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Chapter 2186, The Duke's House

 The imperial capital of Worsheim is still some distance away from Daye City. It took Lin Zheng and the others eight days to see the majestic imperial capital of Winter Lion City. Of course, this was different from their slow pace.

The method has a lot to do with it. Although he really wanted to get the information about Jormungandr from Kuba, the bad road conditions still made Lin Zheng choose a more comfortable driving speed. As for whether Kuba can hold on until they arrive,

This depends on luck.

But now it seems that they have not arrived too late. At the gate of Winter Lion City, Lin Zheng and the others saw the official reward list, and when they came over, there was a soldier carrying paste.

After swiping the bulletin board a few times with a brush, a new list was posted. The three of them stepped forward curiously and took a look. It turned out that Bowser's condition had further deteriorated, and the Duke's Palace had once again increased the amount of the reward.

, as long as Bowser can be cured, he can get a medical fee of up to 100 million gold coins. Even if Bowser cannot be cured, if Bowser's condition can be stabilized, he can still get 5 million gold coins.

Deken was stunned when he saw it, "This is probably the highest medical fee in history! Sure enough, the lives of rich people are valuable!"

Lin Zheng smiled when he heard this, and said with a teasing look on his face: "Aren't you a rich man now?!" Brenner's treasure is an astonishing amount of wealth, even if it is divided equally among Deken and the others, everyone will still be rich.

If you can get wealth worth tens of billions of gold coins, if this is not considered rich, there will be no rich people in the world!

"Just go ahead and bury him!" Deken smiled angrily. If it weren't for this guy Siegfried, they would still want to kill Brenner and get Brenner's treasure?! Just dream!"

Even if I have money, I will not spend so much money to save my life. My life is not that valuable. If I am really about to die, I would rather kill myself with a knife. Spending so much money to save my life is a sin!


Lin Zheng shook his head after hearing this, "If a person dies, what's the use of having more money!?"

"Keep the cub for me!" Deken grinned and said, "I will find a wife to get married when I go back this time, and try to give birth to a cub next year. By the way, you must remember to attend the wedding then!"

"I can't guarantee this!" So far, this world is still operating according to vague dream rules. Once Brunhilde leaves this world, then this world will be connected to the chaotic space and become the world of heaven and earth.

One of them, but within the time between chaos, this world may have passed for thousands of years. By then, not to mention attending weddings, even attending funerals may not be enough!

But Brünnhilde exclaimed very excitedly: "I want to attend! It's Deken's wedding. Everyone will show up then, and it will be very, very lively!"

"Haha! That's right! That's it!" Deken said happily, and then stared at Lin Zheng angrily, "Anyway, don't give me so many excuses, kid. You must show up when we get married, otherwise I will still

I won’t get married!”

"This is not a good idea!" Lin Zheng said in a dumbfounded voice. Lin Zheng already knows the stubbornness of this guy Deken. If he really doesn't get married because he didn't attend the wedding, then his crime will be huge.


However, no matter what Lin Zheng said, Deken was not prepared to change his original intention, and Brünnhilde also strongly supported Deken and promised that she would definitely take Lin Zheng to attend the wedding together in the future!

This idiot! Lin Zheng knocked Brünnhilde on the forehead angrily, "Let's go to the city!"

Pulling the carriage and the black wolf, Lin Zheng and the others slowly walked towards the gate of Winter Lion City. There were people who rode strange beasts, but the tall and dark black wolf was still very conspicuous. Such a mighty warrior wolf

It’s rare! This caused Lin Zheng and the others to receive a lot of attention as soon as they arrived at the city gate.

The guards at the city gate looked more wary. After all, the black wolf looked too ferocious. If they let such a beast into the city casually and were held accountable by the authorities, they would not be able to eat it! But it was revealed in Deken.

After receiving a medal, the vigilance on the guard's face immediately disappeared, and then he respectfully invited Lin Zheng and the others into the Winter Lion City.

Entering the city, Brünnhilde couldn't help but asked curiously: "Deken, what did you show the guard? Why was he so polite all of a sudden?"

Deken smiled when he heard this, and then showed a golden badge. On the badge was a dragon's head with two swords crossed. It looked very handsome. When Lin Zheng and the two looked at the medal, Deken

Ken explained: "This is the Dragon Slaying Medal. It is a hero medal recognized by all the countries in the mainland. It was awarded to me by the Guild when I killed the Flying Dragon King last time. You would also have it, but who told you

The two of them ran so fast!"

"That's great!" Brynhildr stared at Deken's dragon-slaying medal with envy, "I want it too!" This kind of thing that symbolizes glory is the rarest thing for her!

Hearing this, Deken put away the medal and said with a smile: "That's no problem! When I left, the guild was already making dragon-slaying medals for us. Whenever you want it, just go back and get it!"

Brünnhilde's eyes shone when she heard this, and she immediately grabbed Lin Zheng and shouted: "Siegfried, after we defeat Jörmungandr, we will go back to Sphegor!"

"Okay -!" Lin Zheng smiled helplessly, "You can do whatever you want, but for now, let's find a place to stay first!"

However, things are really weird!

"Sorry guest, the shop is full!"

"Sorry! There are no more spare rooms in our hotel!"

"You're late, the last room has just been taken by someone else!"

What the heck, what's going on?! How come one and two hotels are so full?! Lin Zheng walked out of another hotel, and the three of them stared at each other, it was full again!

At this time, a wretched-looking man approached them and said with a smile on his face: "Guys, looking at you, are you looking for a hotel to stay?"

When Deken saw this guy's appearance, he frowned, "Then what?"

"If you're looking for a hotel, I'd better give up! Because of the high reward issued by the Duke's Palace, there are doctors everywhere in Winter Lion City. If you want to find a hotel where you can stay, there is basically no hope!


Hearing what the wretched man said, Lin Zheng had a look of surprise on his face. Thinking about it, the attraction of such a high medical fee is really too great. I am afraid that this situation will happen again before Kuba is finished.

Lasts a long time!

The wretched man observed the faces of Lin Zheng and the others, then smiled and said: "You guys can't find the hotel, how about it? Do you want me to provide you with a place to stay? Just one gold coin per person per night!"

"One gold coin a night?!" Deken's eyes widened, and then he shouted angrily: "Are you robbing?!"

"That's not what you say!" the wretched man said with a smile, "Housing in Winter Lion City is very tight now. Many people want to spend money to find a place to live but can't find it. And after nightfall in Winter Lion City, there is no place to live.

There is a curfew, and it will be very troublesome if you are caught on the street after dark! And now it is approaching dusk, I wonder when are you going to find a hotel? "

Originally, Lin Zheng was going to give this guy a few rewards. After all, although this guy looked disgusting, he at least told them the current situation in Winter Lion City. However, this guy took all their blackmail words and let them

Lin Zheng was unhappy. Deken was about to argue with this guy, but Lin Zheng stopped him. After looking at the wretched man's proud eyes, he said: "Thank you very much for reminding me. Goodbye!"

Eh?! The wretched man was stunned when he heard that. Seeing Lin Zheng and the others really leaving, he quickly chased after him a few steps and shouted: "I'm not bluffing you. You will never find a place to live in Winter Lion City at this time."

Even if you find something, it will never be cheaper than where I provide it!"

"Who said there's no more?!" Lin Zheng said with a smile on his face, and pointed ahead, "Well, there's it right there. It looks like the house is quite big. I guess there should be a lot of guest rooms!"

It was a very luxurious mansion. The front yard alone looked like several acres of land. It couldn't be more conspicuous in this densely populated Winter Lion City. The classical houses standing in the courtyard were even more conspicuous.

It is the tallest and most luxurious in the surrounding area. If it weren't for its majestic scale, Lin Zheng would have thought it was a royal palace!

Since the hotel is gone, finding a more comfortable place to stay is naturally Lin Zheng's first choice. Except in the wild, he will not let Brünnhilde be wronged. This place looks very good, after all

Is it a place for rich people? It must be comfortable. As for whether they will agree to stay for people like him, Lin Zheng thinks it is not a big problem. Many times, money cannot solve any problems, but with fists, most of them can be solved.

The problem is...

Hearing this, the wretched man looked in the direction pointed by Lin Zheng. At this sight, his eyes immediately widened. This guy is crazy! How could a group of unrelated outsiders be allowed in a place like that?! What do you mean?

You guys look like adventurers with no real reputation at first glance, can’t you be a little self-aware?! That’s a place you can just go in?!

The wretched man stopped. After being shocked, he then showed a look of joy in his misfortune, ready to enjoy a good show! When those guys were driven away, wouldn't they have to come back to look for him eagerly?!

By that time, it would not be one gold coin per night, he was going to collect two gold coins!

Under the watchful eyes of the wretched man, Lin Zheng and the others approached the mansion with a wolf and a carriage. He saw the guards stationed at the door showing their weapons at them. Look, the show is about to begin!

However, just when the wretched man was excitedly preparing to see Lin Zheng and the others in trouble, the guards suddenly put away their weapons. Forget about putting away their weapons, they actually saluted the three people very respectfully. Then, when the wretched man was stunned,

Just like that, we invited three people in!!

"Is this so fucking impossible?!" The wretched man grabbed his hair frantically. Who are those three guys? How could they make the guards of the Duke's Palace so polite?! Wait! The wretched man suddenly thought of

What, maybe, those three guys are just liars who came to your door. After all, there are too many of these kind of things in Winter Lion City recently. In the name of curing Bowser, they went to the Duke's Mansion to cheat on food and drink. Well! I'm sure.

That's it! Thinking of this, the wretched man began to feel sad again. The Duke's Palace is not so easy to deceive now. Those three guys should be thrown out later, and maybe their legs will be broken.


Lin Zheng and the others did not expect that the mansion they found at random would turn out to be the Duke's Mansion. If they had known that this was the Duke's Mansion, Lin Zheng would not have had to entertain any crooked ideas.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Duke's Palace to let them in casually, but who knew that Deken had the Dragon Slaying Medal in his hand? After that, he said that he had brought the mission items. A dragon-slaying hero came with the mission items in person! Even if it was

The Duke's Mansion didn't dare to neglect them easily, so Lin Zheng and the others were politely invited into the Duke's Mansion.

As distinguished guests, Lin Zheng and the others were invited to the large living room of the Duke's Palace. Brünnhilde sat on the sofa for the first time. The sofa was soft and full of elasticity. As soon as she sat on it, she immediately became very playful.

He got up and jumped up on the sofa like a child, making Lin Zheng dumbfounded.

The maids on the side wanted to laugh, but when Brünnhilde slipped off her hood while jumping, they suddenly stopped laughing. The goddess's noble temperament made the ridiculous thoughts in their hearts disappear in an instant.

, how could such a person be a bumpkin from the countryside?!

"Okay! How grown up you are!" Lin Zheng hugged Brünnhilde who jumped up angrily, and sat on Lin Zheng's lap. Brünnhilde looked excited and said happily: "But

It’s fun, I’ve never seen a chair like this before!”

Lin Zheng looked amused when he heard this, and said: "The sofa in Satan's house is soft. If you like it, I will take you to her place to play with it later. It doesn't matter if you break it!"

"You still know Satan?!" Brünnhilde looked surprised, "But I heard she is a bad guy!"

"Whether she is a bad guy or not, you will know this after you meet her yourself. Now, sit down and sit still for me. Did you see that the master is coming?"

Hearing this, Brünnhilde turned her head and looked towards the stairs. Sure enough, she saw a man with white hair walking down. Then she quickly sat down next to Lin Zheng, looking very ladylike. Lin Zheng was so impressed by the sight.

Zheng and Deken couldn't help laughing.

The Duke finally came over, and out of politeness, Lin Zheng and Deken stood up, and by the way, they also pulled up Brunhilde, who was pretending to be a lady.

The Duke is said to be only 48 years old. However, in the eyes of Lin Zheng and others, the Duke looks like a 60-year-old man. His white hair makes him look particularly old. However, judging from the outline, when he was young,

, he is definitely a handsome guy who attracts thousands of people. Even now, he still has the demeanor of an old gentleman!

As he came closer, the Duke's originally somewhat depressed face revealed a warm smile, and he said warmly: "Welcome all heroes to my humble home. I have a lot of trivial matters at home, so I'm really sorry that I couldn't come to meet you as soon as possible.

!" After being polite, the Duke looked at Deken, "Is this Mr. Deken, the dragon-slaying hero of Sphegor?!"

Deken grinned, nodded and said, "That's right!"

"Sure enough!" The Duke laughed very enthusiastically and said: "Mr. Durken's reputation is very loud in our Worsheim! Many young people worship you as an idol!"

"It's just a false name. Besides, I am a dragon-slaying hero. I just killed a flying dragon king!" Deken said humbly.

The Duke nodded secretly after hearing this, apparently appreciating Deken's humble character, "Mr. Deken is too humble. Even the Flying Dragon King is a terrifying existence that the world cannot contend with. You have got rid of that scourge for the world, and you have the title of hero."

, well deserved!”

"Thank you Duke for your compliment!" Deken said with a calm smile. Now that he has a real foundation for the great cause of dragon slaying, his mentality is much more practical than before. He can accept the praise of others with peace of mind!

At this time, the Duke looked at Lin Zheng and the two, "I don't know that these two are..." He had not paid attention just now. At this time, he noticed Brünnhilde next to Lin Zheng. The Duke's eyes instantly showed a look of surprise, and he secretly felt in his heart.

Sigh: "What a beautiful woman!"

"Siegfried!" Lin Zheng introduced himself with a smile, "an adventurer from the east, this is Xilu, my creditor!"

Creditor?! The Duke was stunned when he heard this. Although he couldn't figure out what the relationship was, he still smiled and said: "Nice to meet you two! Everyone, please stop standing and sit down! You're welcome!"

After sitting down, Deken said to the Duke: "Seven years ago, Master Bowser issued two commissions at the Adventurer's Guild in Sphegor, offering a reward for two treasures: frost crystal grass and fire stone. This matter is not

Do you know if the Duke has any impression?"

The Duke nodded, and then said: "Mr. Durken came here in person, but have you found those two treasures?"

"That's true!" As he said that, Deken took out a pot of frost crystal grass and a fire stone from his storage items. As soon as the frost crystal grass was taken out, the living room immediately became cold, so magical.

The coolness is enough to prove that it is extraordinary! When the fire stone was taken out, the temperature in the living room immediately rose rapidly, making people feel as hot as being next to the stove.

Feeling the heat emitted by the fire stone, the Duke's eyes suddenly brightened. Despite the heat, his demeanor remained undiminished and he said with a smile on his face: "The treasure Mr. Durkin took out is so magical, it must be real."

There is no doubt about it, I will accept it for Kuba, and I will give the rest of the bounty to you sir later!"

"Then thank you, Your Majesty the Duke!"

"Mr. Durken was able to send these two precious treasures. It's us who should say thank you!" After saying that, the Duke paused. Seeing this, Durken said: "If you have any other requests, Your Majesty the Duke, but say

No problem!”

Hearing this, a hint of joy flashed through the Duke's eyes, and then he let out a long sigh, "Mr. Deken has come all the way, so he must have heard about Bowser's affairs, right?"

Deken nodded for a while, "It is said that Master Bowser's current condition is not optimistic?"

"Yes!" the Duke said with a sad look on his face, "I have called countless doctors, but there is still no sign of improvement, and the situation is getting worse and worse!"

As he said that, the Duke looked at Durken expectantly, "However, a doctor told me that in a poisonous dragon's lair in the southeast, there is a medicine that can cure all diseases. However, that place is too dangerous, so I sent

I have tried many people, but all of them returned without success, but Mr. Deken has the power to slay dragons, I think it shouldn’t be a difficult thing for him, right?!”

"It's not difficult!" Deken frowned and said, "But Sir Duke, please forgive me, I'm afraid you were deceived by that doctor. It's not like I haven't encountered poisonous dragons before. The environment they live in is full of all kinds of things.

Poisonous gas, in a place like that, apart from being extremely poisonous, there is no way there can be any good medicine to cure all diseases!"

But the Duke smiled bitterly and said: "I also know that I may have been deceived! But now, I have no other choice but to place my hope on this slim possibility!"

Looking at the haggard Duke, Deken felt that this father was really pitiful. When he came to his senses, he reminded him: "Well, Your Majesty the Duke!"

"Sir, please speak!"

"If you want to cure Master Kuba, I'm afraid you're looking for the wrong person!" He pointed his hand towards Lin Zheng, "You should be looking for Siegfried!"

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