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Chapter 423 Return

Chapter 423 Return

Germany now has so many political parties and the country is in chaos. The Nazi Party is now just a local political party. Gu Weijun doesn't like it at all. He doesn't believe that such a party can finally control Germany.

You must know that Germany is a civilized place rich in thinkers. The people are particularly sensible and will never choose a lunatic to come to power. That's right! In Gu Weijun's opinion, that mustache is an out-and-out lunatic.

The exaggerated movements and outrageous words were full of childishness and extremeness, especially the beer hall riot a few years ago, which was more like a farce. After seeing the leader's masterpiece, Gu Weijun was even less optimistic about him.

This book is completely pieced together from bits and pieces, and it is really hard to imagine how it could become popular in Germany.

However, no matter how much Gu Weijun despises this mustache, Gu Weijun has always admired Qiao Yu's judgment. Since the president is optimistic about the Nazi Party, it shows that this organization may really have hope. You have to know how many years Qiao Yu has been in the Nazi Party.

There is almost no error in judging the direction.

After Gu Weijun met Hindenburg, he also deliberately used words to test, hoping to see what the German ruler thought of him. However, from Hindenburg's words, Gu Weijun felt strong disgust.

You must know that Hindenburg is not a simple figure. Behind him stands the Prussian officer corps and the German Junker landowners!

This is the most powerful organization in Germany. As the elected leader of this organization, Hindenburg's disgust represents the disgust of this organization. Thinking of this, Gu Weijun became more and more doubtful about the future of the Nazi Party.

"Mr. Foreign Minister, what is your country planning to achieve this time?"

"Your Excellency, Guangzhou Bay is China's sacred and inviolable territory. France must hand it over. This is a non-negotiable matter!"

Hindenburg raised his eyelids slightly and said: "Your country is changing the post-war pattern. I'm afraid there will be great resistance. Britain and France will not give up easily."

"Mr. President, the world structure is actually changing every moment, but some changes have not been noticed by others. Britain and France are far from being as powerful as they seem. In President Joe's words, they are paper tigers. Only Gundam dares to fight.

I’m not afraid that they won’t give in!”

Hindenburg kept savoring Gu Weijun's words, and then sighed, "I am old, have no courage, and no chance. I really hope that Germany can also rise up a generation of outstanding people and completely change this country!"

Gu Weijun and Hindenburg discussed some business cooperation plans again, and Hindenburg agreed as much as possible. After all, this time China gave the French a good look, and it also gave Germany a sigh of relief, so the cooperation would naturally be deeper.

After Gu Weijun said goodbye to Hindenburg, Sekter suddenly asked to see Gu Weijun. Gu Weijun naturally welcomed this old friend, and Sekter was not alone. He also brought a middle-aged man with a mustache.

Man, this man is not very tall, looks a little cramped, and obviously does not have much experience facing big people.

Gu Weijun recognized this person instantly. This was Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party mentioned by Qiao Yu. Gu Weijun also saw his photo several times in the newspaper. At this time, Hitler was very polite and did not look like the person in the photo.

The arrogance and madness are like two different people.

"Gu, you won't be surprised if I bring a friend here this time!"

"Old friend, what's going on? There is in-depth cooperation between China and Germany. I am willing to make friends with people from all walks of life in Germany. If I admit my mistake correctly, this gentleman's name is Adolf Hitler, and he is a very promising political figure.


Hitler did not expect that Gu Weijun could recognize him at a glance, so he seemed a little flattered. After hurriedly shaking hands with Gu Weijun, he said very emotionally: "Mr. Foreign Minister, in the last war, I was on the battlefield with the squadron.

Although we were fighting from different angles, my war completely changed my view of China. China with such excellent soldiers must be a respectable country. The progress China has made over the years

It is obvious to all that China is quickly taking back its power, washing away its former humiliation, and moving towards strength. Your country’s efforts and dedication are admirable.”

"China's ability to achieve such achievements has a huge relationship with Germany's cooperation. It is because of our fruitful cooperation that China's industrial level can be quickly improved. Only with steel and weapons can we take back power, otherwise

Just relying on diplomats' words is of no use."

Hitler obviously liked Gu Weijun's admiration for force. He went on to say: "Mr. Foreign Minister is right. Only fists can win enough respect in this world. Germany was betrayed by those hateful Jews and had to disarm. This is the German nation."

The biggest tragedy is that because we don’t have enough force, we can only let people eat meat. Facing the greedy and evil French, we have no ability to resist. I think China and Germany have similar experiences. One is the East

As a big country and one is the center of Europe, the cooperation between China and Germany should be deeper!"

Hitler has also begun to advocate an alliance between China and Germany. It seems that this issue has had some impact on German society. However, it is obvious that Hitler's identity is far from enough. He has not become the ruling party and is not qualified to negotiate at all.

Gu Weijun just smiled and said: "Our cooperation has been very in-depth. There are thousands of German engineers working in China, which has provided huge help to China's industrial technology development. China attaches great importance to this rare friendship and also attaches great importance to it."

Hope to expand economic cooperation!"

Gu Weijun quietly limited the cooperation to the economic field. Hitler did not realize the meaning of Gu Weijun's words at this time. Instead, he seemed a little emotional, his face turned slightly red, and he continued: "Mr. Foreign Minister, I think your country should

The Far East has taken more decisive measures and dealt a greater blow to the French. Negotiations cannot truly solve the problem. The world will eventually have to rely on iron and blood to solve the problem. Only war can solve the problem!"

Seckter is much more experienced than Hitler. He has already seen Gu Weijun's dissatisfaction. What policies China adopts are China's own. How can you, a German, make irresponsible remarks? Although war is very important.

, but we must also pay attention to the balance of strength and softness. We should fight the war of words.

"Mr. Adolf, don't you have some suggestions to share with Mr. Gu? Don't waste this good opportunity!"

Seckter changed the topic in time, and Hitler also reflected at this time and said hurriedly: "Yes, Mr. Foreign Minister, I am very interested in your country's political system. If a country wants to rise, it must have a strong political system."

The core of leadership, a country, a political party, a leader, let those damn ministries go to hell. The country only needs one voice, a strong voice, to safeguard its own power and defend its dignity, even at the cost of war.

Defend, the measures taken by President Qiao Yu are completely commendable. It has united a huge China. This is definitely a great achievement. We in the Nazi Party hope to send some personnel to China for inspection and hope to get your help!


Gu Weijun didn't have a good impression of this mustache. In the traditional Chinese concept, a gentleman is not dignified if he is not serious. All officials must pay attention to a sense of dignity, speak calmly, and appear to be very reserved. Chinese officials also need to

However, few people will use exaggerated gestures in speeches. Chinese officialdom pays attention to being practical, telling the truth and using facts instead of using skills to win trust.

During the speech just now, Hitler unconsciously began to dance and was not solemn at all. Naturally, his score in Gu Weijun's heart was getting lower and lower. However, the president had already explained that he could never violate it. He could not go against a German leader.

It is also a good thing for political parties to establish friendly relations in the future.

Gu Weijun smiled and agreed to Hitler's request, and stayed in Germany for five days. Only then did Gu Weijun arrive in Geneva. This time, Gu Weijun came to Geneva completely as a victor.

A few days ago, the National Liberation Union of Vietnam officially announced the establishment of the Min Zhu Republic of Vietnam, and the Vietnamese army has surrounded Hanoi. At this time, France wants to continue to send reinforcements.

However, domestic opposition is getting louder and louder. The people have long been tired of the war. They absolutely do not want to watch their children bleed. Therefore, opposition voices are rising one after another. The French have given full play to their talent for demonstrations, and millions of people have taken to the streets.

, opposed to the government sending soldiers to Vietnam.

The people at this time will not care about national interests. Over this period of time, more than 8,000 French soldiers have died on Vietnamese soil. The rebellion in Indochina and other places has also caused hundreds of French deaths.


The French, who had been frightened by the tragic bloodshed and sacrifices of World War I, no longer wanted to experience the pain of life and death of their loved ones. No matter how much the politicians shouted, they did not want their relatives to go to the battlefield again, not just ordinary people.

, even many soldiers are war-weary.

With public opinion like this, the French could not resist and had no choice but to compromise. The Palais des Nations in Geneva became the venue for confrontation between China and France. In fact, the views on China's side were not very unified. Ruan Aiguo and others demanded greater support from China.

, help them completely liberate the entire Vietnam and drive out all French colonists.

China also had its calculations at this time. If it swallowed all of Vietnam, the French would definitely not be able to accept it. Without Vietnam, it would mean the collapse of the French colonial order in Southeast Asia, which would definitely exceed France's limits. Moreover, a divided Vietnam is better than a unified one.

The state is easy to attack, no matter whose hands it is in.

China's proposal is to divide Vietnam into two parts using the 17th parallel north latitude as the dividing line. The north is controlled by the Republic of Vietnam Min Zhu Zheng Fu, and the south is controlled by France. As for Guangzhou Bay, France must return it immediately and unconditionally!

The French were obviously unwilling to give in. They still brought out the treaty signed with the Qing government, emphasizing that the Guangzhou Bay issue was a legal issue. Both parties should follow the principles of international law and wait until the lease period ends before it will be naturally returned to China. In fact, this idea is not French.

An original creation, and the UK also means this, because if Guangzhou Bay is taken back by China, what will Hong Kong do?

Should we also follow the method of Guangzhou Bay and return to China? You must know that if it is under China's nose, the British Empire will have no ability to resist!

Just when the two countries were preparing to mess with China, Portugal suddenly signed a joint communique with China, announcing that China would officially resume the exercise of sovereignty over Macau on New Year's Day in 1927! (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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