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Chapter 308: Capture Alive

With Qiao Yu's support, Duan Qirui successfully became the leader and had overall power. Duan Qirui's methods were not weak. He immediately rectified the order in Beijing, eradicated the rebels who followed Zhang Xun's rebellion, and at the same time strengthened the garrison in the north.

, and also always pay attention to the news in Russia.

In addition to these, Duan Qirui also began to rectify the Congress and prepare to re-enact the law. Qiao Yu also expressed his deep support for this. The provisional law was originally a temporary law. How could something be taken seriously if it was enacted in less than a month?

, later Yuan Shikai formulated the Constitution of the Republic of China, but this constitution also deviated from the original intention of the Constitution, stipulating that the president should be re-elected indefinitely, etc., which was obviously inappropriate.

Now that Zhang Xun's restoration has occurred, it is necessary to re-enact the law. Qiao Yu also gave Liang Qichao face-to-face instructions and asked Liang Qichao to try his best to establish a new constitution and pave the way for the southwest to seize state power.

This incident is just a competition between the Sichuan Clan and Beiyang. They both want to formulate laws that are beneficial to themselves and strive for benefits, but some unscrupulous people insist on getting involved.

After Sun Wen and his family settled in Guangzhou, they were not willing to be lonely. They jumped on their feet and opposed the declaration of war on Germany and the sending of troops to Europe. Now they are clamoring for Duan Qirui to respect the temporary agreement. Of course, Lao Duan will not take him seriously.

It was the same thing, but Sun Wen actually sent a message to the original congressmen, asking them to go to Guangzhou to form an extraordinary congress.

Qiao Yu held the intelligence sent from Guangzhou in his hand and frowned. After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu ordered to find all the senior officials from the Southwest Ministers' Conference. All the senior officials of the Unified Min Zhu Party also came. Qiao Yu

Briefly inform everyone about the situation.

"Everyone, Sun Wen's party members want to establish an extraordinary parliament. Their intention is very obvious, which is to establish a new government, that is, to split the country. The crime cannot be punished. For many years, Sun Wen and his party have relied on the support of overseas forces to deceive people and destroy the country.

Reunification and being willing to be lackeys are a cancer. I am going to send troops to eradicate them completely. What do you think?"

After Qiao Yu said these words, everyone present was shocked. In the past, although Sun Wen was like a fly, squawking everywhere, no one positioned Sun Dapao like this. After all, he was still the first interim

The president has a very special status and high prestige. Therefore, even if he breaks up with him, it is just an expulsion. There is no real intention to eradicate him from the body. Now that Qiao Yu says this, how can everyone here not let him down?


"Jun Zuo, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this. Sun Wen's status is so high that it is inevitable that he will follow the truth. Just expel him!" Zhang Lan suggested.

"No, absolutely not. I haven't avenged Tao Chengzhang yet. Sun Wen is the executioner, and Song Jiaoren, these are all his sins. Jun Zuo, just destroying Sun Wen is not enough. I suggest that we should

He held a trial and punished him with legal means!" Zhang Taiyan and Tao Chengzhang have the closest relationship. Although many years have passed, Zhang Taiyan still insists on revenge.

"Mr. Taiyan, I have a share in revenge. I also want to sue Sun Wen!" This time it was Huang Yuanyong who spoke. He escaped from death and hated Sun Wen's party for a long time. He had no chance in the past, but now

Qiao Yu brought it up, how could they let go of this opportunity!

However, other people still had some objections to this. People such as Huang Xing, Yu Peilun, Yang Shukan and others were all considering in their hearts that the connection between them and Sun Wen was inextricably linked. Sun Wen was suddenly over, and they could not accept it.

"Jin Zuo, keep the net open. Sun Wen still had merit in overthrowing the Manchu Qing Dynasty. It doesn't seem good to kill them all. Besides, there are many people with lofty ideals in the Democratic Party. Killing people is not good after all!" Huang Xing advised.

"Brother Keqiang, I can promise you that I will never kill Sun Wen. Even if he is guilty of death, I will use the power of amnesty, but he and his gang members must be eliminated. Sun Wen is now a warlord who will do anything for power.

, unlike the warlords in Beiyang, he has no bottom line, can cooperate with any foreign force, and has no psychological burden for betraying the country, and some of his ideas are also deceptive. The longer he exists, the more people will

It is absolutely unacceptable for young people to be deceived by him. This time he convened an extraordinary congress and hoisted a new national flag. This is splitting the country and committing treason. He has completely forgotten how the Republic of China was founded. This is

People of this kind must cut through the mess quickly and never be soft-hearted!"

After Qiao Yu finished speaking, Huang Xing and others didn't know what to say. After all, Qiao Yu had promised to save Sun Wen's life, and they were also very disgusted with Sun Wen's actions of dividing the country. In fact, Qiao Yu had a deeper plan.

Considering that the Soviet Union is about to emerge, if Sun Wen is not eradicated now, there is no guarantee that he will not collude with the Soviet Union, which will completely disrupt his own layout, so now Sun Wen must withdraw from the stage of history.

"Sun Wen has been on the run overseas for many years and has rich experience. We must formulate a detailed plan. The specific actions will be formulated by the special operations team. At the same time, we will send a telegram to Lu Rongting and ask him to cooperate to capture Sun Wen. If Lu Rongting does not agree, we will simply attack Guangdong and Guangxi.

Also packed up!"

Qiao Yu was quite confident in saying this at this time. The troops dispatched by Southwest China to Europe currently only have more than 50,000 troops. This means that Qiao Yu still has 100,000 well-trained mobile forces that have not been used. With this force, he can completely

Lu Rongting can be defeated, and there is a mature mobilization system in the southwest. It will soon be possible to add another 200,000 soldiers. With the army as the foundation, we have confidence.

"Jin Zuo, I think we should be prepared to fight Lu Rongting. After all, Lu Rongting hopes to use Sun Wen's prestige to deal with us, so it is difficult to support us in dealing with Sun Wen!" Wu Tong also expressed his own opinion.

"Chief of Staff, you can make a plan to get rid of both Sun Wen and Lu Rongting. Guangdong is where the wealth lies. As long as it is developed a little, it will be a cornucopia. Among the three provinces in the southwest, only Sichuan produces the most, but Sichuan is the one who relies on it to carry the burden.

The huge financial pressure is also somewhat difficult, and expansion is imperative!"

Qiao Yu made up his mind. Everyone present could not say anything else. They could only pray for Sun Wen's good luck. Of course, it was absolutely impossible for them to report the message to Sun Wen. Wang Lingji was a very poisonous snake. He was keeping an eye on him.

No matter what happens, nothing can escape his eyes.

The operation in the southwest has begun. In order to attack Lu Rongting, Qiao Yu mobilized a total of four divisions. After Qiao Yu's vigorous rectification, the roads in the southwest have been greatly improved. Although several main railway lines are not completely open, they are still better than before.

Improved a lot, so the Southwest Army quickly mobilized and pushed directly into the western Guangxi area, putting strong pressure on Lu Rongting.

Lu Rongting was immediately frightened. Since Lu Rongting became the patrol envoy of Guangdong and Guangxi, he has transferred all his old subordinates to Guangdong. One is to stabilize the situation in Guangdong, and also to let these people enjoy happiness and not have to live in the poor Guangxi.

The place is suffering, and it is precisely this that has caused the emptiness in Guangxi. Now that Qiao Yu's soldiers are approaching the territory, how can Lu Rongting not be frightened?

Lao Lu sent telegrams to Qiao Yu one after another, asking Qiao Yu to give him a reasonable explanation. Qiao Yu bluntly asked Lu Rongting to arrest Sun Wen and his gang as soon as possible in the name of treason, otherwise the Southwest Army would come forward to arrest Sun Wen.

Bring justice to justice!

Lu Rongting did not expect that Qiao Yu would arrest Sun Wen himself. He would also use Sun Wen as a sign to fight against Beiyang and Southwest China. Who knew that Qiao Yu would act like this? Lu Rongting was immediately passive. Hearing Qiao Yu's words, he was not willing to accept it.

, Moreover, Sun Wen has many followers, and it is not easy to deal with them. If he does not agree, he will have no choice but to go to war with Qiao Yu.

Lu Rongting thought about it over and over, and finally came up with a way to get the best of both worlds. While pretending to dispatch troops, he secretly informed Sun Wen that at this time, Sun Wen was delivering a speech in the Extraordinary Congress, and Sun Wen was preparing to hold an election to become the president.

Still it was impossible, so Sun Wen came up with a new name, called Generalissimo.

Everything was almost ready when suddenly his subordinates received a confusing letter of warning. After seeing this letter, Sun Wen also frowned.

"Sir, I think this letter is not worthy of belief. Although Qiao Yu's power is huge, it is still concentrated in the southwest. Even if he wants to attack us, it will be difficult to reach here. The one who can threaten us now is Lu Rongting, and he has not yet obtained

What intelligence says that Lu Rongting has taken action, and even if Lu Rongting takes action, we can leave calmly. Guangzhou is a treaty port, with concessions and docks. As long as we board a foreign ship, we will be completely safe. These warlords still have the guts to threaten us.

Can the great powers take action?" Wang Zhaoming disagreed. After hearing what he said, Sun Wen also nodded frequently. What Wang Zhaoming said made sense.

But as a fugitive for many years, Sun Wen still has some telepathy. He always feels a little flustered and restless. "Zhiqing, please arrange for someone to keep a close eye on it. If there is any trouble, report it to me immediately!"

A thin young man nodded in agreement and was about to walk out. At this moment, there was a sound of rapid footsteps outside the house. Not long after, a group of soldiers wearing camouflage appeared in front of Sun Wen and his followers.

, these people were all holding guns, and the black muzzles of the guns held them all back.

Jiang Zhiqing wanted to take out his gun to resist, but was immediately kicked away by a soldier and then tied up. This troop that fell from the sky was the Sichuan special forces. They worked hard to capture Sun Wen. In the Qinzhou Shipyard

We conducted repeated simulation training on how to arrest Sun Wen, how to prevent Sun Wen from escaping, what to do if Sun Wen entered the concession, and what to do if he escaped to the sea. In short, detailed plans were made.

However, when it came to the actual operation, everything seemed to go smoothly. Sun Wen's party members did not expect that there would be magic soldiers descending from the sky, so they were completely unprepared and were controlled. This operation was personally directed by Wu Fenglou and was controlled.

Afterwards, Sun Wen hurriedly sent a message to Qiao Yu to report the victory, and at the same time sent a message to Lu Rongting, asking Lu Rongting to cooperate with the southwest operation.

After Lu Rongting learned the news, he was also shocked. This Southwest Military Force fell from the sky. In the end, Lu Rongting confirmed that it was indeed the Southwest Special Forces that controlled Sun Wen, and finally understood the gap in strength between himself and Qiao Yu.

Therefore, Lu Rongting wisely mobilized his men to assist Wu Fenglou in controlling Sun Wen and others. At the same time, he arrested other fugitive gangsters and searched various documents and materials. In order to avoid a long night and many dreams, Qiao Yu used the air force to take Sun Wen out of the country that day.

He was taken away from Guangzhou and flown directly to Guiyang to take care of him.

With the arrest of Sun Wen, Sun Wen's party members originally entrenched in Guangzhou disappeared in an instant. Wang Jingwei, Jiang Zhiqing, Zhu Zhixin and other close friends were also arrested. The Southwest Army's rapid actions shocked the whole of China.dd

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