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Chapter 416 Landmine Warfare

As an excellent commander who studies strategy and tactics, Jiang Baili is very eager to compete on the battlefield like the famous generals of ancient times and turn the tide on his own. However, the war situation has undergone tremendous changes. The biggest change in the industrial era is through

The industrial production chain effectively integrates the strength of the entire country.

You must know that agricultural society cannot do this at all. Although the total economic volume of agricultural society can be very large, it cannot be completely converted into combat effectiveness. Otherwise, Song and Ming would have defeated the Jurchens and Mongols by virtue of their world-leading economic strength.

What a waste, some very ignorant people in later generations still try to use the economy of the Song and Ming Dynasties to explain things. You must know that industrial society and agricultural society are not the same premise at all. Reluctant comparison can only lead to absurd conclusions.

In the industrial age, the battlefield is actually a confrontation between national systems. Although excellent commanders are very important, they are also constantly declining. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to soldiers who are full of heroism, but this is the trend of the times.

, there is no way to change, you can only adapt.

Qiao Yu stayed in Qinzhou for more than half a month. The Chinese Navy's training became more and more intensive. In addition to the routine training of battleships, carrier-based aircraft pilots were the most important training project in China. They were selected from among the entire military.

More than 200 pilots were dispatched, and they all gathered in Qinzhou for preliminary training to ensure that everyone could take off and land smoothly from the aircraft carrier.

China's air force construction has a very clear idea. It must not only pursue the advanced performance of aircraft, but also improve the quality of pilots. The most important thing is to establish a huge reserve force system. War is a game of attrition. Whoever can survive to the end is the winner.

, in the early days of World War II, Japan's pilots far exceeded those of the Americans, but due to insufficient reserve forces, they waited until the most elite pilots died.

The rest cannot really engage in air combat and can only carry out suicide attacks. Aircraft are easy to produce, but pilots are very difficult to train. Every country has a large number of aircraft waiting for pilots. Although China currently only has one aircraft carrier, Qiao

Yu has already started to make arrangements, and soon China will produce its second aircraft carrier. This will be a big one with a weight of about 27,000 tons!

As soon as Qiao Yu returned to Beijing, news came from Ben-Gurion that the Zionist Organization had agreed to Qiao Yu's request and was willing to help Qiao Yu get everything he wanted, but Qiao Yu also had to hand over three thousand soldiers as soon as possible.

Give them and help the Jews improve their military quality and provide them with the latest equipment!

After the two sides reached an intention to cooperate, China gathered the Jewish troops who were still working in the Northeast, conducted specialized intensive training, and then handed them over to the Zionist Organization in batches, and the Jews also successively sent the technology that Qiao Yu needed.

come over.

After careful consideration, Qiao Yu concluded that automated production lines are very important, and not much is known about the world except the United Kingdom. It is best for China to keep it strictly confidential. In addition, forging presses are also the most important heavy machinery and need to be kept confidential, so Qiao Yu

Yu temporarily located the automation factory in Baotou, and returned to Ren to establish the China Heavy Equipment Company, which was mainly responsible for developing China's own large-scale forging presses based on German technology.

The Baotou area is home to the Bayan Obo Mining Area, which has the largest amount of rare earth mines in the world, as well as an astonishing amount of iron ore. It is also one of the heavy industrial areas focused on construction in China's first five-year plan.

Moreover, this place is located inland, difficult for foreign forces to reach, and it is very easy to keep secrets. Moreover, they would not have thought that China would put its most important industry here. Baotou has a steel plant, and after building an automated production line, they can use these steel production

Automobile engines, while conducting automation research to produce more general categories of production lines.

The efficiency of the Jews was astonishing. All the information was quickly sent over. They also took these soldiers away in batches. Their task was to disguise themselves as ordinary people and then rush to Palestine in batches. Then they organized themselves and began to attack the Arabs.

People protect their migrations, constantly expand their territories, and wait for the opportunity to re-establish their homeland.

At present, there is some anti-Semitic sentiment in various countries in Europe and the United States. Although the Jewish consortium can influence things behind the scenes, sometimes things are still taboo and cannot be done casually. Weapons are one of the taboos. Therefore, China has become the main supplier of weapons to these Jews. Of course,

The profits are not small either!

But what Qiao Yu is even more happy about is that through cooperation with China, China has got a card to check and balance the Jews. At least they have to be wary of shearing China's sheep!

China's industrial system has begun to take shape. After receiving the technical information provided by the Jews, they stepped up their research and soon assembled an automated production line imitating the British production line. The production efficiency instantly increased by more than ten times. At the same time, China also

Following the example of the United States in vigorously promoting standardization and assembly line production, and continuing to improve efficiency, China is expected to increase tractor production to 100,000 units within the next year!

In addition, China has also established its first large-scale automobile company, Huaxia Automobile Group. The automobile industry involves all aspects, can greatly extend the industrial chain, absorb a large amount of labor, and it is also a very profitable industry. China's industrial strength has already

I have almost accumulated it, how can I let it go?

With the automated production line as the biggest weapon, China's automobile industry has developed rapidly. In fact, the Jews were also surprised at this time. They are very sensitive to the advancement of industrial technology. However, the Jewish consortium in the United States did not discover that Huang Ran of Molys Company

The automatic production line is a big killer.

The Chinese government is able to know the secrets of Morris Company, which actually shows that although they are powerful, they are far inferior to the real state machinery and cannot cover everything. Therefore, the Jews are even more eager to restore their country.

On the one hand, China is practicing hard at home, but on the other hand, it is also beginning to expand its influence outwards. The first target chosen by China is France. Under the guidance of Chinese consultants, Ruan Aiguo has successfully controlled the mountainous areas in northwest Vietnam and has even extended its tentacles.

Once in Laos, it posed a powerful threat to the French colonial government.

In the past few years, France has also been constantly exterminating the Vietnamese. However, the Vietnamese are like night grass. After a piece is cut off, a larger piece quickly grows. France is tired of this cat and mouse game. They

It is very clear that the forces of China are behind the Vietnamese. If these Vietnamese cannot be dealt with quickly, the three countries of Indochina will become a wound for France. The constant bleeding will sooner or later make France seriously injured and die. Therefore, the French are ready to cut the knot with a sharp knife.

At this time, France's economy had recovered a lot. The French transferred two divisions from France, bringing the number of French troops in Vietnam to 40,000. In addition, they transferred 30,000 non-Hong Kong troops, mainly from Morocco and

Algerians, and France recruited 80,000 people from Vietnam. In total, the French already have 150,000 troops in their hands. At the same time, France also transferred more than 100 tanks from China, but these tanks were all from World War I.

Old model.

France suffered heavy losses in World War I. Although they are known as the largest army power in Europe, the real main battle tanks are still being designed. They can only use the old products from World War I to replenish their numbers. In addition to the honest tanks, there are dozens of other tanks.

In the eyes of the French, these armored vehicles, light tanks, are enough to deal with the Vietnamese, and the Chinese will never really go into battle naked.

In order to ensure safety, France mobilized another 120 planes, hoping to crush the Vietnamese in one fell swoop with its absolute strength!

At this time, Ruan Aiguo had more than 50,000 proven guerrilla fighters under his command. These were very tenacious troops and this was where Ruan Aiguo's confidence lay. However, facing the French army with superior equipment, Ruan Aiguo was still quite worried.

At this time, Lu Rongting had passed away due to being too old and overworked. His eldest son, Lu Yuguang, took over Lu Rongting's position. Lu Yuguang knew very well the importance of this battle. It can be said that this was a battle related to the fate of the entire Indochina Peninsula.

If it wins, France's colonial order will collapse, and if it fails, China's hard work will come to naught.

"Mr. Ruan, this time France's main attack direction is Dien Bien Phu. According to my estimation, the French are preparing to use this as a base to continuously compress the production space of the guerrillas and then eliminate them in one fell swoop. Moreover, this time France has dispatched a large number of guerrillas.

If tanks and aircraft launch a three-dimensional attack, it will be difficult to defeat the guerrillas with their equipment."

"What the consultant said is absolutely true. I think that at this time, China should no longer be polite to the French. It can completely mobilize its army and defeat the French in one fell swoop to demonstrate China's national prestige. Otherwise, outsiders will still doubt China's combat effectiveness!

"Wu Chunsheng was talking on the side again. He had disagreements with China before, but now he just wants to defeat China!

Lu Yuguang looked down on him at all and snorted slightly, "If you can promise to return the area north of the 17th parallel to China after China wins, I believe China will be willing to take action!"

Vietnam's land is shaped like a dumbbell with two big ends. The north is the Red River Delta, the south is the Mekong River Delta, and the middle is very slender. The 17th degree north latitude is exactly the junction of the two parts of Vietnam. Lu Yuguang asked for half of Vietnam with one mouthful.

Wu Chunsheng suddenly felt as if his neck was stuck, and he did not dare to say anything anymore.

"Mr. Nguyen, if Vietnam wants to seek liberation, it must rely on its own strength and not always try to drag China into the water."

"What the consultant said is right, but now that the French are about to launch an attack, how should we deal with it?"

"If we want to defeat the French, we must give full play to our advantages, lure the enemy deep, and then use the mountainous terrain as cover to minimize the power of French tanks and aircraft, and then continuously harass the French rear and completely trap them.

In Mobian Mansion, there is no way to advance or retreat!"

Lu Yuguang once again revealed the battle plan that had been prepared for a long time. Ruan Aiguo and others found that there was indeed no more suitable way and could only follow it. The Vietnamese were almost ready, and the French vanguard was also heading towards the foundation.

The border government came in. On the narrow road, the French light tanks opened the way, and the army advanced rapidly. At this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded under the front French tank, followed by a huge fire.

Soaring into the sky, the French were also startled by the sudden situation. Only then did they realize that a large number of anti-tank mines had been laid on the seemingly calm road. Even in later generations, landmines and cheap weapons of the poor were

There is nothing they can do about it. This is especially true for the French. The landmines they enjoy are the latest products from China and can blow up big things of more than 30 tons. However, the French gadgets are not vulnerable at all. As long as one is eaten, they will be destroyed.

Wreck the car and kill people.

This chapter has been completed!
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