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Chapter 408: Scourge

The paper could not contain the fire, but the news of Puyi's kidnapping to Japan still came out. There has been anti-Japanese sentiment among Chinese people for a long time, especially during Qiao Yu's administration, conflicts between China and Japan broke out one after another, and the accumulation of grievances has reached a considerable level.

, now that Boyi has been brought to Japan, it has naturally aroused public protests.

The Chinese government also lodged a serious protest and demanded that Japan return Pu Yi to China as soon as possible. However, Japan initially insisted that it did not know what happened. Then Japan's Asahi Shimbun devoted four pages to revealing the Chinese government's persecution of Pu Yi.


The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, His Excellency Aisin Gioro Boyi, was the monarch of a country. The Chinese government denied their treaty of preferential treatment to the Qing Dynasty and carried out severe persecution on His Majesty the Emperor. Mr. Fu Yi had to work for more than 16 hours every day, and had one meal every day.

Only a Wowotou still needs to be beaten..."."

The article was full of emotion and included a large number of pictures. In the photo, Bo Yi had a dark face and messy hair, looking very depressed. At the end of the article, the Asahi Shimbun strongly appealed to the Japanese government to grant Bo Yi asylum and grant him political asylum.


The Japanese government immediately issued a statement stating that it would formally consider Boyi's application for political asylum in the spirit of humanitarianism. There were endless condemnations in China. Of course, some people came out to say weird things, accusing the Chinese government of treating Fu Yi too harshly, including a university professor.

Several people wrote emotionally: I looked through the history books and only found the word "cannibalism". This has always been the case from ancient times to the present. A seventeen-year-old child is forced to work and is no different from a prisoner. Of course, he must be lucky to have a life.

In a democratic country, there is no need to hang oneself on a mountain of coal. It is still cannibalism. One is swallowed in one bite, and the other is bitten to death slowly. This is the biggest difference between democracy and **!

For a time, the cannibalism theory was very popular, and many people joined the discussion, and even said that the actions of the Chinese government were destroying human rights. Instead of letting Boyi suffer in China, it is better to go to Japan and enjoy the basic rights of a monarch.


Just when these literati were filled with grief and anger, the former regent Zaifeng suddenly published an article on the declaration, sternly refuting the reports from Japan's Asahi Shimbun from time to time. Although the Manchu nobles had to undergo labor reform, their working hours were no different from those of ordinary farmers.

Moreover, they can also have enough food and clothing. More importantly, the royal family is in the past. People who are alive must have survival skills. What is wrong with learning farm work? Zaifeng also scolded the Japanese government for its ulterior motives, which caused the separation of father and son. They are bandits.

, is a conspirator, Zaifeng demands that the Japanese government must release Boyi as soon as possible so that the family can be reunited.

As the biological father of Boyi, Zaifeng's words naturally carry a lot of weight. Those professors who said so-called professors were immediately choked, but after careful preparation, they came up with the conclusion that Zaifeng was brainwashed!

"Some people say that bitches are ruthless and actors are ruthless! In my opinion, these literati are ruthless and ruthless. How can they confuse right and wrong in such a way? They can be killed but not retained!"

"Brother Baili, some things are worse than blocking. This kind of people have existed since ancient times, and there is no way to eliminate them. If we want to truly eliminate them, we can only rely on improving the quality of the people. Wait until the world is full of scholars, and when the world is big When some people have learned to think independently, not to follow what others say, and have a normal mentality, these literary thieves will naturally be doomed, but what we have to do now is not to be influenced by their words, and do whatever we want!"

"What the Prime Minister said is that it is still difficult not to be influenced by them. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Qingliu forces were so powerful that they not only influenced scholars, but also the common people. The court policy had to obey their manipulation. In the end,

The Ming Dynasty fell, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty finally became the prey of the great powers. We must learn from the past and take precautions!"

"Brother Baili, I have arranged for Huang Yuanyong to do the publicity. If a few people want to fight against the state machine, they are asking for death. Don't worry about these flies at all. What I am more concerned about now is the so-called Republic of Korea.

Provisional government, this is our best opportunity to intervene in the situation on the Korean Peninsula. I wonder how the preparations are going?"

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, the airs have been put up now. There are still many Korean democrats in exile in China. They all have great hatred for the Japanese. Some of the most radical young people among them have formed a martyrdom group. A total of them

There were more than forty people. When I saw these people, I thought of the Chinese youth during the Xinhai period. They were equally passionate, but also short-sighted!"

Jiang Baili also spoke out of emotion. Those passionate young people of the Kuomintang used Japan as a base to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and they were unclear about Japan. Didn't they fail to recognize the situation and distinguish between ourselves and the enemy? But now

It seems that the North Koreans have also made this mistake. Will China really be so kind to help them regain their country? They are just pawns!

"As long as there is blood, it's good. We have a dog, and we have to let it bite at critical moments. If it's too cowardly, it's better to stew the meat and eat it!"

"Prime Minister, please rest assured that Kim Koo has selected ten elites from the martyrs' group. These people have secretly sneaked back to North Korea carrying weapons and bombs, preparing to assassinate Japanese officials, and several more people are going to carry out suicide attacks."

Attack, in order to contribute to the formation of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea!"

And just when China and Japan were having a war of words over Puyi, a divine punishment befell the island country..." At around 11:50 on September 1, 1923, it was nearly noon, and most families in the Kanto region of Japan were there.

Preparing lunch. Suddenly, there was a terrible roar underground, and then the ground shook violently. In an instant, the house collapsed. Many people were killed in the house before they could react. The cooking stove overturned, causing

The wooden house caught fire, and instantly the flames shot into the sky, and countless people were killed in the sea of ​​​​fire.

This is the Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan that shocked the world. The epicenter of the earthquake was Sagami Bay in the southwest of Tokyo Bay. In addition to the two big cities of Tokyo and Yokohama, there are many small towns along this coast, collectively called the Kanto region.

It is densely populated, industrially developed, and economically prosperous. It is the political, economic, and cultural center of Japan. All the essence, industry, and talents since the Meiji Restoration have gathered here.

The epicenter is about 60 kilometers away from Yokohama and about 90 kilometers away from Tokyo. At this time, there were a large number of wooden houses, which were instantly swallowed up by the fire and there was no time to escape. In fact, it can also be seen from this that Japan does not want to repent. The Great Kanto

The earthquake had already caused them heavy losses, and these Japanese people did not know how to repent. When the United States used incendiary bombings during World War II, Japan was once again in hell.

This time the earthquake occurred during lunchtime, and fires almost immediately started as soon as the houses collapsed in Tokyo and Yokohama. Although the fires were very small at first, due to damage to underground water supply pipes and fire-fighting facilities, many streets were crowded and narrow, and firefighters were unable to do so.

Put out the fire.

Firefighters tried their best to pump water from ditches and wells, but to no avail. When the fire approached, people rushed to escape with their belongings and tools and pulled rickshaws. As a result, they blocked traffic, delayed the firefighting, and carried the fire across the road, causing the fire to spread and grow longer.

The wind increases the power of the fire, and the raging fire stirs up whirlwinds that expand the fire area.

The fire continued to spread and devoured one life after another. What was particularly tragic was Tokyo's Shitamachi District. About 40,000 people fled to the Clothing Factory Square for refuge. Due to the downwind location, the square was soon surrounded by fierce fires. There was no way to escape.

Sparks flew with the wind, clothes and furniture began to burn, and the entire refuge square was a sea of ​​flames.

Some people who couldn't bear to barbecue jumped into the river and either drowned or were scalded to death by the high temperature of the river. Ten thousand people were burned alive here. The fire burned for three days until all that could be burned was burned. The Japanese fully experienced this disaster.

What is the dual world of water and fire? The violent earthquake first brought fire, putting countless Japanese people in the hell of fire. Many Japanese jumped into the lake and sea water. Water and fire are incompatible. Originally, this was the most dangerous thing.

A normal choice, but who knew that the fire was too strong and the water in the lake boiled, boiling these people alive.

Those who jumped into the sea were even more unlucky. Several oil depots near the beach exploded, and more than 100,000 tons of oil flowed into Yokohama Bay. In an instant, the entire bay turned into a sea of ​​fire, and countless Japanese people were killed along with the fish and turtles in the sea.

It’s baked!

This scourge is not over yet. There are constant aftershocks. What is even worse is that the earthquake also triggered a large-scale tsunami. The huge waves rushed like a devil to the ports, piers and beaches along the coast of Somo Bay, which is exactly what the victims thought.

It is a safe place to live. There are few buildings here, fires cannot burn them, and there are no broken walls. But God seems to be joking with them and punishes them with an even more terrifying tsunami!

The sea suddenly lost the tenderness and romance described by writers, and became ferocious and terrifying. When the refugees who took refuge saw huge waves more than ten meters high coming across the sky, they hurriedly rushed inland, trampling many people to death, especially

They were old people, children and women. At this time, the Japanese completely put aside their past pretense and became full of bestiality. A large number of children were trampled to death.

In fact, it is difficult to escape from the tsunami, because the huge waves rush to the coast at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, so people on the shore are instantly swallowed by the big waves, or are swept to the depths of the ocean, or are swept away by the big waves.

They were thrown into the air, and some were thrown to the land by huge waves, making escape useless.

After the seawater receded, it took away more than 8,000 ships of all types. The handiwork of nature is indeed beyond the reach of humans. The large and small ports and docks in Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Chiba and other places were all paralyzed. These places have experienced a crisis.

A real catastrophe.

Japan suffered an unprecedented disaster, but it was a great opportunity for Chinese capital, which had been preparing for a long time. Due to the earthquake, the Japanese yen, stocks, and bonds all fell crazily, and they were likely to become a blank slate.

, Japan’s originally bustling economy suddenly became lifeless and lifeless.

At this time, the shock in Zhu Shunchang's heart was simply unspeakable. The Chinese government had started making arrangements a few months ago. Is there really a god in the Chinese government who could predict this Japanese earthquake several months in advance?

Short the yen and bonds.

Zhu Shunchang, who originally believed in gold, was now ready to pray to God and worship Buddha. There might be some magical power in this world. No matter how shocked Zhu Shunchang was, he still had to do his duty and quickly turn the figures on the books into real dollars, and then transfer the capital

They retreated to the United States and finally returned to China. This time, because the American and British capital did not know about the Great Kanto Earthquake, by the time they reacted, they had already lost the first move!

Seeing that Chinese capital is making a lot of money, this time China has made at least more than 100 million in profits. Although it has to go through the United States before returning home safely, it is enough for the Chinese government to earn more than 80 million, and the financial gap is instantly

Filled up!

This chapter has been completed!
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