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Chapter 417: The Interesting Portuguese

After several years of training, Lu Yuguang has grasped the essence of guerrilla warfare. War is not about the gains and losses of one city or one place, but about bringing the enemy to his own rhythm, and then giving full play to his own advantages to annihilate the opponent's effective forces.

This is the only way to win.

Especially the battle between the guerrillas and the regular army is different from the life-and-death battle between big powers. Protecting yourself is far more important than destroying the enemy, and the choice of weapons is also very important.

Fight whatever weapons you have. For example, you don't need to use tanks to fight against the French tanks now. Instead, you should use more cost-effective weapons.

Landmines can not only destroy the opponent, but more importantly, they can slow down the French army's advance, and they can also cause fear. As long as these soldiers and vehicles feel that a big explosion will occur under their feet at any time, sending them into the sky, can these people march with peace of mind?

They even feel restless.

War is a time that tests people's endurance. If this kind of fear spreads, the opponent's morale will inevitably be low. The fact is just as Lu Yuguang expected. The French army currently lacks mine detection training. After three consecutive

After one tank was blown up, the French's speed dropped significantly.

In two consecutive days, the French army only advanced a few dozen kilometers, and the soldiers were no longer so arrogant. Their opponent was not simple. Before the battle, more than a dozen vehicles and more than fifty engineers were killed by the French army.

After suffering a lot, the French also thought of a way to deal with it. They modified the tank, installed a swivel in the front, and then installed two iron chains on it. As long as the tank started, the iron chains would

It rotates at high speed and hits the ground with huge force, just enough to detonate the mine.

In this way, a path can be opened up for subsequent troops to follow up. With this weapon, the French's speed has increased a lot, but the Vietnamese are not easy to deal with. Most of the guerrillas live in the mountains.

They were short in stature, but very nimble. They could walk like flying in the dense forest valleys, and they were well-trained. These guerrillas took advantage of the delay of the French to launch a cold-blooded campaign.

Some of them were particularly accurate with their marksmanship. Dozens of French sentries were shot between the eyebrows. This made the French commander very angry but also horrified. Being able to hit the eyebrows with the help of weak light at night meant that the opponent must be sure.

He is the most elite sharpshooter.

How can these Vietnamese monkeys have such elite force! Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Nico will unconsciously take a look at the outline of the huge country bordering Vietnam. It has a territory of more than 14 million, almost covering the entire East Asia.

All regions are included, and more than 400 million people live in this fertile area.

Thinking of how many troops could be armed with such a large population, Nico was filled with fear. He was not competing against the Vietnamese, but against the huge shadow behind Vietnam.

In fact, Nico's idea is not wrong at all. The army is like a machine that needs to be used and maintained from time to time. It cannot be left aside all the time, otherwise it will get rusty. China has deployed a large number of sharpshooters and special forces from the army to let them fight in actual combat.

Sharpening one's skills in such an environment also makes the French pay more blood.

This kind of harassment operation annoyed the French. The losses were not big, but the morale of the entire army was declining rapidly, especially because the composition of the French army was too mixed. They attacked Dien Bien Phu this time with a total of 50,000 troops.

Fifteen thousand of them were French, and there were more than 20,000 abandoned Vietnamese troops, and more than 10,000 African regiments.

An army includes white, yellow, and black people, covering the three continents of Asia, Europe, and Africa. If it can be commanded smoothly, it will be weird. The French are better, and the blacks are also obedient, but those Vietnamese

People are not willing to kill each other, and their treatment is very poor. Now they can't rest all day long, and everyone is downcast.

The more frightened they are, the more dangerous it is. The Vietnamese guerrillas focus their main attention on these Vietnamese soldiers. In their eyes, these people are French lackeys and a shame to the Vietnamese. They will not treat traitors.

Any hesitation.

The French walked for seven days and finally arrived at Dien Bien Phu. Dien Bien Phu is located in the northwest of Vietnam. The transportation here is difficult, the ethnic composition is mixed, and the poor mountains and rivers have produced unruly people since ancient times. The same is true here. It is the area where the guerrillas are most active.

Considered by the French as the heartland of the guerrillas.

Therefore, the French made full preparations and mobilized their air force to prepare for a large-scale bombing of Dien Bien Phu. However, when their planes flew over Dien Bien Phu, they found that it was already an empty city.

It was the army, and even the common people evacuated, and the Vietnamese handed over a small town without any living creatures to the French.

It was not a hard fight as expected. Nico led the French army to easily occupy Dien Bien Phu. However, the French did not have any joy in winning. They are now in more and more troubles. The most terrible problem is that after the front is stretched, the logistics

Supplies also became difficult, and the Vietnamese guerrillas also regarded the logistics line as their preferred target.

In just three days, five logistics convoys have been attacked, and food, military uniforms, and ammunition are all facing threats. Moreover, the guerrillas took advantage of the cover of night to lay a large number of mines on the road that the French army finally opened up.

Landmines, this is very deadly.

Tanks cannot withstand mines, not to mention these logistics vehicles. The French have lost more than a dozen trucks in a few days. You must know that the French do not have many trucks. If the losses continue like this, they can only rely on horse-drawn carriages for transportation.


Nico also knew that if no action was taken, they would be killed by the Vietnamese. Therefore, after some thought, Nico divided his troops into three parts. He sent the African Legion from Dien Bien.

He sent another brigade of French soldiers to lead 15,000 Vietnamese soldiers to sweep northeast, and he led the remaining troops to guard Dien Bien Phu.

According to Nico's idea, the two armies should be like a giant pair of pliers, with Dien Bien Phu as the fulcrum. After the two armies spread out, they would sweep towards the center and destroy all the guerrilla zones in North Vietnam in one fell swoop.

Soon the French began to divide their troops. The two armies left Dien Bien Phu in a mighty manner and began to attack the guerrilla areas. Before leaving, Nico had given a death order, telling these armies not to have any regard for them.

The mission is to destroy, destroy everything in sight!

The French colonial army was not a good thing in the first place, and after acquiring Shang Fang's sword, they committed all kinds of evil. All the villages and towns along the way were destroyed, all the people were killed, and all their property was looted. Then they were set in a fire to do evil.

All the evidence was burned, just like they burned the Old Summer Palace!

After receiving the news that the French were dividing their troops, Lu Yuguang seemed very excited. He was waiting for this opportunity. Otherwise, the French had 50,000 soldiers and air force cover. With their own strength, they might not be able to annihilate the French. Now they have divided their troops.

Then you can't be polite.

After careful consideration, the first attack was on the Eastern Route Army, an army of almost 20,000 people, including both French and Vietnamese. They also pose the greatest threat to the guerrilla zone, so they naturally became the primary target of attack.

Lu Yuguang chose Qiongya as the special battlefield, which is a ferry on the Lun River and the only place the French army must pass when entering the guerrilla zone. More importantly, the terrain here is rugged, with high mountains, dense forests, and rapid water. This situation can

Offset the French's equipment advantage to the greatest extent.

In order to win this battle, Lu Yuguang mobilized 30,000 guerrillas. In fact, this size can be regarded as a regular army. He also mobilized a large number of mountain artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns from China. The army was ready and waiting.

The French hit!

"President, Lu Yuguang is very generous. If he can defeat these French troops in one fell swoop, the situation in Vietnam will become clearer!"

Qiao Yu nodded, "What Brother Baili said is true, but the armed forces of the Vietnamese are constantly expanding, and the national consciousness is also rapidly awakening. You must know that there are tens of millions of people on that land...!"

Jiang Baili knew very well that supporting Ruan Aiguo and others was a double-edged sword. In the early stage, it could help China influence the situation in Southeast Asia. However, once they gained power, they would definitely try their best to throw China away. In fact, this truth is not difficult to understand. Who

Can you let go of being president and become a provincial governor?

"President, I don't think you need to worry. Dealing with Vietnam is a matter of determination. These people will not truly belong to China. Let's just let them die more in the war. A few million deaths is not a problem. Then

After we took over, we forcibly moved them all to various parts of the country. China is so big, can’t it absorb millions of people?”

"Brother Baili, although I say so, this kind of thing is harmful to your reputation!"

"President, your only problem is that you cherish your feathers too much. You can't avoid being criticized when you do things. You can't gain both fame and fortune. Otherwise, I will be responsible for the Vietnam affairs. I, Jiang Baili, will bear all the blame!"

Jiang Baili happened to hit on Qiao Yu's weakness. With a hundred years of experience, Qiao Yu knew very well how some people in later generations slandered the great men who founded the country, to the point of confusing right and wrong, and Qiao Yu is now doing the same.

When he reached this position, he had to worry about what his evaluation would be a hundred years later, but Jiang Baili's words made Qiao Yu think about it a lot.

"Brother Baili is right, as long as he is worthy of his nation and his country, I don't care about other things!"

While talking, Yang Du came to Qiao Yu's office.

"President, the Portuguese have sent news, hoping to discuss the ownership of Macau with China!"

As a colonial empire that has long since declined, Portugal still has some scattered colonies in the world, but most of them are places that are looked down upon by the great powers. And the Portuguese are not stupid. Since the war broke out in Vietnam, the Portuguese government has

After several discussions, China's power has expanded and it dares to attack France, let alone a small Portugal. It is better to solve the problem in Macau quickly. It can save some trouble and win the favor of China. Why not


"Haha, the Portuguese are very knowledgeable. We can save ourselves some trouble by asking the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to negotiate with Portugal as soon as possible and tell them to get out of here. We can take proper care of our agricultural products!"

This chapter has been completed!
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