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Three hundred and seventieth chapters bloody Soviet Russia three

The Chinese infantry has been very mature in tactics after the First World War, and the infantry and artillery are extremely skilled in coordinated operations. Under the suppression of the artillery, these soldiers formed combat groups one by one, covering each other, advancing alternately, and soon passed through the two sides.

They formed a trench and pressed directly towards the Russian position. This method of attack and this skillful tactical movement made the Russian commanders feel terrified.

Many of them are veterans who have experienced the test of World War I and the Russian Civil War, but in comparison, the Chinese ** team is no worse than the first-tier European powers, and its flexibility far exceeds those powers. In the past,

How could the Sick Man of East Asia burst out with such powerful fighting power!

Back then, as long as the Qing Dynasty had half the current army, or even 30%, Russia would not be able to occupy any inch of China's land. Russia is now undergoing earth-shaking changes, and the drastic changes in China do not seem to make Russia weak at all, and they have already begun to happen.

As a result, a powerful giant may appear in the Far East in the future!

As the commander, Brucher was very clear-headed at this moment. In terms of military development, Russia had fallen behind. Only by catching up could these soldiers not have to fight with their flesh and blood.

However, this idea is only his personal opinion. Now he has an emperor on his head, that is, the political commissar Pronov who came from Moscow. The Far East is too far from the center of Russia, and Moscow attaches too much importance to the Far East.

This is already the final area for the intervention war. If it can defeat China and Japan in the Far East, Russia will be able to completely end the civil war and win precious opportunities for peaceful development.

Russia was not at ease with these powerful generals in the Far East, so it sent Pronov, who had excellent political qualities, to the Far East, hoping that he could maintain absolute loyalty to the Red Army at all times and avoid centrifugal tendencies, which is also a political necessity.

.Pronov also carried out Moscow's tasks very conscientiously.

Strengthening the ideological education of soldiers, strengthening party organizations, and boosting morale have been very effective and have greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the Russian army in the Far East. Pronov's prestige has skyrocketed, even surpassing that of Tukhachevsky and Brücher.


And trouble arose. Pronov was a political talent and didn't know much about military matters, but he liked to interfere with the frontline command. When he learned that Blücher did not attack Nerchinsk directly. Instead, he chose

The political commissar suddenly couldn't stand it anymore.

"When has the brave and capable Red Army ever retreated? This is capitulationism, you are ruining the party's cause, and it is a crime against the people. You will be punished!"

Pronov was so angry that he personally went to the front line and saw the rampant attack of White Russia on the Red Army. He was immediately furious and loudly lectured Brucher in the headquarters.

"As a commander, the first thing you have to think about is how to win victory. Retreating will not bring victory, only brave fighting. Defense is a sign of cowardice. Where is your courage? We defeated the British. Also

After defeating the French, the whole country is waiting for news of victory. Facing a cowardly and incompetent China, you actually chose to retreat. This is a shame for the Red Army soldiers!"

"Comrade Political Commissar, do you know how many artillery pieces the Chinese have? Do you know how many tanks they have? The sky is now dominated by the Chinese. Their planes can easily drop bombs above our heads, and we have nothing.

, it’s amazing that we can maintain our position under such circumstances!”

"Comrade Brucher! You are only talking about weapons! How about in Europe, the equipment of the White Bandits is also more advanced than ours, but the final victory still belongs to us. Weapons can only exert great power in the hands of the people. The Chinese army

They are all mercenaries. They have no ideas and no beliefs. They are just a group of farmers armed by the government. Even if we give them the most advanced weapons, they are still no match for us. I don't know where your fear is?"

Facing the roaring Pronov, Brucher really wanted to scold him and let these political commissars who live in their own world take a good look at whether the Chinese *** team is just a mob.

Those interventionist forces didn't take a single look at it. They were recovering their own land. They were fighting for the country. They were a group of proud warriors, not mercenaries!

But the political commissar obviously won't listen, and what's even worse is that many commanders also have this idea, and they don't want to be suppressed and beaten by the Chinese!

The Russian army was caught in a quarrel, but China's offensive did not slow down at all. The Chinese soldiers with sufficient firepower did not fall into hard hand-to-hand combat like the Japanese themselves, but used grenades and submachine guns to kill a large number of those who wanted to fight with bayonets.

After the Russian soldiers shot these bear-like Russian soldiers to death, the bravest part of the army was already dead.

The remaining sporadic hand-to-hand combat can no longer stop China's attack.

Soon the first line of defense changed hands, leaving only the corpses of more than 2,000 Russian soldiers on the ground, and even more dilapidated positions. The news reached the Russian command headquarters, and Pronov immediately became furious. The loss of the position was very difficult for him.

It was simply intolerable to him!

"Comrade Commander, your army successfully defeated the Japanese, but chose to retreat in the face of the more cowardly Chinese. I really doubt whether you are a real Bolshevik! I ask you to launch a counterattack now and kill those damned people.

The Chinese pigs are driven out of the sacred territory of Russia and are using all their strength. The reactionaries are fragile. As long as we can be firmer, victory will definitely belong to us!"

Faced with the pressure from the Emperor, Brucher had no choice. He instinctively felt that choosing defense and dragging the Chinese into the quagmire was the best way. After all, the Russians were more adapted to the climate of the Far East, and as long as the Trans-Siberian Railway could

After recovery, Russia's supplies will become much easier and the situation will change.

But now facing the pressure from Pronov, Brucher can only give in temporarily. However, as an excellent commander, he will not simply show all his cards, but will strive for the most favorable opportunity.

The sky is getting dark. As soon as it gets dark, Chinese planes will not be able to dispatch. Without this threat, a lot of pressure will be relieved on the Russian military team, and Russia will be able to compete!

Although the Chinese ** team is making rapid progress, it is not without cost. Russian soldiers are still very tenacious, especially their fighting will. Many injured soldiers will choose to die together. If these Russians are not completely killed, they will not

They would give up resistance, and Chinese soldiers would continue to fall.

After nearly a day of fighting, China successfully advanced about three kilometers. It was not far from the central town of the Russian position. With just a little more effort, it could break through the Russian defense line. However, it was completely dark. China's offensive was also temporary.

Slow down.

At this time, a large group of cavalry appeared on the left wing of the Russian position. The hooves of these war horses have been treated so that they will not make too much noise when running. This cavalry is also Blucher's last trump card. It is because of their superb skills.

Due to his mobility, he had to go back to Japan's rear to achieve victory in the Battle of Chita. Now Bluher is ready to repeat the same trick.

These cavalry are quickly moving towards the rear of the Chinese Army's position. The purpose of these Russian cavalry is to cut off the connection between Nerchinsk's Chinese Army and the front line, and then encircle and annihilate the Chinese troops in one fell swoop. This cavalry tactic has been tried and tested repeatedly in the Russian Civil War.


At this time, the Chinese side seemed to be completely unaware of Russia's plan. Except for some sporadic exchanges of fire at the front line from time to time, the rest of the place was extremely quiet. The cavalry troops gradually moved around to the joint part of the squadron, which was temporarily occupied by

Servant troops garrisoned.

The Russian cavalry was like falling from the sky and rushed in instantly. By the time the sentry noticed it, the Russian cavalry had already approached the camp. These Russians were shouting Ula's slogans. The sabers in their hands were raised high, and the gunshots were like exploding beans.

All the White Russians on sentry duty were wiped out.

Immediately afterwards, they rushed into the camp, slashing and killing everywhere. There were also people who specialized in fire prevention. The bewildered White Russian soldiers were eliminated in the barracks like melons and vegetables. Many of them were chopped up without even having time to put on their clothes.

Became two halves.

The Russians have a bloodthirsty factor in their bones. This kind of cruel killing makes them feel happy from the bottom of their hearts. Seeing that the White Russian army is about to be defeated, the Russian army can successfully divide the Chinese army. At this moment,

Waves of roaring sounds came over, and the Chinese armored forces finally entered the battle!

Even before entering the war, China had carefully studied the intelligence of the Russian army and believed that the most threatening thing about Russia was its cavalry, which was fearless of death. It was precisely because of the cavalry that Russia was able to ensure its strong mobility.

Defeat the intervention forces again and again.

However, it would be a dream to rely on cavalry to deal with the Chinese ** troops. With the help of tanks, China has no fear at all when facing the powerful cavalry troops in the past. On the contrary, it can easily crush the opponent.

Not long ago, Chinese investigators discovered the Russian cavalry, and China took advantage of the situation and wiped out all the Russian cavalry in one fell swoop, completely destroying the opponent's morale.

Now the Russian cavalry and those White Russians have been mixed together, and they are inseparable for a while. The Chinese side has no pity for those White Russians. Commander Lu Han directly ordered the Chinese troops to fire indiscriminately, and soon

Both the White Russian and Russian cavalry were turned into corpses by the fierce tank fire.

The Russian cavalry were not mentally prepared for these sudden steel monsters. They were all frightened. They had seen tanks during the Russian Civil War, but this was the first time they were used on such a large scale. Hundreds of tanks charged together.

It was even more spectacular and shocking than tens of thousands of cavalry.

Against the backdrop of the firelight, these tanks looked like jumping giant beasts. Everywhere their huge bodies passed was a mess. The originally arrogant cavalry all turned into lambs to be slaughtered, facing the impact of the tanks.

There is no ability to resist.

Weapons such as sabers, rifles, grenades, and mortars were unable to threaten the fast-moving tanks. The cavalry finally tasted unforgettable pain. They and their closest horses were extremely vulnerable at this time. Countless people were mowed down by machine guns.

Some people were not dead yet, but just moaned on the ground.


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