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【435】Snow Purgatory

After hearing what Qiao Tai said, Gu Yu was looking forward to the "grinding stone". He wanted to see what kind of magic power the grinding stone mentioned by Qiao Tai and Master Shiyan_&&

After taking a tour of Chunhua Cave, I found that except for the strong spiritual power, there was nothing special.

After coming out of Chunhua Cave, Gu Yu couldn't wait to fly to Danyang Cave. But to Gu Yu's disappointment, there was nothing strange in Danyang Cave. In the end, he had to pin his hopes on the abrasive stones in Qiu Zu Cave.

After Gu Yu jumped up to Qiuzu Cave on the iron rope, he pulled everyone up and walked in under the leadership of Qiao Tai.

The road into Qiuzu Cave is extremely narrow and can only accommodate one person.

The path leading into Qiuzu Cave is extremely smooth. It feels like stepping on wet ice. There is no way to exert force. If you are not careful, you will fall.

One by one, everyone walked carefully along the narrow cave and walked inside. The inside was not as dark as they imagined. The smooth cave walls emitted little bits of light, illuminating the entire Qiu Zu Cave.

Qiao Tai led the way, turning around from time to time to tell everyone the rumors about Qiu Zu Cave. Qiao Tai's storytelling ability was not very good, but everyone enjoyed it.

"It is said that when Qiu Zu was practicing Taoism in this cave, he tempered his mind and rolled a huge boulder down the path every day, and then picked it up again. Over the years, he actually polished the irregular stones into a round shape. The path and the

The cave wall was polished so brightly that the huge stone became the grinding stone it is today. This path is also called Grinding Road. Entering the main hall from this path, your temperament will change somewhat," Qiao Tai gasped.

Angry, he explained to everyone

"Grinding road? This name is quite appropriate. Just walking on this smooth road is enough. The road is as steep as ever. If you don't take a breath to move forward, it is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat." Gu Yu

This slippery road made him feel very annoyed. He couldn't help but be careful not to fall down, but also to consider the safety of the people behind him. It was really too much for him. Even so, he couldn't bear any resentment in his heart.

Qiao Tai smiled and said: "Persistence is victory. We are not far from the Qiuzu Cave Hall."

Seeing Qiao Tai's calm and composed look, Gu Yu also held a breath in his heart. He was not far behind in losing to Qiao Tai. He nodded and said: "Brother Qiao, this difficulty is still not a problem for us. Don't worry."

Follow Gu Yu to speed up and climb up.

After walking for more than ten minutes, when Gu Yu felt that he was about to collapse, the road ahead suddenly became clear, and a spacious hall appeared in front of him.

"We're here!" Qiao Tai jumped into the hall and said with a happy smile.

Gu Yu felt happy and jumped in immediately

Qiuzu Cave is not as huge as Gu Yu imagined. The entire hall is only about seventy square meters. In front of the hall is a seated statue of Qiuzu meditating and enlightening. His expression is deep and solemn, wise and firm, which makes people's hearts rise involuntarily.

Next to the seated statue of a trace of respect is a spherical stone, about 30 centimeters in diameter, with an unusually smooth surface. The oblique light from the gray-white cave wall makes the entire stone ball sparkle, like a luminous pearl.

Qiao Tai stepped forward and picked up the sparkling stone ball and said happily: "Brother Guyu, this is the abrasive stone. Come and hug it and feel it." As he spoke, Qiao Tai slowly handed the stone ball to him.

Arriving in front of Gu Yu

Gu Yu smiled and nodded, reaching out to take it. Suddenly Gu Yu felt his hands sink, and a strong force came from between his arms. He was secretly shocked, and quickly used his strength to take the stone ball into his arms.

The stone ball was cold in the hand and extremely heavy. Although it was only thirty centimeters in size, it completely exceeded its expected weight.

Gu Yu was shocked: "Brother Qiao, why is this abrasive stone so heavy?"

Qiao Tai smiled and said: "That's natural. Qiu Zu went to the East China Sea to collect the Jinghai Stone specifically for self-cultivation. The density of the Jinghai Stone is extremely high. The thirty-centimeter stone ball has already reached sixty kilograms."

Gu Yu was shocked and said: "Jinghai stone? There are also rare ores of heavy metals such as iridium and osmium?"

Qiao Tai nodded and said, "Not bad."

Gu Yu sighed and said: "No wonder it's so heavy. I didn't expect that Patriarch Qiu could find such a rare ore, and over time, he could grind the extremely dense ore into a stone as round as an egg. It's so amazing that he deserves to be the first generation."


Qiao Tai smiled and said: "Of course, but after you feel the power contained in this stone ball, you will be surprised."

Hearing what Qiao Tai said, Gu Yu nodded, then slowly closed his eyes and felt the power contained in the abrasive stone.

This abrasive stone gave me a chill. As Gu Yu concentrated his five senses on the abrasive stone, Gu Yu felt that his whole body was silent in a cold world.

Looking around, everything is white, and the body is surrounded by a cold feeling.

"It's so cold..." Gu Yu murmured and sighed, and his whole body started to tremble.

"Where is this? Why am I here?" Gu Yu looked at the snow-white world and thought in doubt.

"This is the ice and snow purgatory I created. If you want to cultivate your moral character, start here." At the end of the ice and snow world, a figure slowly walked from a distance, with an elegant and elegant immortal style.

"You are... Qiu Chuji, the founder of the Longmen Sect?" Seeing the person in front of him, Gu Yu's heart suddenly started to swell.

"Haha, yes, it's Pindao," Qiu Chuji said with a slow laugh.

Gu Yu was stunned. Although he was full of doubts, he still bowed and saluted: "Gu Yu, a disciple of Qingcheng Sect, pays homage to Master Qiu."

Qiu Chuji laughed and said, "You don't have to be polite, little friend. I am a disciple of the Qingcheng Sect. Why do you come to the Qiu Zu Cave of the Longmen Sect to practice?"

Gu Yu pondered for a moment and said: "Master, this is a long story. It's just that my Qingcheng sect's practice place was destroyed. The leader of the Longmen sect, Master Shiyan, allowed me and my friends to practice in the Longmen sect's Qiankun Cave.

Invited by Taoist Master Shiyan, I entered Qiuzu Cave to hold a grinding stone to cultivate my nature. If there is any intrusion, I ask the Master for your forgiveness."

Qiu Chuji smiled slightly and said: "I see, since you are invited by the leader of the Longmen Sect and you are an honored guest, you should practice well here."

Gu Yu asked doubtfully: "Master Qiu, I was originally in Qiuzu Cave, why did I suddenly come here? What kind of place is this ice and snow purgatory?"

Qiu Chuji smiled and said: "Qiu Zu Cave is the place where poor Taoists practice and realize Taoism, and the grinding stone is used by poor Taoists to cultivate their moral character. Over time, it has been contaminated with the spirit of the immortal spirit. Because I want to cultivate myself and cultivate my nature, I

I created this ice and snow purgatory to exercise my body and mind. The ice and snow purgatory you see now was created by the abrasive stone fairy spirit. If you can persist in staying in this for a few days, you will be better regardless of your physical strength or character.

Great improvement”

When Gu Yu heard what Qiu Chuji said, he felt a slight shiver in his heart, "Ice and snow purgatory? I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in this place full of white for long." Gu Yu knew that staying in a place with only white would make his whole body become depressed due to mental depression.

Violent, then will become lost and worried, and then produce a world-weary mood. With a snow-white world, there is no concept of time, there is only endless emptiness. Compared with the endless darkness, this endless white is scary...

Qiu Chuji naturally knew what Gu Yu was thinking. He smiled and said, "It all depends on people. I think you are not an ordinary person. You can definitely break through the obstacles in your heart and become firm in your mind."

Gu Yu smiled bitterly and said: "The Master is ridiculous. Since the Master said so, I will try my best. How am I going to get out of this ice and snow purgatory?"

Qiu Chuji smiled meaningfully and said: "Whether you have a thought or not, success or failure depends on you as a little friend. It all depends on yourself."

Gu Yu's heart trembled, and he bowed his head and said: "I understand, kid. Thank you for your guidance, senior." When he raised his head, there was still the man on Qiu in front of him, only the endless white color.

"Hey, where are the people?" Gu Yu was slightly startled and looked around, but there were still figures of people on the hill.

Gu Yu smiled bitterly and said: "These people who have become immortals really come and go in a hurry and disappear in the blink of an eye. However, Master Qiu has been ascending for a long time. I think this is just because his soul can be guided by Master Qiu. There is no Bai in Qiu Zu Cave."

Come on." He raised his head and looked at the snow-white world around him, and suddenly felt a little depressed.

"How long can I stay in a place like this? What will happen to the people outside?" Gu Yu was a little unsure for a moment.

However, Gu Yu is not the kind of person who retreats when faced with difficulties and is timid. He patted his head and said: "Ignore these things for now, stay as long as you can. Since Brother Qiao can do it, I, Gu Yu, am not weaker than him, why can't I?"

After making up his mind, Gu Yu sat on the ground, holding the Ziwu Jue in his hand to resist the severe cold coming from all over his body.

Even so, the coldness coming from all directions was like pouring into one's bones, making people's hearts freeze. Gu Yu, who could have entered meditation quickly, found it difficult to enter concentration for a long time under such circumstances. He sighed softly and slowly opened his eyes.

Opening your eyes and looking at the snow-white world, loneliness and emptiness suddenly hit your face.

Gu Yu shook his head vigorously and cursed secretly: "Mom, I don't believe it. I, Gu Yu, can't bear this feeling."

Gu Yu suddenly stood up from the ground, flew towards the end of the snow-white world

Gu Yu flew through the snow, trying to break out of this snow-white world, but this snow-white world seemed to have no end. No matter how he ran, he couldn't see the edge. Under the attack of the severe cold, Gu Yu felt that his body

He became increasingly weak and tired, and his steps became a little heavy. His whole body seemed to be frozen by ice. He couldn't exert any strength at all and finally fell down on the snow out of strength...

This chapter has been completed!
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