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Chapter 424 The Great Leap of Steel

Chapter 424: The Great Leap of Steel

The war in Vietnam shocked the Portuguese far beyond imagination. France had nothing to do with China, so why should it bother itself with territorial issues? So it obediently handed over its sovereignty. China got a good start, and Portugal returned it without any conditions.

This will play a very beneficial role in the subsequent negotiations in Geneva, and Gu Weijun has firmly grasped the initiative.

"President, China has taken another important step to regain its sovereignty. It is really gratifying and congratulatory!"

"Brother Baili, talking about Hong Kong and Macau is a trivial matter. The key is a matter of face. The really fatal ones are Taiwan and Sakhalin. These two big islands, one in the south and one in the north, happen to be the main route for China to leave the Pacific.

Now everything is in the hands of the Japanese. Coupled with the Korean Peninsula, the Ryukyu Islands, and the eastern seaboard of China, it is completely blocked. It cannot go out of the Pacific. The Chinese navy will never be a real navy. It can only rely on itself.

The Inland Sea Fleet at your doorstep!”

Now that Jiang Baili is the Chief of General Staff, he naturally has to carefully consider the security of the country. The question raised by Qiao Yu is very realistic. Although China has a huge territorial sea, it is firmly controlled by an island chain and cannot move forward. Naturally, it is at a loss.

, very uncomfortable.

"President, Taiwan Island and Sakhalin Island are not as good as Macau, Guangzhou Bay and other places. If you want to get them back through negotiation and deterrence, you can only have a fight with Japan and defeat Japan's maritime hegemony. These

Naturally, the region was brought back!"

Jiang Baili also hesitated here. The construction speed of the Chinese navy is not slow. China has begun construction of its first battleship, and the first aircraft carrier has also begun laying the keel. As for other destroyers and cruisers, they are also like the following

The dumplings kept falling into the water.

In addition, China has modified two escort aircraft carriers, and the pilots of carrier-based aircraft have stepped up training. It can be said that they have tried their best in all aspects. However, except for the naval aviation, the Chinese navy still has a huge gap compared with Japan.

Moreover, Japan has converted the battleship Tosa into an aircraft carrier. The standard displacement of this converted aircraft carrier has exceeded 30,000 tons, making it an out-and-out maritime giant.

The Tosa is the second Kaga-class battleship. The first was the Kaga. In its original history, due to the Tiancheng being destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake, the Kaga was converted into an aircraft carrier and became the largest Japanese combined fleet.

One of the most notorious aircraft carriers, the sister ship Tosa was halted due to the Washington Conference's restrictions on armaments and could only be used as a target ship.

In today's time and space, the Tiancheng was still destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake, but the battleship Kaga remained, and the Tosa replaced the Tiancheng and became one of the largest aircraft carriers in Japan. Another aircraft carrier, the Akagi, also

Launched last year.

As a result, the Japanese Navy already has two aircraft carriers of more than 30,000 tons. Although China has long established a strategy of giving priority to the development of aircraft carriers, China currently only has one Qidian, and it is still an old ship. This makes

Everyone in the Chinese Navy feels very uncomfortable and urgently needs a new large aircraft carrier to improve its combat effectiveness.

This is still the area where the gap between China and Japan is the smallest. The gap between other battleships, cruisers, etc. is even greater. Of course, the Chinese Navy also has a trump card, which is submarines. China has made the greatest effort on submarines. Currently, China has

There are forty submarines of various types, and their combat effectiveness has been fully formed.

Most of these submarines are the product of technical cooperation between China and Germany. You must know that Germany dominated the world in submarine combat power during World War I, and its technology has far surpassed other powers.

Now Chinese submarines have fully inherited the superior performance of German submarines, and have also carried out a large number of technological innovations, making China's underwater power rapidly become stronger and now able to pose a huge threat to any enemy who dares to invade China's waters.

But no matter what, the special nature of submarines determines that they can only be used as hidden weapons, killing with one blow. If you want to truly seize control of the sea, you still cannot do without huge surface ships.

"President, do you think we should speed up the naval construction?"

Qiao Yu shook his head slightly. He was more anxious than anyone else about military development, but Qiao Yu knew very well that some things cannot be done quickly. Although China's shipbuilding industry has technical help from Germany, the Germans also do

Not without reservation, and China still needs to form its own characteristics.

Now it can be regarded as the first time that China has built a main battleship, and it has built battleships and aircraft carriers together from the beginning. This kind of pressure can be imagined. There are many technical problems that need to be overcome. For young Chinese shipbuilding workers, they are both

The process of construction is also a process of learning.

At this time, you must not be anxious or quick, let alone laymen leading experts. Relying on imagination to do things will never work. You must be down-to-earth and give these engineers and designers enough time to thoroughly understand how to build a

Large warships can only speed up by completing the route they need to take.

The Chinese navy will have to wait until at least the next five-year plan to launch its troops. It is too anxious to eat hot tofu. However, although the navy cannot be expanded, the army has no problem. "Brother Baili, the construction of the navy is already very fast. Don't mess up. But

The expansion of the army and air force is still very necessary. Although China's total army currently exceeds one million, most of them are border defense troops and local garrison forces. The real field troops are less than 300,000. Such a number is obviously not enough.

China’s national defense and security needs, expansion is necessary!”

Jiang Baili has already considered the problem Qiao Yu mentioned. Unlike the navy, the Chinese army and air force have mature technology and a huge talent reserve, so they can expand the army at any time.

"President, it is indeed necessary to expand the military. China's territory is huge and its national defense pressure is also great. We can say that we are at war everywhere on our land borders. We can't do anything without heavy military groups!"

Jiang Baili drew a large circle on the map with his finger and said: "President, Japan has added a large number of troops to North Korea and the Far East, and they are still expanding. The Japanese troops in both areas are

It has exceeded 300,000, and the goal is to reach our Northeast. Currently, the number of border guards in the Northeast is less than 200,000, and some of them have to cope with the pressure from the Far East Republic. It is very necessary to increase the number of troops.

The Soviet Union's military expansion is even faster than Japan's. They have expanded their army to one million, of which nearly 200,000 are stationed in Central Asia, which has put tremendous pressure on Xinjiang, and now we have another

If we go to war with France, no matter what the outcome of the Geneva negotiations is, we will have to face pressure from Britain and France in the southwest border area. From the northeast to the northwest, and then to the southwest, China's land borders are full of enemies. The president's decision to expand the army is really

So wise!"

As a representative of the military forces, Jiang Baili's enthusiasm for military expansion came from instinct. Since Qiao Yu unified China, the number of troops has actually been decreasing. A large number of old and weak soldiers left over from the former Qing Dynasty have to be abolished.

, there are still some veterans who have to retire and go home, and the number of recruits is not very large. As a result, the Chinese army has shown a shrinking trend.

Of course, this reduction in the number of people has not affected the combat effectiveness of the army. China has not relaxed in the update of military technology. With its main fighters and main battle tanks, China will definitely be able to enter the world's top level, and the Chinese army also attaches great importance to firepower.

Configuration, a large number of new artillery have been added to the army!

"President, I wonder if you are planning to expand the front-line forces or the second-line forces this time?"

"Of course it is a front-line force. I am planning to form a new armored division. The tentative plan is to have four divisions, and we will expand it later. The new armored division will cancel the brigade-level organization. There will be a total of two regiments, each with two battalions, and each battalion.

Four companies, each with 21 tanks, plus some self-propelled artillery, and other divisional troops, with a total number of more than 20,000 people, forming a powerful torrent of steel!"

When Jiang Baili heard what Qiao Yu said, he silently calculated in his mind that such a division would have 336 tanks. These steel behemoths would have to drink oil and would have various malfunctions, so he wanted to make the armor

To take advantage of strength, a huge logistics support force is needed. It is normal for thousands of motor vehicles to act as nannies.

Just to make these machines move, the resources required are unimaginable. Moreover, building such a torrent of steel itself will consume countless steel materials, and Qiao Yu is planning to build four together. It seems that he still has more to say. The president

Are you bragging? You must know that the United States may not be so ambitious. This is a great test of industrial capabilities!

"President, are you a bit ambitious? I'm afraid our current steel production cannot meet the requirements!"

"Brother Baili, you don't have to worry about this. Our steel production will soon have a huge jump! During the Second Five-Year Plan period, the annual output must reach at least 10 million tons. By the Third Five-Year Plan period, China's

Steel production will exceed 50 million tons, catching up with the United States in one fell swoop and becoming the world's most important industrial power!"

China officially implemented the first Five-Year Plan in 1924 and ended with the Third Five-Year Plan, which was the period when World War II broke out. If China can achieve this goal in fifteen years, it will become the world's second largest industrial power after the United States.

, became a decisive force, and its status was completely different from what it is now!

Qiao Yu's estimate of steel production is not a satellite, but he has full confidence. Not long ago, Chinese technicians conquered an important technology, that is, oxygen top-blown converter steelmaking technology. This is why Qiao Yu is confident.


In later generations, this oxygen top-blown converter steelmaking method accounted for 60% of the world's total steelmaking volume. It has an absolute advantage among all steelmaking technologies. Being able to do this is because this steelmaking method has

Huge benefits.

The most prominent feature is that the efficiency is much higher than that of traditional open-hearth steelmaking. Since the oxygen top-blown converter uses oxygen with a content of more than 99% for blowing, the reaction is intense, decarburization, the heating rate is very fast, and the smelting cycle is very short.

, generally only takes about half an hour, while it takes five to six hours to make one furnace of steel in an open-hearth furnace.

In addition to its high efficiency, the investment in this steelmaking method is 30 to 40% less than that of an open-hearth furnace, and the quality of the steel produced is better. Moreover, because the top blowing method uses the temperature of the molten iron itself, no additional heating or energy is required.

Consumption can be reduced to the greatest extent. It can be said that this is a technological advancement across the ages, which is bound to greatly change the situation of the steel industry.

This is also one of the few important technologies that Qiao Yu knows, but it is still at a half-baked level. Starting in 1918, Sichuan workers began research in this area under the guidance of Qiao Yu. Just a month ago, they finally

News of decisive progress came, and we are only one step away from large-scale industrial production! (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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