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Three hundred and ninetieth chapters fire

As the commander of the Navy, Chen Shaokuan made such remarks at this time to express the dissatisfaction of the Chinese government and to serve as a powerful warning to the Dutch colonial government. If the Netherlands wants to incite the natives to deal with the Chinese again, it will suffer retaliation from China!

This kind of warning to the Qing Dynasty or Beiyang has basically no deterrent effect. It is just a gesture. They will still go their own way, but now that these two giant ships are here, if they say such words again, the weight is completely

It's different, and the deterrent effect it creates is immeasurable!

When all the Chinese present heard this, they burst into earth-shaking cheers. They had been looking forward to having a strong motherland to support them many years ago. For this reason, they did not hesitate to give their savings and descendants to the Democratic Party.

, hoping that Cannon can make a name for itself, but obviously their investment failed.

But from a certain point of view, they also won. The Manchu Qing Dynasty was completely destroyed. After a difficult struggle, China once again achieved reunification and embarked on the road to catch up. The majestic navy will be their future backing!

When Chen Shaokuan visited Batavia, Gu Weijun had already arrived in Washington. At this time, representatives from various countries gathered in the capital of the world's largest industrial country to discuss the future world order. In fact, it was simply a spoils-sharing conference.

Now the great powers have not put on a layer of civilization like the later generations. They still have a philistine face like businessmen. What they pay attention to is that might makes justice, and everything depends on the size of the fist!

At this time, through a series of border wars, China had already demonstrated its potential as a powerful country and its status was completely different from that of the Paris Peace Conference. U.S. Secretary of State Hughes immediately received Gu Weijun, and the two had already dealt with each other in Tokyo, Japan.

, now meeting Hughes again, he seemed very enthusiastic.

"Dear Gu, on behalf of the U.S. government, I welcome your arrival. Let us work together for peace in the Asia-Pacific region. This is an event destined to be famous in history. We are willing to see China realize its long-cherished wish!"

China's biggest wish at present is to abolish all unequal treaties. The United States can express this, obviously showing goodwill to China, and the United States will support China's request to take back power!

"Mr. Secretary of State, the Chinese government, including myself, has always appreciated the pragmatic diplomatic attitude of the United States. China will insist on opening its market to the world, but equality must be a prerequisite. Only with mutual equality can we truly carry out trade exchanges."

Economic cooperation between the United States will definitely reach a new level!"

Gu Weijun also made it clear that China will take care of the interests of the United States in economic cooperation. This is what the United States, the largest economic power, needs most. Obviously, this statement just hit Hughes's mind, and he seemed very happy!

"Gu, Mr. President Harding will personally host a welcome dance tonight to welcome you. But before that, I hope I can talk about my views on the world. What do you think?"

“As the guest does, the host does as he pleases!”

The Washington Conference was a game venue for the various powers. Although the United States was strong, Britain and France were cunning old hooligans, and there was a die-hard like Japan. The United States also needed a lot of effort to completely deal with it, so it roped in China.

It is very beneficial for them.

"Your government announced its naval construction plan not long ago and plans to build two battleships within five years. I wonder what Mr. Gu thinks of this issue?"

"Mr. Secretary of State, China is a big country with thousands of miles of sea territory. In the past, we were in a state of having no defense at sea. Now it is a normal national defense need for China to have its own maritime power. I can tell you that these two battleships are just

From the beginning, we will build more and more advanced giant ships to protect China’s maritime interests!”

Hughes frowned slightly and said: "Gu, I don't think your country has much technological accumulation for the construction of naval warships. Moreover, as a continental country, China already has a strong army. If it builds a huge navy, it will be detrimental to regional peace."

There is no benefit!”

Gu Weijun secretly thought that indeed all great powers have the same moral character. Although the United States can relax on the issue of privileges, it does not want China to become truly powerful. 0

"Mr. Secretary of State, if you do a little research on the aggression that China has suffered in the past eighty years, you will find that China's threats mainly come from the sea. It is precisely because of China's wrong positioning that it abandoned the sea that it suffered the most painful attack in thousands of years.

lessons, so going to the ocean is China's unswerving national policy. At present, China is still in the stage of technology accumulation. It will first build two battleships. Next, China will continue to expand its maritime power. In the next twenty years, China plans to build a 15-year

A battleship, basically catching up with the world’s advanced level.

Now that China has determined that its future navy will be centered on aircraft carriers, and battleships are just a bargaining chip, Gu Weijun might as well release some fog to Hughes first and speak louder so that he cannot guess China's plans!

Sure enough, as Gu Weijun said, Hughes was shocked when he heard that China already had a naval plan for the next twenty years. The Chinese indeed have a great interest in the ocean.

He is very clear in his heart that China is still in a blank state in the navy. Without technological accumulation, it is impossible to build large-scale warships. Therefore, it is more reasonable for China to prepare to build two battleships in five years. It will require a lot of technical research. Five years

It may not take time to build it successfully. In fact, the United States is worried that after China accumulates enough technology, it will build ships crazily. You must know that although China is still very poor, it is rich in resources, and unlike the two-party politics of the United States, China has a strong

With a powerful administrative group, China's development of the navy will not be interfered by Congress!

If China continues to build ships crazily in five years, even if it reaches a peace agreement now, it will be meaningless. Five years later, with China’s rapid armed development, the agreement to limit arms will become a piece of paper. Therefore, the United States must

To convince China to give up its pursuit of a navy!

"Mr. Gu, I want to know what China's ultimate goal is. How many warships do you need to satisfy the risk..."

"China does not pursue world hegemony. Our navy only protects its own national security, but I think the size of the Chinese navy cannot be lower than that of Japan. Only in this way can we sit back and relax!"

Hughes shook his head and laughed when he heard this! The size of the Japanese navy is now more than half that of the United States. If China wants to reach this level, wouldn't Japan go crazy!

"Gu, the Japanese government has proposed that this arms control plan should consider the scale of the navy, land and air force. Although China's navy is not strong yet, China's land and air force are at the forefront in Asia and even the entire world. Therefore, China does not have a strong navy.

There should be too many demands, and I think it is more appropriate for China to eventually establish a maritime force with four to five capital ships!"

"Mr. Secretary of State, I want to correct your point of view, 'Peace and war do not simply depend on the strength of the country.' It also depends on whether the country has aggressive intentions. China has been a peace-loving country since ancient times. As China's strength increases,

It can precisely restrain those ambitious countries and stop their aggressive ambitions!"

There are indeed fundamental differences between the East and the West in their views on international issues. Westerners believe that as long as they have strength, they will bully others and seek hegemony. This is closely related to the narrowness and prejudice of the West. Although they put on the cloak of civilization,

, but in essence it is closer to a beast that preys on the weak!

It is precisely based on this biased concept that after the end of World War I, the United States and Britain regarded each other as potential war opponents and began crazy shipbuilding plans, which eventually triggered a new round of naval arms race!

China, on the other hand, believes in five thousand years of benevolence and righteousness. Even if it becomes stronger, it will not actively invade other countries. On the contrary, the stronger China becomes, the more it can promote the growth of positive energy for peace!

Obviously Hughes couldn't understand China's logic, but Hughes could also hear that China's spearhead had been pointed at Japan. This was indeed the case. China and Japan were both major powers in East Asia, and it was normal for them to compete. European powers gathered together.

The First World War happened that shocked the world. The two powers in East Asia could not be tied. I am afraid that only the United States was the most comfortable in the world. It occupied the Americas and there was no one who could be called an opponent with drawn swords!

"Mr. Gu, the United States will help your country take back all your rights. This is already a huge victory for your country's diplomacy. If we cannot reach an agreement on the armaments issue, it will not be of any benefit to your country. I suggest that your country's main force

There should be no more than five ships at most. A navy of this size is enough to safeguard your country’s maritime rights and interests!”

Gu Weijun and Hughes bargained with each other in Washington, and then a huge storm broke out in Batavia, thousands of miles away. Chinese naval warships went to the Dutch East Indies to offer condolences. The local Chinese were the most encouraged, which meant

They finally had enough confidence to stand up and face those vicious natives!

The local indigenous people in Indonesia are not yet very clear about what China's navy means. They just know that the Dutch authorities have repeatedly ordered them not to cause trouble with the Chinese. However, Indonesia's anti-Japanese operations have been going on for more than ten years. These monkeys

They have become accustomed to a life of getting something for nothing. Many of them make a living by robbing Chinese people. Now that they cannot be allowed to rob, how can these people survive?

Therefore, some people with deep-seated thieves want to take risks, especially when they see the Chinese marching and cheering, and every household setting off firecrackers, their eyes become red. If the Chinese gain power, how can they continue to bully others!

A few short natives got together and wanted to make the Chinese realize the reality. Even if the Chinese navy came to Batavia, they still had the final say here, and the Chinese still had to let mermaids eat meat.

A group of thugs gathered together, rushed into a Chinese business store, brandished machetes and wooden sticks and beat the customers in the store crazily, and then started smashing, smashing and looting!

The Chinese have seen this situation many times. In the past, they mostly chose to give in and endure silently in the end. Now there are their own warships docked outside the port. What is there to fear? So some passionate young people quickly looked for weapons to beat these thugs.

Then more and more people got involved!

After Chen Shaokuan at the port received the report, the whole of Batavia was in chaos. The Chinese navy had already arrived in Batavia. At this time, there was a riot incident. Isn't this a blatant slap in the face?

The Guangxi and the Chongqing immediately entered a state of combat readiness. Their muzzles were pointed at the Dutch Navy warship. Several loud noises erupted in an instant. The huge shells fell on the sea surface, splashing water columns several feet high and the entire port was instantly destroyed.

It has become tense and tense!

This chapter has been completed!
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