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Chapter Thirty-Thirteen

The Spanish Flu struck with ferocity and was almost beyond Qiao Yu's control. Although Qiao Yu had already begun to study how to deal with the Spanish Flu, when it really came, it was far beyond imagination. Within two weeks, 40 people in China had

Tens of thousands of people contracted the flu, and although the death toll was not very high, it still exceeded 300, and most of them were young and strong laborers. What was even worse was that the flu was raging, causing great panic. The market was depressed and people were panicked.

Qiao Yu knows very well that except for the southwest and Guangdong and Guangxi, the political power in other regions cannot penetrate into the countryside. This means that there are still many cases that have not been discovered, and the actual number of people suffering from the disease is much higher than it is now, although it is already very high compared to Europe and the United States.

Not bad, but this kind of loss is not something Qiao Yu can bear.

Fortunately, Qiao Yu had already instructed Southwest Pharmaceutical Company to buy Bailangduoxi's patent, and had already produced sulfonamide. Now at this juncture, he had no choice but to throw out sulfonamide. The whole world was dizzy due to the Spanish flu.

The medical and political circles in various countries are desperately looking for ways to deal with the disease. At this time, sulfonamides were introduced. Although it can bring huge benefits, it will also bring huge troubles.

The production capacity in Southwest China is still limited, and it will definitely not be able to meet the needs of the whole world. Countries are already jealous at this time. Don't expect these powers to respect any patent laws. They will only rob and force you to publish your patents, and they will not be polite at all.

The Allies have gone crazy. Tens of millions of soldiers are fighting on the Western Front. Although large quantities of isatis root have been purchased, tens of thousands of people are still falling every day. The war has been severely affected. The most crazy ones are the Americans.

Well, they sent soldiers to fight for Britain and France. They were reluctant at first, but now they are good. Not only do they have to face the German guns and artillery, but they also have to face the huge killer of influenza. They are almost crying without tears.

When he learned that a specific drug that could treat influenza had appeared in China, Pershing, who was in Europe, frequently sent telegrams to China, demanding that enough drugs be obtained. If China did not provide it, he would use all means to threaten him. If the Chinese could not provide it, he would use all means to threaten it.

If the quantity is sufficient, the patent must also be handed over to the United States, allowing the United States to produce freely.

Not only the United States, but the Japanese who reacted the most fiercely. They did not pay as much attention to the prevention of influenza as China did. They were caught off guard after the outbreak. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses because the economy that prospered during World War I fell into depression in an instant.

Some people in Japan are even clamoring to use cannons to get life-saving drugs. Some unscrupulous scholars who have been bribed by them are also saying that this disaster is a global disaster. Since China has discovered a therapeutic drug, it should be announced to the world.

A bodhisattva has a heart to help the world, rather than cherishing it for himself.

This kind of clamor is getting louder and louder, and the pressure in Southwest is getting stronger and stronger. It would be okay if the power in Qiao Yu's hands could be stronger, but now it is a bit reluctant. Fortunately, Qiao Yu has made preparations, Southwest Medicine

After the company announced that sulfonamides can effectively treat influenza, it reached a cooperation agreement with Pfizer of the United States. The Asian market was handed over to Southwest Pharmaceutical Company, and the profits were exclusively owned by Southwest. The European and American markets were all given to Pfizer, with Southwest taking 40%.

Net profit.

Obviously, the markets in Europe and the United States are much larger than those in Asia. It can be said that a large piece of fat has been handed over to the Americans. The United States highly appreciates this behavior of the Southwest and believes that this is the best friendship and the real purpose of China.

The health of people around the world is selflessly dedicated.

However, Americans will not tell others that the United States has increased the price of something that costs less than a few dollars to a sky-high price of three thousand dollars a bottle. At the same time, it also strictly controls the amount of sulfonamides flowing into the market. It is very likely to maintain high profits for this drug and pull the United States into the market.

After entering, it will be difficult for Japan to exert pressure on Southwest China. This is also part of the agreement reached between China and the United States. It is not free to get cheap, and it must help Southwest withstand the pressure.

After the United States joined in, no one, including Britain and France, dared to have any bad intentions. Qiao Yu was able to mass-produce sulfa in China with peace of mind. The domestic prices in China were obviously not as outrageous as those in the United States. Qiao Yu provided free treatment for confirmed patients.

, but Qiao Yu has also adopted strict control over drugs. The scope of free treatment is only for the people of his own country. As for people in other countries, sorry, they can only enjoy the market price, three thousand US dollars per bottle, 80 tablets per bottle, no negotiation.


There is no doubt that the largest number of foreigners in China are Japanese. In the face of disease, everyone is equal. Japanese are also falling ill in large numbers. At this time, there are also a large number of patients in Japan who are in urgent need of sulfonamide to save their lives. However, sulfonamide is not effective.

The price is too astonishing. The price of a small bottle in Japan has been raised to more than 10,000 US dollars, and there is still no market for it. If you want to get the medicine, it is easy to come up with gold. These black market merchants only believe in it.

Gold, nothing else will do.

Japanese dignitaries insist on buying this life-saving drug no matter how high the price is. Nothing is as precious as their lives. Even people who are not infected will stock up in large quantities in case of emergency, causing the price of sulfa in Japan to soar.


People are asking the government to provide cheap sulfonamides to control the epidemic. The Japanese government is also under great pressure, but they are really unwilling to spend thousands of dollars to buy sulfonamides. It is a pity that real money is wasted like this.

Although the Japanese had accumulated some wealth during World War I, they did not spend their money this way. They approached Qiao Yu several times, hoping to lower the price.

Qiao Yu also fully considered the situation in Japan. In view of the fact that the two countries are important friendly neighbors, Qiao Yu decided to give Japan a 99% discount. If not, then wait for a price increase. The Japanese government was furious, but Southwest has already

It is impossible for the United States to join forces and force them to do so. Japan can only use its precious funds to purchase part of the sulfonamides and try to treat some key technical workers, teachers, citizens, and powerless farmers as much as possible.

The uncle was ruthlessly abandoned.

Sulfa has brought huge benefits to Southwest China, and Qiao Yu's pockets are getting bigger and bigger. However, Qiao Yu's ability to spend money has always been stronger than his ability to make money. As soon as Qiao Yu saw that the opportunity was almost there, he turned to many of his confidants.

Came over.

"Everyone, everyone has been working hard on the flu during this period. You have worked hard. Now the flu epidemic has been initially controlled, and everyone has done a great job!"

"Jin Zuo, during this influenza epidemic, China's mortality rate is very low in the world, which is indeed worthy of joy!" Sichuan Governor Zhou Jun said with a smile: "In the end, we still need to rely on Jun Zuo to strategize. If

It’s not that Jun Zuo has made careful preparations in advance, I’m afraid that given China’s current medical situation, we can only sit back and wait for death!”

"Governor Zhou, although the peak of the flu has passed, we cannot take it lightly. Especially in Sichuan, there are close exchanges of people. If you are not careful, it will cause heavy losses. It should be isolated and treated, but now we have

There is a new mission. The European war is really coming to an end now. This flu has killed millions more people in Europe. They can no longer fight. With the United States entering the war, Germany has only one way to fail.

It’s only a matter of a few months, and it will definitely not be delayed until next year. This battle of more than four years has created a whole new world, and now it’s time for us to share the fruits of victory!”

"Junzuo, I'm afraid it's a little too early now. After all, Germany has not surrendered yet. If you want compensation, you should wait a little longer!" Zhang Bailin asked.

Qiao Yu smiled slightly: "Bailin, the compensation is just a small amount, it can even be said to be not worth mentioning. What we want is the really important thing, the key to making our power grow by leaps and bounds. Now that Tsarist Russia has fallen, a large population

In addition to the nobility, there are also a large number of skilled workers and scientific researchers. These are rare assets that other countries may not be able to value, but they are absolutely necessary for us. We must try our best to win them.

, let them work for us!”

What is most precious among industrialized countries is production capacity. Industrialized production has made society very different from the past. Whoever can produce more products will have stronger power and can arm more armies, and

It has a stronger endurance and can win the final victory in the competition of national strength.

In an industrialized society, personal bravery has completely lost its role. In the past, nomadic peoples would have certain advantages against agricultural peoples. However, when the age of firearms arrived, nomadic peoples completely lost their opportunity. This is the change of the times.

Industrial society and agricultural society are completely two concepts.

Qiao Yu had seen many articles in his previous life, which exaggerated how high the Qing Dynasty's GDP was. It seemed that the Qing Dynasty was indeed an economic powerhouse. This theory did fool some people, but they ignored it.

A basic premise has been established. Only comparisons between industrial countries are meaningful. Agricultural countries simply do not have sufficient organizational capabilities and cannot fully transform economic power into national power. Such comparisons can only be a manifestation of ignorance or simply have ulterior motives.

Since production is so important, the resources and workers who maintain production are the foundation of a country. China can be considered a big country with abundant resources. What it lacks now is enough industrial workers. Although Qiao Yu has cultivated them through cooperation with the Allied Powers,

A large number of them have spared no effort, but after all, they are latecomers. Not to mention compared with Europe and the United States, they cannot even compare with Japan.

If we catch up step by step, we will not be able to catch up in less than twenty years. However, the God-given opportunity of World War I gave China the opportunity to develop by leaps and bounds. During World War I, Tsarist Russia, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the German Empire, and the Ottoman Empire were all disintegrated.

A large number of people emigrated, and Germany managed to maintain its basic territory, but it also received strict sanctions, and the other three empires were completely wiped out.

Although these three empires are not strong enough, they still have a lot of talents. Tsarist Russia, as an old empire, still has a lot of military and industrial talents. The Soviet Union's ability to become unique in the military-industrial system in the future is also related to this tradition of militarism.

Now that Tsarist Russia has fallen, many workers and technicians who were inclined to the Tsar have left in large numbers, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot disappear in terms of military technology. The famous Czech products in the future were made in Czechoslovakia, which split from Austria-Hungary.

There are still a few months left before the defeat, but it is time to make arrangements in advance, just in time for disintegration, to buy at the bottom to avoid being taken advantage of by other countries.

These civil and military officials also understood what Qiao Yu meant. They all knew that what is currently restricting the further development of Southwest China is industrial technology. There are not enough skilled workers, which has become a problem for all factories. If it can be introduced from other countries, it will indeed be a problem.

Good idea, everyone knows that talent is the most valuable, and this is indeed more important than a little compensation.dd

This chapter has been completed!
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