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Chapter 409 Today we are all Japanese

It may seem unethical to rely on disasters to make a fortune, but this is what international financial giants are used to doing. The war that just passed left them with a mouth full of food. This sudden natural disaster is also a good opportunity for them to make a fortune.

, although the earthquake disaster that occurred in Japan has not yet calculated the final loss, judging from the current scale, this is definitely an unprecedented destruction. I am afraid that the wealth accumulated by Japan since the Meiji Restoration will be wiped out.


What's even worse is the huge loss of talent. This is the most terrible thing. The Tokyo area is an area where Japan's top elites live. Now more than 80% of downtown Tokyo has been destroyed by fire, and the number of casualties is at least hundreds of thousands.

Since the earthquake in Japan, all members of the Chinese cabinet have been present. Even Zhang Zuolin, Xu Shuzheng, Luo Changqin, Zhou Jun, and Yan Xishan have been transferred back to Beijing. This is also the highest-level meeting held by China.

A meeting, and President Xu Shichang, who had never appeared in public, actually attended this meeting, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

As the first person to speak, Jiang Baili nodded to Qiao Yu and Xu Shichang, and then said: "Master, this time a huge earthquake occurred in Japan, and the losses were extremely heavy. It can be said that most of the achievements made since the Meiji Restoration have been wiped out.

Ashes, Japan has been weakened unprecedentedly, but what I want to tell you is that the wounded beast is the most dangerous. Japan is like a wounded beast now. It is the time to choose people to eat, and we must be prepared.

preparation, this is the beginning of a complete change in Japan’s national policy!”

Most of the people present had not yet figured out what impact a huge natural disaster would have on national policy, so they seemed a little surprised. Of course, people like Yang Du, Wu Tong, Zhang Xiaohuai and others were relatively sober. What Jiang Baili said was not wrong at all.

, the evil wolf of Japan was seriously injured, but this serious injury caused Japan to completely abandon the democratic style after Emperor Taisho ascended the throne and completely embark on the path of aggression!

"Japan is an island country with extremely harsh natural conditions. Their agriculture cannot support a huge population. The small territory has almost no mineral resources. It can be said that Japan's industrialization is completely based on sucking the blood of China. It is precisely the Sino-Japanese War indemnity

This gave them the capital to continue to promote industrialization. However, the contradiction between Japan's population, resources and small land has not been eliminated. On the contrary, it has become even greater. With the development of industrial technology, more and more resources are needed.

In particular, the advent of the oil age has made Japan's resource shortcomings more prominent. Faced with this situation, what will the Japanese do? I think the answer can be found in history.

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who had just completed the unification of Japan in a month, couldn't wait to attack North Korea. China expended a huge amount of national power before knocking the Japanese into the sea. Never forgetting what happened before, Japan occupied North Korea again and began

Connecting the events before and after the massive invasion of China, we can see that Japan's desire to get rid of the narrow island nation and land on the fertile continent is deeply rooted in the bones of the Japanese ruling group. They have been dreaming about this for many years.

For hundreds of years, conquering North Korea is their first step, and the second step is undoubtedly to point their sword at China!"

Jiang Baili paused for a moment to let everyone present digest what he just said and then continued: "After the Xinhai Revolution, countless people with lofty ideals in China devoted countless blood and sweat and took advantage of the precious opportunity of the world war to establish our own industry.

system, expelled Japanese forces and ushered in the reunification of China, but Japan's threat to China has not been eliminated. They also occupy Taiwan, North Korea, Sakhalin Island and the area north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, which can be found on the map

, the position Japan now occupies is like a chain, blocking all channels from eastern China to the sea. If China wants to become strong, it must go to the sea, and breaking Japan's blockade has become inevitable!

For Japan, occupying this chain means that Japan has not been driven out of the mainland. Especially since Japan has North Korea as a springboard for progress, it also means that Japan can attack China at any time. In fact, from the time Emperor Taisho ascended the throne of Japan

Judging from the trend of democracy in recent years, Japan actually has some hesitations. They have occupied a lot of territory. Can they stop temporarily and let the Japanese people live a better life? It is this kind of thinking that has made Japan so popular in recent years.

, the pursuit of armaments is far less crazy than during the Meiji period!

However, this natural disaster brought an end to the democratic trend in Japan. This earthquake told all Japanese that they still live on a small island with extremely harsh natural environment, and their situation is very dangerous. This worry has always been

It exists in the bones of the Japanese people. It is this kind of worry that Japan has been pursuing to land on the mainland. This unprecedented disaster will definitely deepen Japan's worries and make the still wavering government completely firm up its ambitions of aggression and expansion.

, forming a consensus that expansion is the only way out for Japan!"

What Jiang Baili said is the consistent characteristic of the Japanese government. Even in later generations, they did not change this idea. In later generations, Japan also experienced major earthquakes, tsunamis, and nuclear leakage accidents.

Since the disaster, the Japanese government has seemed particularly crazy!

In fact, ancient and modern times, Japan's geographical environment determines that every natural disaster is the driving force for Japan's further expansion. In its original history, after the Great Kanto Earthquake, Japan's largest war criminal, Emperor Showa, came to the throne, and Japan expanded comprehensively and launched a revolution.

* incident, established a militaristic regime, fully invaded China, and went to war with the United States...

By linking the events before and after, Qiao Yu could see more clearly the impact of this disaster on Japan.

"Minister Chiang has analyzed it very thoroughly. This disaster is the clarion call for Japan to further invade and expand, and what Japan covets most is China. Therefore, China must be fully prepared and make detailed plans from industry and agriculture to all aspects.

, I don’t know whether the war between China and Japan will really break out, nor when it will break out, but I have only one request, that is, no matter when it breaks out, China must win this war and resolutely not give Japan

Any opportunity available."

"Premier Qiao, Japan has suffered such heavy losses. It may be difficult for Japan to recover in the short term. Do they still have the ability to invade China?" President Xu Shichang suddenly interrupted.

Qiao Yu hurriedly said: "What the President said is true. Japan's losses this time were indeed very heavy. However, judging from Japan's history, the attacks on the Manchu Qing Dynasty and Tsarist Russia were carried out under the situation of huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, and both were

Undeclared war and sneak attacks have become synonymous with Japan, so be prepared for any eventuality!"

After Qiao Yu finished speaking, Zhang Zuolin suddenly spoke, "President, what the Prime Minister said is right, the Japanese are very ambitious. Nowadays, Japanese often sneak into the outer northeast border, and Chinese and Japanese patrol soldiers often clash. It can be seen that Japan does not

There is nothing wrong with not giving up. We should be vigilant and take on the challenge at any time!"

Xu Shichang let out a long sigh, "What's wrong with reviving the people, but having to face the catastrophe of war? What a sin!"

"President, it's not that we want to fight, but the situation is like this. On the contrary, only when we are stronger can we deter our opponents and perhaps win peace. If we continue to be arrogant and unprepared for war, we will go to the Qing Dynasty.

It’s the same old road!”

Yang Du also spoke, Xu Shichang nodded slightly, and then said to Qiao Yu: "Shun Qing, I am old, you will chair all meetings like this from now on!"

"President, having an elder in a family is like having a treasure. You are the patriarch of the family. How can you run away from the battle?"

"Haha, Mr. Shun, when we get old we can no longer keep up with the changing times. Everything has to be left to you young people. I suggest you start preparing for the general election now so that I can retire. You don't know if I can do it or not.

How I envy your father’s magical life now!”

Xu Shichang has long known that he is just a transitional figure. Moreover, Fu Yi's case is not over yet, but many old Beiyang bureaucrats with ties to Japan have resigned, and the investigation has left Xu Shichang alone as a useful person.

None, and Zhang Zuolin actually came out to refute him at this meeting, which made the old man see the support of the people. Since no one wanted him to be the president, why bother here to get in the way!

Xu Shichang's words were undoubtedly announcing the handover of power in China. Qiao Yu did not do much to retain him. The fact was that it had already been the case. If he had done more, it would have seemed a bit false.

After seeing off Xu Shichang, Qiao Yu concluded: "Everyone, today's meeting is not to say that we will go to war with Japan soon, but that we must have such a preparation in our hearts at all times. In the future, government work must also be based on war.

Be prepared, and once war comes to us, we can guarantee that we will lead the country to the final victory!"

After Qiao Yu finished speaking, the civil and military officials present gave warm applause. This meeting was completely a general mobilization of China with Japan as its biggest imaginary enemy, and everyone had an account in their hearts.

After the meeting, Huang Yuanyong took the initiative to find Qiao Yu, "Prime Minister, have you read today's newspaper? There is indeed no shortage of Japanese filial sons and grandsons in China!"

Qiao Yu now wants to plan the country's industries and pay attention to changes in Japanese politics, especially when Xu Shichang is about to hand over power. There are too many major events, so he doesn't read the newspaper. Now Huang Yuanyong found Qiao Yu and proudly handed over a newspaper.

Arriving in front of Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu took a closer look and saw the banner title: Today we are all Japanese!

The hard-nosed literary man who often criticized the government once again described the tragedy of the disaster in Japan in detail, and called on all Chinese to donate to Japan. In the face of disaster, we all feel the same and must embody the spirit of the Chinese people in a humanitarian spirit.

of kindness!

After Qiao Yu saw it, he was filled with anger. He picked up his brush and added two words after the title: What a fart!

The meaning has completely changed, which seems very ironic!

"The Prime Minister and several scholars have also come forward to express their strong support to Japan. These people have studied in Japan. When Bo Yi was taken away by the Japanese, they also came out to criticize us for mistreating Bo Yi. Do you think this is true?

Calculate the general ledger with them?"

"No, since they are all so eager to become Japanese, let's help them. Immediately form a health team and send them to Japan, so that they can be with the Japanese!" Qiao Yu knew very well what Japan had to do after the earthquake.

The Chinese have adopted an attitude of massacre, so now let these people feel the enthusiasm of Japan!

This chapter has been completed!
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