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Chapter two hundred and fortieth IX Cross-Fortune Country

After seeing these black spots, Wu Fenglou secretly shouted, "The Chinese team coming to meet them must have come from the south. The team appearing from the north is definitely the enemy. Of course, it is not clear whether they are Russians or others."

The army is definitely not a good thing!

"Gather the snow cornices in one place, the third team will guard the sleds, and the others will be ready for battle!"

After the order was issued, these soldiers immediately gathered the Xueshuo team and prepared for battle. At this time, the team in the distance was getting closer and closer. From a distance, they could clearly see that this team numbered about two to three thousand people.

The whole body was wrapped in all kinds of weird leathers, which were not very neat. Looking at the flag again, I finally figured out that it was the Czechoslovak Legion.

Czechoslovakia was originally part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. A large number of Austro-Hungarian soldiers were captured by Russia on the Eastern Front. Later, after the end of World War I, both Austria-Hungary and Tsarist Russia disintegrated. When the Allies began to intervene in the Russian Revolution, these prisoners were captured

All were armed and formed the Czechoslovak Army.

However, as the war progresses, the majority party has firmly gained the upper hand. Seeing that the intervention army is about to collapse, the Czechoslovak Army, which is still fighting in the Far East, wants most now to return home safely, so they want to seize Gao

Kolchak, and then exchanged the Belarusian governor with the majority party for a chance to go home. They had been watching Kolchak's march.

When they heard that the severe cold had taken away a large number of lives, they suddenly felt very happy and sad. They thought that their chance had finally come. Kolchak's army had no fighting capacity and was just a lamb to be slaughtered. The Czechoslovak Army was like

Smelling the fishy smell, he rushed forward like a wolf.

But they were still a step too late. After Kolchak was taken away by Wu Fenglou, Feng Shaoyu and others, the Russians didn't know it at first. When they realized that their leader had escaped, these poor people could no longer control themselves.

, the extreme cold has taken away most of the lives, and now that there is no leader, what hope do they have, so the remaining 700,000 people fled one after another.

They were at a loss. Some fled to the north. Others were completely swallowed by the wind and snow. Some simply ran back. They were just dead. It would be better to leave their lives to most of them. Most of them continued to flee towards the east. They were already in danger.

, now it was torn apart and there was no hope of survival. In the end, less than a thousand people escaped with their lives. The rest all froze to death in the desert. In the end, all the people loyal to the Tsar also died.

When the Czechoslovak Legion arrived, they happened to see the Russians fleeing in all directions, as if the sky had fallen. From the behavior of these Russians, they learned that Kolchak had escaped with the gold. The Czechoslovak Legion was also shocked.

, it stands to reason that Kolchak can only escape to the east. Only by reaching the Far East can there be any hope. But these people chased him from the east and did not run into Kolchak at all.

Could Kolchak still be able to fly? Even if he could escape, would the gold still be missing? The Czechs immediately began to search around for thousands of pieces of snow. It stands to reason that they retreated south, and they would definitely leave traces.

, but it is a pity that there have been continuous snowstorms and strong winds in the past few days, covering all traces. Kolchak and Gold just disappeared out of thin air.

However, the Czechs are not fools. After careful analysis, they found that Kolchak definitely did not escape to the east. If they didn't force it, they would definitely find out. It was even more impossible to go to the north. That was a dead end leading to the North Pole. So, should we go west?

Wouldn’t that mean he would be arrested by the majority party?

Based on this analysis, the only direction Kolchak could go was to the south. It was only at this time that the Czechs suddenly realized that there was a huge country in the south of Russia, and it was warmer there, especially the Chinese who were also involved in the intervention.

Among the troops, they certainly did not expect that the Chinese would interfere with the gold matter.

In their eyes, China is still the sick man of East Asia who is dragging his feet and drowning in opium. How can they plan such a difficult thing? Perhaps Kolchak took the initiative to abandon his subordinates and wanted to borrow a way from China.

But after thinking about this, the Czechs could no longer wait any longer and had to act quickly. Kolchak must not be allowed to escape.

The Czechoslovak Legion chased for more than a day and finally found a clue. It was certain that a team ran south. The desire for gold made these Czechs chase south like crazy. After a difficult trek,

, they finally saw the shadow of a snowshoe team, the prey was right in front of them, and the Czechs immediately prepared to launch an attack.

Wu Fenglou felt a little heavy at this time. He now has a special force of 500 people and more than 700 capable soldiers. These people have to protect the gold, monitor the Russians, and fight against the Czechoslovak Army.

, the difficulty is indeed not small.

Although the special forces are the elite among the elite, they are not omnipotent and have their own weaknesses. As a special forces, what they focus on is surprise and a fatal blow. It is like a hidden weapon. If there is an encounter with the regular army,

Fighting is like using a small throwing knife to fight with the opponent's machete, and you will suffer a lot.

But Wu Fenglou and others couldn't care less. No matter who came, they couldn't let them give up the gold, even if they lost their lives. Soon the Czechs began to attack, and they gathered more than 500 cavalry.

Pong rushed this way and the whole world was flooded with kindness. These Czechs made strange roars from their mouths, like a bunch of wild beasts.

They may have been fascinated by gold and made a fatal mistake. They launched a charge in the snow that was more than half a meter thick. It was definitely a huge drain on the horses, and their speed was also restricted. No matter how they beat them,

The speed of the war horses could not be increased, some horses kept slipping, and soon their own team was in chaos.

After the cavalry lost its speed advantage, the threat was reduced by half. The soldiers sent to transport the gold were all the best among the elite, and their marksmanship was almost perfect. Especially now that they were equipped with submachine guns, their firepower was very strong, and their impact was very powerful.

The chest of the cavalry at the front was seen being penetrated, and his heart and lungs were spared. The snow was stained with a layer of strange blood. The other Czech cavalry were also shot to death continuously, falling like dumplings.

When we arrived on the snow, it quickly turned into ice cubes.

In just twenty minutes, more than two hundred Czech cavalry were killed. Their greed for gold and longing for family remained in this desert forever. When the commander behind saw this situation, he immediately ordered

The cavalry retreated. After a brief reorganization, the Czechs began to abandon their horses, covered themselves with white cloth, and attacked from three directions. Their purpose was very clear, which was to disperse these soldiers and seize all the gold.

For this reason, they also took out the only four heavy machine guns. Facing the Jacks Corps pressing from three sides, China's situation became worse and worse. In order to speed up the march, they did not carry heavy machine guns at all. Now they are facing

To attack the Czechs, the Chinese could only fight back with rifles and submachine guns. What was even worse was that it was covered in snow, and the Chinese soldiers were unable to build defenses at all, and were completely in a passive position to be beaten.

However, they are China's elite troops, and their tenacity is extraordinary. With the help of the cover provided by the wind and snow, they continued to fire accurately at the Czechs. After a while, the dense charge team began to thin out, and there were nearly 200 people.

Czech soldier was shot dead.

On the Chinese side, more than 60 people died, and some were only injured. However, in this harsh weather, a large amount of blood was lost, and the human body lost its ability to resist the cold. Injury is basically equal to death. These

Most of the elite soldiers were trained by Wu Fenglou himself.

Seeing them all fall silently in the white snow now, Wu Fenglou felt extremely uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do except spread his anger on these pickers.

Wu Fenglou's body rolled suddenly in the snow, and the gun in his hand fired two accurate bursts. The two officers who took over the Czechoslovakia responded by saying goodbye. However, as the Czechs got closer and closer, the Chinese army's marksmanship advantage

It's not obvious enough. At a distance of more than a hundred meters, these Czech veterans can easily hit Chinese soldiers, and the casualty ratio on both sides is constantly shrinking.

At this critical moment, Feng Shaoyu quietly walked up to Wu Fengheng and said, "Boss! We can't fight so hard. I think it's better to drive out all those Russians and let them serve as shields for us, which can also weaken the Czech Republic."

Human firepower delays time!”

When Wu Fenglou heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. This idea was really good. He was the only one who was still a little confused, "Shaoyu, those Russians will not cooperate with the Czechs and attack us. You must know that they all

He’s white!”

"Don't worry, boss. It seems that the Czechs haven't recognized us as Chinese yet. They only think that we are Kolchak's subordinates. After these Russians rush out, they will definitely shoot!"

Wu Fenglou thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. Feng Shaoyu immediately went over to make arrangements. Suddenly all the Russians were hit. Driven by the Chinese soldiers, these people reluctantly rushed towards the Czechs. The Czechs

As soon as they saw that the opponent had launched a countercharge, without any hesitation, the machine guns fired immediately. Although the Russians kept shouting not to shoot, it was too late. The Czechs' bullets seemed to be free of charge.

Sweeping towards them.

Soon more than 300 Russians were swept away. This killing speed was indeed not slow. More than 1,000 Russians did not even last an hour, and they all died on the spot, until the blood turned the snow into

The massacre ended only after the bloodshed.

The Chinese ** team also took the opportunity to restore their physical strength, but there was not much joy or worry. They wiped out all the coachmen. If domestic reinforcements could not arrive quickly, of course they would have contacted the domestic side through the radio, but here

In the white wasteland, there is still a question of whether they can be found. As long as there is a slight deviation, it will go in the opposite direction, and the consequences will be disastrous.

While Wu Fenglou and others were feeling uneasy, a team of about 5,000 people, led by Xu Shuzheng, quickly rushed towards the battlefield. This army was divided into two parts, one part was elite soldiers of the "Department of the Army", led by Liu Wenhui, and the other

Some of them are the elite of Beiyang.

The two groups of men finally found the location of the battlefield through the sound of gunfire. They quickly divided into two teams and surrounded the Czechoslovak Army. This batch of gold finally fell steadily into the hands of the Chinese! dd

This chapter has been completed!
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