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Chapter 223 Hitting the Snake Seven Inches

Less than ten years ago, a pair of bandits started a war in the Northeast to compete for China's territory, and the Manchu and Qing Dynasties declared neutrality; now two more bandits started a war to compete for Shandong, and the government of the Republic of China still chose neutrality. From the Manchu and Qing Dynasties to

The Republic of China, what’s the difference?

Shao Piaoping wielded a large pen in the communication, fiercely criticizing the inaction of the Republic of China government, and at the same time trying his best to show the atrocities committed by Japan in Shandong. Major newspapers reprinted it one after another. At the same time, they also sent their own reporters to go deep into Shandong to conduct field investigations, and saw the Japanese burning

houses and refugees fleeing everywhere, these reporters were filled with anger and began to report on Japan's atrocities.

These reporters were also unfortunate. Yu Wenxin, a reporter from the Republic of China Daily, secretly sneaked into the war zone and took a large number of photos documenting Japanese atrocities. He also collected testimonies from many victims. Some were farmers whose houses were burned down, and some whose food was robbed.

The landlords, the girls who were harmed, and even Yu Wenxin filmed the Japanese army arresting a group of Chinese workers who were hired to work for Germany. After the Japanese captured them, they all were tied to wooden stakes and served as bayonet targets.


When Yu Wenxin was about to take these things out, he was unfortunately caught by the Japanese. The Japanese sergeant found these things from Yu Wenxin's backpack. The Japanese suddenly became furious, pointing at the photos and shouting loudly:

Asked Yu Wenxin, "Did you do these?"

"You did this!" Yu Wenxin was equally angry. He even forgot about his fear: "It was all done by you Japanese. I just recorded it. It was all done by you beasts with human faces and animal hearts!"

The furious Japanese sergeant Yu Wenxin was killed on the spot, but the Japanese atrocities were recorded by British reporters. They were originally going to interview how the British captured Qingdao, but after seeing this situation, the British reporters were also shocked by the Japanese atrocities.

They were shocked. Although Britain and Japan were allies, British reporters could not accept such cruel behavior. They managed to obtain the evidence collected by Yu Wenxin, and then wrote out the whole story of the case and published it in the newspaper.


Immediately, Japan's atrocities caused a huge shock in the world, including the Chinese press, education, and industrial and commercial circles. The Republic of China Daily published articles in succession to commemorate Yu Wenxin, and at the same time pointed the finger at Japan. Even the British had a fever on their faces.

They consider themselves gentlemen, but they actually become allies with a beast like Japan, which brings shame to the glory of the empire.

The shock in China was even greater. Students went on strike, businessmen went on strike, workers went on strike, and the whole country boycotted Japanese goods. The Japanese embassies and consulates in various places also had to deal with the Japanese embassies and consulates in various places.

, factories and stores have also been greatly affected.

Chinese politicians are still a little confused by the wave of protests that have swept across China so quickly. They never expected that such a large-scale protest movement would occur in China. Thousands of students in Beijing took to the streets together, and various businesses cooperated fully. In an instant, various industries in China

All activities seemed to have stopped.

This kind of boycott has also had a huge impact on Japan. Now is a good time for crazy exports. With the end of the Battle of the Marne River and the Battle of Tannenberg on the Eastern Front, neither camp has the possibility of a quick victory, and they have fallen into

He fell into the mud of trench warfare and could not extricate himself.

Now Europe is burning lives and consuming supplies every moment. This huge consumption will inevitably make the Allies start to purchase supplies frantically. The spring of Japan's business community has arrived just in time to make a big move to get rid of the consequences of the Russo-Japanese War.

Difficulty, but Japan suddenly discovered that China, Japan's main raw material base, had started a strike, and the source of Japan's raw materials was instantly cut off.

This situation has disastrous consequences for Japan's manufacturing industry. Immediately, the top leaders of the Japanese government hurriedly discussed countermeasures. At this time, Qiao Yu was also surprised by the sudden movement. This was simply the May Fourth Movement that came in advance. Qiao Yu

Yu hurriedly called all the senior officials of the Sichuan government to discuss countermeasures...

"Commander, the student movement is certainly worthy of sympathy, but now the Allied Powers are more powerful. The most important thing is that President Yuan will never be able to withstand the pressure of Britain and Japan. I think we just need to run Sichuan smoothly, and don't interfere with this kind of thing!

"Wang Chengji put forward his own opinion, and several people nodded, seeming to agree with this opinion.

Zhang Lan interrupted at this time: "Gentlemen, now the students have taken to the streets for the dignity of the country, and the workers and businessmen have also taken action. If we, as officials, cannot give strong support to the students, are we still worthy of our status?

, We are reasonable on the Shandong issue, and we should fight for the dignity of the country. I suggest that the Sichuan government immediately contact other provinces to form a joint force, put pressure on Yuan Shikai, and let the central government come forward to negotiate the Shandong issue. The Japanese are not

Did they send troops in the name of occupying Shandong and handing it over to China? How can the Japanese help China regain Shandong with such atrocities? This is just a lie. We must expose Japan's behavior and regain Shandong's sovereignty.


The Minister of Education seemed to be sitting on the side of the students, gearing up for a big fight. Chief of Staff Wu Tong also said: "Commander, the people's support is now available. The UK is doing its best to deal with the German threat. Our greatest hope is

Even if the Far East is stable, it can provide Britain with a steady stream of resources. Now the Japanese atrocities have almost stagnated Chinese business, which is also a huge threat to Britain. They must now blame Japan. The two powers will not sincerely cooperate. I think

You can definitely use too much force to force Japan to surrender. Even if you cannot regain Shandong's sovereignty, Japan's commercial interests will be hit!"

Qiao Yu listened to everyone's opinions, thought about it carefully, and said to Wang Dongcheng: "Minister Wang, you are now looking for Britain and France to transfer the original German shares in the trading company to Britain and France, as Sichuan's main trade supply to the Allies.

Enterprise, and then cut the supply of Japanese ore and pig iron from Hanyang Iron Works by 30%!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately understood Qiao Yu's plan. This was to use economic means to deal with isolating Japan. First, giving benefits to Britain would undoubtedly divide Britain and Japan, and then cut the supply of iron ore. This move was absolutely ruthless.


Steel is the foundation of everything. Without the supply of iron ore, Japan's manufacturing industry will be greatly affected. The British have ordered a large number of merchant ships from Japan. Now the steel supply is insufficient. I wonder how Japan can deliver goods on time. If it cannot

On-time delivery will be a fatal blow to Japanese manufacturing.

Suppressing Japan will undoubtedly buy time for Sichuan's industry. Everyone nodded in agreement with Qiao Yu's measures and immediately split up to handle it!

The fighting outside Qingdao has become more and more intense. Kamio Mitsuomi has been reprimanded by the Japanese government, requiring him to quickly end the war against Qingdao to avoid a wider opposition to Japan in China. Kamio Mitsuomi had no choice but to desperately mobilize all Japanese soldiers

, relying on the advantage of numbers, launched the human sea tactics and meat and egg offensive, to remove all the obstacles on the periphery of Qingdao, paving the way forward with blood.

"Commander Wu, these Japanese are really desperate. I'm afraid Qingdao won't be able to hold on for long if this goes on. I think the Germans can't stand it any longer!" Liu Jinhu chatted with Wu Fenglou during his free time during the battle.

Wu Fenglou also nodded: "Japan is now under tremendous pressure. It is said that the whole of China has begun strikes. Japanese goods cannot be sold and raw materials cannot be imported. If Japan cannot break the deadlock as soon as possible, it may affect the national economy!


"Oh, more than 700 brothers have died in the battles in the past few days. Although according to the agreement, those who died in the battle can receive a pension of 200 yuan, but that is a living life!" Liu Jinhu looked very depressed.


"When we signed the employment contract, we were required to fight the Germans for one month before we could gain freedom. Now that time has passed, the Japanese encirclement is getting tighter. I think brothers should organize a breakout as soon as possible!" Wu

Fenglou suggested.

"Sir Wu, didn't the German governor say that as long as we keep fighting, we will be treated as prisoners of war even if we are captured? Now that the Japanese are surrounded on all sides, we are afraid that more people will die if we break through!"

"Brother Liu, the rules of foreigners do not work in the Eastern land. You said that we have killed so many Japanese, will they just let it go? It's not like you don't know the virtues of the Japanese. Even if you can treat German prisoners well, you can't give up."

Those who will not give preferential treatment to the Chinese may even be tortured and killed. Once Fushan is lost, Qingdao will become a four-city city. We will organize a breakout in the next two days and send all those officers out. We have learned a lot these days.

Although Japan’s tactics are not perfect yet, if you don’t retreat now, you will never have another chance, so you must make a good idea as soon as possible!”

Han Yeping reduced the supply of pig iron and iron ore to Japan. Japan was shocked. Hanyang Iron Works has always been the most important raw material base for Japan. How can there be any mistakes? The Japanese hurriedly mobilized several

A shallow-water gunboat rushed to Wuhan to put pressure on China. In addition, Japan also took active actions, contacting Yuan Shikai on the one hand, and the United Kingdom on the other. Finally, it also put pressure on Qiao Yu in Sichuan. The Japanese knew very well that the person who could influence the Hanyang Iron Works was

Qiao Yu, we absolutely cannot lose steel raw materials at this juncture.

Japanese Consul General Yamakijiro paid an urgent visit to Qiao Yu, "Your Excellency, the patrol envoy, the Hanyang Iron Works is related to Japan's core interests. I also ask the patrol envoy not to interfere with it, so as not to damage the friendship between the two countries!"

"Mr. Consul General, the reduction of iron ore supply at Hanyang Iron Works this time is entirely due to the workers' strike. We can continue to provide ore to Japan only after we increase the wages of the workers. We cannot force workers to work. After all, these

Why are workers unwilling to provide iron ore to Japan? You must know better than me. I am really powerless. The key lies with Japan!"


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