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Chapter 422 My Struggle

In the era when Qiao Yu lived in his previous life, this colonial system of direct plunder had collapsed for many years, and only a few remaining traces still showed the past era. However, the nature of capital determined that the plunder did not end, but was replaced by

A more covert way.

For example, under the current colonial system, if the great powers want to seize resources, they must first occupy that area, and then establish a corresponding governance system. They must have officials and garrison troops, suppress the opposition of the local people, and invest huge sums of money in building the infrastructure.

Facilities need to be operated for more than ten years or even decades to obtain local resources, and the capital investment required is too huge.

In later generations, the methods became very different. First, they took power by supporting some local powerful groups, then signed a business agreement with the dictator, and then developed resources on a large scale. As for things other than resources, they were not used at all.

No matter, even if the floods are raging, I have no obligation to do anything. This is just a business investment. As for the people's anger, they can only vent their anger on the dictator.

And these seemingly glorious dictators are like a toilet. Once it is full, they will be thrown away without mercy, and then the next person who wants to be the leader will be everywhere. In this way, although

The purpose of resource exclusivity cannot be achieved, but the corresponding cost will be reduced to a negligible level.

This is the highest level of colonization. For example, now that Britain has occupied India, although it can plunder a lot of wealth, it still needs to build tens of thousands of kilometers of railways for the Indians. This is not a small investment, and it is even more demanding to maintain.

It took too much effort, especially after the awakening of nationalism. For the great powers, the cost of direct colonization was too high, which was also an important reason for the collapse of the colonial order.

Qiao Yu is actually constantly thinking about whether it is necessary to turn Nanyang into China's territory, and whether it would be more cost-effective to control Nanyang through economic means only!

However, after careful consideration, the strategic location of Southeast Asia is too important and must be directly controlled by oneself in order to be at ease. Moreover, Southeast Asia has huge agricultural potential. In the future, China's population will definitely expand significantly, and it is inevitable that it will exceed one billion.

, it is possible to even exceed the peak of later generations. After all, China’s current area is much larger than that of later generations.

Such a huge population must be supported by enough agricultural land, and Qiao Yu also hopes to reserve part of the potential so that China can develop more smoothly without having to worry about the red line issue all day long, so he will not hesitate to expend huge efforts to expand to Southeast Asia.

direction expansion.

At this time, France was bearing the huge cost of old-style colonialism. There were resistance in various places. There were strikes, marches, and demonstrations in the cities. There were also a large number of guerrillas in remote areas, roads, railways, and wires.

Facilities such as these are all within the reach of these guerrillas.

Moreover, China has dispatched a large number of special forces to infiltrate the three Indo-China countries. Assassinations occur one after another. Press the gourd and the ladle will rise. Although France still has hundreds of thousands of troops, it is already difficult to control the city, let alone withdraw its troops.

Went to fight.

The Vietnamese have expanded their power to the Red River Delta area, and China has stationed a large number of troops in the direction of Guangxi, and is likely to defeat Lang Son in one fell swoop. Faced with this situation, the French are really exhausted.

Although they deployed two more divisions of infantry and a large number of air forces from the country, the master was still of no use. Uprisings continued one after another without stopping for a moment, and violent attacks occurred one after another. After three months of persistence, the French finally agreed to cooperate with them.

China discusses peace issues in Vietnam at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The League of Nations can be regarded as an exercise for later generations of the United Nations. The most important power organ of the League of Nations is the Executive Yuan. It was originally designed to have five permanent members and four non-permanent members. Britain, the United States, France, Italy and Japan became the five countries.

The original permanent members were similar to the five permanent members of the United Nations in later generations. However, due to lack of approval from Congress, the United States' seat became vacant. After the Washington Conference, Britain and France intended to bring China in and become a permanent member. However, Qiao Yu

This organization with no real power had no interest, so China did not join.

After the Ruhr crisis in Germany, the power to pay reparations fell into the hands of the United Kingdom and the United States. The United Kingdom intended to enhance Germany's political status and use Germany to balance France and the Soviet Union. Therefore, it attracted Germany into the League of Nations and became a permanent member.

What is very interesting is that there are actually three fascist countries in the WPC, and these three countries have successively withdrawn from the League of Nations, making such a national organization a two-person team between Britain and France.

Of course, this is not the case yet. Germany has just entered the League of Nations. This is a sign that Germany's status has improved and it has begun to escape the fate of a defeated country.

This time, there were four parties involved in the negotiations on the Vietnam issue, including China, France, Vietnam, and the British. Japan originally wanted to get involved, but they only got two words: Go ahead!

The thing in Vietnam is that China and France are fighting over it. Vietnam's Ruan Aiguo is obviously a puppet of China, and Britain can participate. In fact, on the one hand, Britain, as the most important country in the League of Nations, should give face to the British Empire. In addition, Britain is also involved.

Later, the strike movement in Guangzhou Bay also affected Hong Kong. A large number of people in Hong Kong began to take the initiative to strike and even left Hong Kong.

In fact, there is nothing strange about this. People go to higher places and water flows to lower places. Today’s Hong Kong is far from what it will be in later generations. Not to mention compared with Shanghai, it is even inferior to Guangzhou. Why don’t Hong Kong people live in other places in the country?

Get better rewards!

The impact of the strike wave on the United Kingdom is also very huge. Of course, the United Kingdom will not easily bring the Hong Kong issue to the table for discussion. Doesn't that mean giving others a handle? However, the United Kingdom also joined in under the banner of restoring peace in the Far East, and

Actively negotiate with France to suppress China.

And China obviously has huge advantages in the Far East. As a victor, China has no need to whisper and act small. Now Gu Weijun has long learned the attitude he should have as the foreign minister of a powerful country. After he came to Europe, he did not

I was in a hurry to get to Geneva, but visited Germany first.

Nowadays, China and Germany have very close exchanges, especially secret military cooperation, which is of greater significance to Germany. Under the current international system, many of Germany's actions are restricted. Germany cannot even have armored forces, but German soldiers can only

You can use paper shells to make models one by one, and use these models for tactical training.

In fact, it is extremely miserable. The biggest dream of these German officers is to go to distant China. Once there, they can not only come into contact with genuine equipment and even participate in a real war. In this operation against Vietnam, there are

More than 20 Germans were among them, some served as staff officers, manned aircraft and tanks, and some managed logistics. From the actual combat training, these German officers all benefited a lot.

Among these people are Rommel and Guderian, who will be the future generals of Germany. Their ability to see and see has improved rapidly during the war. New equipment is changing the shape of war. An important military revolution is just around the corner.

If you cannot seize the opportunity, you will be ruthlessly left behind by the times. But if you control the rhythm of the times, you can win the future!

In addition to this kind of military cooperation, China is also an important exporter of goods and a producer of raw materials for Germany. The Chinese market has provided Germany with millions of job opportunities, preventing Germany from being as miserable as history. This kind of cooperation is very important for Germany.

Germany has an extraordinary meaning.

After Gu Weijun came to Germany, he naturally received a warm welcome. President Hindenburg personally received Gu Weijun. This old hero of World War I became the head of state of Germany. However, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. The shame of the defeated country was lingering.

weighed heavily on Hindenburg's mind.

"I am very pleased to see that China is getting stronger and stronger. This time your actions in Vietnam are really correct. The French must be taught a lesson. They are not qualified to enjoy colonies at all!"

The feud between Germany and France has been deep. It is normal for Hindenburg to hate the French. Gu Weijun said with a smile: "Your Excellency, there is a saying in China that those who do evil will be punished by themselves. France's ruthless oppression of colonial people has attracted a wide range of

The resistance is absolutely normal!"

Hindenburg is also a complete old fox. How could he not know that Gu Weijun was just perfunctory? Without China's instigation, how could those Vietnamese monkeys beat the French into panic!

"Your Excellency, President, Germany is now also a permanent member of the League of Nations. This is a sign of Germany's improved status!"

After Hindenburg heard the words League of Nations, the old man suddenly showed anger on his face, clenched his fists tightly, and said angrily: "This is not promotion, this is shame, the biggest shame, Germany will never need it."

Germany will always be strong through the charity of others. Without those despicable Jews, Germany would not have been defeated. As a German soldier, there is nothing more shameful than being able to protect our Emperor!"

In the minds of many Germans, they did not lose to the Allies, but the domestic mutiny cost them the chance to win, and those who instigated the mutiny were the Jews. This is also an important reason for Germany's anti-Semitism!

"Mr. President, when we were at home, President Qiao Yu told us more than once that Germany has hard-working people and a rigorous and pragmatic work attitude. It will never be a second-rate country forever. Even if it suffers further blows, Germany will never be a second-rate country."

You can still stand up and make the world tremble again!"

"Yes, your Excellency the President is right. Just like China, it has also suffered a lot. Now China has also defeated the French. Our two countries have similar experiences. I don't know if China will suffer a lot in the future."

Will China and Germany come together to end this old international order? Maybe I can’t see that day, but I sincerely hope that China and Germany can join hands!"

Hindenburg is indeed a first-class military strategist. He knows very well that Germany must have strong allies if it wants to defeat Britain and France. At present, China is the most suitable. Gu Weijun does not show much interest in Hindenburg.

of enthusiasm.

"Your Excellency, China and Germany are now partners, unbreakable partners. I recently heard that Germany is selling a book called Mein Kampf. In the book, I saw the new hope of Germany and the high spirits of the German people.

Enthusiasm, I believe this enthusiasm is the most important guarantee for Germany’s rejuvenation!”

Hindenburg seemed to be very uninterested in the mustache and said in a low voice: "That crazy guy can only promote backward racism and economic intervention policies. If such a person controls Germany, it will be the tragedy of Germany!"

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