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Chapter 223 Shandong is crying

Liu Jinhu fought three Japs by himself. Although he was good at it, it was still very difficult. There was already a wound on his shoulder. Even if he was like this, the others couldn't bear it even more. Seeing that the position was about to be captured, at this time from

Suddenly a group of supporting troops rushed over from behind. These people held box guns in one hand and machetes in the other and rushed to the trench in an instant. The sound of gunshots was like exploding beans. In an instant, dozens of Japanese soldiers lay dead on the spot. Before these Japanese soldiers understood what was going on,

When it happened, the big blade rolled down and chopped off all the dog heads.

Liu Jinhu was lucky to be saved from a desperate situation. At this time, he only saw some soldiers who were dressed exactly like his men and rushed over. These soldiers were flexible in body skills and accurate in marksmanship. The most important thing was that they all had a ruthless spirit.

The Japanese soldiers showed absolutely no mercy, and the big blades were like life-threatening talismans. Soon all the Japanese soldiers who hit the trenches were dead on the spot.

This round of attack failed completely. Liu Jinhu was still slightly dazed, and a big hand was placed on his shoulder, "Who is your name Liu Jinhu? You fought well, but you were a little timid when fighting with the bayonet. At this time, all the moves were useless."

, what you want is the energy to not be afraid of death, only if you are more ruthless than the Japanese can you defeat them!"

Liu Jinhu has been a gangster for many years. When has he ever been called timid? Especially when the man in front of him is clearly only in his twenties and his fetal hair has not yet faded. However, what he said seems to be very reasonable and he can't help it.


"Who are you? How come there is someone like you among us bandits? Why do I know nothing about it!"

"Who said that everyone who comes to Qingdao are all bandits? If they are all bandits, what use are they? How can we fight against the Japanese?"

"Then who are you?"

"Sichuan Special Forces Team!"

Qiao Yu has long been preparing to shed some blood on the Japanese in Qingdao, but this is not the main purpose. At this stage, China's biggest imaginary enemy is Japan, so the Sichuan Army must understand Japan. Therefore, Qiao Yu learned from the Sichuan Army

One hundred middle and lower-level officers were selected, and then two hundred special operations team members were selected. Wu Fenglou personally led the team to mix into the mercenary team. Since these bandits came from all over the country, some were from Sichuan and some from Henan.

, and those from Hubei were not very familiar with each other, so these people easily blended into the mercenary team.

They also became small bosses. It was with these people as the backbone of the battle that the Japanese were able to suffer losses repeatedly. Otherwise, just relying on some bandits and simple training would really not be able to do anything to the Japanese. These were learned from the Russo-Japanese War.

The soldiers crawling over are really not easy to deal with!

Of course, Qiao Yu's private goods among the mercenaries must be kept strictly confidential. He cannot offend the Allies for such things. Therefore, these soldiers are required not to be prisoners. Each of them carries a glorious weapon.

In addition to the bullets, there is also cyanide hidden in the hem of the military uniform. Just one bite will kill you immediately.

Of course, Qiao Yu's purpose of sending officers to sneak in is not just to let the Japanese die more, but to make them familiar with the Japanese army's combat methods, and then Sichuan will go to find ways to restrain the Japanese, so these officers will not fight with the Japanese

They fought to death, but after fighting to a certain extent, they were protected by special forces and broke out from Qingdao, and then returned to Sichuan.

There is also a group of officers mixed in Hun Jianglong's team. Their main mission is to verify the guerrilla warfare method. Now the encirclement of the Japanese army is getting tighter. Although Prince Henry Mountain, also known as Fushan, can still be defended, Gushan, Lou

Mountains and Luoquanjian fell one after another. Soon the Japanese army would be surrounded by land and sea, and Qingdao's situation became increasingly critical!

After knowing the reason, Liu Jinhu opened his eyes like bells and said, "You are the officers and soldiers, why don't you just send troops here to drive away the Japanese and Germans? Why are you so sneaky!"


Wu Fenglou smiled bitterly: "Brother Liu, there are some things that we can't control. Maybe the Japanese are too powerful. We can only rely on this method to train the officers. But I think one day the Chinese army will openly and honestly train these officers."

All the foreigners were driven out!"

"Commander Wu, I can see that Marshal Qiao is a sensible person. If we think about it, we must defeat these foreigners. But since you have a mission, can't you continue to stay here?"

"Well, we have to break out in batches and bring back what we learned on the battlefield so that other soldiers of the Sichuan Army can learn these valuable experiences!"

"Commander Wu, you are all useful people. We are a scourge. As long as you can use me, I will never hesitate. Even if it costs my life, I will admit it!"

Wu Fenglou originally looked down on these reckless people, but after getting to know them, he found that most of them were forced by life, and they were still able to die generously at the critical moment. They were still amazing people.

"Brother Liu, since you are mercenaries, just do what you are supposed to do and don't risk your life for the Germans!"

"Commander Wu, do you think I am working for the Germans? Grandma! I can't let them ruin our own place!"

News that Japan's attack was not going well also spread, and the top brass of the United Kingdom and Japan were also confused as to why there were many more German troops in Qingdao than imagined. It did not look like thousands of people at all. Then,

They also discovered the problem. It turned out that there were a considerable number of yellow-skinned Chinese among the German army. This discovery immediately made Britain and Japan furious. Could it be that the Chinese wanted to join the Allies?

How dare you send troops to help Germany fight? Japanese Minister Hijichi and British Minister Zhu Erdian could not sit still. They came to visit President Yuan Shikai together. At this time, Lao Yuan was worried about the White Wolf bandits. Beiyang

The army mobilized tens of thousands of soldiers, but it could not completely wipe out the White Wolf Army. On the contrary, the scope of the White Wolf Bandit Army's harm became more and more widespread, and Lao Yuan increasingly felt that these Beiyang generals were too useless.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the Beiyang Army, but the Beiyang government's control over local areas is too weak. The sieve-like political structure makes loopholes everywhere, which White Wolf can easily find. However, good news has come out in the past few days.

It turned out that the white wolf had been wounded, and the bandits gradually began to disperse.

At this time, the two plague gods Zhu Erdian and Hizhiyi came again.

"With the great presence of the two ministers, the Presidential Palace is full of splendor!"

"The President is very polite. We are here this time to invite the President to join the Allied Powers on behalf of the Republic of China to fight and help defeat evil Germany!"

Lao Yuan was shocked when he heard this. It was a bit abnormal for these two people to invite him to join the Allied Powers so directly. China declared its neutrality when the war started. How could it rashly participate in the war between the great powers? Besides, Lao Yuan

How can I place a bet if I don’t see clearly who will win?

"The two ministers praise me too much. The Republic of China has just been established, the country is weak, the army is exhausted, the treasury is empty, and the bandits are causing chaos. Now I am in dire straits and I really can't help you!"

"Then your country is preparing to join the Allied Powers?" Zhu Erdian asked again.

"Minister, please don't joke. Our country strictly adheres to neutrality and will never participate in the war!"

"Not really, your army is working with the Germans in Shandong, fighting against the British and Japanese coalition forces, causing serious losses to the coalition forces. This is an undeniable fact!" Hikiyi was even more domineering and arrogant than Zhu Erdian, and he shouted directly

stand up.

When Yuan Shikai heard this, where did he go? When did the Chinese army participate in the Japanese-German war? Isn’t this nonsense? He had already issued a strict order that China must remain neutral. How could there be an army fighting with Germany?…


"Ministers, don't be joking. China will never participate in the war!"

"Mr. President, we believe what you say, but our soldiers have seen Chinese faces many times, guarding positions with Germany, and attacking our logistics lines. These soldiers will not collectively talk nonsense, and it is obvious that these people are not

Temporarily recruited civilians have strong combat capabilities. If the president can guarantee that your army is not involved, then it may be a personal behavior of some general. I hope you can ban this stupid behavior as soon as possible, otherwise

The Allies will use their own power to solve the problem!"

Zhu Erdian also knew Yuan Shikai, and he did not believe that Yuan Shikai dared to go against Britain, but the matter was too strange and should be investigated carefully.

One wave after another, Lao Yuan summoned all the civil and military officials under his command. When everyone saw Lao Yuan's serious face, they knew that something was not good, so they all sat upright and did not dare to say a word.

"Everyone, just now the Japanese and British ministers came to me and said that a large number of Chinese soldiers appeared on the German positions in Qingdao. They suspected that I had secretly sent troops to participate in the war. They were about to launch an army to accuse me. You all give me

Tell me, who dares to send out soldiers privately with such a big burden!"

The civil and military officials sitting here were also surprised. Who dared to join in the war between the great powers so much? However, everyone focused on Duan Qirui. This is the Chief of Army.

Jin Yunpeng, the current governor of Shandong, is his loyal subordinate. As the saying goes, the first to get the moon is the one who is near the water, so maybe he was the one who sent him.

Duan Qirui also had a confused look on his face, "Everyone, what is the difference between the fight between Japan and Germany in Shandong and the Russo-Japanese War? They are both slapping Chinese soldiers in the face, but Duan knows that his abilities are limited, and although he is resentful in his heart,

I will never dare to send troops to help Germany!"

Everyone seemed to believe what Duan Qirui said, and at this moment someone came in with a newspaper.

"President, something bad has happened. Shao Piaoping sent a battlefield newsletter, and all the major newspapers are printing special issues!"

After Yuan Shikai took the newspaper, he felt dizzy for a while. It turned out that the huge photo showed the burned villages in China. Several Japanese soldiers left in a swagger, while the Chinese people whose families were ruined were watching their homes being destroyed.

Look at the headline again: "When a family is destroyed and a country is destroyed, Shandong is crying!"


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