.

Ever since Zhang Yimou's "Hero" was released in North America and achieved good box office results, no domestic costume film has ever been released in the West.

Some people who are making noises believe that the quality of "Hero" is too high. No other martial arts costume movie of this quality can be made in China. Hollywood, which is very strict about quality standards, will not release it.

Some people with high cognition believe that this is Hollywood's blockade of my country's film and television cultural communication channels.

This is true, but only half true.

There is another reason: those people in China who worship foreigners and favor foreigners absolutely don’t believe it, and perhaps even patriotic Chinese people don’t believe it either.

This reason is that in the movie "Hero", those magnificent city buildings, those exquisite cornices and brackets, the window grilles and screens that are the ultimate art, etc., make foreigners feel inferior. This is the only way for the costume movie to succeed after "Hero"

The other half of the reason why it couldn't be released globally after "The Movie" is that it was only released in Asia at most.

The root of the inferiority complex lies in the fact that the United States does not have such a history and culture, and even though Europe has a millennium of culture, it has never been so prosperous and sophisticated.

In order to prevent Western people from admiring China in reverse, we can only prohibit China's glorious ancient culture from being displayed in the world. Otherwise, if Western people see that ancient China was so civilized and prosperous, wouldn't the Western-centered theory of earth civilization collapse?

Because of this, Chinese costume films have lost the global market. Maybe there will be changes in the future, but now they are completely banned.

Looking back at Western historical-themed movies, in order to promote how good and powerful Western civilization is, every time similar movies are released, the buildings in them are disguised as extremely luxurious.

But no matter how luxurious and high-end it is, a false fabrication is a false fabrication. If there is no historical record, you can only come up with a rough idea based on your imagination. In terms of details, it is impossible to catch up with the exquisite culture of China's recorded history.

No matter how false or fabricated they are, imagination cannot escape the constraints and limitations of the actual situation.

Regardless of whether the theory that Athenian civilization is of Western origin is true or not, or whether Roman civilization really existed, just watch some war-like Western historical-themed movies, and you will find a characteristic if you observe carefully.

People or forces in movies like to live on mountains. They build castles along the mountains, halfway up the mountain or on the top of the mountain. It is a wonder from a distance, and it is also luxurious and grand from the inside.

But if you think about it outside of this perspective, isn't this just building a shell on the mountain and then digging a cave to live in it? It's a civilization where a group of people live in a cave.

This is recorded, and this record is also related to the Mongols.

The Mongolian Western Expedition swept across Europe. No force or organization could stop the Mongolian cavalry. So what should we do? Run up the mountain. No matter how powerful your cavalry is, you can't go up the mountain, right?

This period of history has had a profound impact on Westerners, leading to some B.C. war movies and even the vampire series showing that powerful territories and territorial main cities are always built on mountains.

People who don’t know the history will find it very strange when they watch the movie, and those who know it will find it super funny.

Therefore, when the mountain houses appeared on the screen, they seemed to be similar to the cave culture in Western civilization, but they were intricately connected with white silver chains, and the water source of the waterfall was surrounded by wooden pipes.

The foreigners were stunned.

"I'll buy..."

Before a foreigner could say "what", the camera turned into the cave, and the splendor of the ancient city across the cave was fully revealed.

“I bought it!!”

He leaned his body outwards, covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes were as wide as bells, and his mouth was wide enough to put down an egg.

The foreigner's movements were very standard and neat. He was shocked and speechless by the scene in front of him.

Building a castle on the mountain with a flashy appearance is called civilization?

Without humanistic heritage and ecological links, everything is empty.

The scene in front of them told them what "five thousand years of splendid creation is extremely glorious, and a few decades of cultivation can make a difference." It also told them what it meant to be the imagination of a vast Chinese civilization.

"Is this the imagination of Chinese science fiction?" "Avatar" producer Jon muttered to himself. This really shocked him. Even though his "Avatar" also has a groundbreaking civilization system and extraterrestrial elements.

Humanistic and ecological design, but it lacks some historical heritage. Compared with the wonders and civilization of these mountain houses, it seems a bit empty.

This void is that things that are fabricated out of thin air have no inheritance.

I wonder if the West, while promoting its own culture, does not care whether its own people's thoughts are also distorted. Perhaps it is intentional?

Throughout the Marvel series of movies, there is a very paradoxical ideological conveyance.

For example, Batman's family power can be described as the boss of Gotham City. He is not only engaged in politics but also in business, making him a top power.

Then, the people in Gotham City lived a very miserable life, and Batman wanted to do good things.

It’s okay to do good deeds, but isn’t it okay to use your family’s power to do good deeds? Make a phone call and ask the municipal government to improve public security? Let the family’s company group pay more wages and benefits?

It's not too easy for Batman to do good deeds, but Batman just doesn't do that, and instead uses personal heroism to fight crime.

A city is so big and has so many people. What is the use of one person fighting crime?

In Chinese thinking, it is difficult to understand such a plot, but in the eyes of Western audiences, it is commonplace and they advocate individual heroism.

Therefore, when we saw on the screen that Cheng Xiong, Wei Ran and Lin Yi were so powerful, yet they had to go to the military for help instead of forming their own team to kill alien life, it made the foreigners present a little puzzled.

Although there is a logical connection, they do not quite agree with this plot setting.

Moreover, they were even more surprised when they saw that the national army immediately began to gather after Wei Ran and Lin Yi informed them.

Isn’t your country suspicious?

Are you not mocking the reality of another world?

Look at our science fiction and disaster films. Once there is a disaster prediction, the senior leaders will not believe it. Then a competitor will question your scientific data. From bottom to top, they will suspect you of causing chaos and will not let you go smoothly. The major military and municipal governments will

You just have to wait for disaster to strike before you believe it, and then it will lick you back.

Why doesn’t your movie include some internal questioning in the plot?

Did they unite as one so quickly?

This is very wrong!

The brain circuits of the foreigners present were a little stuck and confused. They just felt that the plot of unity and the execution ability of national mobilization were too fake.

But in sci-fi special effects movies, you can understand that everything is for fun.

But, is it their kind of suppressing things first and then building up the excitement, or is it the kind of plot that suddenly breaks out the cohesion of the whole country in front of their eyes?

Just when they were thinking about this issue, it was also the time when personal heroism was being shaken subtly. Then came the special effects scene covered by various artillery firepower from the army. All the soldiers, including the male and female protagonists, cooperated in an orderly and error-free manner. Every scene...

A state where everyone is working together to fight for a goal...

Not only the Chinese, but also these foreigners were ignited without realizing it. The various visual effects of weapons brought by special effects and the visual effects brought by the passionate battles of various actors made them feel a sense of their own.

It’s a movie-watching experience that I’ve almost never tasted.

When the last scene of the ancient city composed of extraterrestrial life was revealed, the whole audience roared with "wow" again, it was so amazing.

After the sun's rays caused the alien life to dissipate, the movie came to an end, and the guests present stood up and applauded one after another, with a sound like thunder.

The same goes for overseas people.

They have already felt the difference of this movie and the difference of Chinese science fiction, not only the cultural heritage brought by the scene, but also the cohesion and unity brought by the humanities. These two points are not possible in their Hollywood movies.


It is precisely these two points that can be called Chinese science fiction!

This chapter has been completed!
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