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Chapter 312 Spanish Flu

After the flames of World War I burned out in 1918, the situation in the entire world changed dramatically. The United States was involved in the war. At this point, major countries in the world joined the war one after another, and it became a veritable world war. At the same time, Tsarist Russia persisted

After more than three years, it was completely over. The newly elected majority party desperately reconciled with Germany and withdrew from the First World War. Germany finally ended the nightmare of fighting on two fronts.

In the Far East, the ancient China also completely abrogated all treaties signed with Tsarist Russia and began to regain its national territorial sovereignty. The island country Japan's strength surged during World War I, and it also coveted its next prey. The civil war in Tsarist Russia also provided Japan with

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Due to China's actions, Japan also saw the advantages and was ready to take action, preparing to expand its sphere of influence by supporting the White Guards.

The new world order created by World War I was beginning to emerge at this time, but a disaster greater than World War I had already occurred, and it was sweeping across the country silently. Unfortunately, Europe once again became the center of the disaster.

Since the autumn of 1917, Jiang Baili and others had noticed that some British and French soldiers had died due to influenza. However, they were in the middle of a fierce battle at that time, and neither Britain nor France had time to take care of it. If it hadn't been for Qiao Yu's repeated reminders, Jiang Baili wouldn't have.

You will notice this. Just after the Battle of Cambrai, the Chinese Army began a large-scale rest and recuperation. At this time, some Chinese soldiers were infected with influenza.

Because the Chinese ** team was well prepared and immediately quarantined. At the same time, the Chinese ** team often took isatis root to enhance their immunity. With sufficient supplies, their bodies were relatively strong and healthy. Moreover, the flu was not serious this time, so the Chinese ** team did not show up.

Death cases, but this also frightened Jiang Baili. He reported the situation to the Allies and Qiao Yu at the same time.

The top leaders of the Allied Powers obviously did not realize how terrifying the demon was about to appear at this time. They were more concerned about how to train soldiers to break through the German defense lines and how to produce more tanks and aircraft. In fact, it is no wonder that they were killed on the front line every day. Thousands of people died every day.

, even the casualties of tens of thousands or more than a dozen people really cannot make them tempted.

Compared with China's domestic actions, Qiao Yu immediately reached an agreement with Beiyang to establish a nationwide epidemic reporting system and strengthen monitoring of major cities, especially cities where foreign businessmen frequently travel, such as Shanghai, Chongqing, and Beijing.

Wuhan and other places are key surveillance areas. In addition, they have also carried out disease publicity. At the same time, they have spent 20 million to set up special disease prevention and control centers. Various factories under the Southwest Pharmaceutical Company are also mass-producing various anti-epidemic supplies.

Things at home were almost arranged, and Wu Liande personally went to Europe with his main assistants. There are now nearly one million Chinese workers in Europe, nearly 30% of whom have worked in French arsenals, and they all have the most precious skills.

Workers are also the basic force for China's future industrialization, and the 100,000 troops who experienced the baptism of war in World War I are even more important.

Because Qiao Yu didn't pay attention to it, Wu Liande finally arrived in Europe in early 1918. Jiang Baili and others personally took him to the Chinese army camp. Wu Liande was also very practical. After arriving in Europe, he conducted a comprehensive inspection of the health status of the army.

During the investigation, soldiers who had suffered from influenza were gathered together, and the situation of influenza was learned from their mouths, and a detailed analysis was made.

The results obtained also surprised Wu Liande. Although the influenza discovered so far is not very lethal and the symptoms are relatively mild, this type of influenza seems to be different from ordinary influenza. It is more contagious and has a higher mortality rate.

, and what frightened Wu Liande even more was the poor medical conditions in Europe. All resources were used on the war, and dead bodies were everywhere in the war zone. Once the weather gets warmer, it will be a hotbed for diseases. Europe has indeed already

It has reached the edge of danger and we must pay more attention.

"Brother Jiang, the situation is worse than imagined. This flu is coming fiercely and is highly contagious. According to my estimation, it will not reach a major outbreak until March or April this year, and the symptoms may worsen, and death will occur by then.

The rate must be even more alarming. Although the Chinese people were well prepared and there were no deaths, they must not take it lightly. The indifferent attitude of the British and French high-level officials is even more deadly. We must remind the Allied Powers and at the same time strengthen their alert!"

Jiang Baili nodded slightly: "Mr. Wu, is this little flu really so terrible? Is it more powerful than guns and guns?"

"Brother Jiang, you can still dodge bullets and cannonballs when they hit you, but this epidemic disease is a force of nature, far more powerful than manpower. You should have heard of the Black Death. One-third of the population in Europe has disappeared.

To be blunt, the number of soldiers who have died so far in the war is only a few million. If a serious epidemic breaks out, the number of deaths will be calculated in tens of millions, especially now that the world is so closely connected, what will happen?

It will soon spread to the whole world. We should be thankful that Junzuo has made arrangements in advance so that we are not caught off guard, otherwise it will be even more terrifying!"

Wu Liande put together the results of his investigation and submitted a memorandum to the top officials of the Allied Powers. At the same time, he strengthened the management of Chinese military camps and Chinese labor settlements, publicized various epidemic prevention knowledge, promoted isatis root, and transferred a team of experts from China.

Appoint capable Chinese medical personnel to prepare medicines that enhance physical fitness and prevent diseases.

In addition to traditional Chinese medicine, a group of well-known Western medicine doctors were also convened to jointly formulate various policies and strategies. China's actions as if facing a formidable enemy naturally alarmed the Allies. Britain and France have not yet taken specific actions, but the Americans have to.

As a result, Pershing's rigor and rigidity played a big role. He also imitated some of China's strategies and strengthened management. On March 4, the first batch of influenza patients appeared in the Kansas military camp in the United States. Their symptoms were still there.

It was not serious, but Pandora's box was opened, and soon flu patients were also discovered in France.

In fact, patients with influenza had already appeared in France, but they were treated as ordinary influenza and did not attract attention. Now that influenza has begun to spread on a large scale, the French high-level officials were finally shocked. At this time, Wu Liande's earlier suggestions were paid attention to again.

However, the war continued. Although France made various efforts, it was still unable to curb the large-scale spread of influenza. Immediately afterwards, influenza appeared in all the major warring countries, and influenza cases also appeared in China, mainly between Europe and Asia.

Brought by merchant ship crews.

Immediately afterwards, Japan was not immune. A flu pandemic emerged around the world. However, the symptoms of this wave were not serious and the number of deaths was not large. The top leaders of the Allied Powers were also worried at first, but later relaxed.

He thinks this is because China is in a panic. This year's flu may be more serious than before, but it is definitely within the tolerance range. However, Qiao Yu knows very well that this is just an appetizer, and the feast is coming soon.

This is also true. The second wave of influenza appeared at the end of August. The first people infected were merchant ship crews traveling to various places, and then dock workers were not spared. From there, there was a crazy epidemic. In September, the wave of influenza

swept the world.

The second wave of influenza is different from the past influenza. The mortality rate is particularly high among young adults aged 20 to 35. In addition to high fever and headache, its symptoms include turning blue and coughing up blood. Many people still have symptoms in the morning.

Normally, people get sick at noon and die at night. Many cities restrict citizens from going to public places, and movie theaters, dance halls, sports venues, etc. have been closed for more than a year. October of the same year was the darkest month in American history, with 200,000 Americans

Dying during this month reduced the average life expectancy in the United States by 12 years in 1918.

The United States is like this, and Europe, as the center of the war, is even less immune. A large number of soldiers rush to the front line with guns in the morning, and then fall down in the evening. Corpse collectors on the battlefield have become the busiest group, with truckloads of corpses being transported.

They came out and burned them, and soon the people carrying the corpses fell down and turned into corpses. At this time, the Allied Powers finally woke up suddenly.

It turns out that influenza is so terrible. In comparison, tanks, airplanes, and even chemical weapons, the most effective weapons invented by humans, all seem too backward and are not worth mentioning compared with the power of nature.

Hundreds of soldiers fell, and the last breath of British and French vitality was exhausted, with nothing left. At this time, Germany had forced the Soviet Union to sign the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty, and could feel free to mobilize to the Western Front.

And began a large-scale counterattack, the German army once again approached Paris, France.

What saved the Allies at this time was the Chinese and American troops. These cutting-edge forces finally curbed the momentum of the German attack and forced the Germans to begin a substantial retreat. This time, what shocked the world was not the combat effectiveness of the Chinese, but the Chinese army.

*Super low infection rate.

Not only the Chinese Communist Party, but also the infection rate of Chinese workers is far lower than that of Europeans, and the mortality rate is less than three thousandths. Although this number is more than three times that of ordinary influenza, it is higher than that of Europe.

It is ten times lower, and the same is true in China itself. Although there are a large number of infected people, due to the establishment of an early warning mechanism and the adoption of isolation measures, the mortality rate is far lower than the world average.

In the eyes of the Western medical community, this is simply a fantasy. China is undoubtedly synonymous with backwardness. How can such a country with such weak medical conditions withstand the fierce influenza? Soon they discovered the secret.

*People often take isatis root to enhance their immunity.

This is also the mystery why the infection rate of Chinese people is lower than that of Europeans, and some dark Chinese herbal soups do have amazing therapeutic effects. In an instant, isatis root became the most sought-after thing in the world. What was originally an ordinary thing quickly became

It was sold to a sky-high price.

The United States is the hardest hit area by this influenza, and Americans' pockets have become bulging because of World War I, so they have spent a lot of money to buy isatis root. Southwest Medical Company has hoarded a large amount of isatis root, and now it is selling it at a high price. Isatis root is basically a very

The output of ordinary traditional Chinese medicine is definitely not low, but Southwest Pharmaceutical Company deliberately released some news that its inventory was exhausted, which quickly pushed the price of isatis root to sky-high prices, and a lot of real money fell into the hands of China.

However, Isatis root still has a serious problem after all, that is, it can only be prevented. Once infected, it is more difficult to treat. At this time, Southwest Pharmaceutical Corporation launched another miraculous drug, which immediately shocked the world.


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