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Chapter 309: The Hindenburg Line

After Sun Wen was arrested, the whole of China and even the world were divided into two voices. One group called for beating, and the other group demanded his release. The main force of the group calling for beating were the old people from the Liberation Society, some generals from Beiyang, and overseas Chinese organizations.

It is believed that Sun Wen and others caused harm to the country and the people, divided the country, and provoked war, and should be punished.

There are more forces that strongly demand the release of Sun Wen. The entire academic circle is clamoring for Sun Wen, and there are even waves of demonstrations in various places. Japan and the United States have also issued statements expressing their extreme concern. Japan, in particular, strongly expressed its concern.

Demanding the release of Sun Wen in Southwest China, especially since not only Sun Wen was arrested this time, but also a large number of key members of the Democratic Party, some of whom were Japanese, Japan used this as an excuse to intervene.

However, Qiao Yu was not disturbed by these noises, but adopted a decisive policy to wipe out Sun Wen as much as possible. Lu Rongting and the Guangdong warlord Chen Jiongming also took action at this time. Chen Jiongming was once the governor of Guangdong.

During the Battle of Qinzhou, Long Jiguang was captured and the Cantonese army was leaderless. Lu Rongting took the opportunity to take over Guangdong and Guangxi. However, many Cantonese generals once again supported Chen Jiongming as the commander-in-chief of the Cantonese army and as the leader to counter Lu Rongting.

After Sun Wen arrived in Guangzhou, Chen Jiongming cared about the incense friendship, and he really wanted to use Sun Wen's reputation to compete with Lu Rongting, so he supported Sun Wen. However, the two people had serious differences in political ideas. For example, this time Sun Wen formed

Chen Jiongming was very disgusted by the Extraordinary Congress and the election of a generalissimo. Sun Wen even prepared to contact all parties to carry out the Northern Expedition. Chen Jiongming, who advocated federal provincial autonomy and peaceful negotiation, firmly opposed it.

Now that the Southwest Army descended from the sky to arrest Sun Wen, Chen Jiongming suddenly realized that if he wanted to deal with Lu Rongting, he could completely rely on the forces of the Southwest. The more ruthless he was against Sun Wen's gang members, the more he would be able to please Qiao Yu. Therefore, Chen Jiongming also arrested Sun Wen on a large scale.

Party members.

Thanks to the efforts of two local gangsters, Lu Rongting and Chen Jiongming, most of Sun Wen's gang members were arrested, only a small number of them fled to Hong Kong, and some fled to Japan, but the backbone was gone, and these little soldiers and generals were of little use.

Just when the whole country was paying attention to how Qiao Yu was going to deal with Sun Wen, suddenly newspapers and radio broadcasts in the southwest began to disclose the inside story of the Tao Chengzhang case in large quantities, saying that the killer of that year had been caught, and he was Sun Wen's most trusted confidant.

Jiang Zhiqing, he assassinated Tao Chengzhang twice. The first time was thwarted, and the second time he used high explosives. Tao Chengzhang died tragically. As the Tao case was revealed, the Song Jiaoren case was brought up again.

It has only been three to five years since these two cases. The parties involved are all present. Although many evidences have been destroyed, there are still many clues. Another eye-catching case is the case of Huang Yuanyong, where three major assassinations were carried out at the same time.

Turned it out.

In addition, when Sun Wen was arrested, a large number of documents were also seized, including documents with Japan. These things are extremely lethal. With the large amount of disclosure, a whole new world is presented to the Chinese people.

Sun Wen is a murderer and traitor!

The Southwest Supreme Procuratorate has begun to investigate Sun Wen's treason case. Jiang Zhiqing and others were also interrogated one after another. During the in-depth investigation, Qiao Yu finally expressed his views on Sun Wen's case. During the conversation, Qiao Yu pointed out that the arrest

The reason for Sun Wen's case is not a political struggle, but Sun Wen's suspicion of assassination, treason and other crimes. If a criminal is allowed to continue to cheat like this, it will definitely threaten the security of the country. Therefore, in the spirit of being responsible for the country and the nation, Sun Wen will be punished.

Wen was arrested.

Sun Wen will be dealt with according to legal channels and will be interrogated. Anyone who pays attention to Sun Wen's case can observe and defend Sun Wen. Due to the large number of people involved in the case and the long time span, detailed investigation is required before a public prosecution can be filed.

Qiao Yu's talk quickly spread throughout the country. Although everyone did not believe that Qiao Yu said that it did not involve political reasons, which was a lie, everyone was still more concerned about the trial issues that Qiao Yu said. As long as they can resort to law,

Therefore, almost all celebrities in the legal circles across the country took action and even hired several Japanese legal consultants to form a powerful team of lawyers to prepare to defend Sun Wen.

In fact, since he caught Sun Wen, Qiao Yu didn't care much about all the criticism. The only thing waiting for Sun Wen was to spend the rest of his life in prison. Qiao Yu was different from other warlords and politicians. Since he had decided something, he would not

Change, it can be said that the law is just a formality.

What worries Qiao Yu even more is the telegram sent by Chen Jiongming. In the telegram, Chen Jiongming shed tears and accused Lu Rongting of atrocities in Guangdong, asking Qiao Yu to come forward to punish Lu Rongting and change Guangdong to a clear and bright world.

"Chief of Staff, you see that Chen Jiongming is relatively wise. Lu Rongting is quite cooperative on Sun Wen's issue. I just don't know what excuse to use to enter Guangdong and Guangxi, so he sent me such a telegram.

The contents were announced, and then we sent troops to Guangxi and Guangxi under the pretext of mediating the conflicts between Guangdong and Guangxi. There must be a suitable outlet to the sea in the southwest!"

In Qiao Yu's original plan, he did not want to develop too quickly. The key was to lay a solid foundation. However, the benefits brought by the first war were far beyond imagination. With the strongest army in the world, Qiao Yu was not willing to do it.

Seeing that China has been plunged into endless civil wars, and regardless of the shackles of later generations' concepts, in fact Sun Wen's faction is not very powerful now, they are just a bunch of ragtag people, and they don't even need to go to war to defeat them, so why not do it.

After dealing with Sun Wen, Guangdong and Guangxi were already well established. There were many conflicts between Guangdong and Guangxi, which just gave Qiao Yu an excuse. Chief of Staff Wu Tong also agreed very much with sending troops to Guangxi and Guangxi. The biggest problem restricting the southwest now is transportation, but with huge investment

, it is expected that the main railway lines will be connected within the next three to five years. After the railway is solved, the port is imminent.

Qinzhou is in a good location, but it is still an enclave after all. Only by truly connecting with the Southwest can it achieve greater development. Therefore, he also tried his best to lead the battle. In the name of mediating the conflict, the Southwest Army quickly entered Guangxi. At this time

Lu Rongting's main force was confronting Chen Jiongming in Guangdong and could not quickly withdraw to Guangxi. Seeing the Southwest Army enter Guangxi, Lu Rongting suddenly became dizzy.

Another important reason why the Southwest Army was able to quickly enter Guangxi is that the rejection of the Guangxi people was not serious. Since the end of the National Defense War, the Guizhou-Guangxi Railway began inspection work and immediately started construction. This is a railway starting from the Southwest and passing through Guangxi.

, an important lifeline connecting Qinzhou to the sea, is of great significance to the southwest, and it also provides a huge boost to the economy along the line. Huge purchases and huge demand for labor have suddenly given the originally poor Guangxi people hope to improve their lives.

In fact, as early as the Qinzhou Shipyard was established, the shipyard recruited a large number of Guangxi workers. There are tens of thousands of workers and family members in a shipyard, which constitutes a huge demand. All sectors of Guangxi's business and industry have benefited from this, and ordinary people

As laborers, businessmen with some capital established some silk shops, teahouses, taverns and the like.

The more powerful ones produce various supporting equipment for shipyards. In short, the economic ties between Guangxi and Southwest China are getting closer and closer. In addition, Qiao Yu’s move to allocate the coastal areas of the Beibu Gulf to Guangxi has also won public praise.

With these as the basis, it was much easier for the Southwest Army to enter Guangxi. There was basically no major resistance, and the troops were already approaching Nanning.

Four divisions with more than 50,000 people and twenty combat aircraft have formed a huge iron fist that will destroy Lu Rongting's rule at any time.

Earth-shaking changes are taking place in China, and at this time Europe has also entered the most critical moment. The Americans have declared war on Germany, and a large number of American troops have begun to land in Europe. However, the army cannot fight once it reaches the battlefield;

It only takes training, so Britain and France can't count on the Americans for the time being.

However, at this time, the Chinese Army has more than 100,000 people, and its training is more mature than that of the United States, making it a powerful force. This time it is China's official combat force. Unlike the previous volunteer force, it is now completely

It was an elite force, and its commander, Jiang Baili, was also a military master. Britain and France had high hopes for it.

After Jiang Baili arrived in Europe, he hurriedly contacted Lu Jianzhang, Zhang Xiaohuai and others. In the Battle of the Somme, the Chinese ** Corps performed well, but more than 10,000 soldiers died, so they are now resting and replenishing in the rear. After several

During the month of recovery, the combat effectiveness of the Chinese troops was fully restored, and after the baptism of the war, the Chinese troops became even more powerful.

"Commander Lu, you are so famous in foreign lands. Now everyone in China is praising you every day. I came here with a learning attitude this time. I hope Commander Lu can give me some advice!"

"Chairman Chiang is too polite. The brothers fought for it with their lives. More than 10,000 lively young men are gone. The European War is so cruel!"

"Brother Baili, what Lao Lu said is right. Britain and France were preparing to counterattack Germany. However, as soon as the war started, they suffered a bloody blow. The Germans took the lead in retreating into the Hindenburg Line. The French army prepared a thousand

Thousands of artillery shells were fired against the German army on a fifty-mile front. However, the French were unable to move at all. They lost hundreds of thousands of people in a few days. Just a few days ago, the French army suffered a large-scale massacre.

The troops mutinied, and the troops refused to go to the front line one after another, and the entire division mutinied and refused to perform their tasks. Now the British have no choice but to serve as the main attacker. We will go to the front line soon!"

Zhang Xiaohuai introduced the situation in Europe to Jiang Baili. Jiang Baili was shocked when he heard this. There was a large-scale mutiny in the French army. This was definitely not a good sign. It showed that the French, who had been on the front line against the German army, could no longer bear it.

If there is no external help, defeat is already in sight.

"The German army is worthy of being the number one army in the world. It is really powerful. Judging from the current situation, we are about to go to the front line. I suggest that a large number of experienced soldiers be transferred from the veterans to the new recruits for high-intensity training."

, to cope with the coming brutal battle!"

After Jiang Baili finished speaking, Lu Jianzhang and others nodded frequently, and Zhang Xiaohuai asked again: "Brother Baili, how many tanks and armored vehicles have been sent to the country this time? If you want to break through the German defense line, tanks are the most powerful!"

"Domestic production capacity is limited, and sea transportation is not very easy. I only brought 80 tanks and 120 armored vehicles. However, this batch is brand new products with more stable performance and thicker armor.

, the off-road performance has also been improved a lot. As long as we can make good use of it, I believe there will be no problem in breaking through the German positions!" dd

This chapter has been completed!
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