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Chapter 360: Sino-Japanese Collision One

The Japanese positions that lacked preparations for air raids were blown to pieces. Those soldiers could only hide in strong fortification bunkers to temporarily save their lives. Moreover, the communications and electricity were even worse and were destroyed by the special forces, causing various troops to be destroyed.

The communication between them is inconvenient, and many positions can only fight independently, which is a great weakening of Japan's combat effectiveness. ()

Before the bombing was over, the heavy artillery on the ground began to roar at the Japanese position. A total of two hundred cannons with a caliber of 155 mm showed unparalleled power. The Japanese soldiers could only huddle in the bunkers.

It can't move even if hit, but the damage power of this heavy artillery is far from that simple.

If the explosion point is relatively close to the Japanese soldiers, even if the shrapnel does not hurt them, the violent sound caused by the heavy artillery explosion will cause their eardrums to bleed, and some inexperienced recruits lie directly in the trenches, violently

The shock had damaged their internal organs.

Many Japanese soldiers did not have any wounds on the surface, but dirty blood was spit out from the corners of their mouths. It was obvious that their internal organs were damaged, and they died soon after. This was because they were killed by the explosion.

Japan will not be so passively beaten. They have also prepared a large number of artillery, and even fortress guns exceeding 200 mm. It also started with the fierce bombardment of the Chinese ** team. The quality of Japan's artillery is obviously still very high.

Yes, the artillery fire was accurate and fierce, and the Chinese side suffered losses one after another.

Several cannons were destroyed and more than a dozen artillerymen were killed, which temporarily weakened China's firepower. However, the Japanese soon discovered their stupidity. The Chinese Air Force was worried that it could not find valuable targets.

Well, Japan's artillery positions were quickly visited enthusiastically by Chinese fighter jets and bombers.

The boys dropped bombs one after another on the heads of the Japanese. In an instant, more than a dozen cannons were caught in the sea of ​​fire. Some of the Japanese artillerymen were blown to pieces by the bombs, and some were covered in fire.

, shouted in vain for a while, and then completely turned into a pile of coke, making no sound.

Of course, the Chinese ** team would not let the Japanese go so easily. This was just an appetizer before the attack. During the artillery battle, the Chinese armored forces also completed their assembly. This time, Liu Wenhui, who was leading the team, was just the appetizer.

What the young general who was promoted to tank division commander wanted most was to make achievements on the battlefield and surpass his nephew Liu Xiang.

Liu Xiang is two years older than Liu Wenhui, but a generation younger. Liu Xiang joined the army earlier. He directly entered the top management of the Sichuan Clique and rose rapidly, while Liu Wenhui went to Baoding Military Academy to study and missed the best opportunity to make a fortune.

Now Liu Xiang was able to take charge of his own affairs. As his uncle, Liu Wenhui was only a division commander. This was the most awkward thing about him, so he took the initiative to ask for orders to go to Shandong to fight the Japanese.

The Biao tanks are like ancient behemoths, neatly arranged in front of the position. The high muzzle declares unparalleled power. It is the desire of every soldier to be able to position such an excellent war machine. These tank soldiers can't help but lift their chests.

Tall and as proud as a little rooster.

Liu Wenhui gave the order. All the tanks were launched. They roared towards the Japanese army's position. Just over five years ago, the Japanese attacked Qingdao where the German army was stationed. They had to rely on human lives to constantly break through trenches and destroy barbed wire fences. Every step of the way,

You have to endure huge casualties at every step. However, this is much better than during the Russo-Japanese War. Japan's tactics have become more advanced. Artillery can also provide better cover.

But there is a huge price to pay, but when the Chinese ** team attacked Qingdao again today, it showed a completely different situation. The air force bombed fiercely, and then used armored forces to break through on the ground. The Japanese defense system was originally set up.

In an instant, he was beaten to pieces, and it was hard to resist.

The bunker, which was originally a nightmare for infantry, became extremely vulnerable in front of the tank. As long as the tank approached the bunker and fired one or two shells, it was enough to accurately eliminate the soldiers inside. However, the Japanese artillery was not equipped with the maneuverability of the tank.

Super powerful weapons have no killing power at all.

When those huge forts were in the position, they were extremely powerful. Now that the position has been crushed, they have become isolated points. Not to mention the tanks, as long as the infantry goes around to the back, they can easily destroy them.

The battlefield showed a one-sided situation.

China's industrial strength is not as good as Japan's, but in this round of military technological changes, China has undoubtedly reached the front of Japan, relying on the unique ingenuity of the Chinese people, coupled with the advancement of the times.

According to the guiding ideology, the Chinese ** team was completely transformed and showed a terrifying offensive power, but Japan paid a heavy price and bloody lesson for their conservatism.

Of course, this kind of complex coordinated operations cannot be directed by a reckless hero like Hun Jianglong. The real person commanding this attack is Shi Yi. Now Shi Yi, Hun Jianglong, Wu Fenglou and others are gathered in the headquarters to listen.

The good news coming from the front line made everyone excited.

Hun Jianglong couldn't hold back his emotions and kept humming Shandong Lu Opera, his face glowing red.

"Chief Shi, if you had known that our army was so powerful, why would you have been so secretive? If you had asked me, I would have just declared war on Japan. With these tanks and planes, I don't believe that the little devil can go up to the sky and dare to seize it.

Our territory, we must keep our heads!"

Of course, Shi Yi was very excited to be able to torture the Japanese so heartily, but after reaching the top, he also knew very well about China's family background. There were not many in the entire Chinese army who could reach this level.

It is said that most of the Class A divisions have not yet been refitted. The truly elite troops are the five divisions that originated in Sichuan and the troops that participated in the European War. Even if the refit is completed, China's current national strength will not be able to support the huge army.

War consumption, here in Shandong, can be violent. If there is a full-scale war with Japan, most of China's soldiers will have to rely on rifles and grenades to fight others, and they will also face the threat of a huge combined fleet. Even if China wins, it will be a tragic victory, and

Since there is no sea power and it cannot threaten Japan's homeland, I don't know if the two German warships have been repaired?

China is not yet able to start a large-scale war. It can only launch an attack on Japan under the banner of a volunteer army. In fact, both China and Japan know what is going on. The eyes of all countries in the world are also sharp. They just leave a step for everyone.

Just to avoid a complete rift.

Of course, Shi Yi did not need to explain these things to Hun Jianglong, "Commander Hun Jianglong, is it so bad now? Your volunteer army is already famous all over the country, but a movie was shot specifically for you. It has been released nationwide.

It is said that Fanxiang is so strong that many passionate young people have packed their bags to come to Shandong to join you. There are also many female students who are even more in love with you and regard you as the reincarnation of Yue Fei or Wu Mu!"

When Hun Jianglong heard these words, he could not help but blush a little. Now "Shandong! Shandong!" has indeed begun to be released, but during the release, the volunteer army began to attack Qingdao, making this movie full of personal heroism become

It was extremely popular, setting off a frenzy across the country, and was even warmly welcomed and sought after in the United States.

For the United States, which firmly believes in individual heroism, nothing attracts them more than the character of "Raptor". With a reckless background, an incompetent government, and an evil invader, the protagonist leads his comrades who are as close as brothers to fight against the brutal invaders.

The invading army is completely in line with the American appetite. Many American youths even put on their rifles and prepared to run to China to kill the Japanese. They also became a character in the next movie.

There is news from China that the second part of this movie is about to start shooting. The current battle to attack Qingdao has provided ready-made material for this movie. The shooting should be completed soon. In the movie, he starred in "Meng"

The character of "Dragon" is none other than Bai Yun, the famous Chinese movie king. His handsome appearance and passionate war are like opium, which makes ordinary people addicted.

But reality is reality. Hun Jianglong is far from the actor Bai Yun. He has a big bald head and a tattered cotton hat, and his face is full of flesh. There are also a few scars, and more than half of one hand is missing. He is rude.

It's unbearable, I'm afraid those nymphomaniac girls will be disappointed after seeing the real person.

Even Hun Jianglong himself felt embarrassed. However, he still felt a little proud that he was able to infiltrate the world-famous bandit in China.

At this time, the Chinese Army's offensive was at its most intense. The tank troops were advancing with great success, and the positions outside Qingdao were captured one after another. The Japanese soldiers were also going crazy at this time, and all the ferocity in their bones was aroused, especially the commander.

Kamio Mitsuomi had already issued a death order at this time, requiring Japanese soldiers to display the spirit of the Russo-Japanese War.

Use a meat bomb attack to destroy the Chinese steel tanks. The entire army is ready to fight to the death and defend Qingdao! Kamio Mitsuomi led the Japanese soldiers to capture Qingdao more than five years ago and made great achievements. With this contribution,

, he was successfully promoted to general and received the title of baron.

Originally, Kamio Mitsuomi was ready to retreat to the second line and retire after his success, but as the volunteer army grew stronger, Japan's government had to push him out, hoping that Kamio could reverse the situation and completely eliminate the volunteer army.

However, Kamio was high-spirited and short-lived, so when he was once again appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Qingdao Police Force, the Chinese Army launched a large-scale attack. Facing the attack from the air force and armored forces, Kamio Hiroomi was completely frightened and turned to war.

Changes have taken place, and what is abominable is that Japan has been overtaken by the Chinese in this change. Japan now has to endure the attack of China's superior weapons.

Ordinary people only see changes in the battlefield situation, but Kamio is like falling into an ice cellar at this time. Japan, a small island country, can bully China because of its advanced technology. Without this advantage, how can Japan compete with China?

Ah, isn’t this a dead end?

At this time, the Japanese soldiers on the battlefield found the madness of their predecessors in the Japanese-Russian War under tremendous pressure. They rushed towards the Chinese tanks with grenades and rifle packs in their hands. The one running in front was smashed by machine guns.

, but the people behind seemed to have no feeling at all, and continued to move forward. Finally, there was a roar. The tracks of a Chinese tank were blown off, and the steel behemoth stopped. However, although the tank could not move, it did not hinder the tank.

The powerful firepower, tank guns, and machine guns are still like exploding beans, and the dense rain of bullets harvests any Japanese soldiers who dare to fight back.

Liu Wenhui's tank once again ran over a Japanese soldier in front of the steel. The flesh and blood body became vulnerable, as if he had trampled a toad to death. He could not even shake the tank slightly, but the steel was still there.

March forward bravely, leaving a trail of blood behind you!...)


This chapter has been completed!
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