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Chapter 348 Gold! Gold!

Luo Ying and his party escorted this batch of treasures for more than ten days in a row. The violent snowstorm in Siberia made them suffer a lot. Even after special training, they were a little overwhelmed, and the other members of the sled team

The personnel were almost at their limit, and the thoroughbred horses with astonishing endurance also froze to death in large numbers.

"Uncle Wang, was it so cold here in the first few years? How could anyone live here?"

Lao Wang of the sled team couldn't help but shake his head: "It wasn't so cold in the past, but it's so bad this year. I've lived for most of my life, and I've never seen this kind of weather. The old people in the past said it was so cold."

The weather is God's will. I'm afraid something big will happen again this year. Six horses froze to death yesterday. If I had known, I wouldn't have taken on such a job!"

Luo Ying and the others were trekking hard in the white desert. There was another team that was also experiencing this kind of suffering, and their situation was much worse than Luo Ying. This was Kolchak and his


After retreating from Omsk, Kolchak led a total of more than 500,000 soldiers, and there were also more than 700,000 people who opposed the majority party, including supporters of the tsar, bishops, nuns, ladies, and countless others.

Hundreds of thousands of children are trekking through the Siberian desert.

God seemed to be smiling at them. When they left Musk, the temperature was only minus 30 degrees Celsius. As Russians who were accustomed to the cold, it was still bearable. They still had enough fuel and warm clothes.

However, after walking out for a few days, the temperature suddenly dropped, even exceeding minus 50 degrees. This was accompanied by the cold wind and blizzard blowing from the Arctic, which took away the last trace of heat from the human body.

Among the fleeing team, one or two people appeared who had frozen to death, and then there was a large area of ​​death. First there were weak children, women, and the elderly, and then there were the strong young people. In nature,

In front of them, these people appear extremely fragile. Every day when they leave the camp, they leave behind countless frozen corpses. People have become indifferent and have no reaction in the face of death, because they know very well that they don’t know when.

Death will also come to them, and all they can do before death comes is to endure it silently.

Kolchak, the leader of this unprecedentedly large exile team, was even more anxious at this time. Although dying was a great torture, the severe cold also blocked the Red Army's offensive, allowing them to avoid the pain of pursuit.

Maybe the only good news.

What really drove Kolchak crazy was the huge amount of gold that he personally escorted. This gold was the basis for his restoration and the last hope of Tsarist Russia. There must be no problems, and the bad weather caused them to burn out quickly.

Consumption, the train transporting gold can no longer be started.

How to transport more than 500 tons of gold has become the biggest difficulty, and what is even worse is that the people of the Allied Powers have cast a greedy eye on this gold. Nothing in the world is more important than gold. What bullshit justice?

Let them go to hell with the red ghost, only gold is everything.

In particular, Britain and France, who were still licking their wounds from the First World War, were extremely coveted for this gold. They had thrown all guarantees aside, completely forgetting that Kolchak was unanimously recognized by them as the consul.

They colluded and tried to force Kolchak to hand over the gold.

"Mr. Consul, I suggested you not to go to Siberia at the beginning, but to enter China's Xinjiang from Central Asia. It is much warmer there than here, and the Chinese people insist on morality. We will provide you with help and let you get there.

To develop resistance forces in China, we will provide you with arms and supplies, help you recruit Belarusian forces from various places, and organize them together. Only in this way can Belarus have hope and you can truly realize your wishes, Britain, France, Japan

It’s all untrustworthy!”

The person who was talking to Kolchak was his old partner, Chinese fire businessman Feng Shaoyu. Today, Feng Shaoyu put away the humility of the past and looked confident. The smile on his face showed that he already had

Have enough control ability.

At this time, Kolchak's face was gloomy and very ugly. When he heard Feng Shaoyu speak like this, he immediately understood that the person in front of him was definitely not a simple arms dealer, but a person with a strong background. Maybe there was someone behind him.

The one standing is the Chinese government.

Thinking of this, Kolchak was annoyed for a while. Out of gratitude for the cheap arms provided by Feng Shaoyu, he regarded him as his most important confidant. Especially when he was fleeing on land, Feng Shaoyu could never leave him and help him out.

Kolchak trusted this friend from the East very much, so he let him know too many secrets. Now that he thinks about it, it was definitely a huge mistake. He was deceived.

"Feng, what's the difference between China and them? You just want my gold, and there's no difference between you and those people. If I enter China, it will only be more dangerous and I will immediately become a plaything in your hands!"

Feng Shaoyu smiled and shook his head: "Consul, the Chinese are completely different from the Japanese and the British. They want to kill people for money, but we believe in losing money and avoiding disasters. They will not only steal your gold, but also

will kill you all, and China can definitely guarantee your safety and provide you with necessary help. I hope you can understand one thing, that is, you cannot keep the gold, and you will lose it wherever you go.

You are a puppet. There is no way you can escape this fate. You can still save your life in China. Otherwise, you can imagine the consequences!"

When Kolchak heard that the handsome features here had been severely distorted, he pointed at Feng Shaoyu and said: "You don't have to quibble, you are all the same, none of you are good, God will definitely punish you, I will definitely

We have the ability to transport gold to the Far East, and we also have the means to restore the glory of Tsarist Russia. You yellow-skinned pigs were still trembling in front of the majesty of Tsarist Russia a few years ago. Now you are just a nouveau riche by luck. Don’t think that this is great. Russia is still

Russia will also trample you to death under its feet, get out of here, I don’t want to see you again!”

Feng Shaoyu looked at the furious Kolchak. He didn't have any anger. Instead, he had a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth. This Kolchak really didn't have a good mind. Since he dared to show off with him, he would have

Enough certainty, the Chinese people have always made decisions before taking action.

"Kolchak, you'd better recognize the reality, surrender to China, and give all the gold to China, otherwise you will have no choice but to die!"

"What? You dare to threaten me?" Kolchak immediately jumped up, pointed at Feng Shaoyu and cursed loudly: "You damn yellow-skinned monkey, this is our army camp, there are countless soldiers loyal to me, you

If you dare to threaten me, I will throw you outside to feed the wild wolves right now!"

"I'm sorry, it's too late!" Feng Shaoyu gently snapped his fingers while speaking, and a dozen people rushed in outside. The leader of them was Kolchak's guard captain Cheryev. When he saw this two-meter-tall

Kolchak seemed to feel a little bit bad about the tall black bear-like guard captain, but he still didn't believe that this naive guy would betray him.

"Cheryev, catch this damn yellow-skinned monkey and go!"

"Sir, I'm sorry, I can't follow your orders. You are leading us to death. The severe cold in Siberia is harvesting lives every day. On one night at most, nearly 200,000 people died in Nikolaevsk.

Can't you see, my wife and children are there!"

Cheryev was a little too excited at this time, tears rolled out of the corners of his eyes, and Kolchak was also a little stupid at this time. Feng Shaoyu stood up and said to Cheryev: "Mr. Cheryev

, arrest Kolchak, and you will be able to go south with us immediately. Mongolia and China are already prepared, and you will get everything you want!"

Cheryev nodded sharply, threw Kolchak down suddenly, and trapped him tightly with a rope. At this time, another person walked in outside the tent, it was Wu Fenglou, as this time

The overall commander of the operation is mainly responsible for the safety of the gold.

Just tonight, Kolchak ordered his men to unload the poison gold from the armed escort truck and load it onto a sled, and then use the sled to transport all the gold. It was really difficult to snatch the gold from a team of hundreds of thousands of people.

It's crazy, and it will also expose China. Once the great powers know that China has monopolized such a huge sum of money, there will definitely be a lot of trouble, so Wu Fenglou thought of an ingenious way.

It was through Feng Shaoyu that he first bribed Cheryev, who was the most loyal to Kolchak, and asked Cheryev to help mix the Chinese special forces members into the escort of the gold. You know, Russia is not the same.

They are white people, and there are also a lot of yellow people in the Far East. Therefore, such a capable force will only be regarded by them as a secret force sent by Kolchak to ensure safety.

The cold has restricted people's thinking. The Russians never thought that the Chinese, who clearly had no power in Siberia, would attack them. After taking control of the gold, Cheryev accompanied Kolchak on these sleds.

In front of the team, Kolchak didn't say a word, but had a sullen face. Cherev, on behalf of the consul, ordered the sled team to march southeast overnight.

These people just thought that the consul wanted to abandon those oil bottles and escape with the gold. Although they were unwilling to do so, under the threat of dark gunpoint, they could only do this. This team quietly left a large area.

The troops were moving towards the Far East, but soon they changed direction and headed towards the south.

After walking out for a while, the Russians driving the sleigh felt something bad. It seemed that there was something wrong with the direction. However, it happened to be night at this time, and they were not sure yet. After walking more than ten kilometers, suddenly something happened from all around.

Two thousand soldiers with live ammunition rushed out, and the sled team was completely under control. It was only then that they knew that something was wrong, but it was already too late. If they resisted in any way, they would be beaten into pieces immediately.

, can only walk southward obediently.

It was not easy for Wu Fenglou to successfully obtain the gold. The most troublesome thing now is the wind and snow. The road has become very difficult, and more than five hundred tons of gold is not a small amount. There are nearly a thousand snowmen holding him back.

With wealth that shocked the world, these horses were severely overloaded and could be exhausted at any time. They must have enough supplies to continue moving, otherwise they would have no choice but to freeze to death on the road in the Siberian desert, and they had to prevent these

The Russians were rioting, and after walking cautiously for three days, suddenly there were some black spots surging on the horizon in the distance! dd

This chapter has been completed!
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