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Chapter 347: Tsar’s Baby

Luo Ying and others rushed to Topolsk. At this time, this small city was already in chaos. The news of Kolchak's defeat in Omsk had already reached here. Those nobles who supported the tsar

, monks, and capitalists all fled frantically for their lives, carrying Xinrui with them.

They didn't have an accurate direction, they just tried to stay as far away from the red areas as possible, and the underground members of the majority party in the city also blatantly came out, developed their strength, and were ready to wait for the arrival of the Red Army, and more

The defeated army, bandits, and hooligans took advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune and specialized in robbing the escaped capitalists. All in all, this was a city in great chaos.

Luo Ying quickly got in touch with the intelligence officer who was still stationed in the local area. This intelligence officer was code-named Maosui. He was a famous figure in history who left a name for chickens and dogs, which happened to match his current mission.

"After our investigation, we found that this jewelery artifact was placed in twenty large boxes, all hidden in the basement of a church. Those White Russian soldiers who originally guarded the jewelery were mixed with people from the majority party.

Due to the intervention of these majority party personnel, this batch of supplies has not been shipped out. Now the two sides are in a stalemate. We must act quickly to get the jewelry in our hands. The majority party will arrive at any time, and our time is very tight!"

"What is our mission?"

"Seize the basement. We have prepared trucks to transport the jewelry out and load it on the truck. You will escort the jewelry to evacuate according to the prescribed route. Our personnel will be there to support you along the way!" After Mao Sui explained the task clearly, Luo Ying and others

The man nodded in agreement, and after recovering a little strength, he found a small house behind the church under Mao Sui's bow.

"This is the entrance to the basement. There are about twenty guards inside now!"

While he was talking, the door of the small room suddenly opened, and a Russian ran out in front. There was another person chasing behind him. The two Russians soon struggled together. At this time, Luo Ying and others' pupils suddenly twitched.

Tightening, the coat of the person who was escaping in front was pulled away, and instantly many red, blue, and green gems rolled out, as well as many pearl necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc.

Luo Ying has seen the market, but he has never seen so many such exquisite jewelry, and it seems that these are just taken out casually, and there are more amazing things inside. The tsar is famous for his greed, and it is true!

Luo Ying was not polite anymore, and hurriedly called for his men to rush over. They did not use guns, but used daggers to kill the two Russians in an instant, and then packed up all the jewelry. Luo Ying took the lead, and

Ten team members followed closely, and the others were all on guard outside.

After passing through the narrow passage, Luo Ying and the others entered the basement. Although it was a basement, it was huge in scale. It was almost like an underground warehouse. After walking a few dozen meters, the sounds of quarrels among the Russians inside could be heard. It turned out that

There was a conflict among the guards guarding the treasure. It seemed that some people advocated dividing the treasure and then everyone dispersed, while others advocated protecting the treasure intact.

There are more than a dozen large wooden boxes that are as tall as a person on the side of the largest room. One of them has been opened, and bursts of dazzling light flashed from time to time in the dark basement. Luo Ying and others

The people have gone through the most rigorous training and have the best psychological quality, but these people almost screamed because there was a box full of dazzling treasures.

Seeing that all the team members on his side were staring straight-eyed, Luo Ying also knew that he had to kill quickly, otherwise the morale of the troops on his side would be shattered. Luo Ying held the submachine gun tightly, and gunfire rang out in an instant.

, these dozen Russians were still a little confused and had no idea what was going on, but they had already been beaten into pieces.

Luo Ying and others quickly dealt with all these Russians, and they shot those who were not dead one by one. After killing everyone, Luo Ying and others were also stunned. Among these treasures

The number is simply unimaginable, and each piece is a top-notch item. Anything that can be valued by the tsar will never be defective.

Luo Ying barely maintained a trace of clarity, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at the top of the secret room and fired several times, "Brothers, although these treasures are impressive, I also want to remind everyone that they need the flower of life. We are now in Russia.

Within the territory, as long as the Russians discover the stolen treasures of the Tsar, we will be dead. Now the only way to survive is to return the treasures safely to the country. Jun Zuo has promised that as long as everyone completes the task, not only you, but also

Your descendants will be able to enjoy the country’s special treatment. We have been born and died for so many years, so don’t be confused about this kind of thing!”

At this moment, it was indeed necessary to ring the alarm bell for these people. As expected, they all calmed down and put all the scattered treasures back into the boxes. At this time, the soldiers who were on guard in other locations would also escape.

All the Russians were eliminated. A total of twenty-six Russians were not spared. In fact, there were a whole battalion of Russian soldiers guarding this place. However, after Kolchak was defeated, these people did not know that they were guarding such an important position.

The treasures fled one after another, leaving only these twenty or so people who knew the details. Each box was extremely heavy. Fortunately, some special cars had been prepared to transport the boxes of jewelry out, and then

They were quickly sent to the truck. After checking the secret room again and again, they found that nothing was missing. Luo Ying and others took these trucks and left Topolsk. From beginning to end, these special forces members tried their best to avoid looking directly at the secret room.

One by one, wooden boxes, they were afraid that they would not be able to withstand this huge temptation.

After Luo Ying and others evacuated, Mao Sui planted five hundred kilograms of explosives in the basement of the church, blowing up the entire church into the sky. Even if any outsiders came to check, they would just think it was a person.

, the underground gunpowder depot exploded, and after doing all this, these intelligence personnel also began to retreat slightly.

After leaving Topolsk, Luo Ying's heartbeat never returned to calm. If these jewels were converted into US dollars, they would cost more than 100 million. These treasures are almost twice the compensation paid in the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and are almost equivalent to one in the southwest.

The fiscal revenue for a year and a half was definitely a huge sum of money. Luo Ying felt that his life was worth living. I am afraid that even the emperors in the past might not have seen so many good things. Of course, Luo Ying didn't know that yet.

An even more astonishing batch of gold is being transported from Omsk to the Far East at this moment. If the quantity of that gold were known, it would be even more difficult to control oneself.

The convoy drove all the way to the east. Their destination was Khovd, where they were met by Xu Zhongzheng's border guards. This road was not easy to walk. Before going very far, they encountered several groups of bandits, all of whom were from the front.

If the number of people coming to rob is small, Luo Ying and the others will kill them quickly. If the number is large, Luo Ying's convoy will also have a bribed Belarusian officer. He will come forward and say that this is a convoy transporting food to Belarus.

After all, the East still belongs to Belarus, so it won't be too difficult. As long as some benefits are given, it can be safely passed.

Therefore, Luo Ying and others walked more than 500 kilometers in more than three days, and they had already walked one-third of the way. However, they immediately fell into big trouble. They are now walking in the white desert of Russia.

Among them, the snow was more than half a meter thick and the temperature was dropping sharply. Although they had all undergone cold-resistant training and were wrapped in thick fur clothes, they were still unable to withstand the cold wind.

What's even more terrible is that the truck is getting slower and slower in the thick snow, and it is still slipping. Just when it is getting restless, the convoy suddenly stops. It turns out that the first vehicle has fallen into the snow again, and all the soldiers

They all got out of the car and tried to get the truck out, but there was a deep ditch under the snow, and the front wheels were stuck and couldn't move at all.

Luo Ying suddenly started to sweat. Russia, an unlucky place, would get dark at two or three o'clock in the afternoon in winter. If they were trapped here and couldn't get the scabies supplies pre-arranged by the intelligence personnel, they would have no choice but to

There were two choices, one was to freeze to death, the other was to be torn to pieces by hungry wolves. Only at this moment did Luo Ying feel that no matter how good the treasure was, it was nothing more than a warm stove or a bowl of dumplings that would burn your mouth and heart.

While they were anxious and uneasy, suddenly there was a sound of horses galloping not far away, and a team of about 200 horses ran over. These horses were all pulling specially reinforced sleds.

The leader was an uncle in his fifties. After matching the code with Luo Ying and others, he immediately asked Luo Ying and others to put the items on the snow and use horses to pull them all away. After finally loading them, Luo Ying

The others all walked on the sleigh. At this time, the night had begun to fall. The uncle driving the sleigh took out a silver wine bottle from his arms and handed it to Luo Ying.

"Young boy, come and have a few sips. This is Russian vodka. It's not as good as our wine, but it's strong enough. It makes your stomach burn as you drink it. The big Russian nose is pointing to this to survive the winter!"

Luo Ying took the jug and looked at the jug of vodka carefully. With such a task, Luo Ying didn't dare to close his eyes even if he slept. Even if this uncle could match all the codes, he couldn't guarantee complete reliability.

After asking the question, Luo Yingcai took a big gulp.

The flaming vodka began to burn along the esophagus, and the body that had been frozen by the cold wind seemed to have vitality again, not to mention how comfortable it was.

"Haha, young boy, you have a good drinker. I have been doing business in Russia for several years, and I have never seen anyone drink vodka so much!"

Luo Ying is still a little unfinished, but he also knows that he must not be drunk at this time, and just warm up a little. He is very curious about this snow tank team, and he can find him so accurately. Chinese intelligence officers are really good at everything.

Ah, Luo Ying asked with a smile: "Uncle, are you running business here?"

"Well, since those white-skinned pigs started fighting, I started doing business, transporting cattle and horses from Mongolia and other places to Russia. It is said that the old man was beaten so badly by the old Germans that the supplies were consumed very quickly. We relied on

Selling this to make money, speaking of your job, I have never encountered this before. Someone paid a high price for us to pick up people in the heavy snow. If we hadn't given us so much money, I would have thought they were just making fun of us.

But it didn’t take long before your convoy came over!”

Luo Ying also felt a sense of awe at this time. He was almost certain that there must be a top secret team not far away from him, monitoring every move of people like him, and they also disclosed their position and the difficulties they faced.

Only by reporting them all can we have such a sled team to support us, but in other words, if people like us want to steal some treasure, I am afraid that they will have turned into dead bodies by now!dd

This chapter has been completed!
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