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Chapter 359 Mighty Volunteer Army

As the name suggests, the Zongshe Party was a party established by the Manchu clan. During the Revolution of 1911, in order to compete with the Revolutionary Party, the young faction of the Manchu royal family formed such a party. However, after Liangbi was assassinated, the Zongshe Party

Just as the stars have fallen and the clouds have dispersed, if a group of Eight Banner disciples succeed, the sun will really rise from the west.

However, the Japanese, who were ambitious in Northeast China, discovered the usefulness of the Zongshe Party. In 1914, they re-established the Zongshe Party in Tokyo, Japan. Shanqi, Pu Wei, Fu Sheng'a and other Manchu elders, together with the Japanese in Sichuan,

Shimananiwa re-established the Soja Party. After its establishment, the Japanese used the Soja Party to infiltrate the Northeast in an attempt to split the Northeast and establish the so-called Manchukuo.

Especially when Yuan Shikai became emperor, the Zongshe Party was the most noisy and even wanted to start an army. It had purchased a lot of weapons and received the support of the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu in Japan. Everything was ready, and it only owed east wind, but

Immediately, news came from Japan that Kawashima Naniwa's actions were banned.

Japan's government's considerations are very clear. The Sichuan faction showed strong combat effectiveness in the war to protect the country. If Japan allows the Northeast to invade at this time, it will be equivalent to helping the Sichuan faction replace Beiyang. The Sichuan faction is tougher than Beiyang.

Much more. If we unify the country under the banner of safeguarding national territory and start a war with Japan, while Japan is making every effort to use the opportunity of World War I to develop industry and strengthen its national strength, how can it be willing to waste its energy on a bunch of Manchu veterans?

Ah, so Japan sternly refused.

"Tianhe, I heard that after the National Defense War, the Zongshe Party was already disbanded. Why is it still active now?"

"Prime Minister. Although the Dalian branch of the Zongshe Party was nominally disbanded, the organization was not disbanded. On the contrary, it was strengthened and became a peripheral force of a Japanese intelligence organization. The Japanese used the information of the old and young of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Using their identity as a cover to win over officials and influence the Manchu people, it can be said that the Zongshe Party is like an octopus with eight claws, extending its hands to every corner of the Northeast and stealing all useful intelligence. It has reached the level of unscrupulousness!"

When Qiao Yu heard Wang Tianhe's introduction, his face completely darkened. His fingers tapped on the table unconsciously. Both Wang Lingji and Wang Tianhe knew very well that this state meant that Qiao Yu had fallen into extreme anger, and they did not

He didn't dare to say much. He just bowed and obeyed Qiao Yu's instructions.

"Tianhe, Ark, the Japanese are selfless and the Northeast is where they have been most severely corroded. The enemy has already taken the lead. We must fight back. You must use all your strength and pay close attention to the Zongshe Party and the Socialist Party.

What kind of quasi-espionage organization is the South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. We must thoroughly understand their situation and strike with thunder if necessary. Cut them all off. In addition, we must use various propaganda methods to publicize Japan's aggression to the people.

Ambition, the army must also give up its illusions, train for the army, and let Jiang Baili prepare a large-scale military parade for me!"

Qiao Yu said something, and Wang Lingji agreed, "Prime Minister, do you have anything else to explain?"

"Better kill by mistake than let go!" Qiao Yu squeezed out eight more words from between his teeth. Even though Wang Lingji was used to seeing life and death, he felt a chill down his spine at these eight words, which were tantamount to a reminder.

Fu, there will be a river of blood next.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, I will definitely get things done!"

Wang Lingji went down to make arrangements. Qiao Yu stopped Wang Tianhe again and said in a low voice: "Tianhe, Japan has been operating for a long time. In addition to the official Clan Society Party, there must be more hidden organizations. These

The intelligence agency may be hidden in any corner, making it difficult for me to sleep or eat well. Your responsibility is very heavy. Ark is charging from the front. To deal with these organizations on the surface, you must make arrangements behind the scenes to protect the country!"

"You must live up to the trust of the prime minister in your humble position!"

After explaining the intelligence matters, Qiao Yu's mood was not very high. Japan has been dreaming of invading China for decades, and the secret arrangements have been started for a long time. If China wants to develop, it must crush Japan.

As Japan's opponent, there can only be one voice in East Asia, and that is China. Japan should step aside, but it is not easy to crush this evil neighbor.

What China needs most now is time. As long as China's industry develops, Japan will forever lose the ability to compete with China, which has a vast land, abundant resources, and a large population. How to gain this development time is the most important thing.

You must not pray passively, but you must show your strength and use force to buy time. And now Qingdao is the best touchstone, letting the whole world see the sharpness of China's attack.

The base camp of the Shandong Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army is located in the Taishan Mountains, which is extremely hidden. At this time, the commander of the Volunteer Army, Hun Jianglong, is receiving an old friend, Wu Fenglou. Counting from the Battle of Qingdao, the two of them have already known each other.

We haven't seen each other for more than five years. Hun Jianglong has aged a lot in the past few years, and there are only two fingers left on the palm of his left hand, and the rest of the fingers and half of the palm are missing.

However, this reckless man was still full of energy and energy, and he gave Wu Fenglou a strong bear hug.

"Sir Wu, after so many years, I never thought we would see each other again. What happened in Qingdao back then seems to be right in front of me!"

"Commander Hun Jianglong, I am no longer your commander, but a soldier under your command. I am reporting to you!"

Hun Jianglong had seen a lot over the years and immediately understood the meaning of Wu Fenglou's words. He grabbed Wu Fenglou's hand tightly and shook it vigorously.

"Lao Wu, has the Prime Minister decided to take back Qingdao? Has the day finally come?"

Hun Jianglong's voice was trembling, and excitement was written all over his face. Since Qiao Yu became Prime Minister, their equipment has been getting better and better day by day. Even some active troops cannot compare with this volunteer army.

He knew that the day he had been waiting for was about to come, but when it really came to this moment, he could no longer control his emotions.

For this day, many brothers died on the battlefield. At the beginning, the common people did not understand and the government did not support them. They seemed to have been abandoned by the world. At the least, there were only about fifty people left in the team of more than 300 people.

They are not even comparable to ordinary bandits. However, as the atrocities of Japan became apparent, the elders of Shandong finally began to support this team unreservedly. Countless Qilu men sacrificed their lives for justice and fought to the death against the invaders!

Finally, this day came, when the heroes of the martyrs could be comforted in heaven. Wu Fenglou understood Hun Jianglong's emotions very well and patted him on the shoulder.

"Old friend, the Prime Minister asked me to give him a message. On behalf of the people of the whole country, he would like to thank you. You have forged the backbone of China with your blood. When the country is declining, your ability to not give up resistance is the fire that keeps China alive!

The Prime Minister has ordered the construction of the Martyrs' Hall and the renovation of the Martial Arts Temple so that the dead brothers can receive four seasons of worship and be respected by future generations forever!"

Hearing this, Hun Jianglong finally couldn't control his emotions and burst into tears. The same was true for the others, who couldn't control their emotions. These hard-blooded men had too much pain in their hearts. They were under too much pressure.

Now I finally found the opportunity to be released.

After crying for a long time, Hun Jianglong took Wu Fenglou's hand and said with emotion: "Brother Wu, we have been going through life and death in these years and have taken everything lightly. But there is one thing we can't let go of. Is it worth it to continue fighting like this?

It’s worth it. Occasionally I saw someone in the newspaper saying that we have only killed a few thousand Japanese soldiers in the past few years, but the number of fathers and fellow countrymen who died because of us has exceeded hundreds of thousands. We are not saving the people at all, but

They are harming people, and we are the culprits. You know how painful my heart was at that time! Don’t those bastards know that even if we don’t resist the Japanese, they will still kill people? No matter how well-written the article is, what’s the use?

What a bastard!"

Of course, Hun Jianglong didn’t know that China had never lacked such people. Later, they packaged this set of treasonous and justified theories into saving the country through curves. Little did they know that victory in a war was never measured by death, but by achievement.

If the strategic goal is not achieved, as long as it resists, the Japanese will not be able to truly utilize Shandong's resources and achieve their aggressive goals, and China will be the winner.

"Everything is over. This time the Prime Minister brought out all the special forces and air force. We must teach the Japanese a lesson they will never forget and make them regret coming to China!"

A total of more than 30,000 volunteers advanced towards Qingdao. The volunteers completely gave up the secretive guerrilla style of the past and acted completely openly. All heavy artillery and tanks were brought out, majestic and high-spirited. All the communication lines between Qingdao and the outside world were destroyed.

cut off.

As the army approached the outer positions of Qingdao, the Japanese army in Qingdao finally felt fear. While they desperately strengthened their defense lines, they also asked for help from home, hoping that the Japanese government could send troops to assist as soon as possible.

Ben Zhengfu did not expect that the situation in Shandong would become so bad. Just when they were in a hurry and at a loss, the attack of the Volunteer Army had already begun. The first to launch the attack was the Air Force, with a total of forty War Eagles taking off together.

Japan's fighter planes also rushed to fight.

However, it is a pity that they have neither a visionary leader like Qiao Yu nor a talented designer like Feng Ru. Therefore, Japan's air power is doomed to be a tragedy. The dozen or so aircraft that barely fought were all dexterously destroyed.

The Suzaku aircraft was easily shot down, and everyone including the pilot died in the sky.

With the threat in the air cleared, the Dragon B bomber roared over the Japanese army's position carrying heavy bombs. The bombs continued to fall from the sky like hailstones. The violent explosions and the soaring fire made the Japanese

The position has simply turned into a hell on earth.

These Japanese animals no longer have the arrogance of the past, and they all huddle in their positions. The only thing they can do is to pray for the blessing of Amaterasu, but unfortunately this is China, and it is not Amaterasu's service area at all. They still have to

Their lives were taken away by the sudden bombs. There were broken limbs and broken bodies everywhere on the position. Japan's plaster flag also lost its spirit and stood in tatters on the position.

Japan has not participated in the European war and has no understanding of the new tactics. The stubborn Japanese high-level officials do not believe that toy-like aircraft can dominate the battlefield. Therefore, they still arrange the battlefield according to the Qingdao War. This is undoubtedly stupid.

They soon received retribution. During the first round of bombing, an ammunition warehouse was hit and exploded, and more than 700 Japanese soldiers were killed. And this was just the beginning!...)


This chapter has been completed!
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