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Three hundred and ninetieth chapters deter Xiaoxiao

Although there are many communists among these Koreans, there are not a few who are "willing to be dogs" for Ben. More people are desperate and run to the Northeast to escape. Some have been living in the Northeast for several generations. But this time the Northeast

There was no politeness at all, they were all cleared out, no one was left behind!

Although the land in the Northeast is fertile and vast, none of it is for these sticks. Japan can only accept the generosity of China. However, the fate of these hundreds of thousands of sticks is very miserable. Japan regards them all as

The rebels came to deal with it and sent them all to the Far East to work in the ice and snow. Japan just happened to be short of manpower to develop the Far East, so these sticks became the best advance team!

The Japanese themselves are indeed ruthless in employing people. This is something China is ashamed of. In order to develop the Far East, they recruited more than two million workers from North Korea. They tricked these people into the Far East with good words, and then there was nothing.

Stopped labor, hunger and cold soon claimed the lives of more than 60% of the sticks, and the two nations forged a deadly feud!

Of course, this is something to talk about later. Now the Japanese can only knock out their teeth and swallow it, so that the tortured officers in Lushun returned to the territory controlled by the Japanese together with these Koreans. When they saw those officers for the first time

At that time, the Japanese side simply did not believe that these were the high-spirited Japanese officers of the past. They saw that their hair was like tangled grass and showed an unhealthy burnt yellow color. Although the beards on their faces had been shaved, the

This kind of weariness cannot be concealed no matter how hard they are, everyone is downcast and their eyes are dull, as if they have lost their souls.

In fact, Japan is also very curious as to why noise harassment can drive Japan's best military officers crazy and collapse. Japan has also mobilized many psychologists and medical scientists to conduct a comprehensive examination of these people.

To the great surprise of the Japanese side, these people had been severely mentally stimulated and suffered from mental illness to varying degrees. This was partly due to the noise, but also the sequelae of the Japanese officers’ crazy killing of each other. In short, they had all


With the return of these wastes, it means that most of Japan's arrangements in China have been separated. Seeing this tragic result, the hearts of Japan's upper class are also bleeding, especially those who have long coveted it.

The warlords and chaebols who possess national resources and wealth, who had swallowed most of China, suddenly escaped from their mouths, and instead sprouted sharp thorns all over their body, which caused great pain all over Japan!

Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has spared no effort to send a variety of spies to China, bribe important people from all parties, and cultivate pro-Japanese elements like parasitic bacteria, constantly eroding the body of China, trying to one day be able to

The Japanese government has brought China into the control of Japan. However, from this moment on, Japan's power has basically withdrawn from China's mainland except for Shanghai, the two public concessions in Tianjin and Taiwan.

Ben has forever lost the possibility of getting involved in China!

Seeing the gradual withdrawal of power, Qiao Yu felt a lot more relaxed. Qiao Yu was very clear about the abilities of the Chinese people. As long as they found the right direction and had a stable environment, the Chinese people would definitely be able to show their own advantages.

, quickly catching up with the world's trend on the basis of the process of industrialization, which means that from this moment on, the Chinese people have escaped the fate of slavery, and have changed from chess pieces to chess players!

Of course, there is still a long way to go before we can truly move the world, but there is no doubt that China has ushered in hope!

Qiao Yu brought huge changes to the Zhonglu Kingdom, and the people saw it. Qiao Yu's prestige also increased dramatically. He pulled a nation out of the abyss of decline and defeated them in one battle.

Germany defeated the British in the Battle of Burma and Belgium, defeated Japan in the Battle of Qingdao, and then wiped out the Russians in Nerchinsk!

In total, the Zhonglu Kingdom has fought against the four major powers, and the results are all very good. The long-lost self-confidence has returned to the people of the Zhonglu Kingdom. They are not the sick man of East Asia at all, but the true dragon of the East. In the past, they were just dragons.

After swimming in shallow water and being tricked by shrimps, China is now out of crisis and starting to accumulate strength to fly to the nine heavens!

Prestige is invisible and intangible, but it is indeed what every politician dreams of. Having prestige is like having a huge halo and being invincible. Now the various reforms promoted by Qiao Yu are being implemented rapidly, and the Central Plains Land Reform Plan

It involves such a wide range of things that it is simply contending with thousands of years of tradition, but now it seems to be going very smoothly.

Another significant improvement is that the United Democratic Party has completed its nationwide layout. Party headquarters have been established in all provinces. More than 70% of officials at all levels have joined the United Democratic Party.

In addition, social sages, progressive elements, and people who have benefited from the reform have also asked to join the party organization!

The United Democratic Party has made steady progress towards its goal of governing, and new party-government relations are also being woven. In the future, the United Democratic Party will truly become the backbone force that leads China to become stronger!

There have been gratifying changes in the country, and China's campaign to declare Tianwei in foreign lands has also gone very smoothly. After the Guangxi and Chongqing ships left Hong Kong, they went all the way south and headed straight to Singapore. Tan Kah Kee had already carried out the campaign among the Chinese groups in Southeast Asia.

In order to promote publicity, with the arrival of the Chinese navy, these areas seemed to be celebrating the New Year, and the grand occasion exceeded imagination!

Overseas Chinese have been a humiliated group since ancient times. They struggled to survive. In the past, China was powerful, but they regarded these people as abandoned people by the Celestial Empire. When times changed, even China fell, let alone

They did. During the frequent anti-Chinese actions, many people were affected, and some even had relatives killed in the anti-Chinese actions!

At this time, the Chinese navy came to Southeast Asia, making these aggrieved wanderers feel as if they had found their mother. Especially when they saw the tall and majestic hull of the Guangxi, this emotion reached its peak. Many Chinese

I cried with joy, finally having a strong motherland as my backing!

The popularity of the navy in Singapore is even higher than that of Hong Kong. Of course, Singapore is also a British colony. These British guys have already had experience. They do not impose any restrictions on the enthusiastic Chinese people and completely let them enjoy themselves.


The main destination of the navy this time is the Dutch East Indies, which is Batavia in Indonesia. The anti-Chinese movement has been going on in Indonesia for several years, almost since the Revolution of 1911, and has continued.

Now, Indonesian natives are harassing Chinese people!

In the past, China did not have the strength to interfere in Southeast Asia, so we could only let them do whatever they wanted. Now that China already has a navy, it should use China's navy to compare with Britain and Japan.

This kind of first-class country is still far away, but it is still much better than the Netherlands, a sea coachman who has been hairless for a long time!

Although the Netherlands now has a fleet in the Far East, the flagship of the Dutch fleet is only a cruiser. There is no dreadnought like the Guangxi. Therefore, it is not at the same order of magnitude as China.

Counting all the pieces of land, the Netherlands is the weakest.

China will naturally want to take action on him. In fact, the Netherlands can continue to maintain this precious colony in Indonesia, largely to maintain a buffer between the great powers. Otherwise, Britain has already occupied Malaya, and Japan has occupied Taiwan.

After the United States occupied the Philippines and left Indonesia behind, these three major powers were about to stage an all-out military campaign in the Southeast Asian region, so the Dutch took advantage.

However, the Netherlands was still unable to maintain its rule on its own, so the Netherlands launched comprehensive cooperation with the United Kingdom. Indonesia can be regarded as a colony shared by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to some extent!

Now that the Chinese navy is coming to show off its power, the first thing the Dutch think of is the British. They hope that for the sake of being white, they can help their little brothers to block the Chinese people from the Strait of Malacca, but the British have no intention of doing so.

He wanted to stand up for the Dutch, but instead persuaded the Netherlands to treat the visit of the Chinese country with a normal heart. The Dutch governor was so angry that he cursed his mother. So how could he treat the two Big Macs with a normal heart when two Big Macs arrived at the doorstep of the Netherlands?

Moreover, the Dutch have a guilty conscience and have done a lot of harm to overseas Chinese over the years. It is possible that the Chinese navy will use this as an excuse to start a war against the Netherlands. Therefore, the Netherlands is frightened and can only mobilize its troops as much as possible to eliminate the poor Netherlands.

The fleet is all in trouble!

In fact, the Dutch are also richer. They were known as sea coachmen and even had access to the Chinese island of Taiwan. However, this is already in the old days. Now the Netherlands is in decline. Brutal weapons such as battleships can no longer be produced.

Before World War I, the Netherlands also tried to get the great powers to help it produce battleships, but unfortunately when the war broke out, the Netherlands did not get them at all!

Currently, there are only three light cruisers in the Dutch East Indies that can barely be counted as the main force. These are old guys with more than ten or even decades of age, and the three ships combined are not as large as the displacement of the Guangxi.

But this is already the greatest capital of the Dutch!

After the two giant Chinese ships left Singapore, they rode the wind and waves all the way to Batavia, which was later known as Jakarta.

When the Dutch military police saw the two huge black figures emerging from the sea, they couldn't help but have a trace of fear on their faces. When did the Chinese have such a powerful weapon?

It’s a warship. When I look at the Dutch navy, there is no such huge warship. This world is really turned upside down!

At this time, the Chinese people at the Jakarta port were already excited. They had suffered the most, so they welcomed the navy the warmest. The cheers were like a mountain falling and the earth cracking, shaking the world!

After finally waiting for the two warships to dock, these Chinese were able to observe the warships at close range. There were three Dutch cruisers parked not far away, but these three cruisers were like three clowns, looking dim and dull.

It's a bit funny, it's just a supporting role that exists to highlight the Chinese warship!

At this time, the gap in military power between China and the Netherlands is actually like the comparison of the warships of the two sides. The gap is obvious. The huge and new China has an overwhelming advantage over the decaying Netherlands!

Navy Commander Chen Shaokuan also formally addressed the media for the first time, "Compatriots and friends, today the Chinese naval formation, with the greetings of the motherland to you, has traveled thousands of miles to come to Batavia.

The Chinese are one family, relatives connected by blood. The Chinese navy will always be a staunch defender of the interests of every Chinese. A powerful China will never allow the Chinese to be unfairly persecuted. The Chinese navy is bloody.

Soldiers, any organization that attempts to gain something for nothing by persecuting the Chinese will be severely punished!

This chapter has been completed!
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