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Chapter 376: The Far Eastern Republic

Under such a sudden blow, the Russian cavalry suddenly fell into chaos. Many of the soldiers had begun to disperse. No matter how many political workers yelled, they could not change the fact that they were defeated like a mountain. Their bodies of flesh and blood were not made of steel.

The monster's opponent, the concentrated bullets and shells of the squadron, are like giant scythes, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the knights.

The panicked Russian cavalry completely lost their organization. Everyone had only one thought, which was to quickly get rid of the steel behemoths that they could not destroy at all. In the dark night, this kind of blind disintegration was very fatal. Many cavalry

I have lost my direction, and there is only one thought left in my mind, and that is to escape!

At this time, the White Russian troops were also concentrated. I'm afraid they would not be able to attack the fortress, but there was no problem in fighting a smooth battle, especially since Semyonov also promised a heavy reward. As long as he could destroy a Red Army, he would get a reward.

Two golds and a bottle of vodka!

Gold and vodka are both things that can make the blood of these White Russians boil. They have lost all faith, and the only thing left now is enjoyment. Therefore, under this heavy reward, these people have revealed their extremely ferocious side. As long as they are chased by them,

The Russian Red Army soldiers were chopped into several pieces. Just like the Mongolian army, they tied human heads to the necks of horses to show off their military exploits and as proof of rewards.

In the night, this kind of life-and-death struggle is being staged in the Siberian wasteland. The Russians, who have the same blood flowing in their bodies, have become enemies of life and death because of their different stances. There is no courtesy. The smell of blood hangs over the air.

Between heaven and earth!

With the failure of the Russian cavalry, the blow to Russia was huge. Without the cavalry, the Red Army had no mobility. Facing the Chinese armored power, they could not escape even if they wanted to. Until this moment, Blucher

Only then did I understand why the Chinese did not rush to invest in armored forces!


They did not capture Nerchinsk, but were forced to retreat. Where could they retreat to? Chita! If Moscow knew that it had single-handedly caused the failure, it would definitely shoot him. Now Pronov is confused. He

He grabbed Bruhel's hand, his face full of prayer.

"Comrade Brucher, you will definitely be able to hold on here, right? Whatever you need, I will definitely support you with all my strength. As long as you can block China's offensive!"

"I need you to shut up. This is a battlefield, not your venue. You must listen to me in everything!"

Brucher knew that the situation was becoming more and more critical, so he could only try to gather the scattered cavalry. At the same time, he strengthened his position overnight, extended his defense, and asked for help from the direction of Chita, hoping that Tukhachevsky could give him some assistance!

However, Tukhachevsky also encountered big trouble at this time. China and Russia have a long land border, and China will not honestly fight with the Russians in the Far East. Just when China marched into Nerchinsk

At that time, Qiao Yu had already given an order to Yang Sen of Outer Mongolia, asking him to lead the Mongolian cavalry troops to harass the Russian rear and wait for an opportunity to cut off the Siberian Railway!

Yang Sen was also eager to fight. While others were doing meritorious service in the Northeast, he could only guard Mongolia. He felt a little unbalanced in his heart. When he heard that he was asked to send troops to harass, he was very happy!

Yang Sen's cavalry team set out from Darkhan and directly inserted into the rear of the Russian army. The peak of the troops was directed towards Nizhny Uginsk. Yang Sen's troops were all cavalry and did not carry too many heavy weapons. His tactics were mainly based on harassment.

Attack Russian transport convoys and destroy railways and roads.

It even incited people in these areas to revolt. You must know that Russia is also a multi-ethnic country with more complex ethnic composition than China. There are also a large number of yellow people in the Far East. Most of these yellow people are related to Mongolia. They were recruited by the Tsar

They conquered and merged into the huge Tsarist Russia, but these people had no loyalty to Russia, and it could even be said that they still had resentment in their hearts.

As long as it is provoked, a fire will immediately ignite. Now Tukhachevsky is doing his best to defend the Trans-Siberian Railway and at the same time suppressing various counter-revolutionary uprisings. He is exhausted and in a hurry!

Without Tukhachevsky's assistance, the situation of the Russian soldiers on Nerchinsk's side suddenly became extremely bad. After China successfully eliminated the cavalry units, Chinese tanks finally went into the war with all their strength the next day.

, in the face of air power and powerful armor, the fortifications carefully constructed by the Russian army are vulnerable. Russia, which lacks supplies, can only threaten tanks with cluster grenades, which often costs dozens of lives to damage a tank.

And even if the tracks of the tank are damaged, it will still not threaten the soldiers in the tank and will still continue to harvest lives!

Even though Brucher had superb commanding abilities, he was unable to save himself. After holding on for seven days, the defense was completely broken and a large number of Russian troops were captured by the Chinese. Only Brucher and a few of his men escaped back to Chita!

And Russia's troubles are not limited to these. In the direction of Xinjiang, Liu Xiang seized the area east of Lake Balkhash. Russia was also extremely uncomfortable. Just when Tukhachevsky and others were sent to the Far East, Frunze

He also led 30,000 Red Army troops to attack the Chinese army in Central Asia.

However, Frunze also made the mistake of underestimating the enemy. The Russians, like other white people, have a sense of superiority. Even the British and French intervention forces were defeated. What big waves can a poor and weak China make?

The arrogant Russian Red Army suffered a bloody blow this time. Due to transportation problems, China did not deploy tank divisions, but it added a large number of machine guns to Liu Xiang's troops. Each division had more than 400 light and heavy machine guns.

Well, these machine guns together formed a barrage of death. Those Russian soldiers were completely defenseless in the violent storm of attacks. The more heroic and fearless they were, the faster they died!

Frunze was born in Bishkek, Central Asia, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, in 1885. When he was born, this city already belonged to Tsarist Russia, but just ten years ago, most of it was still Chinese territory.

It was handed over to Tsarist Russia by the incompetent Manchu Qing Dynasty!

At this time, Bishkek once again returned to the control of the Chinese. Frunze's hometown was once again taken back by the Chinese. History is so interesting, as if it has come full circle and returned to the starting point!

Frunze entered Central Asia with great confidence. He must take back his hometown and make the Chinese pay the price, but the reality left him with a bloody head. And he himself was in the battle.

He was also hit by a stray bullet and immediately lost the ability to command!

Now Red Russia has suffered setbacks in three directions. The powerful Red Army can defeat the White Russians and the British and French intervention forces, but it has no way to compete with the Chinese. It is losing in every battlefield, Frunze, Tukhachev

Ski, Brucher and others are already the best commanders in Russia. If they can't win, can others?

Lenin is still in power in Moscow now. Unlike Comrade Steel, Lenin is still highly flexible. He knows very well what Russia is like now, and he also clearly sees that his opponent China is very different from before and has grown into a strong power.


After careful discussions, under Lenin's initiative, a Far Eastern Republic was established in Chita. In principle, this Far Eastern Republic included the Lake Baikal area, extending eastward to Yakutsk, and was directly connected with the Japanese-controlled Hubei.

It borders the coast of the Hotsk Sea and extends westward to the West Sayan Mountains!

This newly established republic immediately isolated Soviet Russia from China and Japan, forming a huge buffer zone. At the same time, Brucher was appointed as the People's Commissar of Defense of the newly established country. In addition, the leaders of the October Revolution

The main leader Trotsky was also sent to Chita to serve as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Far Eastern Republic.

As soon as the Far Eastern Republic was established, it issued a communiqué to the world, stating that the newly established republic was a completely independent country and was willing to maintain peace and cooperation with all neighboring countries. China issued a request for peace talks, hoping to end the dispute between the two sides.

Confrontation situation, restore peace!

Russia's initiative to establish the Far Eastern Republic is undoubtedly great news for Qiao Yu. This shows that Soviet Russia has taken the lead in admitting defeat in this contest. In fact, China has also reached its limit at this time. It seems that Chinese soldiers can't stand any chance.

They were able to suppress the Russian army on the front line, but the Chinese Army was also in trouble, which was due to huge logistical pressure.

China lacks railway connections between Outer Mongolia and Xinjiang. As long as the Northeast can rely on Russia's Siberian Railway for logistical supplies, this is why China has placed all its armored forces in the Far East. There is no way to use them in other directions.

The absence of railways means that supplies cannot be quickly transported. After all, Russia is still an old power, and its domestic railway lines are still better than those of China. If China continues to penetrate deep into Russia, it may be the unlucky one!

Therefore, China immediately responded positively to the request for peace talks issued by the Far Eastern Republic. China advocated convening trilateral talks between China, Russia, and the Far Eastern Republic in the Nerchinsk region to jointly agree on the border issue!

By choosing Nerchinsk as the venue for the negotiations, China’s intention is very clear. Peace talks are possible, but this time the peace talks must be dominated by China. Nerchinsk was once the place where Russia and the Qing Dynasty signed the first treaty, and now it will witness it again.

The end of Russia's expropriation of Chinese territory is like a reincarnation, and Russia's centuries-old expansion has returned to its starting point!

After several disputes, Moscow finally agreed to China's request. They really could not continue the fight. They were not only China's opponent, but also the European countries that regarded Soviet Russia as a thorn in their flesh. They wished that China and Russia could perish together.


We must not allow the imperialist countries to succeed. We must restore peace and gain a breathing space for the new regime. This has become the supreme political task!


This chapter has been completed!
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